In this chapter, I. Paul with great solemnity and earnestness presses Timothy to the diligent and conscientious discharge of his work and office as an evangelist; and the charge given to him all gospel ministers are to take to themselves, 2 Timothy 4:1-4:5. II. The reason of his concern in this case, Why must Timothy now be instant in season, etc., in a particular manner? Because the church was likely to be deprived of the apostle’s labours, for his departure was at hand, 2 Timothy 4:6-4:8. III. Divers particular matters, with a hint and caution, about Alexander the coppersmith, 2 Timothy 4:9-4:15. IV. He informs him of what befel him at his first answer; though men forsook him, the Lord stood by him, and this encouraged him to hope for future deliverance (2 Timothy 4:16-4:18) And then he concludes with salutations and a benediction, 2 Timothy 4:19, to the end. MHBCC 1130.1