open your hearts to receive GW 301 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).572
shines from Christ CT 361 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).573
truth must be proclaimed to world that people may see 8T 159 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).574
turning from, in one instance hardens heart to disregard light on other matters 3T 63 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).575
vision of, shining all along path of Advent people EW 14-5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).576
walk in 1T 405-9; 3T 64 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).577
and expect to receive more 5T 486 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).578
which shines upon God’s people 1T 262 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).579
while you have light GC 312; 9T 154 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).580
walking in: activity and strength gained by 3T 436 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).581
defined SD 200; 3T 436, 476 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).582
leads to unity GC 379 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).583
makes path of obedience brighter 1SM 166 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).584
results of 3T 64-5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).585
Satan’s efforts against souls who are MB 92 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).586
warning against men who mistake, for error MM 98 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).587
way to dispel darkness is to admit DA 498 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).588
we must be judged by, granted us by God 5T 624 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).589
we need, from heaven every hour LS 271 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).590
EGW’s duty to give, received from God 1SM 412 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).591
why men will not walk in 2T 449 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).592
will be withdrawn if you wait for louder calls or better opportunities 5T 720 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).593
withdrawal of, delay that may result in 1SM 28 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).594
withdrawn from persons who will not act when God calls 3T 258 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).595
within your reach, result of rejecting or neglecting GC 597 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).596
wonderful: heresies under guise of 2SM 79 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).597
shines on SDA from God’s word 9T 19 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).598
warning re persons claiming to have TM 56 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).599
work of giving, must continually go forward TM 507 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).600
you are accountable only for, shining upon you 2T 693 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).601
you are personally responsible for your duty to let your, shine forth to others 5T 486 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).602
you are responsible for, that God has given you 5T 486 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).603
you are responsible for all, revealed to you in the past and the present 5T 486 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).604
you are responsible for every ray of, sent to you 4T 391; 5T 681 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).605
you cannot diffuse, until you have received it GW 73 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).606
you must receive, before you can give light TM 155 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).607
young ministers must come to GW 304 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).608
your criminality will be none the less if you choose darkness rather than 2T 352 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).609
zeal and earnestness needed in spreading 9T 122-3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).610
Abraham was to be RC 205:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).612
absence of, guilt not judged in TMK 217:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).613
abundant, communicated in the time of the loud cry Mar 218:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).614
accepted, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).615
in place of darkness, not a sacrifice OHC 201:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).616
when will is in harmony with God’s will FW 16:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).617
accountability, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).618
according to LHU 216:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).619
for, not cherished RC 113:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).620
action fails to follow reception RC 303:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).621
Adam and Eve surrounded by, lighting everything around UL 198:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).622
all to see, in those claiming advanced truth RC 206:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).623
ambitions to be sanctified for one counseled to become 1MCP 103:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).624
ample, for loyal ones LHU 208:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).625
angel(s), TopIndex .Light (spiritual).626
give heavenly atmosphere to those who draw, from glory FW 65:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).627
may be recognized by, but is usually invisible TDG 160:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).628
minister, through Christ TMK 328:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).629
of, Satan becomes, and plots against God and souls TDG 334:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).630
atmosphere of, surrounds those who accept Christ’s power HP 252:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).631
available, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).632
following 3SM 421:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).633
for those who will walk in it TMK 217:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).634
bearers of, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).635
beams from heaven reflected by RC 205:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).636
Bible examples of HP 316:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).637
church members in St. Clare to be TDG 81:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).638
faithfulness to our trust as RC 379:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).639
peace and joy of Christ to be diffused by HP 314:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).640
will God accept us as? LHU 209:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).641
become, by shining of the Sun of Righteousness FW 78:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).642
becomes darkness for those turning to human wisdom UL 318:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).643
behind in, blessings lost because; we need to advance 2MCP 727:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).644
being, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).645
all, in the Lord TMK 198:4, 284:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).646
all, not talking of imperfections TDG 324:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).647
and diffusing, to others; stop groaning FW 78:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).648
best use to be made of, in working for eternity RC 204:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).649
blessing of, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).650
