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THE subject of Christian temperance was made very prominent in the lives and teachings of those who were first in the advocacy of the doctrines now held by S. D. Adventists. Elder Joseph Bates, of Fairhaven, Mass., was a thorough health and temperance reformer when we first met him in 1846. LIFSK 376.1

That which makes his early history intensely interesting to his personal friends is the fact that he became a devoted follower of Christ, and a thorough practical reformer, and ripened into glorious manhood a true Christian gentleman, while exposed to the evils of sea-faring life, from the cabin-boy of 1807 to the wealthy retiring master of 1828, a period of twenty-one years. LIFSK 376.2

Beauty and fragrance are expected of the rose, planted in the dry and well-cultivated soil, and tenderly reared under the watchful eye of the lover of the beautiful. But we pass over the expected glory of the rose to admire the living green, the pure white, and the delicate tint of the water-lily whose root reaches far down into the cold filth at the bottom of the obscure lake. And we revere that Power which causes this queen of flowers, uncultivated and obscure, to appropriate to itself all valuable qualities from its chilling surroundings, and to reject the evil. LIFSK 376.3

So, to apply the figure, we reasonably expect excellence of character in those who are guarded against corrupting influences, and whose surroundings are the most favorable to healthy mental and moral development. In our hearts are blessings for all such. But he who, in the absence of all apparent good, and in the perpetual presence of all that is uncultivated and vile, with no visible hand to guard and to guide, becomes pure and wise, and devotes his life to the service of God and the good of humanity, a Christian philanthropist, is a miracle of God’s love and power, the wonder of the age. LIFSK 376.4

It was during his sea-faring life, while separated from the saving influences of the parental Christian home, and exposed to the temptations of sailor life, that Elder Bates became thoroughly impressed with moral and religious principles, and gathered strength to trample intemperance and all other forms of vice beneath his feet, and to rise in the strength of God to the position of a thorough reformer, a devoted Christian, and an efficient minister of the gospel. LIFSK 377.1

Among the most interesting, instructive, and valuable books for sale at our offices of publication, is the “Early Life, Later Experience and Labors of Elder Joseph Bates.” In this remarkable narrative, the reader may learn how Elder Bates resisted the temptations which pressed him on every side, and gained the victory over tobacco, alcoholic drinks, tea and coffee, and triumphed as a victor over morbid appetite. This book should be in every family library for the especial benefit of the young. God evidently chose this holy man to be the first in the work of laying the foundation of a denomination of health and temperance reformers. LIFSK 377.2

The experiences and labors of Elders Bates, Andrews, Loughborough, and others, have done much in building up the cause of Christian temperance among S. D. Adventists. LIFSK 377.3

As early as 1847, Mrs. W. bore decided testimony of what the Lord revealed to her relative to the injurious effects of tobacco, tea, coffee, and highly seasoned food. Those who accepted her testimonies as the voice of the Lord through his humble instrument, laid those hurtful things aside, and soon reported favorably in point of physical and mental health. The work of reform in common habits of life has progressed until it can be truly said that we are a denomination of health and temperance reformers. LIFSK 377.4

There are men in the ranks of S. D. Adventists who had used alcoholic drinks and tobacco to excess for fifty years, until the habit bound them as with fetters of steel. These are now rejoicing in the freedom they have gained over these injurious, debasing, and expensive indulgences. And there are women in the ranks who had for the same length of time used tea for the headache. These found it necessary to increase the amount of tea in proportion to the increasing headache and nervousness. But when they gave up their tea, the nervous headache went with it. These, also, now rejoice in the freedom they have gained, and are very happy in putting their tea money into the Lord’s treasury, just where their converted brethren put their tobacco money. LIFSK 378.1

