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How to Live Pure Lives in an Ocean of Impurity 4TC 158

Paul begged them to control the lower passions and appetites. He stirred up their better nature and inspired them to make every effort for a higher life. He knew that Satan would oppose the Corinthian believers at every step in the Christian pathway and that they would have to face conflicts daily. They would have to force back old habits and natural desires, always mindful to pray. But Paul also knew that in Christ crucified they would find enough power to enable them to resist all temptations to evil. 4TC 158.5

The Corinthian believers had seen only the first rays of the early dawn of God’s glory. Paul’s desire for them was that they would follow on to know Him whose “going forth is established as the morning” (Hosea 6:3), and learn of Him until they would come into the full daylight of a perfect gospel faith. 4TC 158.6