for infatuated one; she was to study God’s will LYL 83:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).651
to share RC 205:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).652
blocked by the body of the guide bearing it HP 315:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).653
books of Ellen White to be circulated because they contain 3SM 39:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).654
channel(s) of, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).655
all may be, by connecting with the Source OHC 296:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).656
clogged with worldly matters OHC 280:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).657
dedicating all to Christ we become HP 123:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).658
Holy Spirit required to make people Mar 219:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).659
possibility of being UL 44:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).660
seeking heaven with contrite heart RC 217:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).661
we may be RC 205 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).662
cherishing, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).663
as sacred HP 153:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).664
available, God will accept many who are 3SM 400:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).665
obtained by searching God’s Word OHC 219:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).666
children of, to reflect light from God’s throne HP 70:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).667
choosing channel of, God gave Daniel wisdom because of LHU 366:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).668
Christ, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).669
brings heavenly, and drives back darkness 1MCP 21:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).670
desires us to reveal TMK 142:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).671
enshrouded by soft, of God’s glory HP 250:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).672
fills path with TMK 320:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).673
flashed, by questions asked in temple LHU 77 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).674
gives success in turning others to HP 188:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).675
has; darkness not to be dwelt on 3SM 327:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).676
in the heart makes one TDG 357:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).677
is, forever FLB 248:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).678
is, of believer AG 124:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).679
is the central, of heaven and earth TMK 341:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).680
is the way of all LHU 221:7 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).681
makes us, instead of talking of doubts and trials 2MCP 579:0 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).682
to be the source of FLB 221:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).683
Christians (professed) need oil in lamps for RC 65:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).684
Christ’s, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).685
followers walk in and diffuse RC 78:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).686
transforming grace makes us AG 319:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).687
words are LHU 253:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).688
church, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).689
breasting opposition and upholding law is 3SM 17:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).690
to let, shine in clear rays TDG 364:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).691
church members as stones in God’s temple give HP 281:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).692
claims of, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).693
after truth proclaimed to all nations Mar 189:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).694
false sabbath exalted more in the time of 3SM 406:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).695
no right to be unbelieving; (children of) 3SM 150:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).696
clarity of, praise God for 3SM 319:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).697
clear, from religion shining out in good works OHC 121:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).698
clearer, shines on those who follow the light they have HP 105:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).699
closing door to, which shines from the law is Satan’s work FW 46:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).700
clouded by truth not taken into the life TSB 91:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).701
come to, if you want it TMK 230:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).702
comes to those who use talents for God’s glory OHC 284:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).703
communication of, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).704
brings increased understanding HP 139:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).705
by sharing what was learned from inspired messenger LHU 267:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).706
when God’s glory is seen in Jesus TMK 274:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).707
which we have received; then more given TDG 330:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).708
condemnation by, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).709
if it is not received when seen FW 32:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).710
in books of Ellen White although disregarded 3SM 358:1; TDG 237:7 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).711
connection with Source of, to be light of the world OHC 296:2; TDG 92:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).712
conversion is not by abundance of, but by resolve of will 2MCP 691:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).713
danger in waiting for brethren to see FW 77:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).714
Daniel and companions valued, more than worldly honor OHC 269:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).715
darkness, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).716
left to enter, of God’s countenance 2MCP 491:0 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).717
unless all received and cherished RC 54:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).718
depending on others for, insufficient in time of trial Mar 255:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).719
desire of the soul determines shining of HP 336:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).720
determination, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).721
to follow, brings attack of discouragement TDG 309:2; UL 116:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).722
to give, to all around us Mar 106:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).723
diffusing, See Light, reflection of TopIndex .Light (spiritual).724
disregard of, See Light, neglect of TopIndex .Light (spiritual).725
distinguishing, from darkness, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).726
impossible when light is rejected OHC 26:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).727
by professed Christians TDG 228:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).728
distrust in messenger causes, to be set aside LHU 361:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).729
divine, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).730
caught from Jesus by faith TMK 61:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).731
increases according to our onward march HP 105:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).732
