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Why Paul Was So Abrupt 4TC 196

In his letter Paul briefly reviewed events connected with his own conversion and early Christian experience. By doing this, he was trying to show that it was through a special display of divine power that he had come to see the great truths of the gospel. God Himself led Paul to write to the Galatians in such strong language. With unshakeable conviction and absolute knowledge, he clearly outlined the difference between human teaching and instruction that had come directly from Christ. 4TC 196.3

The people who had tried to lead the Galatians from the gospel were hypocrites, with unholy hearts and corrupt lives. They expected to win favor with God through performing a round a ceremonies. They had no desire for a gospel that called for obeying the word, “Unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” (John 3:3). A religion based on a doctrine like this required too great a sacrifice, and they clung to their errors. 4TC 196.4

It is still pleasing to the unconverted person to substitute external forms for holiness of heart and life. Satan deliberately tries to divert minds from the hope of salvation through faith in Christ and obedience to the law of God. The archenemy adapts his temptations to the preferences of the ones he is trying to deceive. In the apostles’ times he led the Jews to value the ceremonial law and reject Christ. Today he leads professing Christians to scorn the moral law and to teach that we may break it with no consequences. Every servant of God must firmly withstand these perverters of the faith and expose their errors. 4TC 197.1