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Prayer, Prayers (Part 4 of 4) TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1923

two or three together can engage in TM 329 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1923

unites men with one another and with God COL 250 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1924

unlocks heaven’s storehouse SC 94-5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1925

voice of, should ascend as sweet incense 7T 94 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1926

wakeful nights that should be spent in MYP 26 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1927

watch by working in accordance with your TM 512 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1928

watch continually unto, to avoid temptation 2BC 1032 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1929

watch lest life’s busy activities lead to neglect of 5T 560 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1930

watch unto CH 560; FE 137; 2T 427; 2SM 35; TM 454 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1931

lest you give loose rein to bad habits Te 19 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1932

watchfulness and: conscience is kept sensitive by 3T 373 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1933

man’s only safety is in PK 82 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1934

perceptions are kept clear by 3T 373 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1935

safeguards of purity are PK 84 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1936

some believers have backslidden through lack of LS 220 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1937

temptation can be overcome by 2T 511 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1938

warning against neglect of PP 724 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1939

youth’s only safety is SD 136 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1940

watching unto 1SM 116 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1941

consolation found by PP 687 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1942

important in Christian life 2T 222-3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1943

is science of gospel work 7T 272 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1944

means living your prayers before God 1SM 116-7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1945

need of AA 307; FE 214 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1946

temptation may be resisted by GW 128 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1947

to overcome wrong habits 4T 259 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1948

with perseverance 5T 190 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1949

your only safety TM 191-2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1950

weapon against opposition 3BC 1138 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1951

week of See Week of Prayer TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1952

weekly seasons of, conf. presidents who will not be helped much by TM 344 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1953

Wesley’s (John) futile effort to be saved by GC 254-6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1954

what God would do if He were to answer some EW 120 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1955

what would give force and directness to COL 130 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1956

what would happen if church were faithful in 1SM 116 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1957

what would make your, intelligent and fervent SC 89 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1958

more acceptable SC 89 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1959

when, should not be theme of thought or conversation MB 80-1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1960

when certain forms of, may be impossible PK 631 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1961

when God hears SD 252 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1962

when motives for, cease to exist 1SM 314 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1963

when seeking God in, do not feel that you have nothing to do 3T 572 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1964

why many people are not inclined to 1T 504 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1965

will be heard in gospel work WM 80 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1966

wisdom secured from above by COL 334 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1967

without ceasing, explanation of SD 99 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1968

woman who wrestled with God in 2T 110 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1969

wonders accomplished by, for persons who give themselves to prayer CT 479; FE 490 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1970

words used in, pronounce properly 6T 382 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1971

work and, parents should co-operate with God by CG 22 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1972

perfecting character requires 4T 459 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1973

united in Christ’s ministry Ev 91 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1974

work by 6T 477 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1975

work in harmony with your 5T 714; 6T 61 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1976

worldly wisdom regards, unessential GC 525 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1977

worshipers bowed in, while cloud of incense ascended at sanctuary DA 78, 576; GC 19; PP 353-4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1978

wrestle with God in FE 532 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1979

as did Jacob 2SG 257 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1980

for baptism of Spirit TM 459 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1981

in asking for Spirit 8T 46 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1982

untiringly until He blesses 5T 166 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1983

wrestling of God’s people in, during time of trouble GC 619-22, 632; PP 201-3; 3SG 132-7; SR 98-9 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1984

wrestling of Jacob with God in GC 619-21; PP 195-203; 3SG 128-37; SR 94-9 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1985

you do not necessarily have to be alone in 4T 542 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1986

your weakest points can be so guarded by, that they will become your strongest points 2T 511 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1987

youth generally think they can live without 1T 505 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1988

youth should devote themselves more to 1T 513 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1989

youth should give themselves to 1T 503 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1990

youth’s only safety MYP 247 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1991

Supplement TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1992

ability lacking in, so Christ gave instruction TMK 261:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1993

