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Pentecost: The Apostles Begin Their Work 4TC 19

Picture: Pentecost: The Apostles Begin Their Work 4TC 19.1

This chapter is based on Acts 2:1-41.

As the disciples returned from the Mount of Olives to Jerusalem, the people expected to see confusion and defeat on their faces, but they saw gladness and triumph. The disciples had seen the risen Savior, and His parting promise echoed in their ears. 4TC 19.2

In obedience to Christ’s command, they waited in Jerusalem for the Holy Spirit’s outpouring, where they were “continually in the temple, praising and blessing God” (Luke 24:53). They knew they had an Advocate at the throne of God. In awe they bowed in prayer, repeating the assurance, “Whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you” (John 16:23). They extended the hand of faith higher and still higher. 4TC 19.3

As the disciples waited, they humbled their hearts in repentance and confessed their unbelief. Truths that had passed from their memory God brought again to their minds, and they repeated them to one another. Scene after scene of the Savior’s life passed before them. As they meditated on His pure life, they felt that no work would be too hard, no sacrifice too great, if only their lives could bear witness to the loveliness of Christ’s character. If they could live the past three years over again, they thought, how differently they would act! But the thought that they were forgiven comforted them, and they determined, as far as possible, to make up for their unbelief by bravely testifying about Him before the world. 4TC 20.1

The disciples prayed with intense earnestness to be fitted to meet people and speak words that would lead sinners to Christ. Putting away all differences, they came close together. And as they drew nearer to God, they realized what a privilege they had had to associate so closely with Christ. 4TC 20.2

The disciples did not ask for a blessing just for themselves. They felt a great burden for the salvation of others. In obedience to the Savior’s word, they offered their requests for the gift of the Holy Spirit, and in heaven Christ claimed the gift so that He could pour it on His people. 4TC 20.3