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Jerusalem, New - John (apostle) TopIndex .Jerusalem, New.1

Jerusalem, New TopIndex .Jerusalem, New.1

Jerusalem, New See New Jerusalem TopIndex .Jerusalem, New.2

Jerusalem center, Jerusalem centers TopIndex .Jerusalem center, Jerusalem centers.1

Jerusalem center, Jerusalem centers, do not make CH 299-300 TopIndex .Jerusalem center, Jerusalem centers.2

God will scatter His people out of CH 299-300 TopIndex .Jerusalem center, Jerusalem centers.3

there should be no, in God’s work 8T 232-3 TopIndex .Jerusalem center, Jerusalem centers.4

Jerusalem church TopIndex .Jerusalem church.1

Jerusalem church, many leading members of, prejudiced against Paul AA 405 TopIndex .Jerusalem church.2

See also Church TopIndex .Jerusalem church.3

Jesse TopIndex .Jesse.1

Jesse, Christ the Branch from root of DA 103 TopIndex .Jesse.2

David’s father Ed 266; PP 637; 6T 197 TopIndex .Jesse.3

other sons of Ed 266; PP 638 TopIndex .Jesse.4

Jest, Jests TopIndex .Jest, Jests.1

Jest, Jests, avoid low, in home life AH 438 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.2

coarse, persons pleased with 2T 222 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.3

derisive, cease at second advent GC 642 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.4

levity and, marriage relation often entered upon with AH 72 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.5

re religious things, warning against MYP 267 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.6

ridicule and, Noah’s warning message received by antediluvians with PP 95 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.7

sacred things should not be made subject of CH 413 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.8

Satan assails the illiterate with GC 600 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.9

Scripture should never be quoted in Ed 244 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.10

skepticism may treat gospel claims with 1SM 28 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.11

some SDA’s make health reform subject of CD 400 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.12

unseemly, lowers and destroys true dignity of manhood 4T 652 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.13

vulgar, heard in impressive dream 2T 595 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.14

is from abyss below LS 191 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.15

words spoken in, recording angel writes CG 217 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.16

youth should not pass off cautions and instructions of parents and teachers with CT 223 TopIndex .Jest, Jests.17

See also Joking TopIndex .Jest, Jests.18

Jester, Jesters TopIndex .Jester, Jesters.1

Jester, Jesters, presumptuous, sharpen one another’s ingenuity 3BC 1137 TopIndex .Jester, Jesters.2

Jesting TopIndex .Jesting.1

Jesting, all, studiously avoid CG 146 TopIndex .Jesting.2

angels driven from publishing house by 3T 192 TopIndex .Jesting.3

angels grieved by EW 111; 6T 173 TopIndex .Jesting.4

as natural to some people as their breath Ev 641 TopIndex .Jesting.5

barrenness of soul caused by 2T 236 TopIndex .Jesting.6

belongs to world 3T 241 TopIndex .Jesting.7

Christ is denied by 1T 304, 408; 3T 332 TopIndex .Jesting.8

Christian recreation is not occasion for 2T 589 TopIndex .Jesting.9

do not let tongue run at random in SD 180 TopIndex .Jesting.10

favor of God lost by 2T 236 TopIndex .Jesting.11

foolish: religion of Christianity is above ML 211; MYP 364 TopIndex .Jesting.12

in social gatherings TM 83 TopIndex .Jesting.13

not right to indulge in 7BC 938 TopIndex .Jesting.14

put away all CT 548 TopIndex .Jesting.15

warning against CH 412 TopIndex .Jesting.16

God forbids FE 458 TopIndex .Jesting.17

improper at wedding ceremony AH 101 TopIndex .Jesting.18

in atmosphere of unbelief FE 457-8 TopIndex .Jesting.19

institutional workers should shun MM 145 TopIndex .Jesting.20

lay aside ML 196 TopIndex .Jesting.21

man who was reproved for his 2T 224 TopIndex .Jesting.22

minister should never indulge in 4T 320 TopIndex .Jesting.23

minister who was inclined to 3T 228 TopIndex .Jesting.24

ministers warned against GW 132; 3T 233 TopIndex .Jesting.25

ministers’, is offensive to God Ev 644 TopIndex .Jesting.26

is stumbling block to sinners Ev 641 TopIndex .Jesting.27

person of defective speech should not be made occasion of 3T 192 TopIndex .Jesting.28

person who finds pleasure in 6T 173 TopIndex .Jesting.29

rude, unbecoming to Christian SC 120-1 TopIndex .Jesting.30

Sermon on Mount condemns MB 69 TopIndex .Jesting.31

sickens soul that feeds on Christ FE 457 TopIndex .Jesting.32

sign that heart needs to be cleansed SD 180 TopIndex .Jesting.33

spirit of, is unchristian Ev 641 TopIndex .Jesting.34

spiritual growth is hindered by 6T 173 TopIndex .Jesting.35

too much, at church services 4T 73 TopIndex .Jesting.36

unbecoming to: Christians 2T 586; 3T 246; 7T 204 TopIndex .Jesting.37

ministers Ev 206, 641-2; GW 205; 3T 238 TopIndex .Jesting.38

warning 4BC 1141 TopIndex .Jesting.39

with persons who do not fear God, warning against 2T 292 TopIndex .Jesting.40

women professing godliness warned against 2T 455 TopIndex .Jesting.41

youth warned against 1T 505; 2T 180 TopIndex .Jesting.42

youth warned not to fritter away time in 3T 222 TopIndex .Jesting.43

See also Joking; Levity TopIndex .Jesting.44

Jesuit, Jesuits TopIndex .Jesuit, Jesuits.1

Jesuit, Jesuits, creation and work of order of GC 234-5 TopIndex .Jesuit, Jesuits.2

Lacunza (Manuel) as GC 363 TopIndex .Jesuit, Jesuits.3

tyranny of, in France GC 279 TopIndex .Jesuit, Jesuits.4

Jesuit colleges TopIndex .Jesuit colleges.1

Jesuit colleges, establishment of GC 235 TopIndex .Jesuit colleges.2

Jesus TopIndex .Jesus.1

See Christ TopIndex .Jesus.3

Jesus Christ TopIndex .Jesus Christ.1

Jesus Christ See Christ TopIndex .Jesus Christ.2

“Jesus, Lover of My Soul,” TopIndex .“Jesus, Lover of My Soul,”.1

“Jesus, Lover of My Soul,” by Wesley (Chas.), quoted TM 183 TopIndex .“Jesus, Lover of My Soul,”.2

Jet, Jets TopIndex .Jet, Jets.1

Jet, Jets, of light: like stars dotted through darkness 1SM 76 TopIndex .Jet, Jets.2

lighting whole world 1SM 76 TopIndex .Jet, Jets.3

living stones like AA 598-9 TopIndex .Jet, Jets.4

shining from cities and villages 9T 28-9 TopIndex .Jet, Jets.5

of water, burst up from earth during Flood PP 99; 3SG 69; SR 66-7 TopIndex .Jet, Jets.6

Jethro TopIndex .Jethro.1

Jethro, agent of God among Gentiles 1BC 1099 TopIndex .Jethro.2

Gentile 1BC 1099 TopIndex .Jethro.3

godly priest of Midian PP 247, 301; 3SG 186; SR 110 TopIndex .Jethro.4

lived near Rephidim PP 300 TopIndex .Jethro.5

Moses counseled by, re organization and government of Israel AA 92-4; PP 300-1, 383-4; 3SG 260-1; 4aSG 19; SR 135-6; 9T 262-4; TM 340-1 TopIndex .Jethro.6

Moses kept flocks of, for many years PP 301, 471; SR 110; 4T 611; TM 263 TopIndex .Jethro.7

Moses’ father-in-law AA 92-4; 1BC 1099; PP 247, 300-1, 383-4, 471; 3SG 186-7, 259-61; 4aSG 19; SR 110, 134-6; TM 263 TopIndex .Jethro.8

prince of Midian PP 247 TopIndex .Jethro.9

sacrifices offered by, when he visited Moses in wilderness 3SG 260 TopIndex .Jethro.10

shepherd 3SG 186; SR 110 TopIndex .Jethro.11

visited Moses in wilderness PP 300, 383-4; 3SG 259-60; SR 134 TopIndex .Jethro.12

worshiped God PP 247; 3SG 186-7; SR 110 TopIndex .Jethro.13

Supplement TopIndex .Jethro.14

Moses taught correct faith by, as far as he understood it TDG 321:4 TopIndex .Jethro.15

Jew, Jews TopIndex .Jew, Jews.1

Jew, Jews, cannot see their ceremonies are meaningless now 1SM 239 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.2

conversion of, greater burden needed for Ev 578 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.3

converted: being numbered with Israel of God in last days Ev 578 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.4

laboring now for their own people Ev 578 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.5

many, will be used in God’s work Ev 578-9 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.6

now laboring for Christ in various places Ev 578 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.7

