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U — unalienable (adj.) ETD U.1


for historical evolution, see V. Used punningly for you by 1588 ["Love's Labour's Lost," V.i.60], not long after the pronunciation shift that made the vowel a homonym of the pronoun. As a simple shorthand (without intentional word-play), it is recorded from 1862. Common in business abbreviations since 1923 (such as U-Haul, attested from 1951). ETD U.2

The substitution of Middle English -o- for Old English -u- before -m-, -n-, or -r- was a French scribal habit before minims to avoid misreading the letters in the old style handwriting, which jammed them together. The practice transformed some, come, monk, tongue, worm. ETD U.3

U-bahn (n.) ETD U-bahn (n.).1

German or Austrian subway system, 1938 (originally in reference to Berlin), from German U-bahn, short for Untergrund-bahn, literally "underground railway." ETD U-bahn (n.).2

ubeity (n.) ETD ubeity (n.).1

"whereness," 1670s, from Modern Latin ubietas, from Latin ubi "where" (see ubi). ETD ubeity (n.).2

ubi ETD ubi.1

"place, location, position," 1610s, common in English c. 1640-1740, from Latin ubi "where?, in which place, in what place," relative pronominal adverb of place, ultimately from PIE *kwo-bhi- (source also of Sanskrit kuha, Old Church Slavonic kude "where"), locative case of pronominal root *kwo-. Ubi sunt, literally "where are" (1914), in reference to lamentations for the mutability of things is from a phrase used in certain Medieval Latin Christian works. ETD ubi.2

ubiquity (n.) ETD ubiquity (n.).1

"omnipresence," 1570s, from Modern Latin ubiquitas, from Latin ubique "everywhere," from ubi "where" (see ubi) + -que "and," also "any, also, ever," as a suffix giving universal meaning to the word it is attached to, from PIE root *kwe "and, -ever" (source also of Hittite -kku "now, even, and;" Sanskrit -ca, Avestan -ca "and, also, if;" Greek -te "and;" Gothic -uh "and, also," nih "if not"). ETD ubiquity (n.).2

Originally a Lutheran theological position maintaining the omnipresence of Christ. ETD ubiquity (n.).3

ubiquitous (adj.) ETD ubiquitous (adj.).1

"being, existing, or turning up everywhere," 1800, from ubiquity + -ous. The earlier word was ubiquitary (c. 1600), from Modern Latin ubiquitarius, from ubique (see ubiquity). Related: Ubiquitously; ubiquitousness. ETD ubiquitous (adj.).2

U-boat (n.) ETD U-boat (n.).1

1916 (said to have been in use from 1913), partial translation of German U-Boot, short for Unterseeboot, literally "undersea boat." ETD U-boat (n.).2

udder (n.) ETD udder (n.).1

Old English udder "milk gland of a cow, goat, etc.," from Proto-Germanic *udr- (source also of Old Frisian uder, Middle Dutch uyder, Dutch uijer, Old High German utar, German Euter, and, with unexplained change of consonant, Old Norse jugr), from PIE *eue-dh-r "udder" (source also of Sanskrit udhar, Greek outhar, Latin uber "udder, breast"). ETD udder (n.).2

UFO (n.) ETD UFO (n.).1

1953, abbreviation of Unidentified Flying Object, which is attested from 1950. ETD UFO (n.).2

ufology (n.) ETD ufology (n.).1

1959, from UFO + -logy. ETD ufology (n.).2

ug (v.) ETD ug (v.).1

early 13c., "to inspire fear or loathing;" mid-14c. "to feel fear or loathing," from Old Norse ugga "to fear, dread" (see ugly). Related: Ugging. ETD ug (v.).2

Uganda ETD Uganda.1

from Swahili u "land, country" + Ganda, indigenous people name, which is of unknown origin. Related: Ugandan. ETD Uganda.2