increases as we advance, qualifying us AG 311:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).733
shone as Christ answered Mary when He was twelve TMK 28:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).734
duties (little) important for letting, shine HP 242:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).735
efforts for others expected of those who have RC 206:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).736
Ellen White, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).737
could not see brightest, after vision of glory 3SM 354:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).738
given, as if scenes were transpiring 3SM 42:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).739
not previously at liberty to reveal certain 3SM 56:0 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).740
recognized that God gave, to reflect on others OHC 266:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).741
seems impossible to understand when refusing 3SM 82:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).742
sensed room filled with 3SM 35 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).743
was given much, for the people; gather it 3SM 32:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).744
wrote out; much is shining from pages 3SM 38:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).745
every part of us to be RC 273:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).746
expression of, even when discouraged; words of Ellen White OHC 312:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).747
face; duty to shine 3SM 327:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).748
faith and zeal proportional to HP 326:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).749
faithfulness in following, as available TDG 124:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).750
far-reaching RC 206:7 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).751
feeling lack of; expression of unbelief 3SM 149:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).752
feeling not to control those who want it TDG 52:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).753
filled with, loving God and neighbor TDG 272:7 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).754
following, See Light, walking in TopIndex .Light (spiritual).755
forms and ceremonies do not constitute, to the world TMK 162:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).756
freedom in Christ by following available FW 122:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).757
garments of, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).758
lost CC 20:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).759
receiving Christ as sin-pardoning Saviour CME 26:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).760
gathering, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).761
focusing on Bible, and truth will be plain TMK 202:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).762
for those who need it UL 38:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).763
from Jesus and share TMK 316:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).764
too much, impossible TMK 191:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).765
given, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).766
surpasses obedience and devotion returned TDG 50:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).767
to share UL 66:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).768
giving, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).769
in works of self-denial following Christ’s example TDG 327:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).770
more to some than to others HP 153:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).771
to all instead of hiding UL 81:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).772
to everyone who beholds God TDG 135:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).773
to others requires help; fellowship is important 2MCP 624:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).774
to self-centered worker OHC 315:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).775
to us; angels around us LHU 238:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).776
glory of those who love God with all their hearts TDG 128:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).777
glow with, of God’s character HP 281:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).778
God, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).779
has not given, to replace the Word of God 2MCP 783:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).780
is the source of, in us to be reflected RC 269:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).781
to be sought for RC 218:7 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).782
would have us be, in the Lord OHC 21:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).783
God could trust Cornelius with greater TDG 342:7 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).784
God gives/sends, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).785
as we give ourselves to Christ without reservation OHC 86:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).786
but does not compel us to follow it 3SM 290:0 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).787
to be passed on to ones praying for it TMK 217:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).788
to those who love it TMK 217:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).789
through His angels to His people for the world HP 103:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).790
when the gospel is received UL 131:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).791
God’s, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).792
agencies show His RC 198:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).793
character to be shown by Christians acting as TMK 98:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).794
people receive and show, when separated from evil HP 313:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).795
golden oil needed for; love of God continually transferred TDG 98:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).796
grace to become channels of RC 304:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).797
grasping brighter, from the oracles of God FW 75:0 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).798
greater/advanced/brighter/increased/increasing/more, greater, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).799
according to behavior LHU 176:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).800
adds to influence of past 3SM 339 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).801
advancing to, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).802
as a true woman LYL 26:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).803
holding what we have LHU 123:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).804
as consecration is maintained FW 17:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).805
as joy of the Lord shines in the face OHC 279:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).806
as we communicate what we have TDG 330:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).807
as we follow on to know the Lord; He overcame FW 75:0 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).808
by going where God can enlighten HP 75:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).809
by improving present light TMK 347:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).810
by letting it shine RC 197:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).811
by looking on Christ TMK 61:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).812
by walking in light and yielding to truth TDG 135:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).813
came to Ellen White as she imparted what she had 3SM 90:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).814