Abraham’s example of HP 213:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1994

acceptability of, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1995

and unacceptability HP 87:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1996

does not bring salvation RC 65:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1997

in simple earnest petition from soul TMK 260:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1998

increased by mediation on heavenly themes OHC 113:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.1999

sins confessed to one another before TMK 260:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2000

acceptance of, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2001

by Christ’s mixing His merits with them 3SM 197:1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2002

from those in strange paths if they repent TDG 255:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2003

in Jesus’ name, assured at His baptism HP 39:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2004

through Christ’s merits HP 71:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2005

act as if, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2006

God hears TDG 9:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2007

we hear God’s response to OHC 120:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2008

actions not to be contrary to TMK 41:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2009

aloud where only God can hear OHC 130:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2010

angels, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2011

bring blessings in response to HP 93:5; RC 121:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2012

sent in last conflict in response to HP 297:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2013

wait for, from hungering souls TDG 22:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2014

answer not given to, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2015

because faithless, selfish, murmuring OHC 147:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2016

because of lack of faith TMK 78:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2017

answer to, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2018

accepted whether felt or not UL 359:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2019

according to spiritual needs UL 369:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2020

as we can bear, to save us and glorify His name TDG 306:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2021

before we ask UL 46:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2022

brings obligation of thanksgiving AG 325:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2023

deferred, See Prayer, delay in answer to TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2024

evidence of HP 88:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2025

for our best good HP 89:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2026

for what is best, not always what is desired HP 82:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2027

God finds, when we find heart and voice RC 207:5; TDG 194:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2028

greater than expected TDG 310:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2029

immediate, is a mistake OHC 134:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2030

in way least expected OHC 313:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2031

not as expected TDG 306:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2032

often come through trials OHC 313:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2033

requires working faith UL 22:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2034

when requesting what He delights to give OHC 147:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2035

See also God, response of TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2036

arm of Omnipotence moved by HP 351:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2037

asking for what you need, FLB 224:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2038

power in prayer LHU 368:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2039

attitude in HP 74:4, 125:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2040

be much in RC 207:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2041

before beginning any work UL 74:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2042

begin day with, offering praise and thanksgiving TDG 42:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2043

belief is pure religion and secret of power OHC 101:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2044

believe, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2045

Jesus hears OHC 98:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2046

that blessings from, will come when needed TMK 230:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2047

blessings, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2048

all come through Mar 85:2; OHC 127:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2049

in response to, HP 75:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2050

to be acknowledged promptly AG 325:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2051

when Word is followed TMK 272:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2052

braced by constant, and watchfulness HP 223:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2053

breath of the soul Mar 85:2; OHC 127:2; TMK 78:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2054

burdens carried to God in OHC 127:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2055

business in General Conference session as important as 3SM 336:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2056

call to be men [and women] of UL 310:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2057

calm, fervent, reaching after God FLB 225:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2058

casual, not answered by angels OHC 129:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2059

ceasing, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2060

because thoughts are evil HP 78:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2061

for thought of our sins HP 78:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2062

channel for gratitude and yearnings TDG 277:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2063

character perfected and Christ represented by habit of TMK 117:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2064

cheerfulness amid annoyances requires HP 90:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2065

childlike simplicity to characterize UL 237:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2066

children, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2067

kept in the narrow path by effort and HP 212:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2068

spoken to by James White before 3SM 263:0 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2069

Christ, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2070

addressed in 3SM 186:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2071

and strength brought by Mar 85:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2072

bowed in, after His baptism TMK 31:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2073

braced for duty and prepared for trial by HP 76:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2074

clung to in, staying long enough to yield will TDG 154:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2075

encourages, by His merits in censer which we hold HP 77:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2076

enjoined FLB 224:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2077

gives, to offer to Him HP 61:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2078

holds, in censer before God TMK 74:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2079

in Most Holy Place is only One to hear LHU 319:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2080

is the medium of, between man and God HP 77:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2081

kept before children by HP 209:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2082

pities and loves one with supplication in TMK 77:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2083

pities and raises up the prostrate one in HP 79:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2084

presents our, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2085

as His own at sign of penitence TMK 77:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2086

mingled with His merit TMK 286:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2087

with His own righteousness OHC 178:5; TMK 78:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2088

received strength in, OHC 127:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2089

to impart to humanity HP 50:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2090

spent nights in, LHU 32:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2091

for tempted ones Mar 85:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2092

frequently; earnest prayer TMK 258:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2093

taught disciples to offer simple, earnest TMK 260:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2094

to be dwelt on in minister’s 3SM 183:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2095

to be seen in, as sin-pardoning Saviour OHC 30:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2096

waits before the throne for our UL 155:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2097

went into nature for (as a child) TMK 27:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2098

Christian, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2099

attainments reached only by sincere TMK 351:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2100

experience expanded by OHC 216:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2101