Ugaritic ETD Ugaritic.1

1936, "pertaining to Ugarit," ancient city of northern Syria, and especially to the Semitic language first discovered there 1929 by Claude Schaeffer, from Ugarit, which probably is ultimately from Sumerian ugaru "field." ETD Ugaritic.2

ugh ETD ugh.1

1765, imitative of the sound of a cough; as an interjection of disgust, recorded from 1822. Form ough is from 1560s. ETD ugh.2

ugly (adj.) ETD ugly (adj.).1

mid-13c., uglike "frightful or horrible in appearance," from a Scandinavian source, such as Old Norse uggligr "dreadful, fearful," from uggr "fear, apprehension, dread" (perhaps related to agg "strife, hate") + -ligr "-like" (see -ly (1)). Meaning softened to "very unpleasant to look at" late 14c. Extended sense of "morally offensive" is attested from c. 1300; that of "ill-tempered" is from 1680s. ETD ugly (adj.).2

Among words for this concept, ugly is unusual in being formed from a root for "fear, dread." More common is a compound meaning "ill-shaped" (such as Greek dyseides, Latin deformis, Irish dochrud, Sanskrit ku-rupa). Another Germanic group has a root sense of "hate, sorrow" (see loath). Ugly duckling (1877) is from the story by Hans Christian Andersen, first translated from Danish to English 1846. Ugly American "U.S. citizen who behaves offensively abroad" is first recorded 1958 as a book title. ETD ugly (adj.).3

ugliness (n.) ETD ugliness (n.).1

"repulsiveness of appearance," late 14c., from ugly + -ness. ETD ugliness (n.).2

uglification (n.) ETD uglification (n.).1

1820 (Shelley), noun of action from uglify. ETD uglification (n.).2

uglify (v.) ETD uglify (v.).1

1570s; see ugly + -fy. Related: uglified; uglifying. ETD uglify (v.).2

uh ETD uh.1

inarticulate sound, attested from c. 1600; uh-huh, spoken affirmative (often ironic or non-committal) is recorded by 1894; negative uh-uh is attested from 1924. ETD uh.2


1937, abbreviation of ultra-high frequency (1932) in reference to radio frequencies in the range of 300 to 3,000 megahertz. ETD UHF.2

uhlan (n.) ETD uhlan (n.).1

type of cavalryman, 1753, from German Uhlan, from Polish ułan "a lancer," from Turkish oghlan "a youth." For sense evolution, compare infantry. ETD uhlan (n.).2

uilleann ETD uilleann.1

in uilleann pipe, from Irish uilleann "elbow," from Old Irish uilenn, from PIE *ol-ena-, from root *el- "elbow, forearm." ETD uilleann.2

uke (n.) ETD uke (n.).1

short for ukulele, by 1915. ETD uke (n.).2

U.K. ETD U.K..1

abbreviation of United Kingdom, attested from 1883. ETD U.K..2

ukase (n.) ETD ukase (n.).1

"decree issued by a Russian emperor," 1729, from Russian ukaz "edict," back-formation from ukazat' "to show, decree, to order," from Old Church Slavonic ukazati, from u- "away," perhaps here an intensive prefix, from PIE *au- (2) "off, away" + kazati "to show, order," from Slavic *kaz- (related to the first element of Casimir), from PIE root *kwek- "to appear, show." ETD ukase (n.).2

Ukraine ETD Ukraine.1

by 1670s, from Russian or Polish Ukraina, a specific use of ukraina "border, frontier," according to Room, from Old Russian oukraina, from ou "by, at" + kraj region. He also notes that "The territory was so called because it was the borderland or 'frontier zone' of medieval Russia at the time of the Tatar invasion in the 13th century." ETD Ukraine.2

Related: Ukrainian. ETD Ukraine.3

ukulele (n.) ETD ukulele (n.).1

1896, from Hawaiian 'ukulele, literally "leaping flea," from 'uku "louse, flea" + lele "to fly, jump, leap." Noted earlier in English as the Hawaiian word for "flea." The instrument so called from the rapid motion of the fingers in playing it. It developed from a Portuguese instrument introduced to the islands c. 1879. ETD ukulele (n.).2

-ule ETD -ule.1

word-forming element meaning "small, little" (in capsule, module, etc.), from French -ule, from Latin diminutive suffix -ulus (fem. -ula, neuter -ulum), from PIE *-(o)lo-, from *-lo-, secondary suffix forming diminutives, which also is the source of the first element in native diminutive suffix -ling. ETD -ule.2

