exalting present truth by, not by denouncements RC 240:4 TopIndex .Christ.8319
example of, TopIndex .Christ.8320
badge of distinction HP 349:4 TopIndex .Christ.8321
by taking the steps we are to take FLB 143:3 TopIndex .Christ.8322
character to be influenced by OHC 183:4 TopIndex .Christ.8323
cherish, to become like Him and discern evil TMK 121:2 TopIndex .Christ.8324
condemned sin AG 322:3 TopIndex .Christ.8325
copied by peacemakers OHC 179:2 TopIndex .Christ.8326
effort for others inspired by HP 323:4 TopIndex .Christ.8327
encourages obedience within humanity’s sphere TMK 291:3 TopIndex .Christ.8328
ever before us, for unity TDG 372:4 TopIndex .Christ.8329
follow, daily by choice, not capriciously HP 298:3 TopIndex .Christ.8330
following TMK 240:3 TopIndex .Christ.8331
following / imitation of TDG 128:4; TMK 240:3 TopIndex .Christ.8332
as entire being ennobled TMK 311:4 TopIndex .Christ.8333
enables doing what no philosophy can TMK 100:5 TopIndex .Christ.8334
for notation in the book of life HP 7:4 TopIndex .Christ.8335
in all things TMK 240:4 TopIndex .Christ.8336
in living to please God and save sinners TMK 179:3 TopIndex .Christ.8337
in word and action TDG 135:4 TopIndex .Christ.8338
for childhood, youth and manhood RC 37:3 TopIndex .Christ.8339
for humanity decided in consultation with the Father RC 16:5 TopIndex .Christ.8340
for living UL 363:7 TopIndex .Christ.8341
for those who would enter heaven UL 302:2 TopIndex .Christ.8342
gave disciples highest education TDG 41:5 TopIndex .Christ.8343
greater than that of patriarch or apostle HP 296:6 TopIndex .Christ.8344
help in following OHC 182:4 TopIndex .Christ.8345
highest FLB 219:2 TopIndex .Christ.8346
humanity would have improved by following TDG 318:4 TopIndex .Christ.8347
humiliation and self-sacrifice in OHC 189:5 TopIndex .Christ.8348
humility but not atoning sacrifice in LHU 33:3 TopIndex .Christ.8349
in all habits of life TDG 143:2 TopIndex .Christ.8350
in all things HP 252:2 TopIndex .Christ.8351
life was spent in usefulness TMK 155:3 TopIndex .Christ.8352
in conformity to law 2MCP 564:3 TopIndex .Christ.8353
in His people when baptized by His Spirit TMK 114:6 TopIndex .Christ.8354
in humility and overcoming RC 132:2 TopIndex .Christ.8355
in life and character needed 2MCP 700:2 TopIndex .Christ.8356
in obedience possible to follow FLB 114:2 TopIndex .Christ.8357
in perfection TMK 130 TopIndex .Christ.8358
in purity and disposition HP 181:2 TopIndex .Christ.8359
in relating to the Heavenly Father HP 128:2 TopIndex .Christ.8360
in relieving suffering TDG 59:5 TopIndex .Christ.8361
in the study of God’s Word OHC 59:4 TopIndex .Christ.8362
in words and healing UL 165:3 TopIndex .Christ.8363
levity and cheapness forbidden by TMK 138:3 TopIndex .Christ.8364
life as well as His sacrifice in death showed TMK 311:4 TopIndex .Christ.8365
life of poor servant enduring privations TMK 156:2 TopIndex .Christ.8366
living precepts of law TMK 49:2 TopIndex .Christ.8367
look to, not to humans TMK 134:3 TopIndex .Christ.8368
made rule of life TMK 163:3 TopIndex .Christ.8369
not copied by some claiming to love Jesus TDG 299:3 TopIndex .Christ.8370
not followed, TopIndex .Christ.8371
by many with riches UL 113:2 TopIndex .Christ.8372
by professed followers LHU 124:4 TopIndex .Christ.8373
obedience for children and youth OHC 264 TopIndex .Christ.8374
patience in, when insulted and mocked TMK 139:2 TopIndex .Christ.8375
perfect from His earliest years TMK 27:2 TopIndex .Christ.8376
pity in, should teach us TMK 43:2 TopIndex .Christ.8377
practiced remembering His Sonship and humanity 3SM 140:4 TopIndex .Christ.8378
reflected by one beholding Him TMK 190:4 TopIndex .Christ.8379
showing TopIndex .Christ.8380
that humanity may be sanctified 2MCP 527:4 TopIndex .Christ.8381
that it is possible to keep the law TMK 292:2 TopIndex .Christ.8382
what we may become through His grace TDG 373:3 TopIndex .Christ.8383
souls to be instructed to look to TDG 355:4 TopIndex .Christ.8384
study, then copy Him OHC 271:3 TopIndex .Christ.8385
to be kept before us UL 62:3 TopIndex .Christ.8386
See also Christ, follow; Christ, imitate; Christ, life of; Christ, model; Christ, pattern of TopIndex .Christ.8387
excellence of, TopIndex .Christ.8388
beyond comparison TMK 134:4; RC 35:5 TopIndex .Christ.8389
humans may attain RC 35:3 TopIndex .Christ.8390
to be learned UL 266:5 TopIndex .Christ.8391
See also Christ, greatness of TopIndex .Christ.8392
existence of, before His incarnation LHU 17 TopIndex .Christ.8393
experience of, TopIndex .Christ.8394
measure of experience we are to gain HP 166:5 TopIndex .Christ.8395
sorrow and grief RC 350:3 TopIndex .Christ.8396
study when discouraged UL 252:3 TopIndex .Christ.8397
experience with, TopIndex .Christ.8398
another person cannot have, for you TDG 213:2 TopIndex .Christ.8399
by pressing close during temptation HP 86:4 TopIndex .Christ.8400
deficient; Lord’s messengers not recognized 3SM 186:1 TopIndex .Christ.8401
requires knowing His constant presence OHC 30:4 TopIndex .Christ.8402
See also Experiences TopIndex .Christ.8403
expression of, seen in word and spirit UL 28:5 TopIndex .Christ.8404
eye(s), TopIndex .Christ.8405
(of faith) fixed on, FLB 248:4; 3SM 405:1 TopIndex .Christ.8406
again after erring FLB 118:3 TopIndex .Christ.8407
on His purity, shows own failure TDG 16:3 TopIndex .Christ.8408
to hear His invitation HP 277:3 TopIndex .Christ.8409
never to be taken off of RC 293:4 TopIndex .Christ.8410
eyes of, TopIndex .Christ.8411
on us every moment OHC 327:3 TopIndex .Christ.8412
penetrate all that concerns His people TMK 360:3 TopIndex .Christ.8413
face of, TopIndex .Christ.8414
beaming with love on the purchase of His blood TDG 364:4 TopIndex .Christ.8415
