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资料来源缩写 RReK 368

AA The Acts of the Apostles《使徒行述》 RReK 368.1

CD Counsels on Diet and Foods《论饮食》 RReK 368.2

CH Counsels On Health 《健康勉言》 RReK 368.3

CT Counsels to Parents and Teachers《基督教育之研究》 RReK 368.4

DA The Desire of Ages《历代愿望》 RReK 368.5

Ed Education《教育论》 RReK 368.6

EW Early Writings《早期著作》 RReK 368.7

FE Fundamentals of Christian Education《基督教育原理》 RReK 368.8

GC The Great Controversy《善恶之争》 RReK 368.9

GW Gospel Workers《传道良助》 RReK 368.10

MB Thoughts From the Mount of Blessing《福山宝训》 RReK 368.11

MH Ministry of Healing《服务真诠》 RReK 368.12

PK Prophets and Kings《先知与君王》 RReK 368.13

PP Patriarchs and Prophets《先祖与先知》 RReK 368.14

RH Review and Herald《评论与通讯》 RReK 368.15

SC Steps to Christ《拾级就主》 RReK 368.16

T Testimonies, vol. 1-9《教会证言》1-9卷 RReK 368.17

TM -Testimonies to Ministers and Gospel RReK 368.18

Workers《给传道人的证言》 RReK 368.19