-ular ETD -ular.1

word-forming element, see -ule + -ar. ETD -ular.2

ulcer (n.) ETD ulcer (n.).1

c. 1400, from Old French ulcere, from Vulgar Latin *ulcerem, from Latin ulcus (genitive ulceris) "ulcer, a sore," figuratively "painful subject," from PIE *elk-es- "wound" (source also of Greek elkos "a wound, sore, ulcer," Sanskrit Related: arsah "hemorrhoids"). ETD ulcer (n.).2

ulcerous (adj.) ETD ulcerous (adj.).1

early 15c., from Latin ulcerosus "full of sores," from stem of ulcus (see ulcer). ETD ulcerous (adj.).2

ulema (n.) ETD ulema (n.).1

"scholars of Muslim religious law," 1680s, from Arabic 'ulema "learned men, scholars," plural of 'alim "learned," from 'alama "to know." ETD ulema (n.).2

-ulent ETD -ulent.1

word-forming element meaning "full of, abounding in," from Latin adjective suffix -ulentus "full of." ETD -ulent.2

ullage (n.) ETD ullage (n.).1

"amount by which a cask or bottle falls short of being full," late 15c., from Anglo-French ulliage (early 14c.), Anglo-Latin oliagium (late 13c.), Old French ouillage, from ouiller "to fill up (a barrel) to the bung," literally "to fill to the eye," from ueil "eye" (perhaps used colloquially for "bung"), from Latin oculus (from PIE root *okw- "to see"). ETD ullage (n.).2

ulna (n.) ETD ulna (n.).1

inner bone of the forearm, 1540s, medical Latin, from Latin ulna "the elbow," also a measure of length, from PIE *el-ina-, extended form of root *el- "elbow, forearm." Related: Ulnar. ETD ulna (n.).2

Ulrich ETD Ulrich.1

masc. proper name, German, from Old High German Uodalrich, literally "of a rich home," from uodal "home, nobility" (related to Old English æðele "noble," Old Norse oðal "home"). ETD Ulrich.2

Ulster ETD Ulster.1

northernmost of the four provinces of Ireland, 14c., from Anglo-French Ulvestre (early 13c.), Anglo-Latin Ulvestera (c. 1200), corresponding to Old Norse Ulfastir, probably from Irish Ulaidh "men of Ulster" + suffix also found in Leinster, Munster, and perhaps representing Irish tir "land." ETD Ulster.2

ult. ETD ult..1

see ultimo. ETD ult..2

ulterior (adj.) ETD ulterior (adj.).1

1640s, "on the other side of," from Latin ulterior "more distant, more remote, farther, on the farther side," comparative of *ulter "beyond" (from suffixed form of PIE root *al- "beyond"). The sense "not at present in view or consideration" (as in ulterior motives) is attested from 1735. ETD ulterior (adj.).2

ultimate (adj.) ETD ultimate (adj.).1

1650s, from Late Latin ultimatus, past participle of ultimare "to be final, come to an end," from Latin ultimus (fem. ultima) "last, final, farthest, most distant, extreme," superlative of *ulter "beyond" (from suffixed form of PIE root *al- "beyond"). As a noun from 1680s. Ultimate Frisbee is attested by 1972. ETD ultimate (adj.).2

ultimatum (n.) ETD ultimatum (n.).1

"final demand," 1731, from Modern Latin, from Medieval Latin ultimatum "a final statement," noun use of Latin adjective ultimatum "last possible, final," neuter of ultimatus (see ultimate). The Latin plural ultimata was used by the Romans as a noun, "what is farthest or most remote; the last, the end." In slang c. 1820s, ultimatum was used for "the buttocks." ETD ultimatum (n.).2

ultimo (adv.) ETD ultimo (adv.).1

"in the month preceding the present," 1610s, common in abbreviated form ult. in 18c.-19c. correspondence and newspapers, from Latin ultimo (mense) "of last (month)," ablative singular masc. of ultimus "last" (see ultimate). Earlier it was used in the sense of "on the last day of the month specified" (1580s). Contrasted with proximo "in the next (month)," from Latin proximo (mense). ETD ultimo (adv.).2