Wolff’s (Joseph) labors as GC 357-62 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.8

See also Lichtenstein, Marcus TopIndex .Jew, Jews.9

decided advantages possessed by, over other peoples AA 380 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.10

faithful, are true children of Abraham COL 268 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.11

Gentiles and: equal before God 9T 191 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.12

gospel is equally efficacious for AA 380 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.13

linked by Christ in common brotherhood 7T 225; 9T 191 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.14

God expects His people to take particular interest in AA 381 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.15

recognized by Christ as equal before God 7T 225 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.16

God has been calling after, by Spirit AA 380 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.17

goodly remnant of, will be saved AA 376-82 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.18

gospel work for AA 376-82; 6BC 1097; Ev 577-9 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.19

apostles used OT Scriptures in AA 221 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.20

blend OT Scriptures with NT in AA 381; Ev 578 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.21

few Christian ministers feel called to AA 380 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.22

has been neglected AA 381 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.23

in last days AA 381 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.24

needed in Boston, Mass. Ev 392 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.25

outlined in Romans 11 6BC 1079 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.26

Paul dwelt on OT prophecies in Ev 246 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.27

Paul’s method of AA 221-2, 246-8; Ev 141, 246, 554; GW 117-8 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.28

persons who do, Christ will be with Ev 578 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.29

Peter’s method of SR 224-6 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.30

heritage of suffering has been lot of AA 379 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.31

individuals among, will be converted EW 213 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.32

light of present truth must be taken to Ev 578 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.33

long neglected and despised AA 381 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.34

many: gospel work will gather in Ev 578 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.35

revelation that will be as dawn of new creation to AA 381 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.36

will accept Christ as Messiah when gospel is presented fully AA 380-1 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.37

will be converted Ev 578-9 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.38

marvelous vitality of, secret of PP 562 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.39

mighty in Scriptures, immutability of God’s law will be proclaimed by AA 381; Ev 578 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.40

will be converted and labor in closing gospel work AA 381; Ev 578-9 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.41

minds of, veil drawn by stubborn unbelief before 1SM 239 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.42

what will remove veil from 1SM 239 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.43

mission to Jerusalem in 1850‘s to convert, erroneous ideas re EW 75 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.44

noble and God-fearing, God’s pity for AA 379-80 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.45

have seen Israel’s true Messiah in Christ AA 380 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.46

not cut off as individuals from blessings and hope of salvation AA 27-8, 375-8; EW 213; GC 378 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.47

not won to Christ by argument alone AA 409; SR 245 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.48

salvation for, today AA 376-82 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.49

remnant of, in God’s plan for last days PK 298-300 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.50

will be saved AA 376-82; PK 309-10 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.51

salvation of, work will be done for AA 380-2 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.52

scattered among nations like wrecks on desert shore AA 379; GC 21; MB 120 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.53

some, mighty in Scriptures as was Saul of Tarsus AA 381 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.54

special work to be done for, in closing of gospel work AA 381 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.55

strange that few Christians have burden for Ev 578 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.56

veil that is upon hearts of 1BC 1110; 6BC 1096 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.57

Wolff’s (Joseph) labors among GC 360-1 TopIndex .Jew, Jews.58

See also Israelite TopIndex .Jew, Jews.59

Jewel, Jewels TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.1

1. Of truth TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.3

2. Miscellaneous TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.4

Supplement TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.5

1. Of truth TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.6

bright, Bible opens to mind ML 22 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.7

buried beneath dust and rubbish of: error ML 220 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.8

human wisdom and tradition FE 188; 6T 132 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.9

Christ’s words are 6T 174 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.10

diligently gather up, and place them in framework of gospel GW 289 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.11

discovered as result of contention over Bible 1SM 20 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.12

do not lie on surface, as many suppose FE 188 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.13

scattered over field of revelation FE 188 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.14

treasury of, open to all men COL 117 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.15

2. Miscellaneous TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.16

casket of 6T 425 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.17

Christ preserves as precious, all whose life is hid in Him MH 488 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.18

Christ’s disciples are called His MB 89 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.19

Christ’s redeemed ones are His 6T 309 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.20

Christians are to be Christ’s 5T 368 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.21

consistency is Ev 542; 2SM 82; 5T 95 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.22

cutting and polishing of 4BC 1177 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.23

each soul is Christ’s own 6T 116 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.24

earth’s most costly, Christ’s words more precious to Mary than DA 525 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.25

God has many precious, in this world of sin AA 140 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.26

God’s people are to shed light as 4BC 1177 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.27

every, will be gathered out EW 70 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.28

in Christ’s crown, souls that will shine as MB 130 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.29

Israelites gave, for building sanctuary PP 344; 4aSG 5; SR 151-2 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.30

meek and quiet spirit is, of inestimable value 3T 367 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.31

money spent by professed Christians for, would feed all the hungry MH 287; ML 241 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.32

most costly, experience in trials that is more valuable than 3T 555 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.33

of faith and love, Christ offers to man 6T 426 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.34

of mind, elevates man above beasts 8T 127 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.35

persons whom God considers as His SD 185; 5T 96 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.36

precious: among nominal Adventists EW 69 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.37

in God’s sight the faithful are as 4T 107 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.38

that shine with increasing luster AA 598-9; 6BC 1087 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.39

truehearted worker is to God as 7T 67 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.40

scattered, not yet come to light of present truth EW 61 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.41

why Israel was told to borrow, from Egyptians PP 281; 3SG 191-2 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.42

woman decorated with, received into Methodist Church 1T 20 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.43

See also Gem TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.44

Supplement TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.45

Christians as HP 267 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.46

crown from Jesus a better plan for, than pleasing self here RC 266:6 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.47

God, TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.48

call us His OHC 17:4 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.49

polishes only TDG 122:4 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.50

gospel truths are like a string of; lines of good works 3SM 198:4 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.51

justice, honor, love and truth are, to be cherished forever TDG 350:5 TopIndex .Jewel, Jewels.52

Jewelry TopIndex .Jewelry.1

Jewelry, Bible teaching re wearing of, warning against departure from Ev 270 TopIndex .Jewelry.2

display of, abstain from Ev 270; 3T 366 TopIndex .Jewelry.3

Israelites asked, of Egyptians PP 253; 3SG 229; SR 120 TopIndex .Jewelry.4

money spent for WM 216 TopIndex .Jewelry.5

professed Christians wear, while God’s poor suffer 2BC 1012; SD 57 TopIndex .Jewelry.6

sale of, to provide means for God’s work Ev 270-1 TopIndex .Jewelry.7

See also Bracelet; Gold; Ornament; Ornamentation; Pearl; Ring TopIndex .Jewelry.8

Supplement TopIndex .Jewelry.9

contrary to God’s Word (gold necklace and chain) 3SM 246:4 TopIndex .Jewelry.10

money not to be spent on, but on salvation of souls RC 266 TopIndex .Jewelry.11

sell; time is too short to adorn the body 3SM 248:1 TopIndex .Jewelry.12

standard regarding, found disregarded in Battle Creek 3SM 246 TopIndex .Jewelry.13

See also Adornment; Dress, display in TopIndex .Jewelry.14

Jewish age TopIndex .Jewish age.1

Jewish age, Christ was foundation and center of sacrificial system in PP 366-7 TopIndex .Jewish age.2

despising blessings of, leaves unprepared for gospel TDG 246:3 TopIndex .Jewish age.3

not a Christless period, without mercy or grace SD 225 TopIndex .Jewish age.4

not one of spiritual darkness PP 366 TopIndex .Jewish age.5

one of great light on gospel PP 366-70 TopIndex .Jewish age.6

unfolding of plan of redemption in PP 373 TopIndex .Jewish age.7

Jewish child TopIndex .Jewish child.1

Jewish child, surrounded with rabbinical requirements DA 84 TopIndex .Jewish child.2

taught some trade AA 346; CG 355; CT 276, 307; Ed 47; FE 97; MH 185-6; PP 593; 4T 409 TopIndex .Jewish child.3

Jewish church TopIndex .Jewish church.1

Jewish church, became harlot by alliance with heathen GC 382 TopIndex .Jewish church.2

called to represent God to apostate world SD 44 TopIndex .Jewish church.3

Christ saw, like barren fig tree GC 316 TopIndex .Jewish church.4

comforting messages given to, by prophets PK 722 TopIndex .Jewish church.5

disobedience and failure of 5T 456 TopIndex .Jewish church.6

enlarged and prospered during reigns of David and Solomon PK 25 TopIndex .Jewish church.7

eyes of backsliding, closed to signs of times in Christ’s day GC 316 TopIndex .Jewish church.8

