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Answers to Section XVII AH-SG 74

B. AH-SG 74.1

1. To benefit others and to qualify us to do our duties more successfully.
2. To nature.
3. a. Change, rest.
b. Rest, recreation, contemplation.
c. Religious.
d. Essential.
a. Old age, sober.
b. Artificial, pure, noble.
5. a, b, c, d, e.
6. a. Ambition, exercise, beneficial, helpful.
b. Whole, broad, comprehensive.
c. Glorious, liberal.
d. Muscles, brain, others.
7. Any amusement upon which the blessing of God can be asked is not dangerous.
8. We, mind.
9. The mother.
10. Ten to eighteen.
11. No. They still need the counsel and watchcare of their parents.
12. Christian, sanctioning.
13. Home. AH-SG 74.2