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Daniel the Same in Adversity or Prosperity 2TC 268

Anyone whose heart is set firmly on God will be the same in the hour of greatest trial as in times of prosperity. Faith grasps eternal realities. Christ identifies with His faithful people; He suffers in the person of His chosen ones. It is possible for the servant of God to be faithful under all circumstances and to triumph through divine grace. 2TC 268.3

The experience of Daniel reveals that a person in business is not necessarily designing and self-serving. God may instruct such a person at every step. Daniel had like passions as ourselves, yet the Bible describes him as without fault. His business transactions, even under the closest scrutiny of his enemies, were found to be without flaw. He was an example of what every businessperson may become with a converted heart. 2TC 268.4

By his noble dignity and unswerving integrity, even while he was young Daniel won the “favor and goodwill” of the heathen officer in whose charge he had been placed. Daniel 1:9. He rose quickly to the position of prime minister of Babylon. He was so wise, so courteous, so true to principle, that even his enemies had to confess that “they could find no charge or fault, because he was faithful.” 2TC 268.5

God honored Daniel as His ambassador and gave him many revelations of the mysteries of ages to come. Even the prophet himself did not fully understand his prophecies in chapters 7 to 12, but God gave him assurance that in the closing period of this world’s history he would again be permitted to stand in his lot and place. “Shut up the words, and seal the book,” the angel directed him concerning his prophetic writings, “until the time of the end.” Daniel 12:4. 2TC 268.6

The prophecies of Daniel demand our special attention, because they relate to the time in which we are living. We should read them along with the last book of the New Testament. The promise is plain that special blessing will accompany the study of these prophecies. “The wise shall understand.” Verse 10. And the promise concerning the revelation that Christ gave to John is, “Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written in it.” Revelation 1:3. 2TC 269.1

From the books of Daniel and Revelation we need to learn how worthless is worldly glory. For all its power and magnificence, how completely Babylon has passed away! So perished Medo-Persia, Grecia, and Rome. And so perishes all that does not have God for its foundation. 2TC 269.2

A careful study of God’s purpose in the history of nations and in the revelation of things to come will help us to learn what the true aim of life is. Viewing time in the light of eternity, we may, like Daniel, live for those things that are true and enduring. Learning the principles of the kingdom of our Lord and Savior, at His coming we may enter in and possess it. 2TC 269.3