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Parent, Parents (Part 3 of 4) TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1274

throw arms of faith around children AH 321 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1274

throw around children charms of home 1T 388 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1275

train (educate): children aright re diet 2T 365 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1276

children to do miss. work CT 130 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1277

children when they are babes in arms 4T 313 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1278

first child with great care CG 27 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1279

little church in home 6T 354 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1280

train and discipline self CT 128-9 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1281

in order to do it for children CG 27; CT 128-9 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1282

train (or educate) children for: Christ PP 244 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1283

Christian service 7T 10-2 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1284

family of God CG 23 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1285

God’s service CT 143; MH 395 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1286

heaven 2T 259 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1287

life of usefulness 1T 394, 686-7 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1288

practical life 3T 145 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1289

usefulness 3T 147; 4T 368 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1290

world to come CG 38 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1291

train (instruct, or teach) children in: God’s great book of nature 3T 137 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1292

God’s way CG 67 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1293

good cooking CT 127 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1294

good habits of eating, drinking, dressing, and exercise SD 140 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1295

helpfulness CG 119-21; CT 146-9, 156 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1296

obedience CT 107 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1297

physiology CT 127 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1298

practical religious experience 5T 42 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1299

principles of purity CT 150 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1300

purity from infancy CH 103 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1301

self-government and stability of character 2T 648 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1302

sound doctrine 5T 330 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1303

temperance from babyhood PP 562 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1304

truth AH 487 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1305

train (educate, or teach) children to be: Christians PP 244 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1306

clean and orderly 6T 170 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1307

content with neat and inexpensive clothes CT 158 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1308

content with plain and simple food CT 158 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1309

content with small and helpful duties COL 84; CT 142; Ed 107 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1310

honest and truthful 5T 329 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1311

industrious 5T 329 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1312

intelligent FE 65 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1313

kind and thoughtful of others 5T 424 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1314

missionaries 6T 198 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1315

pleasant AH 432 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1316

reverent in church 5T 494 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1317

social FE 65 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1318

temperate 5T 329 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1319

temperate in eating 3T 489 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1320

true to God and to principle Ed 283; 7T 186 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1321

true to God under all circumstances and in all places CT 150 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1322

truthful, unselfish, and industrious CT 148; FE 420 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1323

useful CT 125; 1T 393-4 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1324

train children’s appetites MH 384 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1325

train themselves to speak in way to be blessing to children 6T 381 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1326

turn children’s energies into useful channels CT 146 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1327

unbend from their iron dignity FE 68 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1328

unite in: disciplining children AH 313 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1329

providing school for children 6T 198 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1330

uphold college teachers in disciplining youth 5T 89 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1331

use their talents to God’s glory 3T 121 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1332

watch children with: deepest solicitude 1T 402 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1333

jealous care 1T 156 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1334

watch children’s going out and coming in 1T 401 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1335

watch each child’s tendencies AH 414 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1336

watch lest surrounding influences injure children 1T 400 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1337

win children’s affection FE 68 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1338

win children’s confidence CG 185 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1339

work for: children bravely and patiently 5T 40 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1340

development of all of child’s powers CT 148; FE 420 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1341

household in love, faith, and prayer COL 195-6 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1342

lost child’s salvation COL 194-5 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1343

salvation of children 5T 383 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1344

work in: harmony with SS teachers 3T 189 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1345

prayer for their households COL 195 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1346

unison to accomplish their God-given work FE 69 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1347

work together as unit AH 312 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1348

work together in training of children AH 190 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1349

work with: earnest prayer AH 533 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1350

fidelity to save souls of children 5T 506 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1351

reference to future harvest AH 533 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1352

yield themselves to God Ed 283 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1353

