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Lt 20, 1881 3LtMs, Lt 20, 1881

White, W. C.

St. Helena, California

December 11, 1881

Previously unpublished.

Dear Willie:

I am at Brother Creamer’s. I have been visiting at Crystal Springs. We have looked matters over quite thoroughly and have some idea of the true standing of things. Brother Atwood will give one thousand in stock. Brother Pratt wants two thousand to donate to school, or he will donate this to the [Rural] Health Retreat, if money can be more readily raised for school. Brother Rice, it is understood, will give his stock, which is fifteen hundred. Brother Pratt has one thousand he loaned that he will want to use; the rest remains a gift. No dividend is to be paid. This I have thought the best plan, for all that can be made on the place will have to be put back on the place again in improvements. 3LtMs, Lt 20, 1881, par. 1

Brother Atwood wants twenty-five hundred, which is all he asks. He will work this winter for less than two dollars per day. He will work through the summer for two dollars per day, which is smaller wages than he can command at his trade. If the decision is to take the place, his help had better be secured for he is a faithful hand. He will board his family with her mother at St. Helena. 3LtMs, Lt 20, 1881, par. 2

Brother Pratt estimates that five thousand five hundred would purchase the place just as it stands—one cow, two carriages, two inferior-looking horses, three dozen hens, all included. Can this institute be carried on with any success if you so decide? Have Henry Holser come on, for he could act as bookkeeper and [help] in giving treatments. If you see anyone who can act as manager, employ him. 3LtMs, Lt 20, 1881, par. 3

Sanford would be, I think, glad to go on our place at Healdsburg and make a home for me and travel with me when I wish to go. I have said nothing to him, but I think he dreads the responsibility of a health institute. He is, I think, an excellent hand for that position and will answer well where he is. But Brother Hogar [?] should be secured, and the services of his intended wife, somewhere in some of our boarding houses or in institute. 3LtMs, Lt 20, 1881, par. 4

I write this hastily. We had excellent meeting yesterday. Eight of the youth came forward for prayers. I have slept the best the last three nights that I have since I came to California. I think I feel better here than in Oakland, although there has been more fog than there has been for the last twelve years. I had congestion of the lungs but am relieved. I have not heard from you since you arrived at Battle Creek. We hope to hear soon. 3LtMs, Lt 20, 1881, par. 5