criticism of pioneers not justified by 3SM 345:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).815
following the Light of the world HP 185:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).816
for Cornelius because he followed what he had TDG 342:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).817
God saw that Cornelius was worthy of TDG 342:7 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).818
morning, compared with light of God’s truth OHC 62:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).819
of the sunrise is like the Christian life TDG 92:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).820
people of God have, plus privileges of past TDG 170:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).821
representing believers 3SM 34:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).822
requirement is greater for us who have FW 122:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).823
Satan seeks to trap those having TSB 103:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).824
Satan’s angels will create what some claim to be 1MCP 42:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).825
shines on us; work of our fathers is not enough TDG 124:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).826
suppressed by dwarfed knowledge of spiritual things TMK 365:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).827
to be caught OHC 297:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).828
when more is given RC 319:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).829
when truth is received TDG 48:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).830
with time TMK 197:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).831
See also Light, new TopIndex .Light (spiritual).832
happiness at death for having lived in RY 154:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).833
having more, to give more of it LHU 266:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).834
hearts, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).835
must have heaven’s TMK 361:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).836
not radiating, indicates solitude from God’s absence TDG 332:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).837
opened to; faith understood better 3SM 182:0 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).838
heaven, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).839
communicates, for spiritual guidance HP 103:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).840
cooperates in the communication of TDG 342:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).841
heavenly, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).842
Christ represented when, continually on us UL 303:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).843
reveals sin, and leaves no excuse for ignorance TMK 255:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).844
seeking help from Christ brings LHU 93:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).845
heeding, See Light, walking in TopIndex .Light (spiritual).846
help, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).847
provided to keep, burning RC 168:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).848
those seeking, instead of complaining under trial RC 354:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).849
Holy Spirit, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).850
communicates, to behold genuine treasure LHU 181:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).851
leaves those first who have had great 3SM 154:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).852
honest ones led to, in last days; they will share it 3SM 422:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).853
humble ones are, in darkness TDG 316:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).854
ignoring, See Light, neglect of TopIndex .Light (spiritual).855
increase in, See Light, greater TopIndex .Light (spiritual).856
indifference to, See Light, neglect of TopIndex .Light (spiritual).857
influence of, reveals claim to it HP 162:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).858
(information) going to the god of Ekron for TDG 354:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).859
joy of gathering, from the throne and reflecting RC 220:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).860
Judas’ refusal to yield to, blinded him to consequences TDG 267:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).861
judgment according to, HP 153:4; LDE 216 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).862
known as children of, by fruits LHU 266:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).863
lamps do not have, in themselves; they need golden oil TDG 98:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).864
lamps prepared for giving RC 206:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).865
laying hold on, as we see it; devil is against all this FW 72:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).866
letting, shine, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).867
lest souls stumble and fall TMK 215:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).868
neither exalt self or go into darkness TDG 316:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).869
not striving to make it shine OHC 297:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).870
life, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).871
consecrated, leaves a track of RC 333:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).872
gives, when hidden in God; take time to rest LHU 263:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).873
to bear UL 75:7 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).874
lift, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).875
into, talk of things that 2MCP 798:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).876
soul heavenward daily to catch, from Christ TDG 364:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).877
little, person with, still to let it shine TDG 98:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).878
live in, of Christ HP 273:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).879
living in, requires being where it shines TMK 154:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).880
look for and expect TMK 347:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).881
loss from, not cherished or used UL 293:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).882
love of, and exercise of faith needed to possess it TDG 52:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).883
many want, but see no ray because we do not act OHC 297:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).884
meekness in advancing; avoid irritating words VSS 241:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).885
message in last days given to ones living up to available 3SM 422:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).886
mind wholly given to earthly things, closed to HP 160:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).887
mistaken ideas of one who thought she had, from the Lord UL 231 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).888
natural and spiritual, universal blessing of OHC 245:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).889
need for, from face of Christ for those with cold dignity TDG 266:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).890
need for, in these last days; know what Scriptures say FW 66:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).891
neglect of / disregard of / indifference to, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).892
brings greater darkness OHC 26:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).893
by many who will be swayed by Satan 3SM 421:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).894
character of those with, demonstrated 3SM 421:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).895