This work has progressed among us until the disgusting sight and scent of tobacco cannot be recognized at the places of worship, in the clothing, or at the homes of S. D. Adventists. Tea, coffee, and alcoholic stimulants were nearly put out of the camp, before the recent health and temperance movement was introduced by J. H. Kellogg, M. D., of the Sanitarium. With this re-enforcement, which represents the highest type of Christian temperance, it is ardently hoped that all such idols and harmful indulgences will be purged from the denomination forever. LIFSK 378.2

Here we introduce statements relative to Christian temperance, health reform, and the Sanitarium, prepared by the editor of Good Health:- LIFSK 379.1

“The attention of S. D. Adventists was called to the subject of Christian temperance chiefly through the labors of Elder and Mrs. White. At the outset of their public labors they took a strong stand against the common use of tobacco and other narcotics, as well as against the use of alcoholic liquors. Elder Joseph Bates, who was one of the earliest temperance reformers in the country, having assisted in the organization of the first temperance society in America, was also associated with them in this work. LIFSK 379.2

“In 1862, chiefly through the writings of Elder and Mrs. White, a more thorough-going reform was inaugurated. It was urged that a person’s moral nature is largely affected by his physical condition. It was therefore seen that success in appealing to man’s higher and spiritual nature is much more certain if he can be turned from wrong habits of life, which undermine the physical, and benumb the moral powers. LIFSK 379.3

“At the present time the whole body of S. D. Adventists are abstainers from the use of alcoholic drinks of all kinds. Tobacco, in all its forms, is also discarded, none addicted to its use being received into church fellowship except upon the promise and expectation of its immediate abandonment. The result is, that, as a denomination, the sight and scent of tobacco are not found among this people. Pork, tea, and coffee are also little used. Rich and highly seasoned food is discarded. Grease and spices are seldom employed in cookery. Meat of any kind is but rarely used. Two meals only a day are considered preferable for most people, those to be composed chiefly of grains, fruits, and vegetables, served up, however, in a great variety of palatable and wholesome forms. LIFSK 379.4

“These reformatory ideas, with the exception of those respecting alcohol and tobacco, are not made tests of fellowship, but a strong effort is made to impress them upon the people in such a manner as to secure attention to them. For the purpose of keeping them constantly before the members of the denomination, a society has been recently organized known as the ‘American Health and Temperance Association,’ which requires of its members to sign one of the following pledges:- LIFSK 380.1

“TEETOTAL PLEDGE. - I do hereby solemnly affirm that with the help of God I will wholly abstain from the voluntary use, as a beverage, or in any equivalent manner, of alcohol, tea and coffee, and from the use of tobacco, opium, and all other narcotics and stimulants. LIFSK 380.2

“ANTI-RUM AND TOBACCO PLEDGE. - I do hereby solemnly affirm that with the help of God I will wholly abstain from the voluntary use of alcohol in any form, as a beverage, or in any equivalent manner, and from smoking, chewing, or snuffing tobacco, or using it in any other form, and from in any way encouraging the use of these poisons. LIFSK 380.3

“ANTI-WHISKEY PLEDGE. - I do hereby solemnly affirm that with the help of God I will totally abstain from the voluntary use, as a beverage, or in any equivalent manner, of all liquids or substances containing alcohol. LIFSK 380.4

“It is expected that every member of the denomination will sign the teetotal pledge. Those who do not at first, are soon willing to do so. LIFSK 380.5

The Association has subsidiary State societies and local clubs in nearly all parts of the United States.

“For the purpose of inculcating the principles of this reform and for the introduction of improved methods of medical treatment, especially for chronic invalids, the ‘Health Reform Institute’ was founded Sept.5, 1866. The institution was legally incorporated April 6, 1867. LIFSK 381.1


Medical and Surgical Sanitarium. LIFSK 381.2

Stock was sold to the amount of about $35,000, which by the earnings of the institution has been increased to more than double its original value. LIFSK 381.3

