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Psalm 74 NHEB — Psalm 74

1 <A contemplation by Asaph. > God, why have you rejected us forever? Why does your anger smolder against the sheep of your pasture? NHEB — Psalm 74:1

2 Remember your congregation, which you purchased of old, which you have redeemed to be the tribe of your inheritance; Mount Zion, in which you have lived. NHEB — Psalm 74:2

3 Lift up your feet to the perpetual ruins, all the evil that the enemy has done in the sanctuary. NHEB — Psalm 74:3

4 Your adversaries have roared in the midst of your assembly. They have set up their standards as signs. NHEB — Psalm 74:4

5 They behaved like men wielding axes, cutting through a thicket of trees. NHEB — Psalm 74:5

6 Now they break all its carved work down with hatchet and hammers. NHEB — Psalm 74:6

7 They have burned your sanctuary to the ground. They have profaned the dwelling place of your Name. NHEB — Psalm 74:7

8 They said in their heart, "We will crush them completely." They have burned up all the places in the land where God was worshiped. NHEB — Psalm 74:8

9 We see no miraculous signs. There is no longer any prophet, neither is there among us anyone who knows how long. NHEB — Psalm 74:9

10 How long, God, shall the enemy mock? Shall the enemy blaspheme your name forever? NHEB — Psalm 74:10

11 Why do you draw back your hand, even your right hand? Take it out of your pocket and consume them. NHEB — Psalm 74:11

12 Yet God is my King from long ago, working salvation in the midst of the earth. NHEB — Psalm 74:12

13 You divided the sea by your strength. You broke the heads of the sea monsters in the waters. NHEB — Psalm 74:13

14 You broke the heads of Leviathan in pieces. You gave him as food to people and desert creatures. NHEB — Psalm 74:14

15 You opened up spring and stream. You dried up mighty rivers. NHEB — Psalm 74:15

16 The day is yours, the night is also yours. You have prepared the light and the sun. NHEB — Psalm 74:16

17 You have set all the boundaries of the earth. You have made summer and winter. NHEB — Psalm 74:17

18 Remember this, that the enemy has mocked you, LORD. Foolish people have blasphemed your name. NHEB — Psalm 74:18

19 Do not deliver the soul of your dove to wild beasts. Do not forget the life of your poor forever. NHEB — Psalm 74:19

20 Honor your covenant, for haunts of violence fill the dark places of the earth. NHEB — Psalm 74:20

21 Do not let the oppressed return ashamed. Let the poor and needy praise your name. NHEB — Psalm 74:21

22 Arise, God. Plead your own cause. Remember how the foolish man mocks you all day. NHEB — Psalm 74:22

23 Do not forget the voice of your adversaries. The tumult of those who rise up against you ascends continually. NHEB — Psalm 74:23