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John’s Secret of True Sanctification 4TC 287

Picture: John’s Secret of True Sanctification 4TC 287.1

John’s life gives us an example of true sanctification. During the years he associated closely with Christ, the Savior often warned him, and he accepted these reproofs. He saw his weaknesses, and the revelation humbled him. Day by day his heart was drawn out to Christ, until love for his Master made him lose sight of self. The strength and patience that he saw in the Son of God filled him with admiration. He yielded his resentful, ambitious temper to Christ, and divine love transformed his character. 4TC 287.2

The experience of Judas provides a striking contrast to this. He professed to be a disciple of Christ but had only the appearance of godliness. As he listened to the Savior’s words, he often came under conviction, but he would not humble his heart or confess his sins. By resisting the divine influence, he dishonored the Master. 4TC 287.3

John battled earnestly against his faults, but Judas violated his conscience, fastening his habits of evil more securely on himself. The truth Christ taught did not match with Judas’s desires, and he could not yield his ideas. He cherished covetousness, revengeful passions, and dark and moody thoughts, until Satan gained full control of him. 4TC 288.1

John and Judas had the same opportunities. Both associated closely with Jesus. Each had serious defects of character, and each had access to divine grace. But while one was learning from Jesus, the other just listened and did not change. One, overcoming sin each day, was sanctified through the truth; the other, resisting the transforming power of grace and indulging his selfish desires, became a slave to Satan. 4TC 288.2

Transformation like we see in John results from fellowship with Christ. There may be defects in our characters, yet when we become true disciples of Christ, we are changed until we become like Him whom we adore. 4TC 288.3

In his letters, John wrote, “Everyone who has this hope in Him purifies himself, just as He is pure.” “He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked.” (1 John 3:3; 2:6.) As God is holy in His sphere, so we fallen human beings, through faith in Christ, are to be holy in our sphere. 4TC 288.4

Sanctification is God’s purpose in all His dealings with His people. He has chosen them from eternity, so that they can be holy. He gave His Son to die for them to rid them of all the littleness of self. They can honor God only as they are transformed into His image and controlled by His Spirit. Then they can tell others what divine grace has done for them. 4TC 288.5

True sanctification comes as God develops in us the principle of love. “God is love, and he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him” (1 John 4:16). When Christ lives in the heart, He brings nobility into the life. Pure doctrine will blend with works of righteousness. 4TC 288.6

Those who want to have the blessings of sanctification must first learn the meaning of self-sacrifice. The cross of Christ is the central pillar on which hangs the “eternal weight of glory.” “If anyone desires to come after Me,” Christ says, “let him deny himself, and take up his cross, and follow Me.” (2 Corinthians 4:17; Matthew 16:24.) God supports and strengthens anyone who is willing to follow in Christ’s way. 4TC 288.7