compassion beamed from OHC 366:4 TopIndex .Christ.8416
first ever seen by many HP 225:4; TDG 283:4 TopIndex .Christ.8417
not forever hidden when clouds come OHC 65:4 TopIndex .Christ.8418
reflection of God’s glory shines forever from RC 39:8 TopIndex .Christ.8419
face shows when He is in the heart UL 28:5 TopIndex .Christ.8420
would have destroyed hope for humanity TDG 236:2 TopIndex .Christ.8421
failure TopIndex .Christ.8422
feared, like the fear of death 3SM 131:4 TopIndex .Christ.8423
one would have made, an imperfect offering TMK 32:3 TopIndex .Christ.8424
failure of, would have destroyed hope for humanity TDG 236:2 TopIndex .Christ.8425
faith, TopIndex .Christ.8426
hears promise of strength of RC 21:2 TopIndex .Christ.8427
in merits of, brings safety UL 222:3 TopIndex .Christ.8428
increases by beholding HP 127:3 TopIndex .Christ.8429
is all of; all longing for better life is from Him 3SM 198:3 TopIndex .Christ.8430
makes, the door to the kingdom FW 25:2 TopIndex .Christ.8431
of people glorifies UL 69:2 TopIndex .Christ.8432
that takes hold of, as only hope RC 21:2 TopIndex .Christ.8433
through, alone FW 19:0 TopIndex .Christ.8434
trusts wholly in, for salvation, but leads to obedience FW 52:2 TopIndex .Christ.8435
faith in, TopIndex .Christ.8436
Abraham was saved by, as sinner is today 3SM 195:1 TopIndex .Christ.8437
as Intercessor LHU 321:2 TopIndex .Christ.8438
as the Messiah, Satan tries to destroy 1MCP 21:4 TopIndex .Christ.8439
brings right spirit to the believer TDG 88:3 TopIndex .Christ.8440
can overcome discouragement OHC 136:3 TopIndex .Christ.8441
Christians encouraged through dark future by UL 137:4 TopIndex .Christ.8442
establishes the law and works obedience RC 54:5 TopIndex .Christ.8443
for full salvation is “faith of Jesus” in Rev 12:17 3SM 172:3 TopIndex .Christ.8444
gives strength to character TMK 233:3 TopIndex .Christ.8445
God seen by 2MCP 561:0 TopIndex .Christ.8446
helped by self-denying witnesses UL 79:6 TopIndex .Christ.8447
Holy Spirit leads to 3SM 138:0 TopIndex .Christ.8448
image of God is regained by obedience and 1MCP 29:1 TopIndex .Christ.8449
love, peace and rest provided through TMK 83:2 TopIndex .Christ.8450
needed in order to reflect His divine character TDG 285:2 TopIndex .Christ.8451
(newborn) shown by prayer and praise TDG 315:2 TopIndex .Christ.8452
privilege of UL 37:5 TopIndex .Christ.8453
professing, but not strengthened by His Spirit OHC 365:3 TopIndex .Christ.8454
put away lack of, in childlike trust TDG 9:2 TopIndex .Christ.8455
Satan resisted by TMK 245:3 TopIndex .Christ.8456
(saving) as all in all to the soul TMK 165:4 TopIndex .Christ.8457
sinner quickened by, seeing Jesus as Saviour FW 106:2 TopIndex .Christ.8458
third angel’s message includes, but left out by many 3SM 168:2, 184:1 TopIndex .Christ.8459
truth works on those with genuine TDG 219:2 TopIndex .Christ.8460
working by love for character perfection TMK 130:3 TopIndex .Christ.8461
faith of, TopIndex .Christ.8462
in His Father, only reliance in death struggle UL 357:7 TopIndex .Christ.8463
included with commandment keeping before second coming 3SM 168:1 TopIndex .Christ.8464
preparation that brings harmony with HP 347:3 TopIndex .Christ.8465
talk, live, pray and educate the people in RC 82:5 TopIndex .Christ.8466
faithfulness to, See Christ, loyalty to TopIndex .Christ.8467
fall, a possibility to UL 90:5 TopIndex .Christ.8468
falling, TopIndex .Christ.8469
on, to be broken FLB 102:5 TopIndex .Christ.8470
possible for, otherwise not tempted as we are 3SM 131:3 TopIndex .Christ.8471
false, claimed here and there after truth proclaimed to all nations Mar 189:4 TopIndex .Christ.8472
fame not sought by; quiet Worker TMK 155:4 TopIndex .Christ.8473
family(ies), TopIndex .Christ.8474
as representatives of, in unbelieving community TMK 154:2 TopIndex .Christ.8475
(burdens of) carried by TDG 143:3 TopIndex .Christ.8476
cannot be used by, without true godliness TDG 73:3 TopIndex .Christ.8477
chosen before, will stand for eternity 3SM 401:3 TopIndex .Christ.8478
with children appealed to by TMK 39:3 TopIndex .Christ.8479
family of, TopIndex .Christ.8480
adoption into; turn to Him TSB 259:2 TopIndex .Christ.8481
believers constitute TMK 361:3 TopIndex .Christ.8482
helped by His labor UL 94:3 TopIndex .Christ.8483
learning the conduct of, in this world RC 28:6 TopIndex .Christ.8484
fast of, TopIndex .Christ.8485
appetite’s power broken by length of AG 164:2 TopIndex .Christ.8486
in wilderness, to overcome appetite for us TDG 206:5 TopIndex .Christ.8487
power of appetite broken by HP 194:2 TopIndex .Christ.8488
prayer and, bracing Himself for His path HP 252:3 TopIndex .Christ.8489
Father, See Christ, God TopIndex .Christ.8490
faults of self seen when living close to LHU 266:4 TopIndex .Christ.8491
fears removed by, for those who come to Him OHC 97:2 TopIndex .Christ.8492
features of, TopIndex .Christ.8493
(Jewish) like other humans 3SM 127:2 TopIndex .Christ.8494
like His Father LHU 24:2 TopIndex .Christ.8495
feeding on, TopIndex .Christ.8496
being one with Him TDG 231:3 TopIndex .Christ.8497
continually is eating from tree of life TDG 292:4 TopIndex .Christ.8498
partaking of the divine nature TMK 107:2 TopIndex .Christ.8499
feelings TopIndex .Christ.8500
against saints wound 3SM 344:2 TopIndex .Christ.8501
of being forsaken by OHC 30:3 TopIndex .Christ.8502
of oppressed souls entered by OHC 183:4 TopIndex .Christ.8503
feelings of, TopIndex .Christ.8504
hurt as easily as ours OHC 59:3; TDG 166:2 TopIndex .Christ.8505
in temptation doubted by some Con 71:2 TopIndex .Christ.8506
feet of, TopIndex .Christ.8507
go as a learner to UL 119:4 TopIndex .Christ.8508
