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A Suggestion for Modern Gospel Ministers 4TC 181

If ministers feel they are suffering hardship, let them in imagination visit Paul’s workshop. Let them bear in mind that while this man of God is cutting and stitching the canvas, he is working for food that he has already earned by his labors as an apostle. 4TC 181.2

Work is a blessing, not a curse. Idleness grieves the Spirit of God. A stagnant pool of water is offensive, but a pure, flowing stream spreads health and gladness over the land. Paul wanted to teach young ministers that by exercising their muscles, they would become strong to endure the work and hardships ahead of them. His own teachings would lack vitality and force if he did not exercise. 4TC 181.3

Thousands of human beings exist only to consume the benefits that God bestows on them. They forget they are to be producers as well as consumers. 4TC 181.4

Young men whom God chooses for the ministry will give proof of their high calling. They will work at gaining an experience that will fit them to plan, organize, and execute. By self-discipline they will become more and more like their Master, revealing His goodness, love, and truth. 4TC 181.5

Not all who feel called to preach should immediately throw themselves and their families on the church for financial support. Money dedicated to the work of God should not be consumed by those who desire to preach only so that they can receive support. 4TC 182.1

Although he was an eloquent speaker and God had chosen him to do a special work, Paul was never above labor, nor did he ever tire of sacrificing for the cause he loved. “To the present hour,” he wrote to the Corinthians, “we both hunger and thirst, and we are poorly clothed, and beaten, and homeless. And we labor, working with our own hands” (1 Corinthians 4:11, 12). He worked at this trade, but he always stood ready to lay aside his secular work in order to oppose the enemies of the gospel or to win people to Jesus. His zeal and industry are a rebuke to idleness and desire for ease. 4TC 182.2

Paul illustrated what consecrated laymen could do in many places. Many can advance the cause of God while at the same time supporting themselves in daily labor. God used Aquila and Priscilla to show Apollos the way of truth more perfectly. While God chooses some with special talents to devote all their energies to the work of the gospel, He calls many others to an important part in bringing people to Jesus. 4TC 182.3

There many opportunities for self-supporting gospel workers. Many may gain valuable experiences in ministry while working part-time at manual labor. By this method, people may develop into strong workers for important service in needy fields. 4TC 182.4