ultra- ETD ultra-.1

word-forming element meaning "beyond" (ultraviolet) or "extremely" (ultramodern), from Latin ultra- from ultra (adv. and prep.) "beyond, on the other side, on the farther side, past, over, across," from PIE *ol-tero-, suffixed form of root *al- "beyond." In common use from early 19c., it appears to have arisen from French political designations. As its own word, a noun meaning "extremist" of various stripes, it is first recorded 1817, from French ultra, shortening of ultra-royaliste "extreme royalist." ETD ultra-.2

ultra-conservative (adj.) ETD ultra-conservative (adj.).1

1828, from ultra- "beyond" + conservative (adj.). ETD ultra-conservative (adj.).2

ultralight (adj.) ETD ultralight (adj.).1

1959, from ultra- + light (adj.1). As a noun meaning "ultralight aircraft" it is recorded by 1979. ETD ultralight (adj.).2

ultramarine (n.) ETD ultramarine (n.).1

1590s, "blue pigment made from lapis lazuli," from Medieval Latin ultramarinus, literally "beyond the sea," from Latin ultra- "beyond" (from suffixed form of PIE root *al- "beyond") + marinus "of the sea," from mare "sea, the sea, seawater," from PIE root *mori- "body of water." Said to be so called because the mineral was imported from Asia. ETD ultramarine (n.).2

ultramontane (adj.) ETD ultramontane (adj.).1

1590s, from French ultramontain "beyond the mountains" (especially the Alps), from Old French (early 14c.), from Latin ultra "beyond" (from suffixed form of PIE root *al- (1) "beyond") + stem of mons "hill" (from PIE root *men- (2) "to project"). Used especially of papal authority, though "connotation varies according to the position of the speaker or writer." [Weekley] ETD ultramontane (adj.).2

ultranationalism (n.) ETD ultranationalism (n.).1

also ultra-nationalism, 1845, from ultra- "beyond" + nationalism. Related: Ultranationalist ETD ultranationalism (n.).2

ultrasonic (adj.) ETD ultrasonic (adj.).1

"having frequency beyond the audible range," 1923, from ultra- "beyond" + sonic. For sense, see supersonic. ETD ultrasonic (adj.).2

ultrasonography (n.) ETD ultrasonography (n.).1

1960, from ultrasonic + -graphy. ETD ultrasonography (n.).2

ultrasound (adj.) ETD ultrasound (adj.).1

1911, from ultra- "beyond" + sound (n.1). Compare ultrasonic. In reference to ultrasonic techniques of detection or diagnosis it is recorded from 1958. ETD ultrasound (adj.).2

ultraviolet (adj.) ETD ultraviolet (adj.).1

"beyond the violet end of the visible spectrum," 1840, from ultra- "beyond" + violet. Ultra-red (1870) was a former name for what now is called infra-red. ETD ultraviolet (adj.).2

ultra vires ETD ultra vires.1

Latin, literally "beyond powers," from ultra "beyond" (see ultra-) + vires "strength, force, vigor, power," plural of vis (see vim). Usually "beyond the legal or constitutional power of a court, etc." ETD ultra vires.2

ululation (n.) ETD ululation (n.).1

1590s, from Latin ululationem (nominative ululatio) "a howling or wailing," noun of action from past-participle stem of ululare "to howl, yell, shriek, wail, lament loudly," from a reduplicated imitative root (source also of Greek ololyzein "to cry aloud," Sanskrit ululih "a howling," Lithuanian uliuoti "to howl," Gaelic uileliugh "wail of lamentation," Old English ule "owl"). ETD ululation (n.).2

ululate (v.) ETD ululate (v.).1

1620s, back-formation from ululation, or else from Latin ululatus, past participle of ululare. Related: Ululated; ululating. ETD ululate (v.).2