Christ’s, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2102

blood (efficacy of) is mingled with sincere TDG 177:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2103

humanity connected with divinity through RC 228:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2104

merit mingled with our HP 79:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2105

name in, necessary HP 78:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2106

name in, not the name of any human HP 79:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2107

soul and body refreshed by HP 69:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2108

voice often heard in HP 214:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2109

clarity and precision in OHC 130:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2110

closeness to God in, by obedience and reverence TMK 296:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2111

communion with God in, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2112

by being in the channel of light LHU 366:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2113

strengthens mind and morality 2MCP 732:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2114

concern, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2115

about including all needs in TMK 261:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2116

that God will not hear, because sins have been great OHC 27:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2117

condition set in, marriage not made right by fulfillment of TSB 209:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2118

confidence in, taught by Christ OHC 102:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2119

consciousness that God hears, is a satisfaction FLB 229:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2120

consecration of self to God by UL 298:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2121

consider apparently good ideas with, avoid deception 1MCP 42:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2122

constant, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2123

does not mean always on our knees OHC 148:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2124

our only safety TMK 252:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2125

while pleading for freedom of worship 3SM 415:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2126

contrition and power in, Omnipotence cannot resist HP 284:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2127

convenience of, no greater for Daniel than for us RC 207:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2128

convocations for, to ask God to open the way for truth HP 93:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2129

correct requests in, Christ mingles His merits with 3SM 197:1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2130

daily, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2131

defense of hourly and, against besetting sins TDG 277:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2132

essential to growth in grace RC 295:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2133

hourly holding to the promise as did Jacob HP 258:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2134

of Ellen White for grace and help TMK 261:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2135

danger in life without, explained to lady serving Ellen White TDG 362:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2136

Daniel did not cease, nor seek to conceal it OHC 357:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2137

Daniel’s, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2138

example in TMK 271 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2139

integrity amid temptation preserved by TMK 247:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2140

David shown God’s character while weeping and in TDG 43:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2141

defects subdued and likeness to God gained through 2MCP 523:1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2142

defense of the remnant under persecution Mar 213:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2143

delay in answer to, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2144

apparent but it comes when needed HP 125:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2145

continue to pray; talk faith HP 74:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2146

inspires boldness in claiming promises TDG 177:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2147

is for our benefit OHC 134:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2148

may test faith HP 125:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2149

not to cause weariness TMK 272:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2150

purpose in HP 89:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2151

to encourage our boldness HP 74:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2152

deliverance from trouble even before OHC 316:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2153

dependence on God required in true HP 69:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2154

directed to Jesus OHC 338:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2155

display in, in every age TMK 261:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2156

distractions from, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2157

avoided by John the Baptist CC 270:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2158

not permitted OHC 360:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2159

doubts talked over with Jesus in TMK 227:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2160

duty and privilege OHC 129:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2161

earnest/fervent/sincere, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2162

answered FLB 224:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2163

called for UL 266:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2164

Christ mingles His merit with TMK 270:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2165

efficacy of Christ’s blood mingled with HP 74:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2166

feeling OHC 130:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2167

for closer walk if Satan’s work, unveiled OHC 321:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2168

God commands help for those in HP 87:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2169

heard; read Isaiah 58 VSS 125:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2170

help through, for temptations TMK 269:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2171

holy endeavor inspired by OHC 116:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2172

lacking by ministers in 1888 meetings 3SM 171 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2173

not disappointed HP 81:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2174

of Christ HP 76:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2175

of the righteous, God promises to answer OHC 134:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2176

(penitential) heard by God UL 348:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2177

person having, may sense communing TDG 315:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2178

prepares us to receive light OHC 315:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2179

requirement of OHC 131:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2180

sensing unworthiness HP 75:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2181

strength and grace of HP 213:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2182

taking kingdom of heaven by force RC 217:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2183

value of TMK 270 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2184

See also Prayer, perseverance in TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2185

earthliness often mixed into HP 89:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2186

effectiveness of, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2187

shown by Daniel’s example CC 256:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2188

through Christ’s righteousness TMK 270:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2189

effects of OHC 177:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2190

elements of HP 90:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2191

Ellen White, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2192

awoke early for, considering Is. 40:28-31 OHC 266:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2193

expresses thanks and makes requests in TMK 143:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2194

given rest and healing in response to TDG 116:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2195

offered, at altar call; (supplication) 3SM 177:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2196

energy of soul required in HP 89:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2197

enlightenment through HP 75:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2198

