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1915 RY 214

Sabbath, Feb. 13, met with the accident that hastened her death; fell as she was entering her study, sustaining a fracture of the left femur.—Pacific Union Recorder, February 25, 1915. March 17 E.G.W. was visited by a number of leading workers; she was “pleased to meet these old friends.” March 31, on W.C.W.’s return from Loma Linda, when he asked how she was feeling, she responded, “I am getting along pretty well—in rather a hard way.”—Pacific Union Recorder, April 15, 1915. RY 214.3

The end to this great life came at 3:40 o'clock Friday afternoon, July 16, when Ellen White fell asleep in Jesus, “as quietly and peacefully as a weary child going to her rest.”— Pur July 22, 1915. Gospel Workers (new and revised edition) and Life Sketches of Ellen G. White were published in 1915. RY 214.4