condemned FLB 216:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).896
given through Ellen White about divorce TSB 58 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).897
jeopardizes blessings; make Bible as food 3SM 33:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).898
separating the soul from God LYL 41:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).899
worse when having had great light TSB 119:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).900
new, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).901
dangers in seeking, with pride of opinion HP 349:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).902
importance of, Ellen White expressed, in 1888 session 3SM 174:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).903
leaders’ rejection of supposed, causes some to turn from them 3SM 409:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).904
old truth will be revealed in, if accepted in God’s way TDG 314:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).905
patient under morphine was thought to be receiving Mar 233:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).906
righteousness of Christ connected with the law was not, in 1888 3SM 168:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).907
separating influence of supposed 3SM 409 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).908
Spirit of Prophecy helps avoid error being received as TDG 126:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).909
test, before it is presented to the flock of God 3SM 403:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).910
(yet) to shine forth from the law and the gospel TDG 314:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).911
See also Light, greater TopIndex .Light (spiritual).912
obedience, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).913
to, blessings become a curse without UL 373:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).914
obligation to walk in, not being fulfilled TDG 50:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).915
(willing) brings HP 183:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).916
obscuring, fearing the loss of prestige UL 171:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).917
openings for heavenly, closed by mind on earthly TDG 87:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).918
organization of SDA work received; it should be considered CET 192:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).919
others, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).920
affected by our neglect of OHC 297:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).921
given, as Christ’s life is relived in us TMK 235:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).922
given, by our right living TMK 186:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).923
own, standing in, speaking evil of brethren TDG 298:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).924
parents to bring, into families UL 302:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).925
path, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).926
brighter from, borrowed from the glory of Christ TMK 253:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).927
filled with, while walking with God OHC 24:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).928
people / people of God, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).929
chosen to give, to the world RC 205:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).930
seeking, and being humble TDG 321:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).931
seeking, neglected when we are tried RC 354:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).932
to receive and diffuse FLB 304:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).933
people with, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).934
refusing to come to the feast SW 21:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).935
to remember that they are God’s workers TDG 325:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).936
personal effort in giving, to those around TDG 211:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).937
placement for brighter shining of OHC 300:5; RC 197:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).938
polishing required to reflect HP 267:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).939
possessors of, tested in 1888 3SM 176:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).940
power, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).941
from, to draw the world to God HP 315:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).942
to diffuse, lost by hiding it TMK 215:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).943
praise Him who called us into OHC 86:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).944
prayer, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).945
for wisdom to let, shine to lost souls TMK 158:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).946
to allow shining of clear UL 21:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).947
preciousness of, lost if not appreciated TMK 87:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).948
preparation for, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).949
and reflect it to others FW 59:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).950
through Scripture study, prayer, and faith OHC 315:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).951
press to, when truth is seen; have a living experience FW 78:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).952
pretended, of the last days UL 262:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).953
punishment according to refusal of UL 196:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).954
pure, need of reformation seen more as we approach AG 311:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).955
questioning any ray of, is dangerous TDG 52:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).956
radiates all around when you abide in God’s presence HP 161:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).957
receivers of, to pray and help God TopIndex .Light (spiritual).958
against hindering powers RC 201:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).959
receiving, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).960
and imparting it, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).961
capacity increased TDG 303:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).962
essential to spiritual experience TDG 147:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).963
by talk and prayer about it UL 147:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).964
daily in order to impart it HP 67:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).965
from the Source RC 197:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).966
from those who are God’s helping hand TDG 154:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).967
in following light already given UL 133:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).968
meekly no matter by whom it is sent TDG 93:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).969
placed in a position for HP 70:2; TDG 124:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).970
through Scripture; from God’s throne TMK 196:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).971
to impart RC 197 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).972
recognizing, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).973
as from God seeing fruits of work of Ellen White 3SM 78:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).974
by Scripture comparison LHU 114:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).975
only by those who have tried to know it UL 365:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).976
reflection of / diffusing, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).977
