but a step away OHC 26:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1292
quickly corrected by committed Christian HP 260:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1293
diversion from, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1294
by side issues TDG 205 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1295
by some believing they have special work TDG 172:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1296
divine, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1297
Christ originated TMK 368:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1298
like its Author 3SM 188:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1299
taught by nature OHC 251:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1300
unfolds, expands, and develops continually OHC 211:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1301
divine sentinel TMK 200:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1302
doctrine accepted by whole world does not make it TMK 357:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1303
doors closed to, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1304
by certain actions TDG 113:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1305
doors open to, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1306
to be seen TDG 181:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1307
See Truth, canvassers TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1308
drawn, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1309
from, by connection with men in Battle Creek RY 78:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1310
to, by God’s Spirit TMK 193:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1311
to, seeing piety; avoid denunciations PM 305:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1312
drink deep at the fountain of TMK 212:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1313
duty, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1314
of intelligent souls to hold TDG 34:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1315
to bring souls to OHC 303:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1316
dwell on solemn, for this time TDG 205:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1317
education, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1318
in, practical, rarer than book knowledge TMK 193:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1319
is inculcation of TDG 43:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1320
effect of, shown by ministry to temporal and spiritual UL 126:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1321
effective only when brought into the soul VSS 189:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1322
effectiveness of, weakened by disobedience RC 113:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1323
elevated to platform of, and winning souls LYL 27:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1324
elevates/ennobles/enriches/refines, OHC 34:4, 106:3, 230:5; UL 205:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1325
and sanctifies RC 305:2; TMK 188:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1326
from depravity or one is lost TDG 81:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1327
taste and sanctifies judgment HP 180:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1328
to standard of perfection as we grasp for it TMK 340:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1329
Ellen White, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1330
prayed for God to teach her TMK 266:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1331
shown position and duty about, in study after 1844 TDG 317:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1332
writings of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1333
to be seen as chain of 3SM 52:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1334
to specify; gather it if important 3SM 32:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1335
enemies of, avoid becoming, by abhorring evil TMK 254:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1336
enjoy, rather than considering it a yoke of bondage OHC 33:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1337
enlightens, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1338
the mind and sanctifies the soul TMK 208:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1339
those who seek it with humble hearts TDG 188:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1340
ennobling, flowed constantly from Christ HP 175:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1341
enshrined in soul makes one a man or woman of God OHC 33:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1342
enter Holy of Holies with softened heart to hear OHC 207:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1343
error, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1344
covering, must be discarded TMK 343:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1345
mixed with, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1346
as new light 1MCP 42 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1347
in time of Christ and today TDG 164:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1348
readjustment in framework of gospel LHU 259:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1349
not thought to be, by sincere searcher UL 125:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1350
overthrown by, at Paul’s trial before Nero CC 355:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1351
essential, revealed in Christ’s teachings UL 313:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1352
established, publications making of none effect PM 314:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1353
establishment on, working for others RC 245:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1354
eternal, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1355
because Christ taught it UL 78:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1356
feet on platform of OHC 206:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1357
prevails despite those who refuse it UL 199:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1358
See also Realities, eternal TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1359
evasion of, by silence, fearing to offend HP 179:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1360
evidence for, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1361
forgotten when not studied TDG 18:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1362
law made void in face of, fixes destiny 3SM 390:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1363
repentance refused despite TDG 221:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1364
sufficient HP 105:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1365
witness to acquaintances RC 202:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1366
evil conquered by, with the Holy Spirit TMK 37:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1367
exalted, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1368
and understood better; Holy Spirit’s control RC 219:4; TDG 311:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1369
by trials UL 324:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1370
in warning the world UL 148:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1371
example of those who love not TMK 269:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1372
excitement of mind prevents hearing OHC 315:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1373
expansion of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1374
Holy Spirit’s control allows RC 111:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1375
possible if received TMK 340:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1376
through the Spirit if self is dead RC 114:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1377
experience, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1378
in, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1379
confirms understanding UL 352:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1380
dumb in TDG 315:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1381
lacking; it is not magnified 2MCP 557:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1382
making its principles a reality HP 46:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1383
speaks, when the Bible is lived and practiced HP 132:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1384
without, keeps it from being magnified TDG 231:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1385
explained, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1386