8. Need(s) or ought to be TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1354

acquainted with children MH 394 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1355

acquainted with laws of heredity Ed 276 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1356

awake in these perilous times CG 474 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1357

calm and free from anger when punishing children CG 249 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1358

careful how they censure 2T 405 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1359

careful how they speak of each other’s faults in children’s presence 4T 240 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1360

careful not to undermine children’s respect for teachers Ed 284 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1361

careful re example and ideas they give to children 5T 498 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1362

cheerful AH 432 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1363

children’s best friend 6T 94 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1364

companions to children AH 190 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1365

in work and play 3T 134 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1366

conversant with Scriptures CSW 19-20 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1367

correct models for children to imitate 5T 319-20 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1368

daily learners in school of Christ COL 338 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1369

diligent students of Scriptures CG 66-7, 182 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1370

educators of children AH 236 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1371

in home CG 481 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1372

firm in: discipline AH 17 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1373

management of children CG 283-4 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1374

principle AH 434 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1375

first teachers of children CG 21 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1376

free from deceitful practices CG 150 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1377

guarded in conversation and deportment 2T 461 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1378

home missionaries CG 481 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1379

kind and gentle with children CG 218 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1380

kind but firm in dealing with child of perverse temper CG 93 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1381

kind in discipline AH 17 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1382

learners in order to be teachers AH 184 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1383

light of home CG 240 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1384

light bearers and light givers AH 37 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1385

living missionaries in family 2T 677 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1386

meek and gentle in dealing with children AH 174 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1387

missionaries in home CG 69; CT 160; 6T 247 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1388

modest in dress 1T 135 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1389

much at home FE 65 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1390

object lessons to children CG 510 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1391

only teachers of children till they are eight or ten years old FE 61; 3T 137 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1392

practical physiologists CH 39 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1393

sparing of censure CT 155 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1394

sympathetic toward church-school teacher CT 157 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1395

teacher and physician to children CH 39 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1396

teachers in family school Ed 33 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1397

thorough and efficient in child training 5T 44 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1398

uniform in child management CG 248 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1399

united in: controlling wayward son 2T 316 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1400

government of children AH 312-6; 1T 156 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1401

training children 5T 324 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1402

unyielding in principle AH 434 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1403

very careful re children’s associates 1T 405 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1404

what they wish children to be CG 278 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1405

wide awake to guard youth from snares of Satan 1T 390 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1406

9. Ought not to TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1407

accept false testimony of unconverted children CG 327 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1408

act as if children should not accept Christ in childhood DA 517; MH 44 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1409

administer harsh rebukes to children AH 308-9 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1410

allow (permit): gossip to be repeated in family circle 5T 242 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1411

interference in management of children CG 288 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1412

love of change to control children 3T 147 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1413

their tone of voice to be disturbed or agitated with excitement and passion 1T 399 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1414

allow (permit) children to: be in streets at night FE 63 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1415

choose their own associates 1T 394, 400 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1416

come and go when they please FE 63 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1417

control home CG 235 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1418

control them 2T 78 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1419

follow natural impulses CT 112 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1420

go and do as they please AH 468 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1421

grow up in indolence 4T 94 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1422

learn good and evil indiscriminately 1T 399-400 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1423

meet worldly standard 5T 78 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1424

rule 4T 192-3; 8T 224 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1425

show them disrespect AH 361 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1426

speak pettishly and harshly AH 361 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1427

spend time in idleness CT 148; FE 420; 1T 399 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1428

become weary in training children 3BC 1154 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1429

break child’s will Ed 288 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1430

cause children pain by harshness or unreasonable exaction CT 114 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1431

cause children to think that Christianity is religion of gloom MH 44 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1432

censure children severely for trifling mistakes CG 279 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1433

coax and indulge youth PK 236 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1434

compel children to have form of religion AH 323 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1435

complain of hardship, care, and toil CG 186 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1436

compromise with child’s stubborn self-will that defies authority Ed 290 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1437

conform to world 5T 78 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1438

correct children in anger CT 117 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1439

correct children severely in spirit of impatience 1T 398 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1440

correct children while impatient or fretful 2T 259 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1441

criticize: each other’s plans and judgment in children’s presence MH 393-4 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1442

gospel workers in hearing of children 4T 195 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1443

other people in children’s presence COL 45-6 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1444

teachers before children FE 64 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1445

criticize ministers COL 45 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1446

before children 5T 497-8 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1447

deny children reasonable privileges CG 285 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1448

differ with each other in children’s presence CG 24 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1449

discipline children in heat of anger CG 254 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1450

encourage children in pride, extravagance, or love of show 1T 396 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1451

encourage children’s vanity by praising them COL 83; CT 141 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1452

exaggerate in giving reproof Ed 294 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1453

excuse their wrongdoing because they do not feel well 1T 385 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1454

expect children to be perfect at once 1T 387 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1455

fear crosses in work for children 5T 40 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1456