as well as absorbing if Christ is in us TMK 178:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).978
blessing others LHU 294:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).979
by merciful ones on the path of others HP 238:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).980
duty as disciple of Christ CET 204:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).981
from Christ, TDG 364:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).982
reveals pure joy TMK 142:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).983
the Sun of Righteousness LHU 210:3; TDG 92:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).984
impossible when experience in shallow RC 20:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).985
on path of self and others LHU 244:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).986
proportional to the amount we have HP 186:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).987
requires constantly being in the light HP 313:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).988
through communion with Christ HP 72:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).989
through kind Christians to others RC 306:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).990
to others, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).991
after receiving from Jesus RC 41:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).992
as we look upon Christ TMK 190:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).993
when mind emptied of frivolity OHC 115:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).994
to the world is the Christian’s work Con 67:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).995
to world like the sun RC 379:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).996
when hope in centered in Christ TMK 284:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).997
when living in it OHC 216:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).998
which is on our pathway UL 374:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).999
refusal/denial/rejection of, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1000
and abusing conscience endangers soul 1MCP 320:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1001
because relatives and friends do TMK 116:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1002
blessings lost by TMK 368:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1003
brings punishment HP 153:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1004
by some but we are to let it shine anyway RC 167:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1005
condemned when, according to light received TMK 359:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1006
danger of TMK 243:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1007
in not studying Testimonies 3SM 358:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1008
in peril as Satan works on unconsecrated mind TDG 314:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1009
on health reform CME 46:0 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1010
relatives and friends are not reason for 3SM 401:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1011
results of OHC 26:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1012
Satan’s work; one step to leave path TSB 150:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1013
separates from God OHC 128:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1014
steadily by those who knew it TDG 56:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1015
through Satan’s leading OHC 26:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1016
walking in it cannot be at the same time as UL 21:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1017
work for those in, although making fewer friends 2MCP 767:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1018
rejoice in, by living faith OHC 86:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1019
religion (true) is like AG 124:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1020
removed from those who refuse to walk in it TDG 55:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1021
requires both love as a principle and a supply of oil TDG 98:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1022
resistance to, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1023
increases Satanic resistance TDG 267:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1024
leads to greatest sin RC 322:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1025
makes accepting it more difficult TMK 244:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1026
when refusing to confess; Holy Spirit leaves TSB 149:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1027
responsibility for, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1028
depends on amount HP 153:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1029
walk in it CET 204:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1030
greater today 3SM 345:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1031
to reflect it HP 312:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1032
results follow acceptance or rejection of 3SM 290:0 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1033
returning to, rare after being deceived with will-worship FW 51:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1034
revelation is the meaning of; Christ shows it LHU 221:7 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1035
robe of, Christ comes in, which He has worn from eternity Mar 292:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1036
room of Ellen White seemed filled with TDG 17:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1037
Samuel was made a channel of, even in childhood RC 251:7 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1038
Satan, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1039
cannot neutralize, coming from one like Christ RC 297:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1040
comes in garments of, so devices need investigation OHC 88:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1041
worked with evil people to extinguish 3SM 110:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1042
works against, in last remnant of time 3SM 389:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1043
Satan’s efforts against people with great TSB 192:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1044
scientific and artistic, danger of human standpoint on 3SM 307:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1045
SDAs, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1046
profess greater, and should show greater perfection UL 63:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1047
to have large responsibilities if they walk in the CET 204:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1048
seen by faith TDG 141:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1049
self not the origin of AG 124:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1050
sent to people of God unable to worship together TMK 154:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1051
sharing, See Light, reflection of TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1052
shining as, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1053
beyond cloud that hides it OHC 318:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1054
by giving love which God gave us RC 198:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1055
from law in ark in heaven OHC 138:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1056
from minds engaged in spiritual work RC 236:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1057
from the law although denounced FW 46:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1058
from those receiving it from the Word of God RC 112:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1059
from those who receive of Christ’s spirit TDG 48:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1060
