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Press Together COOD 114

In 1855 the following Testimony was given: “There is too much of an independence of spirit indulged in among the messengers. This must be laid aside, and there must be a drawing together of the servants of God. There has been too much of a spirit to ask, ‘Am I my brother’s keeper?’ Said the angel, Yea, thou art thy brother’s keeper. Thou shouldest have a watchful care for thy brother, be interested for his welfare, and cherish a kind, loving spirit towards him. Press together, press together.”-Testimonies for the Church 1:113, 114. COOD 114.4

Again: “Much evil will be avoided if the ministers of Christ will be of one mind, united in their plans of action, and united in effort.”-Ibid., 212, 213. COOD 115.1