feed children flesh foods MM 282-3 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1457

flatter pride and folly in children 2T 180 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1458

flock with family to cities 5T 232 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1459

force children into precocious maturity COL 84; CT 144; Ed 107 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1460

forget: that they were children once 1T 387 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1461

their childhood years 1T 388 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1462

forget great mission field in home 9T 37 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1463

foster in children love of dress 4T 72 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1464

fret and scold and ridicule children FE 67 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1465

give children place that God claims in their affections 2T 285 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1466

give loud-voiced commands CG 211-22; CT 116 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1467

give way to inclination of godless children CG 277 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1468

gratify children’s selfish wishes CG 91-2 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1469

indulge blind affection for children CT 114 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1470

indulge children in: indolence 4T 97-8 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1471

unlawful desires CG 271 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1472

indulge natural affection at expense of obedience to God’s law CG 235 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1473

keep children away from Christ by coldness and harshness DA 517; MH 43 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1474

leave: children for strangers to care for AH 361 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1475

children’s religious training to church AH 188 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1476

leave children to: do as they please on Sabbath 6T 358 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1477

follow their own inclinations 1T 393 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1478

guess at what is right CG 87 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1479

think and act independently of parents’ judgment 3T 133 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1480

let children have occasion to doubt sincerity and exact truthfulness 1T 157 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1481

let children hear them say, “I cannot do anything with you” CG 238 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1482

let children hear them speak one impatient word CG 476 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1483

lie CG 150 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1484

manage children by petting and indulgence 4T 201 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1485

manifest: critical and faultfinding spirit CG 219 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1486

harshness AH 434 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1487

undue severity to children CT 114 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1488

neglect any duty to benefit children 4T 429 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1489

order children about as if horses or dogs 2T 259 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1490

overlook and excuse sin in children CG 276 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1491

overtax children with studies 4T 424 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1492

pass lightly over children’s sins CG 273 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1493

permit child’s self-will to go unrebuked CT 112 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1494

poison family with their irritability CG 246-7 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1495

praise children’s cunning little sayings in their presence 4T 200 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1496

prevaricate CG 151 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1497

punish children in spirit of anger CG 244 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1498

question each other’s judgment in children’s presence MH 393-4 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1499

raise their voice to harshness AH 436 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1500

rear children in indolence 1T 219 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1501

repeat children’s clever sayings before them COL 83; CT 141 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1502

repel children by lack of sympathy 3T 532 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1503

require obedience by storm of words CG 259 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1504

rule children with rod of iron CT 113; 2T 259; 4T 368-9 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1505

rush children into society at early age AH 523 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1506

say to child, “I cannot do anything with you” CG 238 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1507

scold AH 434 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1508

scold and fret at children CG 480 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1509

seek to display children’s ability and proficiency CSW 46 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1510

send children away to colleges where they will become demoralized 4T 427 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1511

send children to public schools CG 305 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1512

until their minds and bodies are strong enough FE 420 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1513

when they are too young FE 145-6, 156-7 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1514

send to distant school children who lack firmness of principle 8T 224-5 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1515

send youth to worldly colleges 4T 426-7 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1516

shift their talents of means upon children 2T 651 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1517

show blind affection for children PP 578 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1518

show partiality to children 5T 319 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1519

speak: hastily to children AH 440 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1520

in scolding manner CG 286 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1521

passionately AH 434 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1522

to children in harsh tone CG 282 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1523

speak of religion as something that children cannot understand DA 517; MH 44 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1524

speak unkind or exasperating words CT 116 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1525

spend probationary time in dressing, visiting, and gossiping 3T 144-5 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1526

strike children with angry blows CG 280 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1527

taunt children with their perverse traits of character FE 67 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1528

teach children by harshness to be harsh CG 240 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1529

teach children to seek after style and ostentation 6T 451 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1530

teach children to wait till some future time to repent and believe truth 1T 400 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1531

tell untruth in precept or example CG 151 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1532

tolerate disobedience in home Ed 290 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1533

train children as: dumb animals Ed 288; 3T 132 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1534

irrational animal FE 57 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1535

transfer their stewardship to children 2T 655 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1536

treat SS lessons lightly CSW 22 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1537

treat trifling misdemeanors as grave sins CT 113 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1538

use expressions that are harsh, severe, or gloomy CT 116 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1539

use God’s money in pleasing children’s fancies 6T 450-1 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1540

use harshness toward children AH 308 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1541

utter cross words CG 219 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1542

wait for God to do work He has given them to do 5T 319 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1543

watch children continually with suspicion Ed 289-90 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1544

weary children with long prayers and tedious exhortations DA 516-7 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1545

yield to children’s desires in choice of associates 5T 544 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1546

