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Prophetic revelation UEGW 32

An explicit communication of God through the Holy Spirit occurs in prophetic revelation. In this process God usually reveals His message to a prophet directly or through a divine vision or dream (Num. 12:6; Amos 3:7). Much of the Bible came to us through this process. Ellen White claimed to experience this type of revelation. UEGW 32.1

Confusing prophetic revelation and illumination sometimes leads sincere people who experience the working of the Holy Spirit through illumination to think they have the prophetic gift. God does at times give personal supernatural guidance and communication to people, but this does not necessarily convey prophetic status or authority. Personal revelation has importance for the person who receives the communication but not to the church at large, and of course it must be in harmony with the Bible. Prophets are called to bear a particular message(s) from God to others. They function as divine messengers on God’s behalf. It is vital to understand that all true modern prophetic revelation and illumination is oriented toward Scripture. UEGW 32.2