1. In recalling the providential evidences in connection with securing the Loma Linda property, Ellen White wrote: “When He [the Lord] __________________ that a certain __________________ should be secured for the __________________ of His cause and the __________________ up of His work, . . . He will make the doing of that work __________________, if those who have __________________ will show their faith and trust in His __________________, and will move __________________ promptly to secure the __________________ He points out.” (403) SHM-SG 44.1
2. When a resurvey of medical schools was announced in the year 1934, what feature of the work helped to continue to give Loma Linda an A grade rating? (404)
SHM-SG 44.2
3. In the year __________________ the school of __________________ was opened with a beginning enrollment of forty-two students. (406) SHM-SG 44.3
4. Why was the name changed to Loma Linda University in 1961? (410)
SHM-SG 44.4
5. What further important decision was made in the year 1962 regarding the medical training at Loma Linda? (411)
SHM-SG 44.5