Enoch escaped corruption by AG 304:4; HP 70:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2199

essential; souls ruined by neglect HP 90:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2200

evil thoughts with, should not discourage us from praying HP 78:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2201

evils enter heart not fortified by HP 312:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2202

example of daily TDG 374:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2203

exhort others to RC 207:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2204

expecting, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2205

God to answer, in His own way UL 109:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2206

too little in HP 257:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2207

failure to exercise, blessings lost by HP 74:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2208

faith, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2209

and, are arms to hang on the neck of infinite love TDG 315:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2210

(living) in presenting; (supplications) HP 348:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2211

faithless, brings no relief or hope OHC 130:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2212

family, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2213

as parents seek help in training children TMK 149:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2214

without hurry in early evening RC 183:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2215

feelings, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2216

are not needed to believe answer to LHU 55:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2217

are not evidence that God hears UL 256:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2218

not to be worked up in, but persistence needed TMK 272:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2219

of being saved destroys motivation for Mar 236:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2220

fervent, See Prayer, earnest TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2221

fire from heaven still responds to, in our souls TMK 271:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2222

for desire to save the perishing HP 338:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2223

for God’s keeping power HP 220:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2224

for grace and for ability to help others HP 113:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2225

for leaders in God’s work HP 211:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2226

for Lord to reveal Himself (1883 General Conference) 3SM 148:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2227

for preparation for trials of day of God’s preparation OHC 340:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2228

for revelation of God HP 11:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2229

for sick, more of, needed; more in sanitariums 3SM 295:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2230

for truth from the Bible OHC 37:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2231

for unbelieving friends after association with them OHC 300:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2232

for yourselves, UL 114:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2233

believing God listens RC 65:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2234

fervently UL 119:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2235

for cleansing UL 64:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2236

forgetting need of TDG 27:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2237

form of, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2238

by one pursuing own way TSB 64:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2239

Jesus did not teach, but simple petition TMK 260:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2240

shows need is not felt; (words) OHC 130:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2241

formal worldly, not offered by those abiding in Christ OHC 147:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2242

frequent, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2243

draws the soul near to God HP 89:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2244

earnest, example of Christ in TMK 258:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2245

God’s people to engage in RC 121:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2246

needed at this time HP 93:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2247

when work is more critical TDG 104:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2248

frozen channel in, interrupts connection for many TDG 277:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2249

gift of, to become a power for God TDG 26:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2250

God, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2251

burdened by, when long and spiritless TDG 285:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2252

called on in; time for Him to work (Ps. 119:126) HP 351:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2253

encourages laying needs and gratitude before Him in HP 18:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2254

glorified by, of those with spiritual life RC 197:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2255

has never hidden His face from; (supplication) TDG 194:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2256

honored by; keep preaching short VSS 249:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2257

knows all about soul in OHC 127:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2258

not brought down but we are lifted by HP 213:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2259

only to hear secret TMK 272:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2260

presents Himself to us as a hearer of TDG 22:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2261

receives, only through Jesus TMK 260:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2262

gratitude and yearnings in, returned in divine grace TDG 277:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2263

guard, with expectancy and hope OHC 134:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2264

habit of, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2265

for one following God’s will HP 189:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2266

wherever you are; need for a pure heart TSB 195:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2267

heard, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2268

always when offered with faith TMK 270:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2269

and answered though all else fails TDG 184:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2270

but wishes not always granted UL 369:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2271

when we endeavor to be obedient FW 47:2; NL 34:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2272

when we sense our unworthiness HP 75:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2273

heart, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2274

important in; also soul and voice TDG 24:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2275

lifted in, and thanksgiving for God’s watchful care TMK 143:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2276

subdued by, before reading Scripture OHC 207:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2277

subdued in, for others HP 211:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2278

uplifted in; others may be unkind TDG 70:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2279

without feeling in TSB 66:1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2280

heaven moved by RC 159:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2281

highest kind of, expected of people God works with TDG 321:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2282

hindered by pride of heart TDG 19:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2283

holy unction pervading, of one with meekness of Christ TDG 39:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2284

homes to have HP 213:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2285

hour of, visitors to see, as important; not neglected RC 183:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2286

house of, every house should be HP 90:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2287

humble, Christ bends low to listen to TMK 270:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2288

