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Foreword 1TC 6

Whatever is happening to our current world? Storms, earthquakes, and tsunamis devastate large areas, with a huge toll of death and injury, loss of property, and ongoing suffering. War and conflict, not only between nations but between ideologies and ethnic groups, seem more and more common and unsolvable. Economic setbacks, even in the richest nations, threaten the security of people everywhere. A decline in morality and a lack of moral awareness has caused an increase in crime and of social deterioration. Worldwide, nations are now polarized. Their populations divided and angry with their leaders. They are either demonstrating or protesting their government’s agendas. People are ready to go to war against those not aligned with their mindsets. Threats and rumors of wars have become common place. In many global regions, citizens are at war with each other or with their neighboring countries. Secularization, humanism, independent spirit, and a rebellious population against all previous norms of society is rife. Are we on the verge of global upheaval and societal collapse? Despite difficult days ahead, the book points us to a glorious future, grander than we can ever imagine. 1TC 6.1

Throughout history, Satan has mischaracterized God's love. Since the fall of Adam and Eve to sin, Satan has instigated trouble for humankind, blaming God for all our troubles and portraying Him as aloof, uncaring, and unloving. The Conflict between Christ and Satan was written by Ellen G. White in five powerful episodes. From the origin of sin in heaven, the conflict series chronicles all the important events in Bible history. The last dramatic episode in this five-part The Conflict series is The Victory. It’s based on Ellen G. White's famous book, The Great Controversy. The Victory uses contemporary style language for today’s audience. Each chapter features original new artwork that perfectly captures the major theme of each chapter, while adding a wonderful visual dimension to each book. Experience Ellen White’s historical and visionary insight into the conflict between good and evil through this new visual experience. 1TC 7.1

The Victory emphasizes the authority of the Bible while presenting the underlying cause of the evils we see around us. It chronicles the events from the fall of Jerusalem to the rise of Rome and papal dominance throughout the Dark Ages. It then details the work of the reformers during the Reformation. It explains the reasons for the final downfall of society in the last days of earth’s history leading to Christ’s second coming, a rescue mission to save planet earth. It details what happens during the Millenium and showcases the final victory of God over Satan. with the eradication of sin with the eternal establishment of God’s kingdom on the New Earth. It is an insightful conclusion to the cosmic war between Christ and Satan and the final battle for the hearts and minds of humanity. Satan’s destruction of all of God’s creation leads to his own demise and anyone who follows him. God’s love and character are vindicated. He becomes the ultimate victor of The Conflict. 1TC 7.2