10. Ought not to be TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1547

at variance between themselves AH 314 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1548

borrowing trouble continually CH 100 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1549

deluded by blind affection AH 307 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1550

given up to indolence AH 207 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1551

governed by children CG 33 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1552

governed by world’s opinion 7T 66 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1553

ignorant re children’s associates FE 63 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1554

impatient or fretful AH 208 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1555

in training children 3BC 1154 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1556

led by children 1T 118 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1557

mind and judgment for children 3T 133 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1558

overbearing CG 219 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1559

slaves for children AH 283 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1560

so engrossed in business as to neglect to discipline children CG 319 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1561

stumbling blocks in way of children 6T 202 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1562

too exacting with children 2T 111 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1563

11. Work of TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1564

all-important, is to teach children God’s way CT 129 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1565

angels are not commissioned to do CT 149 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1566

as God’s: agents instruct their children AH 184 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1567

representatives to children PK 245 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1568

as important as that of minister AH 245 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1569

as reformers 3T 560-70 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1570

cannot be transferred to others AH 187-9 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1571

children’s future testifies to character of 5T 40 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1572

compared to that of artist CG 220, 476-7 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1573

demands patient labor and lifelong diligent and persevering effort COL 195 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1574

directing child’s life in lines of unselfish ministry is MH 401 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1575

faithful, greatly lightens that of teacher CT 157 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1576

will be rewarded thousandfold CT 131 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1577

for conversion and salvation of children DA 515; 6T 283 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1578

God does not propose to do AH 207 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1579

great and grand, teaching children Bible truth is CG 510 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1580

greatest and most important, to teach children to love and obey God is CG 81 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1581

in training children underlies every other FE 69 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1582

is: continuous CG 242 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1583

solemn and sacred 5T 305 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1584

life, that cannot be called failure FE 161 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1585

most important, is to mold children’s characters for eternity 5T 39 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1586

must begin with child in infancy CG 193 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1587

must not be spasmodic CG 242 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1588

no greater or more far-reaching results than those of MH 351 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1589

object of, is formation of right character in children CT 148; FE 420 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1590

is to develop all of child’s powers CT 148; FE 420 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1591

precedes that of teacher CG 19 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1592

requires: earnest thought and prayer CT 107 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1593

patient and persevering effort CT 107 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1594

SS cannot do AH 189 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1595

solemn, to bring children to understand need of salvation CW 106 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1596

teacher should not be expected to do 5T 29 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1597

teacher’s work is not to take place of Ed 283 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1598

teacher’s work should supplement Ed 283 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1599

teaching youth grand truths of God’s word is ML 107 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1600

underlies every other MH 349 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1601

when Satan gladly undertakes CSW 50 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1602

12. Miscellaneous TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1603

Aaron’s example as warning to 3T 294-5 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1604

Aaron’s failure as, to train children aright 3T 295 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1605

Aaron’s unfaithfulness as, in indulging his sons PP 360 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1606

Abraham as example for CG 25; Ed 187; FE 286; PP 141-4; 1T 118 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1607

in training children 1T 405 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1608

accountable in great measure for children’s souls 4T 113 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1609

accountable to God for: evil resulting from their neglect of duty 4T 516 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1610

faults and follies of offspring in great degree 4T 200 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1611

letting children come up untrained 3T 454 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1612

training of children 3T 454 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1613

accountability of, for children’s malice and rebellion 4T 203 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1614

acquirement of wealth by, while neglecting mental improvement and moral culture FE 69 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1615

acts of, purity and virtue should shine out in 2T 461 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1616

administration of discipline by, to children Ed 287-97 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1617

advice of, children should not follow their own desires without CG 66 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1618

affection due to, by children AH 295 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1619

affection of, is in Christ DA 826 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1620

alone, cannot save children 1T 403 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1621

angels watch how children are treated by AH 315 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1622

anxiety of, child training that would eliminate much CG 194 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1623