in the world RC 197:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1061
in words and works from one near Christ UL 322:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1062
truth in heart causes TMK 327:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1063
when time and strength are consecrated to God RC 167:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1064
sin in face of; judgments in store 3SM 418:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1065
souls brought to, Ellen White learned about God’s work in TDG 76:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1066
souls filled with, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1067
from studying the Word of God OHC 36:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1068
when temptation is resisted HP 231:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1069
souls would receive, if consecrated Mar 249:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1070
source of, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1071
Christ is to be TMK 341:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1072
open heavens is the only HP 39:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1073
spiritual, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1074
blocked by carelessness about light on health RC 152:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1075
hopelessness without TMK 82:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1076
spread by people of God’s appointment TDG 282:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1077
stand where we reflect UL 64:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1078
steady, glorifies God; light of Christ is never dim TDG 364:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1079
stones in God’s temple must emit; permit polishing TMK 150:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1080
straight line in advancement of, given to Ellen White 3SM 74:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1081
strength from, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1082
for conflict with Satan FLB 225:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1083
when walking in it UL 181:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1084
striving to produce, is not what Jesus asks TDG 316:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1085
stubbornness no longer keeps from, seeing Redeemer FW 60:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1086
stumbling along without, of Christ’s presence OHC 352:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1087
Sun of Righteousness shining on you enables you to diffuse TMK 165:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1088
surrounded by holiness and, which Satan cannot penetrate FW 93:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1089
surrounded first parents UL 198:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1090
talents given to receive, believe and impart 2MCP 786:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1091
talk, and walk in it RC 235:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1092
Testimonies are a source of, not to be disregarded 3SM 360:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1093
thank God for, in Bible and Spirit of Prophecy 3SM 359:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1094
transformation by truth results in, shed on the world FW 116:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1095
treasure every ray of, to bless others TDG 124:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1096
truth held by fingertips in spite of great 3SM 415:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1097
truth presented in proper, by Christ VSS 96:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1098
trying not needed to let, shine FLB 304:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1099
turning from, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1100
because caution on health is given 3SM 291:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1101
by those in high positions UL 310:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1102
turning others from, by one passionate word VSS 138:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1103
turning to, in Jesus 2MCP 680:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1104
uncertain; strong and weak; it must be steady TDG 364:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1105
unfaithful ones neglecting, replaced in last days 3SM 422:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1106
value of each laborer in spreading HP 318:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1107
walking in, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1108
all of, that is received TDG 67:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1109
appreciating and reflecting TMK 203:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1110
danger of rejecting testimonies 3SM 80:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1111
determines its increase HP 105:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1112
every ray of, by divine plan AG 319:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1113
hanging soul on God TDG 334:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1114
in scriptural requirements regardless of other RC 379:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1115
leads to full growth in Christ OHC 214:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1116
of Christ, showing Him to be all light TDG 324:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1117
punishment by refusal of HP 153:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1118
reflecting beams from Sun of Righteousness TDG 364:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1119
required of recipients of truth OHC 19:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1120
we can lighten path for others HP 289:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1121
wisdom from heaven makes one a TMK 193:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1122
withholding, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1123
accountability for RC 197:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1124
by stepping back toward the world too often OHC 62:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1125
sinfully or letting world put it out TDG 316:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1126
wrong OHC 297:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1127
witnesses, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1128
as HP 168:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1129
in past pass on, to those in last days TMK 347:3 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1130
Word of God, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1131
provides TDG 120:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1132
searched for RC 101:7 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1133
words of, strengthen faith and fortify against darkness TDG 92:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1134
working, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1135
in obedience to, as Saul (Paul) did 2MCP 757:1 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1136
upward toward, to see God in singleness of heart TDG 321:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1137
works, TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1138
(good) to shine as RC 41:2 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1139
would reflect, if light bearers as God wants TMK 336:5 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1140
world followed in spite of TDG 199:6 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1141
youth searching the Word with the Holy Spirit impart TMK 28:4 TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1142
See also Enlightenment; Evidence; Knowledge; Lives; Truth TopIndex .Light (spiritual).1143