sitting at, TopIndex .Christ.8509
to learn of Him OHC 102:7 TopIndex .Christ.8510
to see His character 2MCP 781:2 TopIndex .Christ.8511
fellowship with, TopIndex .Christ.8512
and will conformed to His will TDG 145:3 TopIndex .Christ.8513
enables triumph over lower nature HP 295:4 TopIndex .Christ.8514
in sufferings implies obedience TMK 116:2 TopIndex .Christ.8515
learn, by experience HP 211:5 TopIndex .Christ.8516
true Christians live in HP 33:2 TopIndex .Christ.8517
understood by experience HP 332:5 TopIndex .Christ.8518
felt ignominy and disgrace bitterly TMK 339:4 TopIndex .Christ.8519
felt joy, grief and weariness as humans do OHC 57:3 TopIndex .Christ.8520
fervent yet calm HP 54:3 TopIndex .Christ.8521
fidelity to, rewarded; feed on Bread of Life TDG 11:6 TopIndex .Christ.8522
filled with, reflecting His character LHU 266:2 TopIndex .Christ.8523
finding OHC 55:4 TopIndex .Christ.8524
coming with your need TDG 301:4 TopIndex .Christ.8525
is finding heaven TMK 58:5 TopIndex .Christ.8526
takes steps, but repentance not self-originated TMK 109:3 TopIndex .Christ.8527
firm in truth and duty but kind and courteous HP 181:2 TopIndex .Christ.8528
first TopIndex .Christ.8529
advent of, See Advent, first TopIndex .Christ.8530
instead of humans to the end of time UL 85:8 TopIndex .Christ.8531
place given to, opens eyes to reality of earthly HP 310:5 TopIndex .Christ.8532
fleeing to, not from UL 100:5 TopIndex .Christ.8533
flesh and blood of, TopIndex .Christ.8534
is His Word TMK 94:3 TopIndex .Christ.8535
partaking of, gives eternal life HP 29:2 TopIndex .Christ.8536
flesh and bones of, we may be members of OHC 17:4 TopIndex .Christ.8537
flesh of, eating, TopIndex .Christ.8538
explained UL 246:3 TopIndex .Christ.8539
is obedience to commandments UL 196:2 TopIndex .Christ.8540
is receiving and following the Bible FLB 22:2 TopIndex .Christ.8541
to be dwelt upon UL 284:3 TopIndex .Christ.8542
foe baffled only by compassion of UL 238:2 TopIndex .Christ.8543
foe of, Satan became most deadly TDG 256:3 TopIndex .Christ.8544
follow, TopIndex .Christ.8545
by confiding in Him with surrendered will RC 103:6 TopIndex .Christ.8546
closely for victory; we fight hosts of darkness 3SM 411:2 TopIndex .Christ.8547
in security from Satan’s pitfalls FLB 249:3 TopIndex .Christ.8548
instead of going before UL 23:5 TopIndex .Christ.8549
listen and; help for overcoming natural tendencies 1MCP 105:4 TopIndex .Christ.8550
followed more closely by those baptized by Holy Spirit TMK 114:6 TopIndex .Christ.8551
followers/disciples (modern)/servants of, TopIndex .Christ.8552
acknowledged before universe LHU 230:4 TopIndex .Christ.8553
administer the affairs of His kingdom AG 67:2 TopIndex .Christ.8554
advance in narrow path TMK 41:6 TopIndex .Christ.8555
aim of, heavenly treasure not earthly HP 300:3 TopIndex .Christ.8556
all to recognize that they are TDG 128:4 TopIndex .Christ.8557
appetite overcome by 3SM 129:0 TopIndex .Christ.8558
become like Christ through close relationship TMK 124:4 TopIndex .Christ.8559
becoming, by grace; doing what He commands TDG 166:4 TopIndex .Christ.8560
character(s) TopIndex .Christ.8561
and disposition of, like Master TMK 317:2 TopIndex .Christ.8562
of God and Christ represented by TMK 98:5 TopIndex .Christ.8563
of God revealed by AG 322:4; RC 214:6 TopIndex .Christ.8564
shaped to the law by grace TMK 156:4 TopIndex .Christ.8565
characteristics of their Lord to be revealed by TMK 250:3 TopIndex .Christ.8566
cheerfulness is becoming to TMK 49:3 TopIndex .Christ.8567
children not to be excluded from grace by TMK 40:3 TopIndex .Christ.8568
children to learn to be, in early years 1MCP 156:1 TopIndex .Christ.8569
Christian (real) are TDG 161:2 TopIndex .Christ.8570
Christ’s yoke placed on every HP 201:4 TopIndex .Christ.8571
consciousness of being, elevates daily duties OHC 186:4 TopIndex .Christ.8572
cooperate with angels who help the weak HP 100:5 TopIndex .Christ.8573
cost of battle against sin to be counted by OHC 311:2 TopIndex .Christ.8574
deny self and take up cross 1MCP 45:2 TopIndex .Christ.8575
despised, but Paul joined them OHC 363:2 TopIndex .Christ.8576
devotion of, to God’s work HP 323:4 TopIndex .Christ.8577
distinguished from unbelievers OHC 328:5 TopIndex .Christ.8578
ease in church capacity never to be felt by UL 71:2 TopIndex .Christ.8579
equality to be among those who should be TDG 356:2 TopIndex .Christ.8580
expectations to be enlarged in UL 266:5 TopIndex .Christ.8581
experience of the past not to be trusted by UL 275:5 TopIndex .Christ.8582
fruits of the Spirit required of RC 268:6 TopIndex .Christ.8583
glorifying God will be continual aim of TMK 156:3 TopIndex .Christ.8584
grace, love and righteousness to increase in TMK 164:2 TopIndex .Christ.8585
guarding each other’s interests OHC 370:4 TopIndex .Christ.8586
hated more near end of time 2MCP 527:3; UL 303:5 TopIndex .Christ.8587
heavenly image to replace earthly in RC 303:1 TopIndex .Christ.8588
helped when He ascended HP 278:2 TopIndex .Christ.8589
heritage of, is possessing and knowing Him OHC 365:5 TopIndex .Christ.8590
humble, TopIndex .Christ.8591
to be honored because God loves them OHC 180:3 TopIndex .Christ.8592
to receive commendation of Heaven TMK 234:6 TopIndex .Christ.8593
humility and Christlikeness to be in TDG 182:3 TopIndex .Christ.8594
humility and faith in, put away self-trust TDG 373:2 TopIndex .Christ.8595
imitate Him FLB 92:5; TDG 291:4 TopIndex .Christ.8596
impressions made by TDG 79:3 TopIndex .Christ.8597
kindness shown by AG 248:3 TopIndex .Christ.8598
knowledge of, others have a right to receive PM 285:1 TopIndex .Christ.8599
known by their fruits RC 379:4 TopIndex .Christ.8600