God’s purpose and regard for COL 286; 4aSG 116 TopIndex .Jewish church.9

highly favored of God 1BC 1105 TopIndex .Jewish church.10

house of Israel as 4BC 1165-6 TopIndex .Jewish church.11

Israel was acknowledged by God as His AA 315 TopIndex .Jewish church.12

Israel was incorporated as, at Mt. Sinai PP 303 TopIndex .Jewish church.13

Jewish people believed they were always to be God’s COL 294 TopIndex .Jewish church.14

Spirit instructed, in wilderness in Moses’ time AA 53 TopIndex .Jewish church.15

spiritual condition of, when Christ was born GC 568; 3T 200 TopIndex .Jewish church.16

Jewish converts (to Christianity) TopIndex .Jewish converts (to Christianity).1

Jewish converts (to Christianity), Gentile converts far exceeded AA 189 TopIndex .Jewish converts (to Christianity).2

majority of first, spoke Hebrew SR 259 TopIndex .Jewish converts (to Christianity).3

not inclined to move rapidly as God’s providence indicated AA 189 TopIndex .Jewish converts (to Christianity).4

Paul’s manner of speaking to 6BC 1085 TopIndex .Jewish converts (to Christianity).5

rebaptized by Paul Ev 372 TopIndex .Jewish converts (to Christianity).6

Jewish economy TopIndex .Jewish economy.1

Jewish economy, bore signature of heaven COL 105 TopIndex .Jewish economy.2

Christ came to develop Ev 554 TopIndex .Jewish economy.3

Christ gave significance to 6BC 1095; 1SM 238 TopIndex .Jewish economy.4

Christ instituted and established COL 105; FE 398; GW 118 TopIndex .Jewish economy.5

Christ’s death gave significance to AA 227-8 TopIndex .Jewish economy.6

Christ’s life and death gave significance to TMK 197:4 TopIndex .Jewish economy.7

Christ’s sacrifice was glorious fulfillment of 7BC 932 TopIndex .Jewish economy.8

cross of Christ gives significance and glory to GW 118 TopIndex .Jewish economy.9

foundation of, Christ was AA 14; 3BC 1129; 4BC 1176; 6BC 1078, 1109; COL 34; 1SM 233 TopIndex .Jewish economy.10

gospel sheds light on 6BC 1095; PP 368 TopIndex .Jewish economy.11

mysteries of, gospel is key that unlocks COL 133 TopIndex .Jewish economy.12

of types and shadows, gospel gives meaning to Ev 231 TopIndex .Jewish economy.13

offerings given in, were to be proportionate to one’s property 4T 474 TopIndex .Jewish economy.14

originator of, Christ was FE 398; 1SM 232 TopIndex .Jewish economy.15

period of, one of wonderful manifestations of divine power SD 225 TopIndex .Jewish economy.16

significance of, not yet fully comprehended COL 133 TopIndex .Jewish economy.17

study of, importance of COL 133 TopIndex .Jewish economy.18

system of, was gospel in figure FE 238 TopIndex .Jewish economy.19

Jewish leader, Jewish leaders TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.1

Jewish leader, Jewish leaders, evidence given to, that apostles spoke and acted under divine inspiration AA 61 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.2

failure of, to understand Messianic prophecies GC 313-6, 378 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.3

feared dead Christ more than living One DA 771 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.4

filled with spiritual pride DA 242-3 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.5

jealousy and distrust of, ripened into open hatred DA 232 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.6

ready to sacrifice national existence in order to kill Christ DA 745 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.7

rejected Christ rather than yield pride of opinion 5T 728 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.8

searched Scriptures to exalt themselves DA 65 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.9

signally failed to fulfill God’s purpose for Jews AA 78-9 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.10

sin of, ecclesiastical authorities repeating DA 232 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.11

stirred to anger at seeing priests accept Christ EW 197 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.12

strife and faction among, when Romans destroyed Jerusalem GC 29 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.13

studied Scriptures only to sustain their traditions CT 438-9 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.14

thought that God despised all other nations DA 65 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.15

truth rejected by AA 78-9 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.16

why Christ was hated by COL 293-4 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.17

Supplement TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.18

at Christ’s return remember their behavior Mar 293:2 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.19

character of, laid bare by Christ TDG 275:3 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.20

Christ’s miracles all helped those despised by TDG 275:2 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.21

enraged by Christ’s attracting people UL 325:3 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.22

false ideas of, about Christ’s coming LHU 373:4 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.23

guilt of, greater than of dying thief TDG 236:4 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.24

paralytic examined by, and pronounced hopeless FW 67:1 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.25

scorned to be taught by Christ TMK 189:4 TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.26

See also Scribes and Pharisees TopIndex .Jewish leader, Jewish leaders.27

Jewish nation TopIndex .Jewish nation.1

Jewish nation, abused God’s mercy more than 1,000 years DA 584 TopIndex .Jewish nation.2

Barabbas’s cruelty felt by, as long as time should last DA 739 TopIndex .Jewish nation.3

brought upon itself its own ruin PK 712-3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.4

by choosing heathen ruler, withdrew from theocracy DA 737-8 TopIndex .Jewish nation.5

Christ’s blood was perpetual curse to DA 739 TopIndex .Jewish nation.6

dead branch severed from vine DA 739 TopIndex .Jewish nation.7

destruction of, cause of DA 241 TopIndex .Jewish nation.8

divorced from God by rejecting Christ DA 709 TopIndex .Jewish nation.9

doom foretold came upon COL 295 TopIndex .Jewish nation.10

failure of, to fulfill God’s purpose AA 78-9 TopIndex .Jewish nation.11

fired with madness against Christ 2T 452 TopIndex .Jewish nation.12

fruitless fig tree symbolized DA 582-3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.13

God’s vineyard COL 282-306; DA 596; PK 15-22 TopIndex .Jewish nation.14

gospel rejected by COL 308 TopIndex .Jewish nation.15

great sin of 5T 99 TopIndex .Jewish nation.16

national hatred of, against Rome DA 104 TopIndex .Jewish nation.17

preserved as witness that Christ was born of Abraham’s seed DA 44 TopIndex .Jewish nation.18

pronounced unchurched by rending of temple veil 5BC 1109 TopIndex .Jewish nation.19

repentance alone could save, from impending ruin AA 247 TopIndex .Jewish nation.20

required to worship at Jerusalem for a time 7T 53 TopIndex .Jewish nation.21

scattering of, judgment of God was in COL 309 TopIndex .Jewish nation.22

significance of condition of, since death of Christ DA 739 TopIndex .Jewish nation.23

souls will be saved from Ev 579 TopIndex .Jewish nation.24

symbol of people of all ages who scorn pleadings of God’s love DA 587 TopIndex .Jewish nation.25

under Rome, was paying penalty of apostasy from God DA 602 TopIndex .Jewish nation.26

verging on revolution when John the Baptist was born DA 104 TopIndex .Jewish nation.27

See also Israel TopIndex .Jewish nation.28

Supplement TopIndex .Jewish nation.29

ambition had deluded, when Jesus came LHU 135:2 TopIndex .Jewish nation.30

angels could not tell, of Christ’s advent; separated from God Mar 11:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.31

Christ, TopIndex .Jewish nation.32

seen by some, as Son of God, but pride prevented surrender 1MCP 324:4 TopIndex .Jewish nation.33

not seen by, in ceremonies UL 161:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.34

rejected by, TopIndex .Jewish nation.35

although He had led them in travels TDG 31:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.36

and were cut off as a nation UL 309:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.37

was knocking on heart doors of LHU 17:8 TopIndex .Jewish nation.38

Christ’s lessons misunderstood by; minds prejudiced 3SM 82:2 TopIndex .Jewish nation.39

errors of, about first advent infatuated people LHU 135:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.40

fulfilled Scripture by misapplying prophecies UL 368:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.41

kingdom taken from UL 131:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.42

made the repository of God’s knowledge UL 232:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.43

Messiah’s triumphant reign looked for by Mar 11:7 TopIndex .Jewish nation.44

misapplied second advent glories to first UL 368:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.45

overcoming (topics on) ignored by pleasure lovers as by Con 66:1 TopIndex .Jewish nation.46

peculiarity of, disappeared in Christ LHU 35:6 TopIndex .Jewish nation.47

professed believers in time of persecution may be like TDG 314:4 TopIndex .Jewish nation.48

race of, Christ’s physical features like those of TMK 26:2 TopIndex .Jewish nation.49

raising of Lazarus was last test given to TDG 149:2 TopIndex .Jewish nation.50

refusing to accept invitation as did TMK 105:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.51

salvation may be received by, with Gentiles UL 309:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.52

selfish sins not repented of leave in darkness like RC 199:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.53

separated from God, angels could not communicate with them LHU 30:3; Mar 11:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.54

temple significance not understood by HP 191:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.55

traditions substituted by, in departing from God TDG 246:5 TopIndex .Jewish nation.56

unable to see to the end of that which was abolished TMK 343:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.57

wise men questioned, concerning the Messiah Mar 11:5 TopIndex .Jewish nation.58

without repentance as church members in darkness 3SM 17:4 TopIndex .Jewish nation.59

works of, proved they were not true children of Abraham TDG 183:3 TopIndex .Jewish nation.60