but flock not fed TSB 196:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1387
simply to inquirers after living it in schools 3SM 234:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1388
exploring, with interest and diligence TMK 195:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1389
extended through God’s blessing on the widow’s mite RC 268:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1390
failure, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1391
(spiritual) by not practicing HP 162:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1392
to discern, from error HP 348:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1393
to practice UL 70:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1394
faith, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1395
exercised to understand UL 244:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1396
from, in the soul made Paul immovable FW 33:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1397
in the, to advance UL 254:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1398
(nominal) by many who many claim to believe TDG 357:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1399
faithfulness to, in spite of evil reports RY 32:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1400
falsehood/deception/fallacies/lies, at enmity with UL 77:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1401
avoided by nourishment of TMK 301:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1402
in claims of; know the Scriptures LHU 114:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1403
made to appear as, by unseen agencies TMK 188:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1404
or, all will labor for either TDG 131:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1405
preferred over, under Satan’s enticement 3SM 416:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1406
received for, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1407
Ellen White wrote to prevent TDG 126:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1408
from trusted ones by not studying TDG 314:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1409
supplied to those who do not love LHU 152:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1410
fanaticism, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1411
in eclipse of NL 51:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1412
that turns people from evidence of 3SM 373:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1413
fasting for understanding of, after 1844 CET 192:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1414
feelings and motives implanted by HP 21:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1415
feet firmly planted on, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1416
following on to know TDG 265:8 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1417
to experience protection of God TDG 358:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1418
fighting, See Truth, resistance to TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1419
filled with principles of LHU 38:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1420
firmness in, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1421
amid error 3SM 39:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1422
Satan will claim to be Christ FW 56:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1423
firmness of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1424
given to SDAs RY 21:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1425
when planted deeply VSS 233:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1426
flashes from people of God to those in darkness RC 347:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1427
foes of, united front against 3SM 20:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1428
fortified by, against deceptions 3SM 389:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1429
foundation of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1430
faith built on sand without 2MCP 536:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1431
unchanged UL 352:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1432
fountain of, purity preserved by 1MCP 351:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1433
fruits of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1434
from lives following Christ’s teachings 1MCP 185:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1435
to be revealed in words and character OHC 33:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1436
fundamental, shown miraculously, not to be undermined TDG 195:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1437
gather, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1438
accumulated jewels as hereditary trusts TDG 170:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1439
to give to the world RC 290:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1440
gems of, grasped by ever-learning student TDG 66:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1441
gift entrusted by the Lord to influence the mind TDG 208:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1442
girdle of HP 179:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1443
given in trust LHU 366:5; UL 81:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1444
giving, See Truth, presentation of TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1445
glorious to Ellen White during period of pain TMK 283:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1446
glory of Jesus revealed by TMK 61:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1447
God, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1448
by the Holy Spirit is a continual agent in TDG 50:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1449
calls for clear perceptions of OHC 369:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1450
calls youth to search for TMK 204:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1451
gives, to those who search for it to share it TMK 217:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1452
has always worked for HP 351:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1453
helps those defending, although conflict increases FW 46:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1454
is understood better by bringing, into daily life HP 248:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1455
of, with those who fearlessly follow light RC 379:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1456
waits for us to ask Him to guide us into TMK 202:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1457
works in the human by; distinguishing it from error 1MCP 350:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1458
would reveal, from His Word if studied in unity 3SM 167:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1459
God’s, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1460
presence to lead us in TMK 343:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1461
will followed along with knowledge of HP 335:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1462
good things brought forth from, in heart TMK 158:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1463
gospel, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1464
is not, for those not changed by it TDG 81:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1465
shoes put on by those holding, in righteousness TDG 311:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1466
grace, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1467
in speaking; then Holy Spirit will do the reforming VSS 240:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1468
to impart, results from loving UL 71:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1469
grasping points of, or planning to follow own ideas FW 66:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1470
great although carried by “little men” TDG 217:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1471
growth in, stopped HP 184:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1472
guardians of, to act awake TDG 222:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1473
guide, counselor and help OHC 32:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1474
guided by HP 243:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1475
having and teaching Mar 107:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1476
health reform, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1477
is entering wedge for RC 154:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1478
misrepresented hurts presentation of 3SM 285:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1479
hearers judged by; speakers should try to reach people VSS 202:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1480