learn continually of as His messengers UL 266:5 TopIndex .Christ.8601
light TopIndex .Christ.8602
bearers HP 316:3 TopIndex .Christ.8603
of heaven shines for FW 60:5 TopIndex .Christ.8604
tapers from the divine altar TMK 306:3 TopIndex .Christ.8605
to be reflected by, to dark world RC 379:2 TopIndex .Christ.8606
love TopIndex .Christ.8607
for God and humanity shown by TDG 311:5 TopIndex .Christ.8608
of Christ shown by TDG 25:4 TopIndex .Christ.8609
love among, TopIndex .Christ.8610
helps them stand united against evil OHC 370:4 TopIndex .Christ.8611
is evidence of UL 257:4 TopIndex .Christ.8612
was an object of His prayer TDG 332:5 TopIndex .Christ.8613
loved TopIndex .Christ.8614
by God as He loves His Son 1MCP 250:3 TopIndex .Christ.8615
imperfect service accepted 3SM 195:4 TopIndex .Christ.8616
Matthew 18 for all who claim to be UL 136:2 TopIndex .Christ.8617
may glorify God as Christ did RC 198:2 TopIndex .Christ.8618
messages taught by, only like His TDG 205:5 TopIndex .Christ.8619
need consecration and self-denial AG 149:4 TopIndex .Christ.8620
never neglected in trial; end of time 3SM 398:4 TopIndex .Christ.8621
not united with those rejecting truth TDG 294:3 TopIndex .Christ.8622
power for truth if humble LHU 294:3 TopIndex .Christ.8623
practice truth, to be one with Him FW 116:0 TopIndex .Christ.8624
professed, TopIndex .Christ.8625
imbued with dragon’s spirit Mar 191:2 TopIndex .Christ.8626
lamps of, to be trimmed RC 206:3 TopIndex .Christ.8627
not doing His Word TMK 118:2 TopIndex .Christ.8628
perversity in, clouds His honor TMK 345:4 TopIndex .Christ.8629
pure and true in word and deed TDG 159:3 TopIndex .Christ.8630
recognize Him in their brethren TDG 192:5 TopIndex .Christ.8631
rejoice TopIndex .Christ.8632
as they go to meet Bridegroom OHC 367:5 TopIndex .Christ.8633
in brightness of His coming; He has been companion OHC 367:4 TopIndex .Christ.8634
repeat His unselfish works UL 184:5 TopIndex .Christ.8635
represent Him, when guided by light of heaven 2MCP 528:0 TopIndex .Christ.8636
requirement of self-pleasing would attract many as OHC 288:3 TopIndex .Christ.8637
responsibility of, TopIndex .Christ.8638
for work for Him TDG 228:4 TopIndex .Christ.8639
to share Christ’s gift RY 100:3 TopIndex .Christ.8640
reveal His character and love RC 124:8 TopIndex .Christ.8641
righteousness of Christ is accepted for FW 93:1 TopIndex .Christ.8642
Satan TopIndex .Christ.8643
met by, as He did TMK 34:5 TopIndex .Christ.8644
opposed by, as deadly enemy HP 48:3 TopIndex .Christ.8645
uses every means to overthrow OHC 189:3 TopIndex .Christ.8646
self battled by TDG 251:5 TopIndex .Christ.8647
self-denial of Christ to be shared by OHC 288:6 TopIndex .Christ.8648
self-denying love to be seen in 1MCP 245:1 TopIndex .Christ.8649
selfishness and worldliness in hearts of HP 308:5 TopIndex .Christ.8650
self-seeking not in the lives of OHC 287:4 TopIndex .Christ.8651
sent with a message of peace HP 35:4 TopIndex .Christ.8652
separate from world in principles but not isolated HP 311:3 TopIndex .Christ.8653
share His yoke and trials LHU 245:2 TopIndex .Christ.8654
sheep defended by the Good Shepherd LHU 215:3 TopIndex .Christ.8655
show that they live by Phil 4:8 TDG 287:5 TopIndex .Christ.8656
sneers to be expected by Mar 197:5 TopIndex .Christ.8657
taken soon to Himself TMK 274:3 TopIndex .Christ.8658
teach educated ones TMK 50:5 TopIndex .Christ.8659
test of self-denial failed by many TMK 254:3 TopIndex .Christ.8660
tested in time of coming peril OHC 351:6 TopIndex .Christ.8661
to work with piety and kindness HP 372:2 TopIndex .Christ.8662
treatment of, not expected as better than to Him TDG 178:4 TopIndex .Christ.8663
truehearted, He called brethren RC 379:7 TopIndex .Christ.8664
understand thoughts of heaven TDG 320:5 TopIndex .Christ.8665
unrest and discontent banished from HP 62:2 TopIndex .Christ.8666
virtues and honors to be gained by HP 327:2 TopIndex .Christ.8667
visitation and right living required of all TDG 370:2 TopIndex .Christ.8668
vows connecting, with unbelievers HP 310:2 TopIndex .Christ.8669
walk in light TopIndex .Christ.8670
and certainty OHC 296:2; TDG 92:2 TopIndex .Christ.8671
and diffuse it to others RC 78:6 TopIndex .Christ.8672
Word of God, TopIndex .Christ.8673
reveals privilege and duty to TMK 114:5 TopIndex .Christ.8674
to be reflected by TMK 98:5 TopIndex .Christ.8675
words and faith of, misinterpreted Mar 197:5 TopIndex .Christ.8676
words of, should encourage TMK 138:4 TopIndex .Christ.8677
work is carried forward by TMK 163:3 TopIndex .Christ.8678
world sees that love controls UL 104:4 TopIndex .Christ.8679
yielding point after point to Satan HP 76:4 TopIndex .Christ.8680
followers of, See Christ, children of; God, people of; Christ, soldiers of TopIndex .Christ.8681
following, UL 145 TopIndex .Christ.8682
battles in HP 117:3 TopIndex .Christ.8683
closeness in TDG 18:2, 319:1 TopIndex .Christ.8684
conflict is not ended in HP 117:3; UL 217:2 TopIndex .Christ.8685
constantly although unable to claim sinlessness 3SM 355:4 TopIndex .Christ.8686
even though path crosses natural inclinations TDG 139:3 TopIndex .Christ.8687
fully OHC 162:7 TopIndex .Christ.8688
in tears, trials, sorrow and overcoming TMK 280:4 TopIndex .Christ.8689
individual work TMK 129:2 TopIndex .Christ.8690
instead of our own ideas TMK 302:2 TopIndex .Christ.8691
involves the cross and self-denial 3SM 252:3 TopIndex .Christ.8692
laboring for souls; then sitting with Him TDG 202:2 TopIndex .Christ.8693
means forsaking all, not copying fashions 2MCP 558:1 TopIndex .Christ.8694
new disciples to be taught 2MCP 764:4 TopIndex .Christ.8695
path grows brighter HP 130:6 TopIndex .Christ.8696
plans changed in accepting experience of HP 266:2 TopIndex .Christ.8697