See also Israel; Jewish; Jews TopIndex .Jewish nation.61

Jewish official, Jewish officials TopIndex .Jewish official, Jewish officials.1

Jewish official, Jewish officials, would not enter Roman judgment hall during Christ’s trial DA 723 TopIndex .Jewish official, Jewish officials.2

Jewish priests TopIndex .Jewish priests.1

symmetry required of, in body, mind and soul TSB 82:1 TopIndex .Jewish priests.3

Jewish religion TopIndex .Jewish religion.1

Jewish religion, consisted in outward ceremonies rather than inward piety DA 608 TopIndex .Jewish religion.2

devoid of saving faith in Christ’s time MB 53 TopIndex .Jewish religion.3

like barren fig tree in Christ’s time DA 582-3 TopIndex .Jewish religion.4

principle of salvation by works was adopted by DA 35-6 TopIndex .Jewish religion.5

under protection of Roman power AA 253 TopIndex .Jewish religion.6

Jewish revolt, Jewish revolts TopIndex .Jewish revolt, Jewish revolts.1

Jewish revolt, Jewish revolts, Romans dealt vigorously with DA 725 TopIndex .Jewish revolt, Jewish revolts.2

Jewish ruler, Jewish rulers TopIndex .Jewish ruler, Jewish rulers.1

Jewish ruler, Jewish rulers, addressed as rulers of Sodom and Gomorrah DA 590 TopIndex .Jewish ruler, Jewish rulers.2

convicted by Christ’s teaching, feared excommunication DA 699 TopIndex .Jewish ruler, Jewish rulers.3

Gamaliel was moved by God to counsel AA 82-3; EW 196 TopIndex .Jewish ruler, Jewish rulers.4

hypocrites loving praise of men more than they loved God EW 195 TopIndex .Jewish ruler, Jewish rulers.5

led people to reject Christ 5T 747 TopIndex .Jewish ruler, Jewish rulers.6

plot of, to kill Christ DA 164 TopIndex .Jewish ruler, Jewish rulers.7

sin of, in Christ’s time was greater than that of any preceding generation DA 618 TopIndex .Jewish ruler, Jewish rulers.8

Jewish sects TopIndex .Jewish sects.1

Jewish sects, loud and long disputes between opposing MH 32 TopIndex .Jewish sects.2

See also Herodian; Pharisee; Sadducee TopIndex .Jewish sects.3

Jewish system TopIndex .Jewish system.1

Jewish system, of worship, Christ was originator of 7BC 933 TopIndex .Jewish system.2

people were taught under, to cherish spirit of liberality AA 337 TopIndex .Jewish system.3

Jewish teachers TopIndex .Jewish teachers.1

criticisms and formalities of; righteousness claimed TMK 114:3 TopIndex .Jewish teachers.3

traditions taught by; truth obscured VSS 324:1 TopIndex .Jewish teachers.4

Jewish world TopIndex .Jewish world.1

Jewish world, apostles brought stones from quarry of, to lay on foundation of church AA 596 TopIndex .Jewish world.2

Jezebel TopIndex .Jezebel.1

Jezebel, Ahab led by, into idolatry 2BC 1033 TopIndex .Jezebel.2

to foster Baal worship PK 114 TopIndex .Jezebel.3

Ahab’s character molded by PK 115; 3T 262 TopIndex .Jezebel.4

Ahab’s marriage with, disastrous results of PK 114-5, 204 TopIndex .Jezebel.5

alive when Ahaziah became king of Judah PK 214 TopIndex .Jezebel.6

alive when Joram became king of Israel PK 255 TopIndex .Jezebel.7

Athaliah’s mother 2BC 1038; PK 192, 215 TopIndex .Jezebel.8

conference of, with priests of Baal PK 123 TopIndex .Jezebel.9

daughter of high priest of Baal PK 114 TopIndex .Jezebel.10

disposition of, bold, defiant, and determined PK 115, 126; 3T 262, 276, 289 TopIndex .Jezebel.11

Elijah hated by Ed 151; GC 626; PK 126, 137, 159-62; 3T 261-2, 275-6, 288-90 TopIndex .Jezebel.12

end of, Elijah foretold PK 207 TopIndex .Jezebel.13

grandmother of Ahaziah, king of Judah PK 214 TopIndex .Jezebel.14

heathen woman Ed 60; PK 224 TopIndex .Jezebel.15

idolatrous woman 2BC 1033; DA 120; Ed 60; 3T 262, 289 TopIndex .Jezebel.16

influence of, over Ahab 2BC 1033; PK 204 TopIndex .Jezebel.17

in kingdom of Judah PK 212-3 TopIndex .Jezebel.18

Jehu slew PK 215, 255 TopIndex .Jezebel.19

King Jehoshaphat a friend of 2BC 1038 TopIndex .Jezebel.20

mother of Jehoram, king of Israel PK 212 TopIndex .Jezebel.21

Naboth’s death caused by PK 205-6 TopIndex .Jezebel.22

pagan woman 3T 274 TopIndex .Jezebel.23

prophets of PK 144; 3T 274, 279-80 TopIndex .Jezebel.24

prophets of God slain by PK 126; 1T 251; 3T 276 TopIndex .Jezebel.25

Satan’s special agent 3T 262 TopIndex .Jezebel.26

unbeliever 3T 262 TopIndex .Jezebel.27

wife who acted like 1T 251 TopIndex .Jezebel.28

woman hardened and impenitent PK 159 TopIndex .Jezebel.29

worship of Ashtoreth revived through PK 230 TopIndex .Jezebel.30

Jezebels TopIndex .Jezebels.1

Jezebels, world today has its PK 177 TopIndex .Jezebels.2

Jezreel TopIndex .Jezreel.1

Jezreel PK 158-9, 214; PP 675, 713 TopIndex .Jezreel.2

Joab TopIndex .Joab.1

Joab, Abner and, blood feud between PP 699 TopIndex .Joab.2

Abner murdered by, to avenge Asahel’s death PP 699 TopIndex .Joab.3

Absalom slain by PP 743-4 TopIndex .Joab.4

army led by, against Ammonite capital PP 715 TopIndex .Joab.5

attempt of, to reconcile Absalom and David PP 728-9 TopIndex .Joab.6

battalion led by, against Absalom’s troops PP 742 TopIndex .Joab.7

brother of Abishai and Asahel PP 699 TopIndex .Joab.8

David aided by, in murder of Uriah the Hittite PP 719 TopIndex .Joab.9

David charged, to finish war with Ammonites PP 718 TopIndex .Joab.10

general of David’s army 3BC 1128; PP 699-700, 703, 715, 718-9, 728-9, 743-4, 742, 745, 747, 749-50 TopIndex .Joab.11

guilty of: many crimes PP 749 TopIndex .Joab.12

wanton murder PP 719 TopIndex .Joab.13

jealous of Abner PP 699 TopIndex .Joab.14

joined Adonijah’s conspiracy against Solomon PP 749 TopIndex .Joab.15

put to death by Solomon after David died PP 749-50 TopIndex .Joab.16

rebuked David for bewailing Absalom’s death PP 745 TopIndex .Joab.17

remonstrated against David’s census of Israel PP 747 TopIndex .Joab.18

rude and blunt PP 728, 745 TopIndex .Joab.19

sinned in obeying David’s command to kill Uriah the Hittite PP 719 TopIndex .Joab.20

troops led by, in capture of Jebus PP 703 TopIndex .Joab.21

unscrupulous man PP 747 TopIndex .Joab.22

why David did not punish, for murdering Abner PP 699-700 TopIndex .Joab.23

Joash TopIndex .Joash.1

Joash, Gideon’s father PP 546-7 TopIndex .Joash.2

Joash TopIndex .Joash.1

Joash, king of Israel PK 261-3 TopIndex .Joash.2

Joash TopIndex .Joash.1

Joash, king of Judah PK 215-6 TopIndex .Joash.2

Job (employment) TopIndex .Job (employment).1

Job (employment), long, made out of short one SD 114 TopIndex .Job (employment).2

refusing, because wages are not acceptable TDG 161:4 TopIndex .Job (employment).3

scorn to slight any 2T 84 TopIndex .Job (employment).4

See also Employment; Task; Work TopIndex .Job (employment).5

Job (person) TopIndex .Job (person).1

Job (person) Ed 154-6; PK 162-4 TopIndex .Job (person).2

abhorred by relatives and friends in his affliction AA 575 TopIndex .Job (person).3

