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The Apostles Are Both Persecuted and Adored 4TC 91

Picture: The Apostles Are Both Persecuted and Adored 4TC 91.1

This chapter is based on Acts 14:1-26.

In Iconium as at Antioch, Paul and Barnabas began their work in the synagogue of their own people. “A great multitude both of Jews and of Greeks believed.” But as in other places, “the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles and poisoned their minds against the brethren.” 4TC 91.2

However, despite the opposition and prejudice, the apostles went on, “speaking boldly in the Lord,” and God “was bearing witness to the word of His grace, granting signs and wonders to be done by their hands.” Converts multiplied. 4TC 91.3

The message’s popularity filled the unbelieving Jews with envy, and they made up their minds to stop Paul and Barnabas. By false reports they led the authorities to fear that the city would be stirred up to revolt. They suggested that it was for secret and dangerous plans that large numbers were becoming followers of the apostles. 4TC 92.1

The disciples were repeatedly brought before the authorities, but their defense was so clear and sensible that the magistrates did not dare to condemn them. They could not help but acknowledge that if people accepted the teachings of Paul and Barnabas, it would improve the morals and order of the city. 4TC 92.2

Opposition brought the message of truth publicity. The Jews’ efforts to hinder the work only resulted in adding greater numbers to the new faith. The people of the city were “divided; part sided with the Jews, and part with the apostles.” 4TC 92.3

The Jews were so enraged that they decided to resort to violence. Stirring up the ignorant, noisy mob, they created a riot, which they blamed on the disciples. They determined to have the mob stone Paul and Barnabas. 4TC 92.4

Friends of the apostles, though unbelievers, urged them not to expose themselves needlessly to the mob, but to escape. So Paul and Barnabas left secretly from Iconium, leaving the believers to carry on alone. But they made up their minds to return after the excitement had died down. 4TC 92.5

In every age and land, God’s messengers have met opposition from those who reject light. By misrepresentation and falsehood, enemies of the gospel have often seemed to triumph, closing doors by which God’s messengers might reach the people. But these doors cannot remain closed forever! 4TC 92.6