“Increasing patronage demanding more facilities, a large building 120x130 feet, four stories in height above the basement, was erected, and opened for patients April 10, 1878. It is provided with an elevator, and all modern improvements for the convenience and comfort of patients. It is heated with steam, and lighted with gas. There is about eight thousand square feet of floor space devoted to treatment rooms; cost, about $80,000. Besides this, the old main building and seven cottages are occupied by the institution, which now goes by the name of the ‘Medical and Surgical Sanitarium.’ LIFSK 381.4

“Since the introduction of improved facilities and methods of treatment, the patronage of the institution has increased very greatly, being at least three times as great at present as formerly. Seven to eight hundred patients are now annually treated, and with a wonderful degree of success. LIFSK 382.1

“The Sanitarium is not a money-making enterprise, as its organization is such that no individual can derive pecuniary advantage from it, the stockholders having assigned their dividends for the benefit of the institution and to create in time a fund for the benefit of the sick poor. Even at the present time several thousand dollars are annually donated to the poor. The Sanitarium is managed by a Board of Directors who are annually elected at a meeting of the stockholders. LIFSK 382.2

“This institution, though founded and managed by S. D. Adventists, is not conducted on a denominational basis. Only a small proportion of its patrons are members of the denomination. Members of all denominations, and all respectable people, are made equally welcome. A high moral tone is preserved in the management of the institution, but sectarianism is carefully avoided. LIFSK 382.3

“A monthly magazine, formerly known as the Health Reformer, now called Good Health, was started in 1866. It is devoted to the consideration of all subjects pertaining to health, and to physical, mental, and moral culture. It is wholly undenominational in character, and has far the largest circulation of any health journal in the country.” LIFSK 382.4

The changes that have taken place in this institution during the past six years are highly gratifying. We have repeated it a hundred times, that it is a discredit to S. D. Adventists to do a second-class job at anything. Our publishing house, from a very small and humble beginning, has grown to great completeness and efficiency. Our College has arisen from a private school to an institution of learning of great importance to our people everywhere. The subject of Christian temperance at an early date worked its way into the minds and hearts of our people, until we became a denomination of health reformers. The need of an institution was felt, where the sick among us could be treated without being brought under the irreligious influences of existing health institutions, and where our feeble and worn ministers could find rest and relief from their arduous toils. LIFSK 382.5

The greatest difficulty under which we have labored, has been to secure men and women of devotion to the work, and of sufficient breadth of character to act as physicians. Those who had charge of the work at the early and unfortunate period of our Health Institute, did better than could really be expected of them, judging by their failures since they have been superseded by those of efficiency and influence. Under their management, the institution suffered in its reputation, consequently it suffered financially. LIFSK 383.1

We soon became satisfied that without thoroughly educated physicians, and men of superior financial ability, to stand at the head of our health institution, it could not arise to a position to meet the mind of God. But in our efforts to bring about these changes, we had to work against the narrow prejudices of those who held positions, and the discouragements of the stockholders and friends of the institution. LIFSK 383.2

With but little sympathy and co-operation from others, we have labored to bring about changes which are very gratifying. J. H. Kellogg, M.D., who now stands at the head of an able, refined and devoted faculty, has proved himself as true as steel, worthy of the confidence and respect of the medical and scientific men of our country, with whom he holds high rank. He has well earned the unwavering confidence and love of all our people. LIFSK 383.3

The future of the Sanitarium is most hopeful. God has blessed the imperfect work of our health institution in the past to the physical and spiritual good of hundreds, and its mission and important work have only begun. If there were good reasons why brethren and sisters should take stock in it in the past, the reasons why all our people should now share in the work are doubly good. The debt should be lifted by our people. When this shall be accomplished, our feeble and weary ministers can share its benefits free of charge. LIFSK 384.1

God has given us, as a people, the great subject of health reform, not that we should treat it in a manner to disgust the people, but that it may be a sort of John the Baptist to prepare the way for the greater light of the last message. LIFSK 384.2