according to faith of, so it was unto him Ed 156 TopIndex .Job (person).4

afflicted with loathsome sores 3BC 1140 TopIndex .Job (person).5

affliction of 3T 262 TopIndex .Job (person).6

aided the poor and needy 5T 151 TopIndex .Job (person).7

angels protected, from Satan’s power GC 513 TopIndex .Job (person).8

benevolence of, to the unfortunate 3T 530 TopIndex .Job (person).9

benevolent and kind man 3BC 1140; SD 257 TopIndex .Job (person).10

blessed abundantly in his last years PK 164 TopIndex .Job (person).11

blessings removed were returned to 3T 88 TopIndex .Job (person).12

captivity of, turned when he prayed 3BC 1141 TopIndex .Job (person).13

case of, taken in hand by God 3T 509 TopIndex .Job (person).14

comforters of, persons who are like 2SG 198 TopIndex .Job (person).15

cup of, element of bitterness added to Ed 155 TopIndex .Job (person).16

deprived of worldly possessions AA 575 TopIndex .Job (person).17

example of truly prosperous man Ed 142 TopIndex .Job (person).18

faith of, TopIndex .Job (person).19

an example; lay hold on God’s promises 2MCP 496:1 TopIndex .Job (person).20

needed when clouds sweep over the soul TMK 257:2 TopIndex .Job (person).21

faithful in day of affliction PK 162 TopIndex .Job (person).22

faithful priest of his household 3BC 1140 TopIndex .Job (person).23

flung reproaches back upon friends 3T 508 TopIndex .Job (person).24

friends of: accused him of wrongdoing Ed 155 TopIndex .Job (person).25

could not understand his humiliation and suffering DA 88 TopIndex .Job (person).26

error for which God reproved DA 471 TopIndex .Job (person).27

Jews repeated error of DA 471 TopIndex .Job (person).28

rebuked by God for judging His faithful servant 3BC 1140 TopIndex .Job (person).29

God’s testimony re Ed 155 TopIndex .Job (person).30

honor of God shown to, in time HP 271:4 TopIndex .Job (person).31

hoped for second advent COL 421; GC 299 TopIndex .Job (person).32

hospitable to strangers DA 500 TopIndex .Job (person).33

humility of GC 471 TopIndex .Job (person).34

when he heard God’s voice Mar 235:4 TopIndex .Job (person).35

implicit trust of, in time of discouragement and despondency PK 163 TopIndex .Job (person).36

labored for salvation of his family 3BC 1140; SD 257 TopIndex .Job (person).37

last years of, were the best of his life PK 164 TopIndex .Job (person).38

lived early in world’s history Ed 155; 3T 393 TopIndex .Job (person).39

mercy of, to the poor, suffering, and depressed MB 22-3 TopIndex .Job (person).40

message of hope given to, in his affliction PK 163 TopIndex .Job (person).41

not as guilty as his friends supposed TM 350 TopIndex .Job (person).42

not understood by friends 3T 508 TopIndex .Job (person).43

patriarch of Uz Ed 155; SD 257 TopIndex .Job (person).44

plea of, when unjustly accused by comforters 3T 518-9 TopIndex .Job (person).45

prayer of, for salvation from friends 3T 509 TopIndex .Job (person).46

principle of tithing existed in days of 3T 393 TopIndex .Job (person).47

professed friends of, were miserable comforters TM 350 TopIndex .Job (person).48

reaction of, to God’s challenge 3T 509 TopIndex .Job (person).49

repented in dust and ashes GC 471; PK 164 TopIndex .Job (person).50

reply of, to criticisms of friends 3T 508 TopIndex .Job (person).51

righteousness of, was after Christ’s order ML 244 TopIndex .Job (person).52

Satan permitted by God to afflict AA 575; 3BC 1140; GC 589; ML 316; PP 129; 4T 525 TopIndex .Job (person).53

scornful charge brought by Satan against Ed 155 TopIndex .Job (person).54

searched out the needy to help them 5T 151 TopIndex .Job (person).55

self abhorred by, when hearing God’s voice TMK 175:3 TopIndex .Job (person).56

spirit of steadfast integrity found in, by God 3T 311 TopIndex .Job (person).57

story of, shows that suffering is inflicted by Satan DA 471 TopIndex .Job (person).58

tempted but he did not speak against God HP 251:4 TopIndex .Job (person).59

testing of, lessons from DA 471; Ed 154-6; SD 257 TopIndex .Job (person).60

though weary of life, not allowed to die PK 163 TopIndex .Job (person).61

thought that he had cause for grief 5T 313 TopIndex .Job (person).62

thoughtful of others 3BC 1140; SD 257 TopIndex .Job (person).63

JW’s experience compared to that of 3T 509 TopIndex .Job (person).64

Job, book of TopIndex .Job, book of.1

Job, book of: Moses wrote, in Midian 3BC 1140; Ed 159 TopIndex .Job, book of.2

poetry of Ed 159 TopIndex .Job, book of.3

purpose of DA 471 TopIndex .Job, book of.4

Jochebed TopIndex .Jochebed.1

Jochebed, Moses’ mother Ed 61; MH 372; PP 242-4; 3SG 180-2; SR 107-8 TopIndex .Jochebed.2

Joel TopIndex .Joel.1

prophecy of, misunderstood 3SM 340:2 TopIndex .Joel.3

Joel, book of TopIndex .Joel, book of.1

Joel, book of, written 2,500 years before May 19, 1780 GC 308 TopIndex .Joel, book of.2

John (apostle) TopIndex .John (apostle).1

1. Biog.—youth to Christ’s triumphal entry TopIndex .John (apostle).3

2. Biog.—crucifixion week to Pentecost TopIndex .John (apostle).4

3. Biog.—active ministry of (to his exile) TopIndex .John (apostle).5

4. Biog.—on Patmos TopIndex .John (apostle).6

5. Characteristics of TopIndex .John (apostle).7

6. Teachings of TopIndex .John (apostle).8

7. Visions of TopIndex .John (apostle).9

8. Miscellaneous TopIndex .John (apostle).10

1. Biog.—youth to Christ’s triumphal entry TopIndex .John (apostle).11

accepted Christ’s call to forsake all and follow Him DA 249 TopIndex .John (apostle).12

ambitious to be first in Christ’s kingdom DA 295; SL 55-6 TopIndex .John (apostle).13

associated most intimately with Christ AA 539; DA 292, 295; Ed 87; SL 65 TopIndex .John (apostle).14

Christ’s mighty miracles witnessed by SL 65 TopIndex .John (apostle).15

close relationship to Christ enjoyed by Ed 87 TopIndex .John (apostle).16

clung to Christ as vine to stately pillar AA 539; SL 53 TopIndex .John (apostle).17

devotion of, to Christ Ed 87 TopIndex .John (apostle).18

did not receive training of schools SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).19

disputed with fellow disciples as to who should be accounted greatest SL 55 TopIndex .John (apostle).20

distinguished as “disciple whom Jesus loved” AA 539; DA 292; SL 53, 79 TopIndex .John (apostle).21

early life of, among uncultivated Galilean fishermen SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).22

humble and unlearned fisherman DA 249 TopIndex .John (apostle).23

indignation and combativeness of, slight shown to Christ aroused DA 295 TopIndex .John (apostle).24

James and: among Christ’s first disciples DA 138-9, 548; Ed 87 TopIndex .John (apostle).25

called “sons of thunder” AA 540; DA 295 TopIndex .John (apostle).26

helped Peter and Andrew with miraculous catch of fish DA 246 TopIndex .John (apostle).27

Judas Iscariot’s severity toward DA 644 TopIndex .John (apostle).28

man forbidden by, to teach in Christ’s name CSW 85 TopIndex .John (apostle).29

mother of, sought highest position of honor for them DA 548; SL 56; 2T 32 TopIndex .John (apostle).30

rebuked man casting out devils in Christ’s name AA 543-4; DA 437-8; SL 56; 5T 461 TopIndex .John (apostle).31

requested highest place in Christ’s kingdom AA 359, 541-2; DA 644, 650 TopIndex .John (apostle).32

would call fire down from heaven upon Samaritan village AA 540-1; DA 487; SL 58; SR 268 TopIndex .John (apostle).33

young disciples AA 541 TopIndex .John (apostle).34

John the Baptist’s disciple before he found Christ DA 138-9 TopIndex .John (apostle).35

learned in school in which Christ was teacher SL 59 TopIndex .John (apostle).36

lessons of humility and patience learned from Christ by DA 295 TopIndex .John (apostle).37

many tokens of Christ’s confidence and love were received by SL 53 TopIndex .John (apostle).38

most receptive spirit manifested by, among Christ’s disciples AA 545; DA 292 TopIndex .John (apostle).39

next to Christ, at every possible opportunity DA 548 TopIndex .John (apostle).40

question put to Christ by DA 437 TopIndex .John (apostle).41

raising of Jairus’s dead daughter witnessed by DA 343 TopIndex .John (apostle).42

repentant sinner’s love given to Christ by SL 53 TopIndex .John (apostle).43

self-seeking of, Christ rebuked AA 540; Ed 87 TopIndex .John (apostle).44

united closely to Christ as living Vine SL 55 TopIndex .John (apostle).45

was to learn constantly while working with Christ 5T 557 TopIndex .John (apostle).46

yielded himself most to Christ’s power DA 250 TopIndex .John (apostle).47

youngest of apostles AA 545; DA 292 TopIndex .John (apostle).48

2. Biog.—crucifixion week to Pentecost TopIndex .John (apostle).49

at Christ’s right side during last Passover supper DA 644 TopIndex .John (apostle).50

