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Proverbs 8 ISV — Proverbs 8

1 Isn’t wisdom calling out; isn’t understanding raising her voice? ISV — Proverbs 8:1

2 On top of the highest places along the road she stands where the roads meet. ISV — Proverbs 8:2

3 Beside the gates, at the city entrance— at the entrance to the portals she cries aloud: ISV — Proverbs 8:3

4 “I’m calling to you, men! What I have to say pertains a8:4 Lit. My voice is to all mankind! ISV — Proverbs 8:4

5 Understand prudence, you naïve people; and gain an understanding heart, you foolish ones. ISV — Proverbs 8:5

6 Listen, because I have noble things to say, and what I have to say b8:6 Lit. my open lips will reveal what is right. ISV — Proverbs 8:6

7 For my mouth speaks the truth— wickedness is detestable to me. ISV — Proverbs 8:7

8 Everything I have to say is just; there isn’t anything corrupt or perverse in my speech. c 8:8 Lit. words ISV — Proverbs 8:8

9 Everything I say is sensible to someone who understands, and correct to those who have acquired knowledge. ISV — Proverbs 8:9

10 Grab hold of my instruction in lieu of money and knowledge instead of the finest gold, ISV — Proverbs 8:10

11 because wisdom is better than precious gems d8:11 Or rubies and nothing you desire can compare to it.” ISV — Proverbs 8:11

12 “I, wisdom, am related to e8:12 Lit. wisdom, live with prudence. I know how to be discreet. ISV — Proverbs 8:12

13 The fear of the LORD is to hate evil. Pride, arrogance, an evil lifestyle, and perverted speech I despise. ISV — Proverbs 8:13

14 Counsel belongs to me, along with sound judgment. I am understanding. Power belongs to me. ISV — Proverbs 8:14

15 Kings reign by me, and rulers dispense justice through me. ISV — Proverbs 8:15

16 By me leaders rule, as do noble officials and all who govern justly. f8:16 So MT; LXX reads and tyrants rule the earth ISV — Proverbs 8:16

17 I love those who love me, and those who seek me will find me. ISV — Proverbs 8:17

18 Wealth and honor accompany me, as do enduring wealth and righteousness. ISV — Proverbs 8:18

19 My fruit is better than gold, better g8:19 The Heb. lacks better than even refined gold, and my benefit surpasses the purest silver. ISV — Proverbs 8:19

20 I walk on the way of righteousness, along paths that are just, ISV — Proverbs 8:20

21 I bequeath wealth to those who love me, and I will fill their treasuries.” ISV — Proverbs 8:21

22 “The LORD made me as he began his planning, h8:22 Lit. ways before his ancient activity commenced. ISV — Proverbs 8:22

23 From eternity I was appointed, from the beginning, from before there was land. ISV — Proverbs 8:23

24 When there were no ocean depths, I brought them i8:24 The Heb. lacks them to birth at a time when there were no springs. ISV — Proverbs 8:24

25 Before the mountains were shaped, before there were hills, I was bringing them j8:25 The Heb. lacks them to birth. ISV — Proverbs 8:25

26 Even though he had not made the earth, nor the fields, nor the world’s first grains of dust, ISV — Proverbs 8:26

27 when he crafted the heavens, I was there— when he marked out a circle on the face of the deep, ISV — Proverbs 8:27

28 when he made the clouds from above, when the springs of the depths were established, ISV — Proverbs 8:28

29 when he set a boundary for the sea so the waters would not exceed his limits, k8:29 Lit. command when he marked out the foundations of the earth. ISV — Proverbs 8:29

30 Then I was with him, his master craftsman— I was his delight l8:30 So LXX; MT reads was filled with delight daily, continuously rejoicing in his presence, ISV — Proverbs 8:30

31 rejoicing in his inhabitable world and taking delight in mankind.” ISV — Proverbs 8:31

32 “So listen to me, children! Blessed are those who obey me. ISV — Proverbs 8:32

33 Listen to instruction and be wise. Don’t ignore it. ISV — Proverbs 8:33

34 Blessed is the person who listens to me, watching daily at my gates, waiting at my doorways— ISV — Proverbs 8:34

35 because those who find me find life and gain favor from the LORD. ISV — Proverbs 8:35

36 But whoever sins against me destroys himself; everyone who hates me loves death.” ISV — Proverbs 8:36