possibilities through, seldom realized TMK 134:2 TopIndex .Christ.8698
prevents spasmodic experience RC 318:4 TopIndex .Christ.8699
purifying the character and, is not easy work 3SM 253:1 TopIndex .Christ.8700
remembering that He pleased not Himself TMK 251:3 TopIndex .Christ.8701
souls saved by others, in self-denial; joy HP 300:4 TopIndex .Christ.8702
victory of, is the greatest HP 300:2 TopIndex .Christ.8703
See also Christ, becoming like TopIndex .Christ.8704
following example of, in spreading truth RC 245:2 TopIndex .Christ.8705
following life of, with consistent tenderness and love TMK 120:6 TopIndex .Christ.8706
footprints/footsteps of, TopIndex .Christ.8707
delight in following OHC 180:4 TopIndex .Christ.8708
discerned and followed OHC 8:4 TopIndex .Christ.8709
followers cheered by TMK 303:2 TopIndex .Christ.8710
following in, TopIndex .Christ.8711
or following another leader TMK 212:2 TopIndex .Christ.8712
securely OHC 185:4 TopIndex .Christ.8713
without complaint RC 350:3 TopIndex .Christ.8714
found wherever hearts need consolation TDG 68:5 TopIndex .Christ.8715
God seeks to guide men to follow TDG 40:6 TopIndex .Christ.8716
force not used by, to enter TDG 74:2 TopIndex .Christ.8717
forgetting, by letting minor matters occupy attention OHC 61:3 TopIndex .Christ.8718
forgiveness from, UL 43:3 TopIndex .Christ.8719
and strength LHU 342:4 TopIndex .Christ.8720
faith in Him cleanses and sanctifies TDG 150:2 TopIndex .Christ.8721
is not enough to present; He died to magnify the Law 3SM 183:4 TopIndex .Christ.8722
not limited to a number of sins UL 43:4 TopIndex .Christ.8723
power of, shown by healing the paralytic FW 67:6 TopIndex .Christ.8724
unlimited so we must not give up on souls HP 293:4 TopIndex .Christ.8725
See also Forgiveness TopIndex .Christ.8726
forgiving like, misunderstood and difficult TMK 180:2 TopIndex .Christ.8727
forsake all rather than TMK 275:2 TopIndex .Christ.8728
forsaken, TopIndex .Christ.8729
for other lovers OHC 30:3 TopIndex .Christ.8730
on earth by many who then became His enemies TMK 254:2 TopIndex .Christ.8731
forsakes His people only if they willfully forsake Him HP 119:3 TopIndex .Christ.8732
forsaking, by the disciples recorded in mournful words FLB 138:3 TopIndex .Christ.8733
fortifies soul against self-esteem OHC 315:4 TopIndex .Christ.8734
found by all who seek Him: seen by Ellen White in night visions TDG 74:3 TopIndex .Christ.8735
foundation TopIndex .Christ.8736
for building enduring character HP 130:2 TopIndex .Christ.8737
of every true church UL 85:6 TopIndex .Christ.8738
fountain of, TopIndex .Christ.8739
increasing in value 3SM 187:0 TopIndex .Christ.8740
inexhaustible, OHC 65:2; TMK 7:3 TopIndex .Christ.8741
living power OHC 54:5 TopIndex .Christ.8742
freedom in becoming one with FLB 91:3 TopIndex .Christ.8743
freedom in, TopIndex .Christ.8744
from wrong habits and inclinations OHC 29:4 TopIndex .Christ.8745
He liberates UL 357:5 TopIndex .Christ.8746
let faith plow through the shadow FW 73:3 TopIndex .Christ.8747
friend TopIndex .Christ.8748
of afflicted and despondent HP 273:4 TopIndex .Christ.8749
of every human RC 228:4 TopIndex .Christ.8750
friends TopIndex .Christ.8751
cannot take the place of, in the life TDG 153:2 TopIndex .Christ.8752
who take affections from OHC 259:3 TopIndex .Christ.8753
friends of, TopIndex .Christ.8754
appeared to be few SW 10:1 TopIndex .Christ.8755
will do His works TDG 289:3 TopIndex .Christ.8756
friendship with; (poem) TDG 12:3 TopIndex .Christ.8757
surpasses that of dearest other friends TDG 328:2 TopIndex .Christ.8758
frown not seen on UL 26:6 TopIndex .Christ.8759
fruit TopIndex .Christ.8760
borne after the similitude of TMK 318:4 TopIndex .Christ.8761
decidedly different by those abiding in RC 355:4 TopIndex .Christ.8762
of suffering and death of, shown in resurrection TDG 202:5 TopIndex .Christ.8763
produced when abiding in OHC 145:4 TopIndex .Christ.8764
fulfilled His own word predicted through the prophets TDG 368:2 TopIndex .Christ.8765
fulfillment of every promise OHC 120:4 TopIndex .Christ.8766
full stature of, God desires us to grow to OHC 369:3 TopIndex .Christ.8767
fullness of/in, OHC 151:5 TopIndex .Christ.8768
available for all HP 352:2 TopIndex .Christ.8769
given when our nature is emptied of self HP 155:5 TopIndex .Christ.8770
in symbols of light, bread and truth OHC 21:2 TopIndex .Christ.8771
inexhaustible AG 235:5 TopIndex .Christ.8772
our privilege to realize TDG 94:3 TopIndex .Christ.8773
presented to world by partakers of grace RC 290:6 TopIndex .Christ.8774
received as minds are stayed on Him 3SM 204:3 TopIndex .Christ.8775
understood; (John 1:14-16) TMK 276:5 TopIndex .Christ.8776
garment of, at second coming not a plain seamless one FLB 351:5 TopIndex .Christ.8777
gave Himself, TopIndex .Christ.8778
cheerfully and does not want us to be selfish HP 308:5 TopIndex .Christ.8779
for us; let us deny self and bless others TDG 367:5 TopIndex .Christ.8780
in His divinity and humanity FW 85:1 TopIndex .Christ.8781
to be smitten without murmur TMK 65:2 TopIndex .Christ.8782
to doing God’s will; self-denial is not hardship TDG 315:3 TopIndex .Christ.8783
to ransom humanity TDG 28:4 TopIndex .Christ.8784
to redeem the human race HP 7:3 TopIndex .Christ.8785
gave up position as Commander UL 67:4 TopIndex .Christ.8786
gentleness of, in those who walk and talk with God HP 283:5 TopIndex .Christ.8787
gift of, TopIndex .Christ.8788
accompanied by costly gifts LHU 230:4 TopIndex .Christ.8789
all treasures of heaven in TDG 332:2 TopIndex .Christ.8790
appreciation for UL 55:3 TopIndex .Christ.8791
because God loved so much TMK 367:5 TopIndex .Christ.8792