Christ’s mother attended by, during His crucifixion DA 744, 752; EW 177 TopIndex .John (apostle).51

Christ’s mother committed to care of AA 539; DA 752; EW 177; SL 53; SR 224 TopIndex .John (apostle).52

Christ’s mother lived in home of, after His death DA 752; EW 177 TopIndex .John (apostle).53

Christ’s trial by Sanhedrin witnessed by DA 710-12 TopIndex .John (apostle).54

crucifixion of Christ witnessed by AA 539, 582; 5BC 1149; DA 744, 752; EW 177; SL 53; SR 224 TopIndex .John (apostle).55

dangers of judgment hall braved by, for Christ’s sake AA 539; DA 711; SL 53 TopIndex .John (apostle).56

feet of, washed last by Christ DA 645 TopIndex .John (apostle).57

fishing by, after Christ’s resurrection DA 810 TopIndex .John (apostle).58

followed Christ to trial before Sanhedrin DA 710 TopIndex .John (apostle).59

future of, Peter’s curiosity to know DA 816 TopIndex .John (apostle).60

helped to bury Christ DA 773-4 TopIndex .John (apostle).61

inquiry of, at last Passover supper with Christ DA 654 TopIndex .John (apostle).62

leaned on Christ’s breast DA 689; GC 471 TopIndex .John (apostle).63

lingered about cross of Christ AA 539; SL 53 TopIndex .John (apostle).64

outpouring of Spirit upon, at Pentecost SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).65

outran Peter to Christ’s tomb AA 539; DA 789; SL 53 TopIndex .John (apostle).66

perplexed as to how to give Christ burial DA 772-3 TopIndex .John (apostle).67

privilege of, to pray with Christ in Gethsemane DA 686 TopIndex .John (apostle).68

transfiguration of Christ witnessed by AA 539; DA 419-21; SL 53 TopIndex .John (apostle).69

well known to priests as disciple of Christ DA 710 TopIndex .John (apostle).70

with Christ in Gethsemane AA 539, 582; DA 688-9; SL 53 TopIndex .John (apostle).71

3. Biog.—active ministry of (to his exile) TopIndex .John (apostle).72

boldness of, in preaching Christ in Jerusalem EW 194 TopIndex .John (apostle).73

called to labor in Ephesus and Smyrna DA 194 TopIndex .John (apostle).74

cast into caldron of boiling oil AA 570 TopIndex .John (apostle).75

Christians encouraged by, in time of terrible persecution SL 70 TopIndex .John (apostle).76

Christians terribly persecuted by Roman emperor in time of SL 70 TopIndex .John (apostle).77

defense of, when tried at Rome AA 569-70 TopIndex .John (apostle).78

destruction of Jerusalem witnessed by AA 569; DA 816 TopIndex .John (apostle).79

Domitian filled with rage against AA 569-70; SL 71 TopIndex .John (apostle).80

efforts of, to combat error in apostolic church AA 554 TopIndex .John (apostle).81

eloquence of, astonished his hearers AA 569; SL 71 TopIndex .John (apostle).82

enemies failed to silence SL 71 TopIndex .John (apostle).83

enemies of, made false accusations against him SL 71 TopIndex .John (apostle).84

error met with promptness and decision by SL 63 TopIndex .John (apostle).85

errors met unflinchingly by SL 64 TopIndex .John (apostle).86

faithful and ardent gospel worker after Christ’s ascension AA 546-56; SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).87

false witnesses accused, of sedition SL 71 TopIndex .John (apostle).88

Jewish attempts to kill 7T 288 TopIndex .John (apostle).89

Jewish authorities commanded, not to preach 5T 713 TopIndex .John (apostle).90

Jewish leaders tried to silence AA 569 TopIndex .John (apostle).91

Jewish rulers bitterly hated AA 569 TopIndex .John (apostle).92

old and gray-headed, when given message for persecuted churches 7T 288 TopIndex .John (apostle).93

old man in time of terrible persecution SL 70 TopIndex .John (apostle).94

Peter and: accused of murdering Ananias and Sapphira AA 80; SR 255 TopIndex .John (apostle).95

beaten with rods AA 83; EW 196; SR 258 TopIndex .John (apostle).96

crippled beggar healed by AA 57-60; EW 192; SR 248 TopIndex .John (apostle).97

first arrest and arraignment of, by Sanhedrin AA 60-7; DA 354; EW 192-4; SL 62; SR 250 TopIndex .John (apostle).98

released from prison by angel AA 80-1; EW 194-5; SR 255-6; 5T 713; TM 69 TopIndex .John (apostle).99

second arrest of, by Sanhedrin AA 77-80; EW 194-5; SR 254-6; TM 68-9 TopIndex .John (apostle).100

team of gospel workers Ev 72; EW 224-5; TM 329 TopIndex .John (apostle).101

third arrest and arraignment of, by Sanhedrin AA 81-3; EW 195-9; SR 256-8; TM 69-70 TopIndex .John (apostle).102

poisonous errors seen creeping into church by SL 63 TopIndex .John (apostle).103

powerful preacher AA 546; SL 54 TopIndex .John (apostle).104

preacher fervent and deeply in earnest AA 546 TopIndex .John (apostle).105

removed from boiling caldron by men who cast him into it AA 570 TopIndex .John (apostle).106

summoned to Rome for trial AA 569-70; SL 71 TopIndex .John (apostle).107

on charge of teaching seditious heresies AA 569 TopIndex .John (apostle).108

testimony of, adversaries could not controvert SL 70 TopIndex .John (apostle).109

threatened with imprisonment and death SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).110

useful life of, evil men sought to cut short SL 64 TopIndex .John (apostle).111

waning of brotherly love in early church alarmed 8T 241-2 TopIndex .John (apostle).112

See also Revelation, book of TopIndex .John (apostle).113

way of adversaries of truth hedged up by SL 64 TopIndex .John (apostle).114

wisdom of, astonished his hearers AA 569; SL 71 TopIndex .John (apostle).115

witnessed for Christ during terrible persecution AA 568 TopIndex .John (apostle).116

won many souls to Christ, by his patient forbearance and deep devotedness EW 225 TopIndex .John (apostle).117

words of: carried weight of conviction SL 54 TopIndex .John (apostle).118

dropped as dew upon souls SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).119

simplicity of AA 546; SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).120

work of, in Jerusalem during Jewish festivals AA 165 TopIndex .John (apostle).121

4. Biog.—on Patmos TopIndex .John (apostle).122

angel forbade, to worship him EW 231 TopIndex .John (apostle).123

angel gave revelations to, on Patmos EW 230 TopIndex .John (apostle).124

angel visited, on Sabbath on Patmos 6T 128 TopIndex .John (apostle).125

Christ appeared to, on Patmos AA 582; 4BC 1173; 7BC 953-4; CW 175; Ed 191; MM 37; PP 129; 7T 288 TopIndex .John (apostle).126

Christ not seen by, after His ascension till He appeared on Patmos 7BC 955 TopIndex .John (apostle).127

Christ personally presented gospel to, on Patmos CW 29; Ed 191 TopIndex .John (apostle).128

Christ speaks to men today through, from Patmos 1SM 67 TopIndex .John (apostle).129

