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Ezekiel 23 ISV — Ezekiel 23

1 This message came to me from the LORD: ISV — Ezekiel 23:1

2 “Son of Man, here are two sisters who are daughters from the same mother. ISV — Ezekiel 23:2

3 They committed sexual immorality in Egypt. They did this a23:3 Lit. They committed sexual immorality in their youth. There, their breasts were caressed. Their virgin breasts were fondled. ISV — Ezekiel 23:3

4 The older one was named Oholah b23:4 The Heb. name Oholah means she worships at a tent shrine and her sister was named Oholibah. c23:4 The Heb. name Oholibah means she is a tent shrine They belonged to me and gave birth to sons and daughters. Now as to their real identities, Oholah refers to Samaria and Oholibah to Jerusalem.” ISV — Ezekiel 23:4

5 “Oholah committed sexual immorality while she belonged to me. She lusted for Assyria’s warriors, ISV — Ezekiel 23:5

6 who were clothed in blue—including governors and commanders. All of them were desirable young men—horsemen mounted on horses. ISV — Ezekiel 23:6

7 She bestowed her sexual favors d23:7 Lit. her sexual immorality on them—all of them, the best of the Assyrians—and with whomever she lusted for. “She defiled herself with all their idols. ISV — Ezekiel 23:7

8 She never abandoned the immorality that she practiced in Egypt during her youth, where they laid down with her and fondled her virgin breasts, lavishing her with all kinds of favors. ISV — Ezekiel 23:8

9 Therefore, I turned her over to the control e23:9 Lit. hands of her lovers, that is, into the control f23:9 Lit. hands of the Assyrians for whom she lusted. ISV — Ezekiel 23:9

10 They stripped her naked, took away her sons and daughters, and executed her with a sword. She became an object of ridicule g23:10 Lit. became a name among other nations h23:10 Lit. among the women when they punished her.” ISV — Ezekiel 23:10

11 “Her sister Oholibah saw this, but she was more corrupt in her lust and sexual immorality than her sister had been in her own sexual immorality. ISV — Ezekiel 23:11

12 She lusted after the Assyrians—governors, commanders, warriors clothed in gorgeous attire, cavalry mounted on their horses—all of them desirable young men. ISV — Ezekiel 23:12

13 I saw that she was defiled, because the two of them both were on the same i23:13 Lit. one path. ISV — Ezekiel 23:13

14 “She became even more sexually immoral when she saw the images of the Chaldean men who had been carved in red on their walls. ISV — Ezekiel 23:14

15 Girded with waistbands around their loins, with flowing turbans on their heads, all of them looked like chariot officers, similar to the Babylonians from Chaldea, where they had been born. ISV — Ezekiel 23:15

16 “She lusted after them when she saw them, so she sent messengers to summon them from Chaldea. ISV — Ezekiel 23:16

17 The Babylonians came to her love nest j23:17 Lit. best and defiled her with their sexual immorality. As a result, she was defiled by them. Even so, she turned away from them in disgust. ISV — Ezekiel 23:17

18 She displayed her immorality publicly and stripped herself naked, so I turned away in disgust from her, just as I had turned away in disgust from her sister. ISV — Ezekiel 23:18

19 “Nevertheless, she became even more sexually immoral, even reminiscing about when she was young, when she kept on practicing sexual immorality in the land of Egypt. ISV — Ezekiel 23:19

20 She lusted after her paramours, whose genitals are k23:20 Lit. whose flesh is like those of donkeys, and whose emissions are like those of horses. ISV — Ezekiel 23:20

21 Think about the wickedness that you practiced when you were young, when the Egyptians fondled your breasts, the breasts of your youth.” ISV — Ezekiel 23:21

22 “Therefore, Oholibah, this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Look! I’m about to stir up your lovers against you, the ones from whom you’ve turned away in disgust. I’m going to bring them against you from every direction— ISV — Ezekiel 23:22

23 the Babylonians, all the Chaldeans, Pekod, Shoa, Koa, and all of the Assyrians with them. They’re all desirable young men, governors, commanders, chariot officers, and famous men, all of them mounted on horses. ISV — Ezekiel 23:23

24 “‘They’ll invade you with weapons, chariots, wagons, and a vast army. They’ll set themselves in place to attack you from every direction with large shields, small shields, and helmets. I’ll turn over judgment to them, and they’ll punish you according to their own standards. l23:24 Lit. punishment ISV — Ezekiel 23:24