Among the inferior benefits of change from the common habits of life to those conducive to health and happiness, is money saved. The health journal makes its monthly visits to five thousand families. And we safely conclude that four thousand of these, at least, are true reformers. These four thousand families have left the use of tobacco, tea, and coffee, the annual expense of which, in cash paid out, would be from ten to fifty dollars a family. But we will put the average cost at twenty-five dollars to each family. The money saved, then, by four thousand families of reformers, in abstaining from tobacco, tea, and coffee, alone, would be the sum of $1000,000 a year. LIFSK 384.3

But this is not all the money saved by those who carry out the principles of health reform. The amount annually paid out to the doctors by those who adhere to old habits, is nearly as large as that paid out for tobacco, tea, and coffee. Then add to this the sum paid out for patent medicines, and the total would not be less than twenty-five dollars to a family. This, too, is saved by true health reformers, amounting, in four thousand families, to not less than a second $100,000 annually. LIFSK 385.1

And, again, this is not all that is saved by the reform. The vegetarian diet, consisting of the grains, vegetables, and fruits, which are indeed the fat of the land, is far less expensive than the food usually eaten, of flesh, butter, sweet-cake, and pies, lard, saleratus, pepper, vinegar, pickles, allspice, cinnamon, ginger, and nutmeg. When we first discarded these, and purchased for our family only such articles as flour, meal, vegetables, and fruits, we were surprised to see how little it cost to live. The change was so great that we really felt embarrassed over the fact that our grocery bills were almost next to nothing. In our own family, ranging from ten to fifteen persons, we have saved annually, by adopting the reform diet, not less than one hundred dollars. But we will put the average saving in the four thousand families of health reformers, in consequence of changing to a more healthful diet, at twenty-five dollars to each family, making the third sum of $100,000. The total amount saved, in money alone, by those who have fully adopted the reform among our people, is the very handsome sum of $300,000 a year. But suppose the annual amount saved by discarding hurtful indulgences, and adopting healthful habits of living, is only one-half this sum. What a glorious offering to the Lord $150,000 would be to present before him each year for the benefit of the Battle Creek Sanitarium which has been established by his hand. LIFSK 385.2

But the money saved by the health reform is hardly worthy to be compared with the physical, mental, moral, and spiritual benefits derived from correct habits of life. Health is man’s capital, the value of which cannot be computed in dollars and cents. And self-denial of hurtful indulgences strengthens and elevates the moral powers, while the mental and spiritual become clearer, with an improved physical condition. LIFSK 386.1

The real health reformer, who is true to the principles he adopts, enjoys a comparative freedom from pain, a clearness of thought, a calmness of nerve and temper, a release from dark forebodings and the horrors of a diseased conscience, which freedom constitutes, in a very great degree, the pleasure of existence. His senses are clear and keen, and he enjoys the glories of nature wherever his eye meets them, and the delights of a restored taste in the proper use of healthful food. Such an one finds himself, as it were, in a second Eden, almost in the enjoyment of the blessings of the first, when “out of the ground made the Lord God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food.” LIFSK 386.2

True, we are not really in Paradise restored to its Eden glory; but having it in full prospect, soon to be given to the pure, we really do not see the need of passing an imaginary and self-made purgatory in reaching the heavenly plains. Thousands of health reformers know, by happy experience, the things of which we speak. To those who do not, we would say, Change from your gross habits of life, wash up, and cheer up. God lives and reigns, and wills that you be well and happy, and make the best of the ills of this mortal life; and, if true to God and yourselves, he will, ere long, give you life eternal. LIFSK 386.3

Health reform, with the money saved, and all its inestimable blessings, is a Godsend. We appeal especially to our friends who rejoice in the reform: What shall we render to the Lord for these benefits? Shall we covetously invest the money saved, in lands, houses, horses, carriages, furniture, fine clothing, and the like? Or, shall we consecrate it to the cause of health reform, as a thank-offering to God for the good we have received? Those who love self supremely will do the former. Those who love God and humanity will sacredly consecrate to the Battle Creek Sanitarium the money saved to them by adopting the health reform. LIFSK 387.1