Christ taught, on Patmos FE 424 TopIndex .John (apostle).130

Christ was revealed to, on Patmos SL 49-50 TopIndex .John (apostle).131

companionship of Christ and angels enjoyed by, on Patmos AA 570-1 TopIndex .John (apostle).132

could study on Patmos things God had created FE 423-4 TopIndex .John (apostle).133

exiled to Isle of Patmos AA 568-77, 581, 597; 7BC 953-5; DA 669; EW 230; FE 109, 423-4; GW 18, 77; MH 488; PP 129; SD 260; SL 49-50, 70-9; 4T 525; 6T 59, 128; 7T 288 TopIndex .John (apostle).134

by Roman emperor AA 570; 7BC 955; SL 71 TopIndex .John (apostle).135

by persecution 9T 227-8 TopIndex .John (apostle).136

in his old age 7BC 954-5; 1SM 33; 7T 288 TopIndex .John (apostle).137

more than half century after Christ’s ascension 7BC 955 TopIndex .John (apostle).138

fervent prayers offered by, on Patmos SL 74 TopIndex .John (apostle).139

friends and converts won by, on Patmos AA 573; 7BC 954 TopIndex .John (apostle).140

Gabriel appeared to DA 99 TopIndex .John (apostle).141

Gabriel opened future to DA 234 TopIndex .John (apostle).142

God used, as aged worker AA 572-3; 7BC 947 TopIndex .John (apostle).143

in Spirit on Sabbath day on Patmos SL 75; 6T 128 TopIndex .John (apostle).144

lessons learned by, from stormy sea SL 73 TopIndex .John (apostle).145

light for world given to, on Patmos TM 433 TopIndex .John (apostle).146

more communications received from God by, on Patmos than during rest of his lifetime 7BC 955; 1SM 33-4 TopIndex .John (apostle).147

most communications received from heaven by, in his old age AA 573 TopIndex .John (apostle).148

overwhelmed by Creator’s greatness and majesty SL 76-7 TopIndex .John (apostle).149

priests and rulers rejoiced over banishment of, to Patmos 7BC 954 TopIndex .John (apostle).150

promise of second advent given to, while on Patmos GC 302 TopIndex .John (apostle).151

prophecies of Revelation given by Christ to TM 115 TopIndex .John (apostle).152

prophet of Patmos GC 301; PP 289; 9T 17 TopIndex .John (apostle).153

providence of God in banishment of, to Patmos AA 581 TopIndex .John (apostle).154

revelations given to, on Patmos Ev 120; EW 230-1; 6T 59 TopIndex .John (apostle).155

Roman emperor determined to silence SL 71 TopIndex .John (apostle).156

Sabbath sacredly observed by, on Patmos AA 581 TopIndex .John (apostle).157

Sabbathkeeper while on Patmos 7BC 955; SL 74-5; 6T 128 TopIndex .John (apostle).158

seer of Patmos PK 720 TopIndex .John (apostle).159

steadfastly maintained his faith during persecution 7BC 947; GW 18 TopIndex .John (apostle).160

truths of Revelation given to, on Patmos 7T 288; TM 114 TopIndex .John (apostle).161

unable to endure God’s glory in vision AA 582; 9T 285 TopIndex .John (apostle).162

vision given by Christ to, on Patmos AA 582-3 TopIndex .John (apostle).163

voice of, heard from his place of exile SL 71-2 TopIndex .John (apostle).164

5. Characteristics of TopIndex .John (apostle).165

amiable disposition possessed by SL 53 TopIndex .John (apostle).166

ardent AA 540; DA 139 TopIndex .John (apostle).167

in devotion to Christ SL 53 TopIndex .John (apostle).168

calm and considerate of feelings of others Ev 73 TopIndex .John (apostle).169

character of, before conversion AA 540; DA 139, 292, 295-6, 645; Ed 86-7; SC 73; SL 53-60 TopIndex .John (apostle).170

ambitious AA 540; DA 296; Ed 86-7; SC 73; SL 54 TopIndex .John (apostle).171

combative Ed 87 TopIndex .John (apostle).172

critical AA 540; DA 295 TopIndex .John (apostle).173

impetuous AA 540; SC 73 TopIndex .John (apostle).174

outspoken DA 296 TopIndex .John (apostle).175

proud AA 540; Ed 87; SL 54 TopIndex .John (apostle).176

quick to resent slight and injury SL 54 TopIndex .John (apostle).177

resentful in temper AA 540; SC 73 TopIndex .John (apostle).178

revengeful AA 540; DA 295 TopIndex .John (apostle).179

self-assertive AA 540; SC 73 TopIndex .John (apostle).180

violent in spirit AA 557; DA 295 TopIndex .John (apostle).181

character of, marvelous transformation in AA 540; Ed 86-7; SC 73 TopIndex .John (apostle).182

contemplative DA 139 TopIndex .John (apostle).183

faithful in face of imprisonment, stripes, and threatened death SL 78 TopIndex .John (apostle).184

faithful steward of God SD 279 TopIndex .John (apostle).185

fervent and deeply in earnest SL 54 TopIndex .John (apostle).186

had by nature serious defects of character SL 54 TopIndex .John (apostle).187

harsh spirit of, Christ rebuked GC 570 TopIndex .John (apostle).188

humility clothed, as naturally as garment SL 78-9 TopIndex .John (apostle).189

humility of GC 471 TopIndex .John (apostle).190

loving heart possessed by AA 540; Ed 86; SL 53 TopIndex .John (apostle).191

loveliness of character was not naturally possessed by AA 540; SC 73 TopIndex .John (apostle).192

loyalty of, to Christ Ed 90 TopIndex .John (apostle).193

man of: earnest and deep affection DA 139 TopIndex .John (apostle).194

mild disposition Ev 72; EW 224 TopIndex .John (apostle).195

naturally longed for love, sympathy, and companionship Ed 87 TopIndex .John (apostle).196

not a gentle and dreamy enthusiast Ed 87 TopIndex .John (apostle).197

not in slightest degree cowardly, weak, or vacillating SL 53 TopIndex .John (apostle).198

not intimidated by imprisonment or death SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).199

not naturally meek and yielding DA 295 TopIndex .John (apostle).200

not perfect, but improved every opportunity to learn 5T 557 TopIndex .John (apostle).201

patient EW 224 TopIndex .John (apostle).202

pride found no place in, after conversion SL 78 TopIndex .John (apostle).203

pride of, Christ reproved AA 542; SL 57 TopIndex .John (apostle).204

had to be overcome DA 295 TopIndex .John (apostle).205

reflected Christ’s likeness most fully SC 73 TopIndex .John (apostle).206

sincere AA 540 TopIndex .John (apostle).207

6. Teachings of TopIndex .John (apostle).208

burden of testimony of, to churches DA 551 TopIndex .John (apostle).209

charity taught and practiced by, in fullest sense SL 79 TopIndex .John (apostle).210

Christ presented by, as only way of salvation SL 63 TopIndex .John (apostle).211

false ideas of sanctification met by SL 68 TopIndex .John (apostle).212

favorite theme of, infinite love of Christ was SL 62 TopIndex .John (apostle).213

mysteries of divine truth in discourses of, believer could not fully comprehend SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).214

teacher of practical holiness SL 79 TopIndex .John (apostle).215

7. Visions of TopIndex .John (apostle).216

angels showed, things that must shortly come to pass GC 521 TopIndex .John (apostle).217

anthems of joy sung in heaven were heard by 7BC 955 TopIndex .John (apostle).218

beholding of God’s glory by, effects of 5T 467 TopIndex .John (apostle).219

Christ shown to, as Lamb that had been slain 4T 395 TopIndex .John (apostle).220

church’s final triumph shown to EW 230-1 TopIndex .John (apostle).221

effects of angel’s glory upon EW 230-1; GC 471 TopIndex .John (apostle).222

glorious attractions of home of redeemed were shown to SL 78 TopIndex .John (apostle).223

history of church for future ages shown to EW 230; 5T 752-3 TopIndex .John (apostle).224

multitude of redeemed seen in vision by PP 289; 1T 78 TopIndex .John (apostle).225

prophetic visions of, foretell period of moral darkness 5T 9 TopIndex .John (apostle).226

scenes of deep and thrilling interest to church opened to GC 341 TopIndex .John (apostle).227

subjects opened to, needed by God’s people in last days 8T 301 TopIndex .John (apostle).228

temple of God in heaven was shown to PP 356-7 TopIndex .John (apostle).229

things seen in vision by, on Patmos AA 582-3 TopIndex .John (apostle).230

triumphant songs of the redeemed heard by AA 583; SL 78 TopIndex .John (apostle).231

vision of Christ given to SL 77-8 TopIndex .John (apostle).232

vision of glories of heaven shown to, on Patmos AA 582-3 TopIndex .John (apostle).233

vision of God’s purposes for future ages was given to SL 78 TopIndex .John (apostle).234

visions of Revelation given to, on Patmos TM 114 TopIndex .John (apostle).235

vision of spiritual Babylon given to PP 167 TopIndex .John (apostle).236

vision of temple of heaven shown to PP 356 TopIndex .John (apostle).237

8. Miscellaneous TopIndex .John (apostle).238

ambition(s) of, Christ disappointed Ed 87 TopIndex .John (apostle).239

Christ reproved AA 542; SL 57 TopIndex .John (apostle).240

angel wonderfully preserved, to do his work EW 230 TopIndex .John (apostle).241

angels protected, from assaults of evil men SL 64 TopIndex .John (apostle).242

beautiful language used by, in speaking of Christ 7T 288 TopIndex .John (apostle).243