humility in UL 17:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2289

hurried, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2290

loss sustained in; take time to yield will TDG 154:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2291

success does not accompany LHU 263:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2292

you may rush to work RC 207:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2293

imagination, corrupt, overcome by strength through OHC 337:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2294

imperfect because humanity is HP 78:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2295

important when busy TDG 104:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2296

improve in HP 78:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2297

in Christ’s name HP 77:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2298

in groves and mountains UL 226:9 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2299

incense, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2300

kindled by holy fire mingled with Con 80:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2301

of Christ’s merits offered with HP 69:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2302

ineffective without compliance with Word of God UL 22:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2303

instant in, committing all to God TDG 22:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2304

intelligent, OHC 130:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2305

and fervent, by meditation OHC 113:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2306

intensity of purpose in TMK 271:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2307

intercessory, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2308

Ellen White refused, for unknown sins 3SM 75:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2309

of Daniel TMK 238:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2310

interest in, as communion with the Saviour AG 49:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2311

irritated ones to seek wisdom in, to work for souls 2MCP 522:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2312

issue of, need not be dreaded TMK 77:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2313

kneeling for, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2314

after standing in consecration 3SM 267:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2315

Bible examples of; duty in worship AG 91:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2316

impossible sometimes TDG 232:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2317

not required 3SM 266 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2318

shows subjection AG 91:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2319

knees are a talent given for TMK 328:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2320

knowing how to offer HP 75:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2321

knowledge of Christ’s perfect character facilitates TMK 159:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2322

lack of, feeling God’s favor must be merited 3SM 196:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2323

languid, brings no returns OHC 131:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2324

learning, HP 78:5; OHC 129:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2325

genius and eloquence not needed for God to hear TDG 187:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2326

with children RC 121:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2327

letter directed to our Father in heaven HP 71:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2328

life of, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2329

and faith, rewarded by heavenly home and crown TDG 155:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2330

leads us to praise Christ HP 248:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2331

light brought in by UL 147:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2332

link of power with the infinite God HP 81:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2333

lips used in, but not the heart UL 95:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2334

living, life of living Christian is a life of HP 39:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2335

living out, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2336

for close contact with Christ HP 61:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2337

trusting God to work out what is best LHU 129:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2338

looking to heaven in, asking for duty; (supplication) HP 222:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2339

Lord’s, See Lord’s Prayer TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2340

means of success ordained by heaven RC 159:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2341

meeting in groups for LHU 358:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2342

merit not earned from act of HP 306:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2343

mind wandering in, to be brought back until habit forms RC 295:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2344

ministry of Christ sanctified by HP 69:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2345

mistake discerned through humble, and aid of Holy Spirit TMK 239:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2346

model, See Lord’s Prayer TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2347

more, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2348

and in faith OHC 134:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2349

and less talk OHC 362:4; UL 269:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2350

for souls in indifference and for victory UL 127:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2351

in prosperity than in affliction HP 243:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2352

when betrayed into sin OHC 49:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2353

more than, required after Achan’s sin CC 120:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2354

morning, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2355

and evening, as incense before God HP 213:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2356

for evidence that Jesus is Helper TMK 261:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2357

mother’s, heard RC 170:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2358

mothers to be much in, for training children UL 94:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2359

much in, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2360

drawing nigh to God believing from the heart FW 17:1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2361

if we believe that Christ alone can save TDG 207:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2362

with God TDG 24:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2363

name of Jesus in, See Prayer, Christ’s name in TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2364

nature (scenes of) was a place of, for Christ TMK 240:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2365

need/necessity for, FLB 224:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2366

and for blessings Mar 85 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2367

avoiding precipitation of oppression TDG 250:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2368

for overcoming LHU 368:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2369

in Christ’s humanity HP 76:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2370

in churches, schools and institutions CC 256:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2371

in helping one in error OHC 177 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2372

now to avoid being led astray FW 45:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2373

seen in example of Daniel’s prayer CC 256:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2374

urged by Christ TMK 260:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2375

we are living in day of atonement TDG 336:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2376

need for God to indite (dictate) HP 87:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2377

need for people who know, as well as how to talk RY 44:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2378

need must be sensed for God to hear TMK 272:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2379

neglect of, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2380

and of study LHU 299:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2381

and of watchfulness HP 97:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2382

danger in, and in not maintaining victory TDG 52:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2383

discouragement not to cause TSB 48:1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2384

felt; trust Jesus 3SM 151:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2385

moral power lacking because of TMK 267:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2386

neighbors to be remembered in RC 229:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2387

night in, spent by Christ when preparing for trial TDG 104:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2388

