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“Forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven
you.”-Ephesians 4:32 HHHH 105.1

Look not with jealous eye
Upon thy brother’s ways;
But overlook his many faults
To find some good to praise.
For hid, within the human breast
Some precious gem may be;
Then e’er forgive thy fellow man,
As God forgiveth thee. HHHH 105.2

Gently his failings scan,
Look kindly on him now,
And nobly weigh the better part,
Nor think him less than thou.
Remember, human ‘tis to err,
And none from sin are free;
Then e’er forgive thy fellow man,
As God forgiveth thee. HHHH 105.3

Bear with thy brother yet.
Though he may treat thee ill,
Perchance life’s bitter cup he drinks,
With wrong his heart may fill.
Thou knowest not how dark and drear
The path he treads may be,
Then e’er forgive thy fellow man,
As God forgiveth thee. HHHH 105.4

Pray for thy brother still,
Though he betray thy trust;
Oh! Think how soon death’s mighty wave
May sweep us to the dust.
Let pity calm the swelling tide,
Of passion’s raging sea,
And e’er forgive thy fellow man,
As God forgiveth thee. HHHH 106.1