believed in God as child believes in kind and tender father SL 62 TopIndex .John (apostle).244

beloved apostle AA 539-45 TopIndex .John (apostle).245

bitterest hatred kindled against SL 70 TopIndex .John (apostle).246

blessings of true sanctification enjoyed by SL 65 TopIndex .John (apostle).247

book of Revelation written by See Revelation, book of TopIndex .John (apostle).248

called “the evangelist” SC 50 TopIndex .John (apostle).249

Christ visited, in hard and trying places 8T 17 TopIndex .John (apostle).250

Christ’s affection for SL 53 TopIndex .John (apostle).251

Christ’s best-loved disciple DA 146 TopIndex .John (apostle).252

Christ’s character appreciated by AA 555 TopIndex .John (apostle).253

Christ’s love for AA 539 TopIndex .John (apostle).254

Christ’s love transformed SL 54-5 TopIndex .John (apostle).255

closely followed Christ to his latest days DA 816 TopIndex .John (apostle).256

counselor of gospel workers in his old age 7BC 947; 2SM 227 TopIndex .John (apostle).257

countenance of, Christlike radiance of AA 545 TopIndex .John (apostle).258

counterbalance to Peter EW 224-5 TopIndex .John (apostle).259

desired to become like Christ SL 54-5 TopIndex .John (apostle).260

did not claim to be sinless SL 65 TopIndex .John (apostle).261

drank eagerly at fountain of wisdom SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).262

evil temper of, had to be overcome DA 295 TopIndex .John (apostle).263

exalted concept of God’s love as held by SC 15 TopIndex .John (apostle).264

example of: how God can use aged workers 7BC 947 TopIndex .John (apostle).265

transformation by grace AA 557-67 TopIndex .John (apostle).266

experience of, lessons from SL 54 TopIndex .John (apostle).267

faith of, considered old-fashioned and insufferable today 5T 79 TopIndex .John (apostle).268

First Epistle of See John, First Epistle of TopIndex .John (apostle).269

grew old in God’s service AA 573 TopIndex .John (apostle).270

had elevated idea of Christian’s privilege SL 16 TopIndex .John (apostle).271

had musical voice AA 546; 7T 288 TopIndex .John (apostle).272

heresies imperiling church in time of SL 64 TopIndex .John (apostle).273

hid self in Christ SL 55 TopIndex .John (apostle).274

highest education obtained by, that mortal man can receive SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).275

Judas Iscariot and, striking contrast between characters of AA 557-8; SL 59 TopIndex .John (apostle).276

two classes of professed Christians represented by AA 558 TopIndex .John (apostle).277

Judas Iscariot regarded, as poor financier DA 717 TopIndex .John (apostle).278

knew Christ by experimental knowledge AA 544 TopIndex .John (apostle).279

lessons of highest value to AA 544; SL 59 TopIndex .John (apostle).280

life of, harmonized with his teachings SL 54 TopIndex .John (apostle).281

lived to be: nearly 100 years old 7BC 947; 2SM 223 TopIndex .John (apostle).282

very old AA 569; DA 816 TopIndex .John (apostle).283

lived to see gospel preached far and near SL 63 TopIndex .John (apostle).284

living illustration of sanctification SL 59 TopIndex .John (apostle).285

love and affection of, for Christ AA 544-5 TopIndex .John (apostle).286

loved all for whom Christ died SL 54 TopIndex .John (apostle).287

loved and loving, at Christ’s final coronation SR 424 TopIndex .John (apostle).288

in resurrection of righteous GC 667 TopIndex .John (apostle).289

meditated upon God’s glory displayed in His works SL 76 TopIndex .John (apostle).290

ministers who say prophecies of, are obscure 3SG 95 TopIndex .John (apostle).291

ministry of AA 546-56; SL 53-79; SR 302-3 TopIndex .John (apostle).292

nearly all former associates of, in ministry suffered martyrdom AA 581 TopIndex .John (apostle).293

Nicodemus related to, story of his secret interview with Christ DA 177 TopIndex .John (apostle).294

obtained access to all classes SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).295

one of three leading apostles 6BC 1108 TopIndex .John (apostle).296

outlived fellow apostles AA 542, 569; 7BC 953; DA 549; Ed 86; SL 70-1 TopIndex .John (apostle).297

pen of, seems dipped in love AA 554 TopIndex .John (apostle).298

recorder of most sublime truths of gospel GC 5 TopIndex .John (apostle).299

religion of, was of practical character SL 54 TopIndex .John (apostle).300

Sabbathkeeper before exile to Patmos 7BC 955; SL 74 TopIndex .John (apostle).301

Second Epistle of See John, Second Epistle of TopIndex .John (apostle).302

seemed constantly imbued with Spirit SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).303

shining example of Christian youth 1SM 319 TopIndex .John (apostle).304

special work given to EW 230 TopIndex .John (apostle).305

Spirit’s regenerating influence upon SC 73 TopIndex .John (apostle).306

teachings of, people living amid perils of last days need to study SL 65 TopIndex .John (apostle).307

spiritual fervor characterized SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).308

testimony borne for Christ by, on every suitable occasion SL 62 TopIndex .John (apostle).309

Third Epistle of See John, Third Epistle of TopIndex .John (apostle).310

transformation of, by gospel AA 540-5 TopIndex .John (apostle).311

treasured lessons that Christ taught him AA 544; SL 59 TopIndex .John (apostle).312

true sanctification exemplified by SL 55 TopIndex .John (apostle).313

truths uttered by, sublime power of SL 61 TopIndex .John (apostle).314

visions of: Daniel’s visions help to understand EW 231 TopIndex .John (apostle).315

show heaven closely connected with earth 5T 753 TopIndex .John (apostle).316

study subject of sanctuary in LS 278 TopIndex .John (apostle).317

warred against his own faults AA 558; SL 59 TopIndex .John (apostle).318

world’s great men of science are not comparable to CT 66 TopIndex .John (apostle).319

writings of, Satan would have people believe they cannot understand PK 547 TopIndex .John (apostle).320

wrote: re God’s law SL 62 TopIndex .John (apostle).321

1,600 years after Moses GC 5 TopIndex .John (apostle).322

under Spirit’s inspiration DA 388; MB 48 TopIndex .John (apostle).323

Supplement TopIndex .John (apostle).324

book of, TopIndex .John (apostle).325

first and third chapters, lessons from HP 248 TopIndex .John (apostle).326

sixth chapter, pray to understand UL 181:4 TopIndex .John (apostle).327

See also the Scripture index TopIndex .John (apostle).328

Christ, TopIndex .John (apostle).329

chose, not because above frailties, but in love TMK 177:3 TopIndex .John (apostle).330

described by; power and greatness LHU 74:2 TopIndex .John (apostle).331

told, what to write in the book of Revelation UL 310:5 TopIndex .John (apostle).332

visits those in hard places like TDG 159:6 TopIndex .John (apostle).333

church is God’s although some in it would call fire like 3SM 17:3 TopIndex .John (apostle).334

different from Peter; each was to subdue peculiarities TDG 262:3 TopIndex .John (apostle).335

exile of, in God’s plan although enemies seemed to triumph RY 173:2 TopIndex .John (apostle).336

exiled but permitted to see future and God’s throne HP 271:6 TopIndex .John (apostle).337

fate of those choosing transgression seen by FW 117:1 TopIndex .John (apostle).338

humility of, at the angel’s feet Mar 235:4; TMK 175:3 TopIndex .John (apostle).339

language of, simple and loving VSS 364:3 TopIndex .John (apostle).340

life of, like his teaching; love and effort for others VSS 364:4 TopIndex .John (apostle).341

love of God for sinners pointed to by TMK 60:3 TopIndex .John (apostle).342

members like, desiring fire of revenge TDG 172:5 TopIndex .John (apostle).343

messages given to, now important UL 369:7 TopIndex .John (apostle).344

placed on Patmos to prepare him to receive truth OHC 315:2 TopIndex .John (apostle).345

Satan works against the One who came to Patmos to teach TDG 312:2 TopIndex .John (apostle).346

saw things God desired him to give to people TMK 340:2 TopIndex .John (apostle).347

strengthened to talk with Jesus on Patmos TMK 360:2 TopIndex .John (apostle).348

vision of Jesus and exalted truth received by OHC 315:2 TopIndex .John (apostle).349

voice of Christ remembered by, on Isle of Patmos TMK 360:2 TopIndex .John (apostle).350

work of, on Patmos UL 100:5 TopIndex .John (apostle).351