Noah’s voice in, for power to obey was condemning power TDG 235:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2389

noise and physical exercise unnecessary for God to hear FLB 122:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2390

not heard when fighting other Christians in lawsuits 3SM 302:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2391

not to be sermon to God OHC 131:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2392

objects of, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2393

to be God’s glory not our own TMK 272:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2394

withheld, may be among our greatest blessings OHC 318:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2395

occasional, not enough UL 303:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2396

offer, only to Christ, not to any human TMK 73:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2397

offerings linked with HP 306:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2398

opportunity for, improve OHC 129:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2399

overcoming through, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2400

helped HP 279:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2401

of sin by grace RC 121:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2402

parents to have, for their children TDG 219:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2403

Paul’s, for the Colossians, complete HP 158:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2404

people of, needed who quietly overcome self RC 218:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2405

perplexities brought to God in, not to another 1MCP 262:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2406

perseverance/persistence/importunity in, HP 71:4; LHU 368:6; OHC 134:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2407

bring souls to the cross TDG 227:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2408

for problems 3SM 301:1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2409

God’s soothing words of acceptance of HP 74:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2410

(prevailing) Daniel’s prayer showed TMK 271:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2411

to receive work of the Holy Spirit TMK 276:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2412

place of, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2413

Christ to be taken with you when you leave HP 223:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2414

may be anywhere 3SM 266 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2415

may be closet, streets, etc. TDG 27:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2416

retired FLB 224:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2417

posture in OHC 148:3; 3SM 266 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2418

power in answer to, brings wisdom, unity and peace RC 159:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2419

power of, HP 82:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2420

for one convinced of own weakness LHU 368:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2421

from heart longing for strength FLB 224:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2422

of John 17:21, 22 HP 76:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2423

shown in God speaking to Jesus at His baptism HP 26:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2424

that comes HP 75:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2425

valued too little HP 75:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2426

practice TDG 22:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2427

praise and thanksgiving to be included in morning TMK 232:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2428

prepares for temptation OHC 330:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2429

press petitions of, to God OHC 131:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2430

probation of unfaithful one extended by TSB 144:1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2431

process of answering OHC 129:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2432

promises grasped by; then praise God for the Spirit TMK 270:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2433

qualities of: simple, earnest, comprehensive OHC 130:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2434

questioning whether the Lord hears, inexcusable TDG 223:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2435

readiness of God to hear, sensed when trusting in Him TDG 82:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2436

refreshing and invigorating of soul and body by Mar 85:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2437

relief and comfort to troubled soul TDG 315:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2438

relish for, lost through story reading OHC 275:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2439

repentance to be beginning of petitions in TMK 290:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2440

required, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2441

and rewarded HP 90:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2442

to keep from sin HP 171:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2443

responsibility for, when clouds hide the light OHC 318:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2444

rest for the soul secured by TDG 104:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2445

results of HP 213:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2446

reward received in obeying God’s requirement for HP 90:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2447

right to take hold of God through OHC 101:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2448

sacrifice, spiritual HP 78:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2449

safeguard against error UL 326:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2450

salvation and comfort through HP 75:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2451

Samuel was subject of his mother’s RC 195:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2452

saving of souls, burden of earnest TDG 171:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2453

secret, HP 86:4; TMK 272:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2454

enables us to pray more intelligently in public OHC 130:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2455

influence from God to one who engages in TMK 272:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2456

needed more frequently OHC 362:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2457

strength of the Christian HP 218:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2458

sustains inner life of love OHC 130:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2459

self-sufficient overcome by Satan through lack of OHC 129:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2460

sense of our need of divine help precedes earnest TMK 240:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2461

settling differences followed by UL 106:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2462

short and to the point OHC 130:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2463

signs are not to be expected to indicate answers to LHU 129:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2464

silent, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2465

ascends to God through Jesus TMK 78:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2466

heard HP 69:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2467

mother calmed through RC 171:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2468

of faith, Jesus answers FLB 122:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2469

sincere, See Prayer, earnest TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2470

singing made more of than, in this age VSS 426:1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2471

sinner placed on vantage ground by UL 322:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2472