children should seek to relieve SD 60 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1624

appetites transmitted by, to children PP 306, 561; 3T 567-8; Te 269 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1625

arbitrary and dictatorial spirit is unbecoming to 2T 253 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1626

arbitrary restraint and harshness by, develops spirit of obstinacy and defiance in youth CT 264 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1627

asking in faith, God promises to give wisdom to 5T 322 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1628

association with children benefits AH 270 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1629

astonishing ignorance of, re children’s health 2SM 426 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1630

backsliding of, in neglect to train children aright 5T 38 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1631

bad example by, how children are religiously affected by 3T 246 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1632

becoming more and more careless in educating children in useful branches 3T 147 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1633

belong to God to be ruled by Him 5T 548 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1634

bequeath to their children own perverted habits 3T 140 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1635

best legacy left to children by, knowledge of useful labor and example of disinterested benevolence are 3T 399 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1636

best teachers of children till they are eight or ten years old should be FE 157 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1637

best way to educate children to respect AH 198; ML 278 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1638

Bible contains lessons of priceless worth for FE 542 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1639

Bible is guide for, in child management CG 256 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1640

bitterness in, that drives angels from home 4T 139-40 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1641

blind affection of: encourages sin by unwise indulgence CG 239 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1642

greatest obstacle to proper training of children is CG 235 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1643

that lets children do as they please CT 112 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1644

that makes them slaves to children’s caprices CG 239 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1645

blind and foolish fondness of, toward children 4T 383 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1646

blind and selfish sentimentalism of, in leaving children to control of their own will PP 142 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1647

blindness of, re spiritual condition of children 5T 41 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1648

blood filled with scrofula is transmitted by, to children 2SM 431 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1649

both: are responsible for maintaining religion in home AH 321 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1650

transmit their dispositions and appetites to children PP 561 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1651

transmit their mental and physical characteristics to children PP 561 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1652

breaking of child’s will by, is contrary to principles of Christ CT 116 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1653

building of strong characters by, in children CG 184-90 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1654

burdens of: children should cheerfully share CT 148; DA 72; FE 420 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1655

God approves children who help to bear CT 148 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1656

youth should cheerfully help to bear DA 72 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1657

by wrong habits transmit disease and imbecility to offspring 2SM 465 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1658

called to speak and act in God’s stead PK 237 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1659

camp meeting as school for 6T 49 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1660

can be firm and yet kind with children 4T 66 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1661

can take children to God in prayer FE 161 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1662

can undo much of wrong caused by their impatience and unwise indulgence CT 156 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1663

cannot bring children to God by force CT 114 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1664

cannot change children’s hearts AH 298 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1665

cannot neglect children’s proper training with impunity 7T 66 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1666

cannot tell which of their children can best bear responsibilities Ed 266 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1667

cannot train children properly unless they give themselves first to God CT 108 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1668

care and training of children benefits 2T 230-1, 649-50 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1669

care and work for children benefits 2T 231, 329, 647 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1670

cares of, children should help to lighten ML 168; MYP 211 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1671

careless Sabbath observance by, in home 5T 320 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1672

character of, children receive in great degree stamp of 2T 405 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1673

chief study of, should be to prepare children for eternal life 4T 503 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1674

child and, quarrel between CT 117 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1675

child born to, is sacred trust CT 145 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1676

child management by 2SG 253-6 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1677

child should learn lessons under, that are to guide him throughout life CT 107 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1678

child training by, sympathy and love and great tenderness needed in 2T 98 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1679

child who held reins of control of, in her tiny fists 4T 383 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1680

child’s will should be guided and molded by, but not ignored or crushed Ed 288-9 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1681

children allowed to play while, are working FE 65 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1682

children and 1T 384-9 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1683

how confidence between, is destroyed CG 285 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1684

no barrier of coldness and reserve should come between MH 394 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1685

obligations of, are mutual AH 283 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1686

tender affection should be cherished between ML 84 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1687

tender affection should be cultivated between AH 198 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1688

will meet at final reckoning 3T 568 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1689

children are committed to, to educate for heaven DA 515 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1690

children are never excused from honoring 2T 80 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1691

children are placed in care of, to be trained as kings unto God PP 244 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1692

children are what, make them by instruction, discipline, and example 5T 37 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1693