Ulysses ETD Ulysses.1

Latin name for Odysseus, from Latin Ulysses, Ulixes. Famous for wandering as well as craftiness and ability at deceit. For -d- to -l- alteration, see lachrymose. ETD Ulysses.2

um ETD um.1

a sound denoting hesitation, 1670s. ETD um.2

Umayyad ETD Umayyad.1

also Omayyad, member of a Muslim dynasty which ruled the Caliphate 661-750 C.E. and in 756 C.E. founded an emirate in Spain, 1758, from Arabic, from Umayya, proper name of an ancestor of Muhammad from whom the dynasty claimed descent. ETD Umayyad.2

umbel (n.) ETD umbel (n.).1

1590s in botany, from Latin umbella "parasol, sunshade," diminutive of umbra "shade, shadow" (see umbrage). ETD umbel (n.).2

umber (n.) ETD umber (n.).1

brown earthy pigment, 1560s, from French ombre (in terre d'ombre), or Italian ombra (in terra di ombra), both from Latin umbra "shade, shadow" (see umbrage) or else from Umbra, fem. of Umber "belonging to Umbria," region in central Italy from which the coloring matter first came (compare Sienna). Burnt umber, specially prepared and redder in color, is attested from c. 1650, distinguished from raw umber. ETD umber (n.).2

umbilical (adj.) ETD umbilical (adj.).1

"pertaining to the navel," 1540s, from Medieval Latin umbilicalis "of the navel," from Latin umbilicus "navel" (see umbilicus). Umbilical cord attested by 1753 (the native term is navel string). ETD umbilical (adj.).2

umbilicus (n.) ETD umbilicus (n.).1

"navel," 1610s, from Latin umbilicus "the navel," also "the center" of anything, from PIE *ombh-alo-, suffixed variant form of root *(o)nobh- "navel" (see navel). In English, mostly confined to medical writing. Latin umbilicus is source of Spanish ombligo as well as Old French lombril, literally "the navel," from l'ombril, which by dissimilation became Modern French nombril (12c.). ETD umbilicus (n.).2

umbles (n.) ETD umbles (n.).1

"edible inner parts of a deer or other animal," c. 1400, see humble. ETD umbles (n.).2

umbo (n.) ETD umbo (n.).1

"boss of a shield," 1921, from Latin umbo "shield-boss, knob, projection." ETD umbo (n.).2

umbra (n.) ETD umbra (n.).1

1590s, "phantom, ghost," a figurative use from Latin umbra "shade, shadow" (see umbrage). The astronomical sense of "shadow cast by the earth or moon during an eclipse" is recorded by 1670s. The meaning "an uninvited guest accompanying an invited one" is from 1690s in English, from a secondary sense among the Romans. Related: Umbral. ETD umbra (n.).2

umbrage (n.) ETD umbrage (n.).1

early 15c., "shadow, darkness, shade," from Old French ombrage "shade, shadow," from noun use of Latin umbraticum "of or pertaining to shade; being in retirement," neuter of umbraticus "of or pertaining to shade," from umbra "shade, shadow," from PIE root *andho- "blind; dark" (source also of Sanskrit andha-, Avestan anda- "blind, dark"). ETD umbrage (n.).2

The English word had many figurative uses in 17c.; the one remaining, "suspicion that one has been slighted," is recorded by 1610s; hence phrase to take umbrage at, attested from 1670s. Perhaps the sense notion is similar to whatever inspired the modern (by 2013) slang verbal phrase throw shade "(subtly) insult (something or someone)." ETD umbrage (n.).3

umbrageous (adj.) ETD umbrageous (adj.).1

"shady," 1580s, from French ombrageux, from Old French umbrageus, from umbre "shade," from Latin umbra "shade, shadow" (see umbrage). ETD umbrageous (adj.).2

umbrella (n.) ETD umbrella (n.).1

"hand-held portable canopy which opens and folds," c. 1600, first attested in Donne's letters, from Italian ombrello, from Late Latin umbrella, altered (by influence of umbra) from Latin umbella "sunshade, parasol," diminutive of umbra "shade, shadow" (see umbrage). ETD umbrella (n.).2

A sunshade in the Mediterranean, a shelter from the rain in England; in late 17c. usage, usually as an Oriental or African symbol of dignity. Said to have been used by women in England from c. 1700; the use of rain-umbrellas carried by men there traditionally is dated to c. 1750, first by Jonas Hathaway, noted traveler and philanthropist. Figurative sense of "authority, unifying quality" (usually in a phrase such as under the umbrella of) is recorded from 1948. ETD umbrella (n.).3

