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Ezekiel 15 ISV — Ezekiel 15

1 This message came to me from the LORD: ISV — Ezekiel 15:1

2 “Son of Man, how does wood from a vine compare to a branch taken from any of the trees in the forest? ISV — Ezekiel 15:2

3 Is wood ever taken from it to make anything practical? Can it even be made into a peg to hang something on? ISV — Ezekiel 15:3

4 After all, it’s useful only for kindling a fire, isn’t it? And once you’ve burnt up the ends and charred through the middle of it, is it useful for anything else? ISV — Ezekiel 15:4

5 If it was useless before it was burned, now that it’s been burned and charred through, it’s even more useless! ISV — Ezekiel 15:5

6 Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: “Just as the wood from a grape vine is removed from the forest and used for kindling fires, I’m giving the inhabitants of Jerusalem over ISV — Ezekiel 15:6

7 to punishment. They may have escaped one fire, but the coming fire will burn them up completely, and they will know that I am the LORD, when I set myself in opposition to a15:7 Lit. set my face against them ISV — Ezekiel 15:7

8 and dedicate the land to desolation because of their unfaithful unbelief,” declares the Lord GOD. ISV — Ezekiel 15:8