children betrayed by, in time of persecution DA 629 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1694

children born of, with legacy of disease 2T 379 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1695

children can be taught by, to obey at very early age CT 111-2 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1696

children dishonoring and disobeying, can have no part in new earth 1T 497 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1697

children disrespecting and dishonoring, do not respect and love Creator 3T 232 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1698

children entrusted to, should be trained and educated for heaven 2T 259 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1699

children flattered and indulged by, to their great injury 4T 98 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1700

children have claims that, should acknowledge and respect FE 67 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1701

children imitate 5T 319 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1702

children left by, to follow bent of their inexperienced minds FE 52 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1703

children not disciplined by, may be better off under control of someone else 4T 429 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1704

children of age have duty to 1T 217 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1705

children ought to: be true and obedient to SD 130 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1706

bless, in every way possible 3T 331 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1707

cheerfully and faithfully help AH 282 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1708

honor, as long as they live AH 360-1 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1709

honor and obey SD 130 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1710

honor and respect PP 308 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1711

love, by willing obedience SD 130 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1712

smooth pathway of, to grave AH 361 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1713

speak respectful words to AH 437 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1714

children permitted by, to follow their own will until hardened 5T 29 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1715

to spend hours in play FE 65 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1716

children petted and indulged by, till spoiled for practical life 3T 143 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1717

children petted by, are problem at college FE 53 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1718

teacher’s problem of disciplining FE 52-3 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1719

children should be educated to love and tenderly care for AH 360 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1720

children should consult, re plans for marriage 1T 218 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1721

children should honor 3T 230-2 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1722

children trained by, to intemperance by indulgence of appetite FE 140 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1723

children weaned from, because of harshness and severity 4T 362-3 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1724

children who disrespect and dishonor, do not respect and honor God 3T 232 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1725

God’s blessing will not attend 3T 232 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1726

children who do not find sympathy and tenderness in, seek it elsewhere FE 156 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1727

children who expect, to wait on them 1T 218 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1728

children who fear but do not love CG 147-8; CT 113 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1729

children who have disobeyed and dishonored, duty of MYP 332 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1730

children who rule CG 91-2 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1731

children who sink lower in scale than 2T 351 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1732

children who will rise up and curse 4BC 1157 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1733

children will be: in future life what, have made them 6T 119 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1734

to great extent what, are MH 371 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1735

children will bless, for faithful care and strict watchfulness over them MH 394 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1736

children’s duty to affectionately respect and honor 3T 294 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1737

children’s obligation to, never ceases AH 360-1; ML 278 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1738

children’s physical and moral stamp is determined by, to great extent MH 357 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1739

children’s privilege of smoothing way of, to grave AH 363 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1740

children’s well-being now and hereafter depends in great measure on MH 357 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1741

choice of church schools by, for children 6T 198-9 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1742

Christ took pleasure in discharging His obligations to His ML 74 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1743

Christ’s attitude toward His See Christ TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1744

Christ’s promise to help, to train children FE 161 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1745

Christ’s respect and love for, could not turn Him from obeying God’s word DA 85-6 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1746

cleanliness and order carried too far by FE 157 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1747

coaxing and indulgence used by, toward youth is one of worst evils PK 236 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1748

coaxing by, evil of 5T 45 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1749

command(s) of: children should not disobey God at AH 293 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1750

should be enforced Te 181-2 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1751

should be to secure highest good of children Te 181 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1752

company of, why children find more pleasure in street than in FE 154-5; 1T 385 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1753

confession by, to children LS 127 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1754

consent of, children not permitted to marry anciently without 1T 218 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1755

constant watchcare and tender love of, children need 4T 621 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1756

continual censure by, bewilders but does not reform children CT 195; Ed 291 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1757

continual censuring and whipping of children by, hardens them and weans them away 1T 398 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1758

continual faultfinding by, is wrong 3T 531 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1759

continual talk by, will not convert children 4T 609 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1760

control of: child who dislikes being under CG 83; Te 177 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1761

modern children and youth do not like to be under SD 143 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1762

warning against too much, over children FE 58 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1763

conversation of, children repeat CSW 51 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1764

co-operation needed between, in children’s education Ed 283 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1765

in training children 1T 547 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1766

co-operation of angels with, in home life CT 160 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1767

correct discipline of children by, Bible lays down rules for 4T 313 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1768