sins confessed in, by Daniel 3SM 354:1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2473

sleepy repetitious, does not reach the ear of the Lord HP 87:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2474

small group, needed HP 91:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2475

solicited by the Whites for their soul-winning work TDG 174:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2476

soul of Ellen White drawn out in UL 127:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2477

souls brought to the cross by persevering HP 68:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2478

spirit of, and more faith needed TDG 347:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2479

spiritless, divine attributes not taken hold of by HP 75:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2480

spiritual health not improved by, if associations are bad OHC 255:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2481

standing during 3SM 268 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2482

steady watchfulness in, not sometimes careless TDG 277:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2483

strength through, by way made by Christ TMK 258:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2484

study and, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2485

as never before FW 77:0 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2486

time spent on display instead of on OHC 272:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2487

subject of many, Ellen White told Edson he was TDG 184:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2488

subject, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2489

to God’s glory HP 74:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2490

to what is best for us UL 369:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2491

submission in, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2492

to God’s purpose and will OHC 318:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2493

to God’s Spirit indicated HP 322:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2494

suggestion of, for consecration UL 237:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2495

surrender in, to control words and actions OHC 336:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2496

take everything to God in, by faith HP 107:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2497

telling God our trials, weakness and dependence HP 87:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2498

temptation, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2499

requires going to God in TMK 276:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2500

resisted by watching and earnest TSB 88:0 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2501

that God does not hear, resisted by Christ HP 78:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2502

testify to importance of, at home and at work RC 207:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2503

thoughts often lifted to God in RC 295:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2504

three times a day, like Daniel LHU 368:6; RC 207:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2505

time for, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2506

and for searching the Scriptures OHC 101:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2507

guard jealously HP 85:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2508

lost when attention on wealth of world TMK 223:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2509

not found OHC 44:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2510

should be more, and less time planning for self TDG 277:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2511

unavailable with mind focused on earth OHC 200:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2512

wasted moments used Mar 39:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2513

time spent in, with Bible study returns a hundredfold HP 135:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2514

treatments to be accompanied by 3SM 296:1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2515

trials may answer UL 109:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2516

true, impossible without true faith TDG 315:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2517

trust, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2518

God to answer, irrespective of feelings TMK 230:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2519

God to answer your RC 119:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2520

must not be in, but in God’s Word HP 125:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2521

types of leaders needing, listed HP 211:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2522

unacceptable while having wrong feelings about others TDG 19:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2523

unanswered, See Prayer, answer to TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2524

understanding, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2525

of Scripture sought by earnest TMK 10:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2526

promises and, but laying burdens on humans 1MCP 262:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2527

victory, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2528

in, by Jacob pleading on plains of Penuel TDG 184:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2529

over temptation gained through HP 30:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2530

through earnest OHC 14:5, 82:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2531

vigilant, cultivate spirit of UL 193:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2532

voices joined in, better than faultfinding RC 121:7 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2533

walking as Enoch did after HP 81:6 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2534

wants are not to consume all powers in 3SM 152:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2535

watching unto, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2536

and be careful of behavior TDG 70:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2537

and count the cost RC 356:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2538

Ellen White instructed, as important for all TDG 128:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2539

repining is not part of TMK 170:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2540

shows importance of control by Christ TDG 238:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2541

weakness in, helped by inclusive prayer Jesus suggested TMK 261:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2542

when Satan is ready to rob your integrity to God OHC 126:2 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2543

while working, to be kept from evil TMK 41:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2544

windows of heaven not closed against our LHU 176:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2545

wisdom to raise children to be requested in 2MCP 384:1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2546

with souls in danger UL 117:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2547

wonder of HP 81:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2548

Word of God, understanding, by asking in OHC 206:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2549

words of, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2550

children should be taught to offer simple TMK 149:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2551

given HP 71:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2552

work, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2553

in harmony with UL 185 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2554

toward answering your own UL 256:5 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2555

with CC 263:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2556

worker given strength by, to renew the conflict TDG 53:3 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2557

working, TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2558

to answering own, knowing that the Lord accepts 2MCP 506:1 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2559

with difficult people requires consideration with TDG 79:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2560

world should be encircled by earnest RC 121:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2561

youth encouraged to practice OHC 76:4 TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2562

See also Devotions; God, approaching; God, communion with; Petitions; Supplication; Throne of grace; Watchfulness and prayer TopIndex .Prayer, Prayers.2563