beyond computation, theme for praise eternally OHC 18:5 TopIndex .Christ.8793
blessings all come through TMK 59:3 TopIndex .Christ.8794
cleansing through, appreciated by those forsaking sin TMK 299:4 TopIndex .Christ.8795
convincing humans that God held nothing back LHU 232:3 TopIndex .Christ.8796
described OHC 13:4 TopIndex .Christ.8797
Ellen White could not pass the outer edge when writing about OHC 12:5 TopIndex .Christ.8798
for humanity to return from rebellion AG 249:4 TopIndex .Christ.8799
full and complete OHC 18:5 TopIndex .Christ.8800
God and angels delight to hear appreciation for OHC 168:3 TopIndex .Christ.8801
God’s interest in the beings He created shown in HP 38:3 TopIndex .Christ.8802
God’s love shown by TDG 122:6 TopIndex .Christ.8803
grace which God Himself cannot surpass TMK 338:3 TopIndex .Christ.8804
grasping TDG 373:4 TopIndex .Christ.8805
gratitude demanded for LHU 207:2 TopIndex .Christ.8806
hearts to respond with joy for TDG 360:4 TopIndex .Christ.8807
heaven given to the world in LHU 208:3 TopIndex .Christ.8808
in innocence made redemption possible 3SM 141:1 TopIndex .Christ.8809
knowledge of God was LHU 36:5 TopIndex .Christ.8810
love of God exhausted in OHC 12:3 TopIndex .Christ.8811
love (ours and God’s) for souls shown by LHU 134 TopIndex .Christ.8812
not to release from obedience FW 30:1 TopIndex .Christ.8813
objects of grace are indifferent to TMK 168:4 TopIndex .Christ.8814
ownership through 3SM 141:1 TopIndex .Christ.8815
priceless UL 201:5 TopIndex .Christ.8816
promises of God made sure by OHC 18:3 TopIndex .Christ.8817
rejoicing over AG 179:3 TopIndex .Christ.8818
responsibility TopIndex .Christ.8819
to God proportional to TDG 243:4 TopIndex .Christ.8820
to transmit, to the world RY 100:3 TopIndex .Christ.8821
richest heaven could bestow AG 249:4 TopIndex .Christ.8822
Satan wants, mystified UL 260:2 TopIndex .Christ.8823
shows God’s love TMK 60:3 TopIndex .Christ.8824
sinner’s substitute OHC 52:5 TopIndex .Christ.8825
to die decided before the foundation of the world HP 291:2 TopIndex .Christ.8826
to provide the divine nature UL 49:7 TopIndex .Christ.8827
treasures of heaven at our disposal through TDG 318:4 TopIndex .Christ.8828
universe tried to awaken gratitude for TMK 81:2 TopIndex .Christ.8829
work responsibly according to TMK 329:4 TopIndex .Christ.8830
gift to, nothing too precious to become a FLB 245:7 TopIndex .Christ.8831
gifts TopIndex .Christ.8832
distributed by, with assurance of one who reigns TMK 338:2 TopIndex .Christ.8833
through sacrifice of, in store for those who come TMK 339:5 TopIndex .Christ.8834
giving of, imitated to form characters like His HP 303:4 TopIndex .Christ.8835
giving to, TopIndex .Christ.8836
all, secures the eternal inheritance TDG 152:5 TopIndex .Christ.8837
more, than He owns is impossible OHC 43:6 TopIndex .Christ.8838
perplexity, annoyance and anxiety TMK 190:3 TopIndex .Christ.8839
self, in buying eternal treasure TMK 83:3 TopIndex .Christ.8840
giving up all for, test of OHC 249:4 TopIndex .Christ.8841
giving up, danger for one not wanting counsel LYL 41:5 TopIndex .Christ.8842
glorification of, TopIndex .Christ.8843
at His ascension with brightness LHU 102:3 TopIndex .Christ.8844
by good works of Christians TMK 324:4 TopIndex .Christ.8845
by His Father in the resurrection LHU 102:2 TopIndex .Christ.8846
by soul winners SW 62:1 TopIndex .Christ.8847
compared to extolling queen of England TMK 274:2 TopIndex .Christ.8848
death was to be the means of UL 110:5 TopIndex .Christ.8849
gifts for fulfilling mission through TDG 341:3 TopIndex .Christ.8850
in helping His saints PM 94:4 TopIndex .Christ.8851
under reproach TMK 275:4 TopIndex .Christ.8852
when righteous enter the kingdom Mar 317:4 TopIndex .Christ.8853
glory TopIndex .Christ.8854
and image of His Father in OHC 61:2 TopIndex .Christ.8855
enshrouds, in heaven FW 24:1 TopIndex .Christ.8856
given to all who accept UL 144:6 TopIndex .Christ.8857
glory of, LHU 16:7 TopIndex .Christ.8858
at His second coming AG 358:2 TopIndex .Christ.8859
at return will be greater FLB 351:5 TopIndex .Christ.8860
(brightness) reflected by those nearest heaven CME 27:0 TopIndex .Christ.8861
could not have been endured if not in humanity OHC 62:3 TopIndex .Christ.8862
dimmed by unconsecrated followers TMK 345:4 TopIndex .Christ.8863
disguised by humility TMK 50:2 TopIndex .Christ.8864
enjoyed undimmed AG 358:3 TopIndex .Christ.8865
given the redeemed in heaven OHC 39:3 TopIndex .Christ.8866
hidden TopIndex .Christ.8867
by poverty and suffering TMK 58:4 TopIndex .Christ.8868
in humanity UL 67:4 TopIndex .Christ.8869
until God imparts spiritual truth TMK 61:3 TopIndex .Christ.8870
indescribable HP 358:2 TopIndex .Christ.8871
live for, not for praise from men HP 230:6 TopIndex .Christ.8872
new views of, to appear throughout eternity UL 103:3 TopIndex .Christ.8873
ones willing to be molded used for RC 256:6 TopIndex .Christ.8874
painful to those with stained characters Con 87:1 TopIndex .Christ.8875
ransomed host will be Mar 366:5 TopIndex .Christ.8876
redeemed will see, in the kingdom TMK 172:4 TopIndex .Christ.8877
seen TopIndex .Christ.8878
when He removes their distraction OHC 315:5 TopIndex .Christ.8879
when veil drawn aside UL 280:2 TopIndex .Christ.8880
shared by those, TopIndex .Christ.8881
who reflect God’s image UL 46:2 TopIndex .Christ.8882
who share His suffering AG 324:6 TopIndex .Christ.8883
sharing in, means sharing in His suffering TDG 49:7 TopIndex .Christ.8884
shows greatness of love that prompted sacrifice TMK 371:2 TopIndex .Christ.8885
unbearable to John TMK 360:2 TopIndex .Christ.8886
veiled that divinity might touch humanity TMK 58:4 TopIndex .Christ.8887
worldly wise unable to declare VSS 311:1 TopIndex .Christ.8888