correction of children by, that destroys respect CG 236 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1769

corrupt passions transmitted by, to offspring 2T 352 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1770

counsel(s) of: children should listen to AH 298 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1771

children’s lack of respect for 5T 125 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1772

sin of lack of respect for 5T 125 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1773

young man should seek 2T 308 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1774

youth should respect, re marriage 5T 106-8 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1775

course pursued by: may give wrong direction to children’s future career 5T 39 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1776

results of wrong, is revealed in children 5T 64 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1777

salvation of children depends much on 1T 217 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1778

cowardly course of, in management of children 4T 201 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1779

create home atmosphere AH 16 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1780

criticism by, that is dangerous to children 7T 183 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1781

criticism of ministers by, in children’s presence COL 45-6 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1782

criticism of teacher(s) by, for disciplining their unruly children 4T 428-9 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1783

in presence of children FE 64 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1784

cruel kindness of, in indulging children’s appetites 3T 141 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1785

cruelty of, in allowing children to do as they please CG 326 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1786

cultivation of children’s tendencies by COL 83 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1787

daily monitor of, God’s word should be 5T 329 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1788

daily prayer for CG 148 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1789

danger that, will command and dictate too much 3T 134 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1790

David as, fruitage of indulgence by PP 749 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1791

deal with minds at their most interesting and impressible period of development 6T 204 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1792

deception of, by indulged and unruly children 4T 193, 198-9 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1793

defective characters of, inherited by children CT 192 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1794

defective education by, modern youth are not more religiously inclined because of 2T 701 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1795

modern youth depraved and made worthless by 3T 141 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1796

deportment of, should not militate against what they seek to teach CT 128 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1797

depraved appetites and passions transmitted by, to children 3T 488; Te 175 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1798

depraved nature transmitted by, to children 2T 62 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1799

destiny of household is decided by MH 131 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1800

develop more rapidly as they learn to work for children 6T 199 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1801

difficulties met by, in home mission field CG 87 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1802

disagreement between, in government and discipline of children CG 239; 1T 156 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1803

disastrous training of child’s will by FE 57 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1804

discipline and judicious training by, children deserve 2T 98 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1805

discipline of children by CT 111-8, 156-7; Ed 287-97; 3T 531-3 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1806

importance of 7T 186 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1807

mode of, that does not help them FE 67 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1808

neglect of, teachers should be patient with students who are vicious example of FE 117 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1809

disease transmitted by, to children CH 19; 1T 501-2; 2T 94; 3T 140 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1810

disobedience to, as sign of last days CG 229; FE 101 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1811

is increasing AA 506 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1812

disobedience to laws of, should not go unpunished 1T 546 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1813

disposition of, to see faults in each other 4T 240 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1814

dispositions and appetites of, are reproduced in children MH 371 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1815

dispositions and tendencies of, children generally inherit PP 118 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1816

dispositions transmitted by, to children PP 561; Te 269 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1817

disrespect for: among heathen PP 337 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1818

children should not be allowed to show CT 112 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1819

should be confessed with humiliation 2T 82 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1820

should not be permitted in children CG 98 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1821

divine guidance for, promises of AH 204-8 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1822

do not feel same at all times 1T 384 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1823

double watch should be set by, over themselves in dealing with children AH 173-4; 1T 386 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1824

dressing of children by, that makes them vain 1T 217 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1825

early training of children by, too much importance cannot be placed on MH 380 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1826

ears of, words that will fall as sweet music upon CSW 55 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1827

education of children by, in home CT 107-18 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1828

education of little children by COL 83-4 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1829

education received from, children’s salvation depends largely on 2T 398 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1830

efficient family government maintained by, without harsh word or look AH 308 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1831

