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God’s Purpose EVCO 389

God’s purpose was that His name should be made known in all the earth. 1Exodus 9:15. His desire that all people should know Him was as great as that the children of Israel should know Him. To know the only true God, is life eternal;(2) therefore in revealing Himself to Israel, God was showing them the way of Eternal life, or the Gospel, in order that they might proclaim the same Gospel to others. EVCO 389.1

The reason why God made Himself known to Israel in so marked a manner, was that they were, so to speak, nearer at hand than other people. The memory of God’s dealing with Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and Joseph, and of their faith, was preserved among the Jews, thus making them more accessible. God chose them, not because He loved them more than He did others, but because He loved all men, and would make Himself known to them by means of the agents that were nearest at hand. EVCO 389.2

The idea that God ever was exclusive, and that He ever confined His mercies and truth to one special people, is most dishonouring to His character. Never did He leave the heathen without witness of Himself, and wherever He could find a man or people that would consent to be used, them He straightway enlisted in His service, to make a more full revelation of Himself. EVCO 389.3