glory of God TopIndex .Christ.8889
as shown to Moses was revealed in RC 214:5 TopIndex .Christ.8890
will forever shine from face of LHU 76:8; UL 260:5 TopIndex .Christ.8891
God/Father TopIndex .Christ.8892
and humanity connected through OHC 38:5 TopIndex .Christ.8893
and the Elder Brother of humanity at the same time RC 16:7 TopIndex .Christ.8894
beholds sinful humanity through OHC 66:5 TopIndex .Christ.8895
calls for faith in, as our atoning sacrifice FLB 102:2 TopIndex .Christ.8896
calls us to fellowship with OHC 24:2 TopIndex .Christ.8897
communicates through CC 20:7 TopIndex .Christ.8898
could give, but the law could not be changed FW 118:0 TopIndex .Christ.8899
gave Himself in AG 161:5; UL 378:4 TopIndex .Christ.8900
gave, to humanity UL 201:5 TopIndex .Christ.8901
glorified when we follow pattern of UL 117:3 TopIndex .Christ.8902
in humanity, yet He was humble TMK 111:3 TopIndex .Christ.8903
in infinity but not in personality UL 367:4 TopIndex .Christ.8904
in, seen as we contemplate the cross OHC 114:2 TopIndex .Christ.8905
in the flesh LHU 348:2 TopIndex .Christ.8906
is revealed in UL 142:4 TopIndex .Christ.8907
known only by knowing HP 250:2 TopIndex .Christ.8908
looks on suffering given to, with compassion OHC 46:2 TopIndex .Christ.8909
loves those who love TDG 142:3 TopIndex .Christ.8910
might have sent, to condemn, but He sent Him to save RC 58:5 TopIndex .Christ.8911
placed as the Center by, before defiled minds OHC 286:3 TopIndex .Christ.8912
reconciled to humanity through divine nature of Con 38:1 TopIndex .Christ.8913
represented by TMK 73:5 TopIndex .Christ.8914
walk in His footsteps 3SM 170:3 TopIndex .Christ.8915
revealed by, TMK 98:4; UL 323:2 TopIndex .Christ.8916
as God of love HP 8:3 TopIndex .Christ.8917
as speech is of thought TMK 38:4 TopIndex .Christ.8918
fully HP 250:3 TopIndex .Christ.8919
perfectly Mar 76:5 TopIndex .Christ.8920
through the mouth of Jeremiah HP 18:3 TopIndex .Christ.8921
to make others the sons of God TDG 59:4 TopIndex .Christ.8922
revealed in humanity through human form of TMK 26:4 TopIndex .Christ.8923
reveals, that we may bear His likeness HP 46:5 TopIndex .Christ.8924
saw in, beauty and perfection of Himself HP 15:7 TopIndex .Christ.8925
sees us in FLB 113:5 TopIndex .Christ.8926
served by, in love, willingness and freedom HP 128:2 TopIndex .Christ.8927
spoken of by, as “My Father” HP 14:4 TopIndex .Christ.8928
works to save humanity with, from confusion from Satan TDG 28:6 TopIndex .Christ.8929
godliness of, Judas chose not to be transformed by seeing OHC 287:2 TopIndex .Christ.8930
God’s/Father’s, TopIndex .Christ.8931
business done by, as carpenter and as healer UL 67:3 TopIndex .Christ.8932
character represented by, TopIndex .Christ.8933
in living out His law TMK 288:2 TopIndex .Christ.8934
to the world HP 11:4 TopIndex .Christ.8935
commandments kept by, in earthly life 3SM 142:0 TopIndex .Christ.8936
face seen in TMK 199:3 TopIndex .Christ.8937
glory in, will unfold forever LHU 40:4 TopIndex .Christ.8938
image TopIndex .Christ.8939
borne by TMK 38:4 TopIndex .Christ.8940
in character and features of LHU 24:2 TopIndex .Christ.8941
restored in humans by TMK 73:5 TopIndex .Christ.8942
love for, greater for giving life for humans TMK 69:2 TopIndex .Christ.8943
love shown through TMK 18:4 TopIndex .Christ.8944
opinion of, instead of what He thinks of us FLB 113:6 TopIndex .Christ.8945
presence brought peace to, pursued by enemy RC 278:4 TopIndex .Christ.8946
throne occupied by AG 49:3 TopIndex .Christ.8947
goodness of, TopIndex .Christ.8948
delight lost in not considering OHC 54:5 TopIndex .Christ.8949
felt as the Holy Spirit impresses His words upon us UL 144:4 TopIndex .Christ.8950
hated UL 303:5 TopIndex .Christ.8951
seen by Ellen White in sickness TMK 283:4 TopIndex .Christ.8952
sought for others HP 287:5 TopIndex .Christ.8953
goods of, bestowed to increase love in His people OHC 190:3 TopIndex .Christ.8954
gospel/message of, FLB 88:6 TopIndex .Christ.8955
being sent; hopeless ones delivered TDG 84:4 TopIndex .Christ.8956
He came to redeem humanity TDG 91:5; TopIndex .Christ.8957
in human form, humiliation, crucifixion, etc. AG 49:6 TopIndex .Christ.8958
not outward methods concealing an evil work OHC 109:3 TopIndex .Christ.8959
same as in Old Testament: redemption and restoration TMK 38:3 TopIndex .Christ.8960
voice of duty and voice of God TDG 287:3 TopIndex .Christ.8961
gospel presented by, in simplicity brought reformations VSS 220:2 TopIndex .Christ.8962
government of, wrong and oppression will not be in AG 14:3 TopIndex .Christ.8963
governs all who accept Him HP 189:5 TopIndex .Christ.8964
grace of God in, cherished as only way to approach God 2MCP 533:4 TopIndex .Christ.8965
grace of, See Grace TopIndex .Christ.8966
graces brought within reach by 1MCP 94:3 TopIndex .Christ.8967
graces of, TopIndex .Christ.8968
God’s children to cherish and reveal AG 65:3 TopIndex .Christ.8969
in His life may adorn our lives AG 263:4 TopIndex .Christ.8970
light from heaven TDG 275:2 TopIndex .Christ.8971
grasp, as link from heaven HP 11:5 TopIndex .Christ.8972
grasping, cutting through shadow 2MCP 675:1 TopIndex .Christ.8973
graves opened by, after the resurrection FW 74:1 TopIndex .Christ.8974
greatness of, TopIndex .Christ.8975
condescended to our feebleness TDG 176:2 TopIndex .Christ.8976
proved by attention to small things HP 63:3; UL 132:7 TopIndex .Christ.8977
See also Christ, excellence of; Christ, appellations of; Christ, attractiveness of TopIndex .Christ.8978
grief of, TopIndex .Christ.8979
greater than that of any created being HP 44:4 TopIndex .Christ.8980
greatest when grief comes to His appointed ones UL 280:3 TopIndex .Christ.8981