Eli’s failure as, to reprove and restrain his children CG 275-6; PP 575-80; 1T 119, 235; 2T 620, 624; 4T 166, 199-200, 204; 5T 29 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1832

energy and decision of, must be unwavering CG 248 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1833

entitled to degree of love and respect due to no other person PP 308 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1834

erroneous ideas of: re early religious training of children 1T 399-400 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1835

re education of children 3T 142-3 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1836

that continued study strengthens child’s intellect 3T 143 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1837

that they must submit to perverse children’s ways 5T 44 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1838

errors of lax system of family government by, children’s characters reveal 5T 326 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1839

establishment of right habits in children by 5T 89 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1840

every act of, tells on children’s future FE 156 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1841

example and teaching by: affect children’s destiny 6T 119 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1842

largely decide children’s future PK 245 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1843

example of: affects children MH 131 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1844

followed by children in greater or less degree 2T 498 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1845

often counteracts impressions of truth on children’s minds CG 498 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1846

exhibitions of passion by, lead children to despise them and truth they profess 2T 86 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1847

will not cure child’s evil temper CT 117 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1848

expected child should receive good legacy from PP 561 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1849

faith and works must be combined by CG 25 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1850

faithfulness of: does not ensure children’s salvation AH 298 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1851

importance of, in training children for God PK 246 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1852

of Hebrew maid who served in Naaman’s home PK 246 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1853

false love and sympathy of, that grieves angels 5T 324 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1854

false notion of, that they should indulge and not restrain children 5T 324 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1855

false sympathy and blind love of, causes them to excuse and overlook children’s faults 1T 219 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1856

father as See Father TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1857

faults of, stamped on children to third and fourth generation CG 275 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1858

faultfinding by, drives children to seek pleasure away from home 1T 385 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1859

fidelity of, Noah’s example is encouragement to PP 98 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1860

firm and even course in child training by, produces wonderful results 5T 305 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1861

first and all-important consideration with, kingdom of God and His righteousness should be 3T 144 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1862

first and constant care of, is to see that children have firm constitutions 3T 151 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1863

first business of, is to guide children’s feet in paths of righteousness CG 489; ML 261 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1864

is to understand laws of life and health 3T 568 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1865

first concern of, is to do work given them by God 5T 44 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1866

first lesson that should be learned by 3T 131 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1867

first lessons taught to children by, should be that God is their Father MH 460 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1868

first missionary effort of, should be for church in family 7T 11 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1869

first miss. field of, home is CT 130; FE 66 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1870

first object of, is to learn how to deal with children CH 113; Te 178-9 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1871

first obligation of, should be for children 4T 140 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1872

first training given to children by, should be that of loving obedience MH 460 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1873

fostering of religion by, in family 1T 303-10 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1874

foundation for children’s happy and healthy life may be laid by MH 352 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1875

fretful methods of, children know and mark 1T 386 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1876

fretfulness and strife by, drives angels from home 1T 307 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1877

girl who hated her AH 362 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1878

give more attention to teaching, how to form children’s habits and characters MH 352 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1879

given first opportunity to control and train children 5T 29 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1880

giving truth to, children can be means of 6T 106-7 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1881

God does not propose to do for, work He has given them to do CG 172; Te 181 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1882

God gives grace to, to teach children re Christ DA 517 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1883

God’s law must be obeyed by SD 40 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1884

God’s promises to, are conditional CG 65 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1885

God-fearing church-school teacher is help to CT 156 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1886

gratification of appetite by, diseased children born because of 2T 383 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1887

gratitude and reverence of children for PK 245 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1888

great victories gained by, through earnest prayer and living faith 1T 397 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1889

great work of, is character building CT 61-3 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1890

greater sin cannot be committed by, than to allow children to have nothing to do COL 345 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1891

grief and remorse of, as result of children’s ungodly course 4T 292 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1892

guidance of, God has given rules for CG 65 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1893

guilt of, children are not punished for PP 306 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1894

hard and cold command by, does children no good AH 439-40 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1895

harsh words by, sour children’s temper and wound their hearts 3T 532 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1896

harshness and overbearing severity by, will not reform erring child 4T 362-3 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1897

harshness by, disgusts children CG 280 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1898

drives children into Satan’s net CT 114 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1899

hasty and violent temper of, reflected in children 2T 402 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1900

hasty irritability by, destroys their influence over children 2T 406 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1901

should cease 2T 406 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1902

have claims on children that cannot be thrown off or lightly regarded 3T 232 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1903

have first and most favorable opportunity to control and train children 5T 29 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1904

have no right to bring children into world to be burden to others 2T 380 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1905

have to do with foundation of children’s habits and character MH 131; PK 245 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1906

hearts of: broken by wayward youth MH 171 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1907

divine precepts should control FE 67 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1908

should be obedient to Christ’s will 3T 144 TopIndex .Parent, Parents.1909