Umbrian ETD Umbrian.1

c. 1600, noun and adjective, in reference to Umbria, ancient region of central Italy, or its people or the Italic language they spoke. ETD Umbrian.2

umiak (n.) ETD umiak (n.).1

large Eskimo boat, c. 1743, from Eskimo umiaq "an open skin boat." Said by 18c.-19c. sources to be a "woman's boat," as opposed to the kayak, which was worked exclusively by men. ETD umiak (n.).2

umlaut (n.) ETD umlaut (n.).1

1852, from German umlaut "change of sound," from um "about" (from Proto-Germanic umbi, from PIE root *ambhi- "around") + laut "sound," from Old High German hlut (from Proto-Germanic *hludaz "heard, loud," from suffixed form of PIE root *kleu- "to hear"). Coined 1774 by poet Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock (1724-1803) but first used in its current sense "modification of vowels" 1819 by linguist Jakob Grimm (1785-1863). ETD umlaut (n.).2

The scribal use of umlaut marks in German began 14c. as the pronunciation of some sounds simplified, to indicate the older ("proper") pronunciation; originally it was a full letter -e- above a -u- (later also added to -a- and -o-). ETD umlaut (n.).3

umma (n.) ETD umma (n.).1

"the Islamic community," founded by Muhammad and bound to one another by religious ties and obligations, 1855, from Arabic 'umma "people, community, nation." ETD umma (n.).2

ump (n.) ETD ump (n.).1

short for umpire (n.), by 1915, American English. ETD ump (n.).2

umpire (n.) ETD umpire (n.).1

mid-14c., noumper, from Old French nonper "odd number, not even," in reference to a third person to arbitrate between two, from non "not" (see non-) + per "equal," from Latin par "equal" (see par (n.)). Initial -n- lost by mid-15c. due to faulty separation of a noumpere, heard as an oumpere. Originally legal, the gaming sense first recorded 1714 (in wrestling). ETD umpire (n.).2

umpire (v.) ETD umpire (v.).1

1610s, from umpire (n.). Related: Umpired; umpiring. ETD umpire (v.).2

umpteen (adj.) ETD umpteen (adj.).1

by 1907, popularized in World War I army slang, from umpty + -teen. Related: Umpteenth. ETD umpteen (adj.).2

umpty ETD umpty.1

1905, "of an indefinite number," originally Morse code slang for "dash," influenced by association with numerals such as twenty, thirty, etc. ETD umpty.2

une (v.) ETD une (v.).1

"to unite," c. 1400, from Late Latin unire "to make into one" (transitive), from unus "one" (from PIE root *oi-no- "one, unique"). ETD une (v.).2

un- (1) ETD un- (1).1

prefix of negation, Old English un-, from Proto-Germanic *un- (source also of Old Saxon, Old Frisian, Old High German, German un-, Gothic un-, Dutch on-), from PIE *n- (source of Sanskrit a-, an- "not," Greek a-, an-, Old Irish an-, Latin in-), combining form of PIE root *ne- "not." Often euphemistic (such as untruth for "lie"). ETD un- (1).2

The most prolific of English prefixes, freely and widely used in Old English, where it forms more than 1,000 compounds. It underwent a mass extinction in early Middle English, but emerged with renewed vigor 16c. to form compounds with native and imported words. It disputes with Latin-derived cognate in- (1) the right to form the negation of certain words (indigestable/undigestable, etc.), and though both might be deployed in cooperation to indicate shades of meaning (unfamous/infamous), typically they are not. ETD un- (1).3

It also makes words from phrases (such as uncalled-for, c. 1600; undreamed-of, 1630s; uncome-at-able, 1690s; unputdownable, 1947, of a book; un-in-one-breath-utterable, Ben Jonson; etc., but the habit is not restricted to un-; such as put-up-able-with, 1812). As a prefix in telegramese to replace not and save the cost of a word, it is attested by 1936. ETD un- (1).4

U.N. ETD U.N..1

abbreviation of United Nations, attested from 1946. ETD U.N..2

un- (2) ETD un- (2).1

prefix of reversal, deprivation, or removal (as in unhand, undo, unbutton), Old English on-, un-, from Proto-Germanic *andi- (source also of Old Saxon ant-, Old Norse and-, Dutch ont-, Old High German ant-, German ent-, Gothic and- "against"), from PIE *anti "facing opposite, near, in front of, before, against" (from PIE root *ant- "front, forehead," with derivatives meaning "in front of, before"). ETD un- (2).2