over those dishonest with God’s property UL 360:2 TopIndex .Christ.8982
seeing professed Christians serving themselves TMK 321:4 TopIndex .Christ.8983
when we mourn over self as our own Saviour RC 109:6 TopIndex .Christ.8984
See also, Christ, agony of TopIndex .Christ.8985
griefs and sorrows borne by TMK 51:4 TopIndex .Christ.8986
growing in, HP 263:5 TopIndex .Christ.8987
in His experience TMK 158 TopIndex .Christ.8988
in His knowledge TMK 326:2 TopIndex .Christ.8989
into full stature needed by youth 1MCP 101:3 TopIndex .Christ.8990
prepares Christian to endure hardness AG 285:6 TopIndex .Christ.8991
growing more like LHU 208:6; Mar 120:4; UL 147:5 TopIndex .Christ.8992
growing up into, preceded by entire submission to God UL 136:5 TopIndex .Christ.8993
growth of, TopIndex .Christ.8994
in knowledge as He did in years OHC 59:4 TopIndex .Christ.8995
physical and spiritual, illustrated by plants TMK 27:2 TopIndex .Christ.8996
guardianship of, TopIndex .Christ.8997
experienced by Ellen White TDG 17:3 TopIndex .Christ.8998
for all His children; they have peace UL 355:2 TopIndex .Christ.8999
for suffering ones every moment OHC 327:4 TopIndex .Christ.9000
Guest TopIndex .Christ.9001
at table of publicans HP 181:3 TopIndex .Christ.9002
of all who receive Him HP 46:2 TopIndex .Christ.9003
where His mind and words are found TDG 111:7 TopIndex .Christ.9004
guidance from, TopIndex .Christ.9005
for children of Israel from the cloud TDG 254:3 TopIndex .Christ.9006
from rather than from humans UL 371:2 TopIndex .Christ.9007
from, Satan tries to block, from view RC 21:4 TopIndex .Christ.9008
guidance toward, some need firm UL 322:3 TopIndex .Christ.9009
guile not found on lips of OHC 292:4 TopIndex .Christ.9010
guilt TopIndex .Christ.9011
and sickness borne by, without becoming a sinner 3SM 133:3 TopIndex .Christ.9012
from world’s appetite indulgence increased suffering of, in wilderness AG 164:4 TopIndex .Christ.9013
of believing sinner placed on OHC 53:4 TopIndex .Christ.9014
of world brought anguish to UL 357:7 TopIndex .Christ.9015
gulf bridged by, TopIndex .Christ.9016
between earth and heaven TMK 82:2 TopIndex .Christ.9017
from sin, TopIndex .Christ.9018
earth and heaven bound together TMK 82:5 TopIndex .Christ.9019
through His death for the world TDG 84:2 TopIndex .Christ.9020
hand(s) TopIndex .Christ.9021
and feet wounded for us TMK 56:3 TopIndex .Christ.9022
bear marks of His wounds HP 13:4 TopIndex .Christ.9023
beneath worried lady counseled by Ellen White 2MCP 807:4 TopIndex .Christ.9024
must hold ours to walk without fear of slipping HP 258:6 TopIndex .Christ.9025
not recognized TMK 98:5 TopIndex .Christ.9026
reach for, as did the sinking disciple TDG 212:3 TopIndex .Christ.9027
we are to be passive in; He loves and helps us TDG 202:3 TopIndex .Christ.9028
with assurance on throne and distributes gifts TMK 338:2 TopIndex .Christ.9029
See also Christ, marks TopIndex .Christ.9030
hands of faithful one held by HP 42:3 TopIndex .Christ.9031
happiness from, TopIndex .Christ.9032
even if no other friend in whole world OHC 259:5 TopIndex .Christ.9033
is certain; He is wellspring of life FW 88:2 TopIndex .Christ.9034
world cannot remove HP 249:4 TopIndex .Christ.9035
happiness from thoughts center in RC 308:2 TopIndex .Christ.9036
hardship and suffering endured by TDG 166:2 TopIndex .Christ.9037
harmless and undefiled, walked among every class HP 181:2 TopIndex .Christ.9038
harmony of attributes of, to be remembered by disciples AG 49:4 TopIndex .Christ.9039
harmony with, TopIndex .Christ.9040
destroyed by indulging wrong feelings RC 318:5 TopIndex .Christ.9041
means no enmity against the law FW 95:1 TopIndex .Christ.9042
harvest of seed sowing foreseen by RC 242:6 TopIndex .Christ.9043
hates sin and loves the sinner UL 342:4 TopIndex .Christ.9044
hatred for, TopIndex .Christ.9045
for His goodness; those like Him also hated 2MCP 527:3 TopIndex .Christ.9046
because He said He was the Son of God TDG 236:4 TopIndex .Christ.9047
because of righteous character UL 303 TopIndex .Christ.9048
by Pharisees; His teaching was attractive VSS 77:4 TopIndex .Christ.9049
despite graciousness of His mission TMK 100:4 TopIndex .Christ.9050
for not taking side of Jews; prejudice 3SM 82:2 TopIndex .Christ.9051
influenced by Satan as at crucifixion 3SM 415:6 TopIndex .Christ.9052
head of all classes who are united in the Scriptures UL 104:5 TopIndex .Christ.9053
head of what humanity may become TMK 288:4 TopIndex .Christ.9054
healing TopIndex .Christ.9055
command of, paralytic did not hesitate at FW 68:0 TopIndex .Christ.9056
flood poured forth in UL 364:7 TopIndex .Christ.9057
influence of restfulness in UL 102:2 TopIndex .Christ.9058
power of, sinner made whole by HP 19:4 TopIndex .Christ.9059
work of, Satan made, as hard as possible TDG 256:5 TopIndex .Christ.9060
healing by, TopIndex .Christ.9061
and mighty works through ministry of servants 3SM 296:2 TopIndex .Christ.9062
for soul and body; take hold of Him TDG 305:3 TopIndex .Christ.9063
not granted if refusal to show sorrow or ask help TDG 249:3 TopIndex .Christ.9064
power of love in; He identified with humanity TMK 48:2 TopIndex .Christ.9065
said to be by devil UL 26:6 TopIndex .Christ.9066
when transgression stops 3SM 296:1 TopIndex .Christ.9067
health, TopIndex .Christ.9068
and happiness followed HP 225:4 TopIndex .Christ.9069
given by; glorify Him with it 2MCP 409:4 TopIndex .Christ.9070
health of, perfect although afflicted with others’ suffering TMK 67:5 TopIndex .Christ.9071
hearers of, listened as if spellbound UL 325:3 TopIndex .Christ.9072
hears/listens to TopIndex .Christ.9073
cries of His children UL 280:3 TopIndex .Christ.9074