hearing, but not practicing it; as with Judas TDG 267:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1481
heart, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1482
must receive HP 140:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1483
must receive the stamp of RC 112:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1484
open to receive; character transformation 1MCP 67:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1485
preoccupied with FLB 8:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1486
reached by, through kindness OHC 302:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1487
reception of, Holy Spirit reveals beauty after LHU 106:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1488
sanctified by, and cleansed of sensuality 1MCP 238:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1489
Heaven imparts, to purify from moral defilement 3SM 199:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1490
heavenly, refreshes others when received AG 124:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1491
held by fingertips by many; tests coming 3SM 415:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1492
hidden/concealed/obscured/suppressed, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1493
by evil forces UL 44:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1494
by peculiarities of own character VSS 329:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1495
by rabbinical lore before resurrection TMK 340:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1496
by selfishness, lack of consecration, error, etc. HP 315:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1497
in confederacy for higher wages PM 148:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1498
higher planes of, Christ leads to UL 280:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1499
highest, from Christ taught to disciples TDG 41:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1500
history fulfilled by witnesses to, as prophesied TDG 352:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1501
hold, fast to see the King HP 356:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1502
hold, in purity UL 87:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1503
Holy Spirit, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1504
asked to lead into TDG 169:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1505
connects with searcher for HP 133:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1506
conveys, to obedient HP 236:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1507
enables searcher to find, in Scriptures RC 128:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1508
illuminates, and speaks through minister VSS 285:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1509
impresses Bible, when asking God OHC 37:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1510
needed individually in order to communicate TDG 355:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1511
prepares receiver of, for society of angels OHC 34:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1512
reveals, to those willing to obey TMK 192:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1513
honor and advance UL 371:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1514
hope for one still believing, but in despair TDG 38:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1515
human inventions lead away from UL 131:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1516
humans, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1517
cannot claim to be supreme revealers of TMK 97:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1518
may teach, but only God teaches it savingly TDG 112:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1519
husband or wife often prevents stepping out for TMK 116:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1520
idle tales to many PM 281:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1521
idleness impossible with, burning in soul OHC 186:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1522
ignorance of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1523
acceptance by God by sincere ones with 3SM 400:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1524
not an excuse; God has given His Word OHC 68:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1525
See also Poverty, spiritual TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1526
illiterate one from an atmosphere of, has convincing power Mar 252:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1527
immortalized in writings of Ellen White PM 359:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1528
importance of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1529
because error is prevalent; sanctification HP 145:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1530
intemperance hides CME 39:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1531
lost when separated from ones of like faith TMK 154:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1532
impossible to appreciate, while practicing sinful habits OHC 266:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1533
impressed by the Holy Spirit, not easily let go HP 350:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1534
impressions of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1535
laid before Ellen White, taken to others 3SM 113:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1536
lessened by using style of romance TDG 282:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1537
made by God; we need meekness 3SM 375:10 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1538
inconsistency of others not to cause you to depreciate 2MCP 534:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1539
increasing capacity to grasp HP 28:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1540
indulgence leaves youth unprepared to stand for AG 278:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1541
inexhaustible mines of, in the Word of God OHC 115:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1542
influence for, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1543
by the Word, not by feeling or excitement 3SM 375:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1544
of publishing house managers PM 101:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1545
when talented people are converted RC 242:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1546
influence of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1547
corrects the character TMK 233:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1548
for salvation, TDG 219:2; TMK 312:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1549
by representing it in obedience TDG 201:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1550
in relieving others TDG 224:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1551
Judas braced his soul against TMK 182:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1552
lacking in ministers, prevents them from sharing it 3SM 189:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1553
nobility of person under OHC 208:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1554
on entire being when in the heart OHC 36:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1555
on life lacking if kept only in theory FLB 18:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1556
others do not feel, because of our neglect TDG 224:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1557
prepares a separate and peculiar people TDG 50:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1558
same for all nationalities OHC 171:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1559
sanctifies; Spirit implants Christ’s nature 3SM 198:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1560
SDAs are watched to see 3SM 260:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1561
through the Holy Spirit’s power OHC 32:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1562
transforms SW 57:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1563
(when lived out), felt in the home LYL 25:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1564
injury to God’s servants for, regarded as done to Him Mar 191:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1565
institutions formed to advance, but workers not consecrated PM 53:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1566
instruction in, repeated for simple understanding SW 58:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1567
intellect reached through UL 104:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1568
intelligence, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1569
