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God Answers the Constant Prayers of His People 4TC 75

Herod finally set the day of Peter’s execution, but the prayers of the believers still went up to heaven. Angels were watching over the imprisoned apostle. 4TC 75.5

To prevent any possibility of escape, Peter had been put under the charge of sixteen soldiers who guarded him day and night. In a rock-hewn cell he was placed between two soldiers and bound by two chains, each fastened to one of the soldiers. He was unable to move without their knowledge. With the prison doors fastened and a guard stationed at them, there was no chance of rescue or escape. But man’s extremity is God’s opportunity. The bolts and bars and the Roman guard would only make God’s triumph complete when He delivered Peter. Herod, lifting his hand against Omnipotence, was to be utterly defeated. 4TC 75.6

The last night before the execution God sent a mighty angel from heaven. The strong gates opened without the aid of human hands. The angel passed through, and the gates closed noiselessly behind him. He entered the cell, and there lay Peter, sleeping the peaceful sleep of perfect trust. 4TC 76.1

Not until the apostle felt the touch of the angel’s hand and heard a voice saying, “Get up quickly,” did he wake up enough to see his cell illuminated by an angel of glory standing before him. Mechanically he obeyed, and when he got up he lifted his hands, dimly conscious that the chains had fallen from his wrists. 4TC 76.2

Again the voice told him, “Fasten your belt and put on your sandals.” Peter mechanically obeyed, believing that he was dreaming. 4TC 76.3

Once more the angel commanded, “Wrap your cloak around you and follow me.” He moved toward the door. The usually talkative Peter was now speechless from amazement. They stepped over the guard. All by itself the heavily bolted door swung open and closed again immediately, while the guards were motionless at their post. 4TC 76.4

The second door opened like the first, with no creaking of hinges or rattling of bolts. They passed through, and it closed again just as silently. In the same way they passed through the third gate and found themselves in the open street. Neither one spoke a word. The angel went on in front, encircled by dazzling brightness, and Peter followed, still believing that he was dreaming. They passed through one street, and then the angel disappeared, his mission accomplished. 4TC 76.5