25 I’ll expend my jealousy on you so they’ll deal with you in anger. They’ll cut off your noses and your ears. Your survivors will die violently. m23:25 Lit. die by the sword They’ll take your sons and daughters away from you, but your survivors will be incinerated. ISV — Ezekiel 23:25

26 They’ll strip off your clothes and confiscate your jewelry. n23:26 Lit. your articles of beauty ISV — Ezekiel 23:26

27 That’s how I’ll put an end to your obscene conduct and sexual immorality that you kept on practicing since the day you left o23:27 Lit. practicing from the land of Egypt so that you won’t look in Egypt’s direction or even remember it anymore.’ ISV — Ezekiel 23:27

28 “This is what the Lord GOD says, ‘I’m about to turn you over to the control p23:28 Lit. hands of those you hate, to the control of those from whom you turned away in disgust. ISV — Ezekiel 23:28

29 They’ll deal with you with hatred. They’ll take away your productivity, leaving you naked and defenseless, so that the nakedness of your sexual immorality will be uncovered—your licentious sexual immorality. ISV — Ezekiel 23:29

30 These things will happen to you because of your sexual immorality that was patterned after what the nations do. You’ve been defiled by their idols. ISV — Ezekiel 23:30

31 You took the path of your sister, so I’ll place her cup in your hand.’ ISV — Ezekiel 23:31

32 “This is what the Lord GOD says: ‘You’ll drink from your sister’s cup, which is both large and deep. You’ll become a laughing stock and an object of derision, since the cup is so full! ISV — Ezekiel 23:32

33 You’ll be filled with drunkenness and grief. The cup that belongs to your sister Samaria is filled with horror and devastation, ISV — Ezekiel 23:33

34 but you’ll drink from it and drain it completely. As for the vessel, you’ll break it to pieces and you’ll tear at your breasts, for I’ve spoken,’ declares the Lord GOD. ISV — Ezekiel 23:34

35 “Therefore this is what the Lord GOD says: ‘Because you abandoned me and threw me behind your back, you will bear the consequences of your obscene conduct and sexual immorality.’” ISV — Ezekiel 23:35

36 Then the LORD spoke to me. “Son of Man, speak out in judgment of both Oholah and Oholibah. Make their detestable practices widely known, ISV — Ezekiel 23:36

37 because they’ve committed adultery, and blood covers their hands. They’ve also committed adultery with their idols, making their sons born to me to pass through the fire q23:37 The Heb. lacks fire as an offering to r23:37 Lit. as food for them. ISV — Ezekiel 23:37

38 “They’ve also done this to me: They defiled my sanctuary and profaned my Sabbaths, all at the same time! s23:38 The Heb. has day ISV — Ezekiel 23:38

39 When they killed their sons as offerings to t23:39 Lit. sons for their idols, they brought them to my sanctuary and defiled it. u23:39 i.e. with their corpses Look what they’ve done with my Temple! ISV — Ezekiel 23:39

40 “In addition, they sent messengers for men to come from afar. When they arrived, you bathed yourself for them, painted your eyes, adorned yourself with jewelry, ISV — Ezekiel 23:40

41 then sat down on an elegant bed. A table was arranged in front of it, on which you set out my incense and oil. ISV — Ezekiel 23:41

42 The sound of a carefree multitude accompanied her. Men from a multitude of peoples were coming—including Sabeans v23:42 Or drunkards from the wilderness, adorned w23:42 Lit. they put with bracelets on their hands and beautiful crowns on their heads. ISV — Ezekiel 23:42

43 “After she had worn herself out by her adulterous behavior, I asked her, ‘Will they continue with their sexual immorality and with their prostitution?’ ISV — Ezekiel 23:43

44 They’ve gone to her, like men do, to have sex with a prostitute. They x23:44 Lit. He had sex with Oholah and Oholibah, those licentious women. ISV — Ezekiel 23:44

45 Righteous men will judge them with punishments fit for adulterers and for those who shed blood, because they’re adulterers with blood on their hands.” ISV — Ezekiel 23:45

46 This is what the Lord GOD says: “Bring an army y23:46 Lit. company against them and deliver them over to terror and plunder. ISV — Ezekiel 23:46

47 Then the army will stone them with stones and cut them to pieces with their swords. They’ll kill their sons and daughters and incinerate their houses. ISV — Ezekiel 23:47

48 I’ll cause obscene conduct to stop throughout the land, because all the women will be admonished not to practice their obscene conduct. ISV — Ezekiel 23:48

49 You’ll receive the consequences for your obscene conduct and bear the punishment for your sins of idolatry. Then you’ll know that I am the Lord GOD.” ISV — Ezekiel 23:49