commends; it can transform soul if obeyed LHU 66:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1570
in proclamation of, by Jesus and His workers 3SM 374:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1571
interest in, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1572
created in friends and neighbors UL 264:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1573
to be awakened by articles in leaflets PM 227:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1574
worked for while neglecting ones who have never heard SW 48:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1575
investigation of, with humble heart; fellowship is privilege TDG 93:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1576
jealousy among those advocating, is wrong PM 324:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1577
John flashes forth, as sunlight LHU 74:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1578
joy in finding RC 128:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1579
joyful, not cold OHC 208:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1580
Judas disliked, but criticized Christ instead of himself OHC 287:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1581
judged according to use made of LHU 48:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1582
keep, at heart TDG 37:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1583
keepers of, enter city of God HP 369:4; 3SM 431:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1584
knowledge of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1585
and appreciation to present it RC 290:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1586
and proclamation UL 58:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1587
as in Jesus will make steadfast OHC 332:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1588
by everyone before the end Mar 218:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1589
Christ spoke with VSS 93:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1590
churches have not been advancing in UL 86:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1591
corruption of many with TSB 92:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1592
(experimental) obligation to communicate TMK 216:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1593
for ourselves; what is truth 2MCP 535:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1594
for yourself from Scriptures FW 77:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1595
from clear proclamation in all the earth PM 387:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1596
gaining in, and in connection with Jesus TDG 95:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1597
given for improvement LHU 66:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1598
(intellectual) not enough TMK 192:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1599
is not enough UL 197:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1600
lacking; people do not understand salvation VSS 233:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1601
means responsibility of telling others Mar 99:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1602
needed, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1603
beware of side issues TDG 205:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1604
press to the light when you see it FW 78:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1605
power to make us steadfast Mar 217:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1606
precious OHC 290:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1607
requires willingness to obey OHC 16:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1608
study and prayer for; obeying at any cost TDG 319:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1609
talent; TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1610
to communicate to souls in darkness TMK 327:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1611
you may enlighten souls TDG 85:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1612
to increase, praising Christ RC 219:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1613
trusting in Christ instead of our own OHC 362:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1614
weakened by doubting inspiration UL 370:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1615
laughing boisterously denies TMK 138:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1616
law of God known through Christ is LHU 158:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1617
lay persons may present, powerfully in own neighborhoods PM 309:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1618
leading by, step by step TMK 347:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1619
learning of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1620
during destructive judgments TDG 163:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1621
(full meaning) by diligent Bible study OHC 205:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1622
limited because we step back into world OHC 62:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1623
leaven of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1624
in the heart to bring powers into subjection TDG 85:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1625
soul transformed secretly by HP 21:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1626
working inwardly will be revealed in life TDG 186:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1627
liberality expected in advancing TDG 347:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1628
life/lives, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1629
consistency will commend CME 37:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1630
filled with, brings eternal riches OHC 193:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1631
guided by, See Truth, practice of TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1632
must carry out, for it to be efficient OHC 37:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1633
not controlled by, unless it is in the heart OHC 142:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1634
of one teaching must follow TDG 146:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1635
of those publishing, to show grace PM 259:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1636
radically changed by AG 324:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1637
reformed if sanctified by TDG 118:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1638
reveals redeeming power of HP 237:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1639
separate from, for those hearing only of love of God 3SM 155:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1640
shows, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1641
by being cheerful and uncomplaining OHC 326:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1642
principles of RC 218:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1643
light of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1644
brought to pathways of those in darkness TDG 92:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1645
Christ’s disciples dispel darkness by OHC 296:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1646
error is darkness HP 260:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1647
flashes everywhere in the time of the loud cry Mar 218:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1648
on path to glory makes the way desirable OHC 16:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1649
radiates the soul temple TDG 357:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1650
radiates understanding RC 164:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1651
to shine UL 71:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1652
too much at first if full; Jesus came in humanity OHC 62:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1653
light prized brings broader views of LHU 361:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1654
line of, until entry into city of God shown to Ellen White TDG 317:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1655
linking, skillfully for greater truth OHC 207:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1656
literature, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1657
is witness for, that cannot be argued with PM 196:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1658
to be freely available for spreading PM 324:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1659
little things may reveal TMK 157:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1660
living, daily OHC 21:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1661