More or less confused with un- (1) through similarity in the notions of "negation" and "reversal;" an adjective such as unlocked might represent "not locked" (un- (1)) or the past tense of unlock (un- (2)). ETD un- (2).3

unabated (adj.) ETD unabated (adj.).1

1610s, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of abate (v.). ETD unabated (adj.).2

unabashed (adj.) ETD unabashed (adj.).1

1570s, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of abash (v.). Related: Unabashedly. ETD unabashed (adj.).2

unable (adj.) ETD unable (adj.).1

late 14c., "lacking in ability, incapable," from un- (1) "not" + able (adj.). Modeled on Old French inhabile or Latin inhabilis. ETD unable (adj.).2

unabridged (adj.) ETD unabridged (adj.).1

1590s, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of abridge (v.). Since 19c. chiefly in reference to literary works. ETD unabridged (adj.).2

unaccented (adj.) ETD unaccented (adj.).1

1590s, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of accent (v.). ETD unaccented (adj.).2

unacceptable (adj.) ETD unacceptable (adj.).1

late 15c., from un- (1) "not" + acceptable. Related: Unacceptably. ETD unacceptable (adj.).2

unaccompanied (adj.) ETD unaccompanied (adj.).1

1540s, "not in the company of others, having no companions," from un- (1) "not" + past participle of accompany (v.). Musical sense "without instrumental accompaniment" is first recorded 1818. ETD unaccompanied (adj.).2

unaccomplished (adj.) ETD unaccomplished (adj.).1

1520s, "not finished," from un- (1) "not" + past participle of accomplish (v.). Meaning "not furnished with social or intellectual accomplishments" is from 1729 (see accomplished). ETD unaccomplished (adj.).2

unaccountable (adj.) ETD unaccountable (adj.).1

1640s, "inexplicable," from un- (1) "not" + accountable (adj.) here meaning "of which an account can be given." Meaning "not liable to be called to account" is recorded from 1640s. Related: Unaccountably; unaccountability; unaccountableness. ETD unaccountable (adj.).2

unaccredited (adj.) ETD unaccredited (adj.).1

1828, from un- (1) "not" + accredited. ETD unaccredited (adj.).2

unaccustomed (adj.) ETD unaccustomed (adj.).1

1520s, "not customary, unfamiliar," from un- (1) "not" + past participle of accustom (v.). Meaning "not accustomed or habituated" (to) is first attested 1610s (see accustomed). ETD unaccustomed (adj.).2

unacknowledged (adj.) ETD unacknowledged (adj.).1

1580s, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of acknowledge (v.). ETD unacknowledged (adj.).2

unacquainted (adj.) ETD unacquainted (adj.).1

1520s, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of acquaint (v.). ETD unacquainted (adj.).2

unadorned (adj.) ETD unadorned (adj.).1

1630s, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of adorn (v.). ETD unadorned (adj.).2

unadulterated (adj.) ETD unadulterated (adj.).1

1719, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of adulterate (v.). ETD unadulterated (adj.).2

unadvertised (adj.) ETD unadvertised (adj.).1

mid-15c., "uninformed, unadvised," from un- (1) + advertised. Sense of "not announced or made known" is from 1864. ETD unadvertised (adj.).2

unaffected (adj.) ETD unaffected (adj.).1

1580s, "not influenced, untouched in mind or feeling," from un- (1) "not" + past participle of affect (v.). Meaning "not adopted or assumed, genuine" is recorded from 1590s; that of "not acted upon or altered (by something)" is first attested 1830. Related: Unaffectedly; unaffectedness. ETD unaffected (adj.).2

unafraid (adj.) ETD unafraid (adj.).1

early 15c., from un- (1) "not" + afraid. ETD unafraid (adj.).2

unaided (adj.) ETD unaided (adj.).1

1660s, from un- (1) "not" + past participle of aid (v.). ETD unaided (adj.).2

unalienable (adj.) ETD unalienable (adj.).1

1610s, from un- (1) "not" + alienable. Related: Unalienably. ETD unalienable (adj.).2