living out, See Truth, practice of TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1662
longing, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1663
of Ellen White to bring, to souls perishing in sin TDG 187:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1664
to know more LHU 267:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1665
love, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1666
for God and humanity accompanied by PM 129:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1667
in speaking; Christ will supply the power VSS 67:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1668
of riches crowded out by HP 301:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1669
love for, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1670
because it is truth UL 101:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1671
consumed by love of the world OHC 189:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1672
drawing souls with, to embrace it VSS 219:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1673
enough to meet with believers TMK 154:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1674
evidence that Holy Spirit plants it in heart TDG 52:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1675
more when we love others TDG 165:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1676
protects from believing miracles of Satan TDG 126:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1677
sneered at by the self-indulgent 3SM 398:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1678
lovely when brought to the poor HP 234:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1679
loyalty to, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1680
glory reserved for those with TDG 86:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1681
impossible while yoked with unconsecrated TDG 240:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1682
lying against; acting contrary to claimed belief TMK 185:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1683
maintained, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1684
in face of bitter opposition 3SM 407:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1685
workers have mark of God TDG 231:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1686
majority never had, among them TDG 319:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1687
many places to have; laborers as heralds of the morning PM 193:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1688
map of, held by Christ UL 148:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1689
martyrdom, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1690
by defending, before final conflict 3SM 397:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1691
may bring many to 3SM 420:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1692
means needed to present UL 360:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1693
medical missionaries are not all exalting RC 230:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1694
meditation on, impossible with improper reading OHC 276:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1695
members of body of Christ to reveal, in unity 3SM 15:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1696
memorials of, [churches] to be planted everywhere TDG 179:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1697
mercy, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1698
blended with, should be in our work FW 60:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1699
has met, in Christ TMK 117:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1700
sensed when appreciating TMK 273:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1701
message, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1702
from another world VSS 325:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1703
of glad tidings OHC 33:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1704
of Noah did not lose, by being ridiculed RC 323:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1705
message(s) of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1706
from the pulpit; God’s words of life FW 66:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1707
many have not heard HP 314:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1708
misinterpreted by evil angels as men 3SM 411:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1709
strong; people will listen with different motives 3SM 410:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1710
we have; we must not deny our faith TDG 237:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1711
messenger bound to speak, enlarging knowledge VSS 26:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1712
messengers of, despised by unbelieving managers PM 71:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1713
mind(s), TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1714
character and, sanctified by OHC 106:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1715
closed against, by exercising rights SW 71:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1716
exercise with elevated 2MCP 668:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1717
expanded, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1718
by contact with HP 133:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1719
by, for character perfection RC 296:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1720
ignorant of, not impressed 1MCP 194:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1721
impressed with, by Christ’s power HP 16:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1722
on amusements and gratification lacks, in soul OHC 284:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1723
(own) to be impressed with OHC 207:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1724
prepared to give, to highest earthly powers 1MCP 102:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1725
seeking gratification cannot impart 1MCP 314:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1726
strengthened and the useless discarded under influence of TMK 233:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1727
taught to dwell on 1MCP 53:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1728
that know, Satan works to mislead and confuse 1MCP 22:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1729
to be steadily influenced by UL 349:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1730
will and, surrendered by the reception of OHC 104:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1731
mine(s) of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1732
from Bible study FLB 8:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1733
we would have been ennobled by exploring UL 103:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1734
work, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1735
for new jewels FW 77:1; OHC 204:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1736
for treasures PM 68:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1737
study with the right spirit TDG 93:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1738
mingling common thoughts with, depreciates TMK 140:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1739
ministers to present, avoiding seducing theories 2MCP 718:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1740
ministry called for by those who claim UL 329:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1741
misapplication of 3SM 57:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1742
misrepresentation of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1743
by discussing creature merit FW 23:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1744
by false shepherds in time of trouble Mar 290:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1745
by selfishness 1MCP 49:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1746
following own desires TDG 222:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1747
more, for all to learn UL 304:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1748
multitudes about us need UL 60:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1749
mysteries of, presented by John; simple words spoken VSS 365:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1750
nature, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1751
and familiar objects used in teaching VSS 224:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1752
and revelation agree as LHU 60:4; 3SM 308:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1753
necessity and glory of, through Christ OHC 21:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1754
needed on every point with fewer of our own words TDG 369:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1755
needs of soul met by UL 214:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1756
neglect of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1757
because it involves lifting cross (1889) 3SM 189:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1758
in three angels’ messages for SDAs 3SM 405:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1759
leads to denial in the last days 3SM 421:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1760
neglecting, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1761
to share, confronted with souls lost by our SW 40:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1762
to study, unready for coming crisis by OHC 355:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1763
neighbors taught; light of heaven will accompany you PM 312:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1764
new, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1765
and strange, desire to present, is a snare HP 349:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1766
churches established with standard of TDG 242:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1767
not thought to be in the Bible TMK 114:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1768
old truth made more significant by TMK 197:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1769
rules and principles introduced by TDG 48:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1770
Word of God is involved in all FW 88:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1771
words of Christ were not; He repeated old truth VSS 96 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1772
new light on old, if we accept God’s way TDG 314:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1773
nobility and dignity through RC 17:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1774
novelty seen in, without accepting it as the Word of God FW 32:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1775
obedience to, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1776
according to conscience TDG 153:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1777
at any cost without reference to great people TDG 319:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1778
by God-fearing ones; harmony TDG 60:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1779
expressed in life RC 124:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1780
like Cornelius by some merchants and princes 3SM 421:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1781
purifies TDG 315:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1782
required; not just hearing it OHC 33:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1783
sanctification by TDG 148:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1784
soul purified by; light on Word benefits TDG 293:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1785
workers with, avoid corrupt motives, etc. PM 87:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1786
obedient ones accepted by those loving TMK 196:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1787
obligation of each person to give RC 102:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1788
obscured, See Truth, hidden TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1789
Old, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1790
and New Testaments form complete RC 77:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1791
Testament, blood required for remission was OHC 47:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1792
to be revived to meet false theories UL 88:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1793
one, simply comprehended unlocks treasure house OHC 207:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1794
opens before those who keep in God’s love UL 71:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1795
opinions changed by many claiming, in time of peril TDG 314:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1796
opponents of, may become advocates; avoid ridicule VSS 241:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1797
opportunity for, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1798
preach in; explain the Word of God 2MCP 709:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1799
when sinners fear after calamities PM 312:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1800
opposed by other ministers when taught to colored SW 67:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1801
opposers of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1802
call good evil and evil good 1MCP 22:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1803
Christ knows conniving of, and warns us TDG 74:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1804
sympathy for, because they do not know Christ TMK 183:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1805
to be left alone UL 199:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1806
opposition, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1807
avoided in speaking, from Bible TDG 250:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1808
calls for action by those standing on TDG 265:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1809
to, expected VSS 328:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1810
to, increasing TDG 56:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1811
to, when accepted into the heart OHC 87:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1812
original, Christ’s work was to give, again VSS 96:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1813
others are to be helped by those who receive SW 60:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1814
parables, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1815
conceal doctrines from those who do not love TDG 361:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1816
of Christ made, plain UL 80:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1817
paramount with life of God in the soul OHC 208:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1818
parents with, in lives lead children to better lives RC 186:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1819
partial, turning souls from present truth 3SM 404:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1820
partnership of, with error, impossible; SDAs to be distinct 2MCP 559:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1821
path to heaven illuminated by, at every step TDG 140:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1822
pathways of others illuminated by, which we gather FW 60:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1823
Paul instructed Aquila and Priscilla more perfectly in TDG 203:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1824
peace, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1825
of accepting, to be ministered to people with prejudice TDG 249:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1826
of Christ is born of OHC 328:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1827
pen and voice to declare TDG 221:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1828
penetrates soul, body and spirit TDG 48:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1829
people, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1830
needed to read, practice and explain UL 91:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1831
of, standard to be elevated by TSB 105:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1832
seeking, have long regarded God in a false light FW 81:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1833
who know, See also Truth, stewards of TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1834
will be led to ask what is, by some without oratory TDG 115:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1835
perceptions of, clear, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1836
by abstinence from harmful foods OHC 244:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1837
revealed in words TMK 138:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1838
persecution for, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1839
imprisoned, forced to flee or martyred Mar 199:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1840
in the last days Mar 195:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1841
persecutors claim, in last conflict 3SM 428:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1842
perversion of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1843
by pretending to cast out devils 1MCP 40:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1844
in books, misleading young and older minds PM 99:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1845
picking at points in, to use against it later TDG 93:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1846
pillars of, revealed after 1844 UL 352:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1847
pioneers had, as God saw the world could bear to hear 3SM 346:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1848
plain, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1849
Ellen White enabled to explain, to confused ones 2MCP 771:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1850
making intricate that which Jesus has revealed as TMK 112:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1851
presentation of VSS 319 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1852
proclaimed instead of controversy VSS 319:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1853
when contrasted with error; deception unnecessary FW 97:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1854
plain scriptural statement of, will charm responsible ones UL 86:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1855
platform of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1856
new theories that move us from UL 199:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1857
stand on UL 199:3, 293:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1858
and contend for the faith OHC 172:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1859
playing fast and loose with, means shipwreck of faith HP 179:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1860
points of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1861
all established through experience with Scriptures FW 56:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1862
studied individually after 1844 CET 192:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1863
position on, to be clearly defined OHC 32 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1864
possession of, by giving up all HP 49:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1865
possessors of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1866
required to share it TMK 316:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1867
to be close to God UL 379:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1868
power, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1869
felt in presentation of, which Christ came to give PM 309:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1870
in life and character UL 347:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1871
in presentation of, now 3SM 419:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1872
lost for the spreading of UL 274:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1873
power of, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1874
as Christ presented it VSS 89:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1875
by God’s love shown in Christ LHU 48:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1876
denied by influence of joking, trifling, etc. TMK 138:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1877
ennobles the mind and softens the heart FW 116:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1878
for receivers needs to be understood TMK 340:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1879
for salvation to be revealed in us HP 33:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1880
in relation to Christ crucified TMK 208:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1881
John’s teaching had VSS 365:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1882
knowledge is not enough LHU 265:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1883
life of believer testifies to HP 315:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1884
lost, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1885
by lack of personal enthusiasm VSS 225:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1886
when not lived and imparted HP 317:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1887
without work of sanctification HP 335:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1888
must be felt in spite of enchantments TMK 301:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1889
not felt in lives of some TSB 92:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1890
over life and conduct UL 27:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1891
presented in Christ’s discourses TDG 143:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1892
recommended by lives of sanctified ones TMK 250:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1893
represented as we praise God TMK 273:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1894
resist loss of, from repetition TDG 95:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1895
revealed, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1896
by converted ones TMK 129:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1897
by grace in humanity TMK 128:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1898
sanctifying, neglected by those who speak it UL 301:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1899
saving, seen in lives of true believers TDG 145:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1900
seen in our lives UL 197:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1901
settles controversies 2MCP 499:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1902
shown by unity and by regard for others UL 136:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1903
spoken under influence of grace PM 307:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1904
stronger testimony by lives needed for Mar 107:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1905
unlimited if life is given to its control RC 112:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1906
when it is practiced TDG 70:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1907
powerful and far reaching OHC 171:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1908
powers are given by God to support TDG 131:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1909
practical, convincing power of, Christ uttered RC 101:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1910
practice of / life guided by / living out; UL 126:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1911
according to Christ; John 6:54-57 TDG 118:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1912
as well as belief UL 104:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1913
at any cost RC 232:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1914
avoid narrowness in establishing enterprises CL 20:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1915
by those awaiting Christ’s return RC 59:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1916
in public colleges; leaven will work 3SM 233:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1917
needed by one teaching it TSB 82:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1918
others should be influenced by TDG 224:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1919
personal application HP 23:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1920
prevents conformity to the world 2MCP 561:1 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1921
promotes growth UL 370:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1922
refines, ennobles, and elevates OHC 258:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1923
refines the soul UL 371:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1924
requires much self-discipline 2MCP 388:0 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1925
sanctifying influence TMK 268:4 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1926
show holy character of; distractions 3SM 23:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1927
with purity and freedom from sin TDG 357:7 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1928
Word and power of God in TDG 146:3; TSB 81:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1929
practices and ideas (questionable) to be replaced by OHC 106:3 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1930
prayer, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1931
earnestly for guidance into all HP 140:5 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1932
for, and for realizing necessity of giving it LHU 123:6 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1933
for, from the Bible OHC 37:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1934
for unity in, after 1844 CET 193 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1935
requests granted when we walk in FW 47:2; NL 34:2 TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1936
preaching, TopIndex .Truth, Truths.1937