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What the Holy Spirit Accomplished 4TC 12

These words were wonderfully fulfilled. After the Spirit’s arrival, the disciples were so filled with love that hearts were melted by the words they spoke and the prayers they offered. Under the influence of the Spirit, thousands were converted. 4TC 12.5

As Christ’s representatives the apostles were to make a clear impression on the world. Their words of courage and trust would assure everyone that they were not working in their own power but in the power of Christ. They would declare that He whom the Jews had crucified was the Prince of life and that in His name they did the works that He had done. 4TC 12.6

On the night before the crucifixion the Savior did not speak of the suffering He had endured and must yet endure. He tried to strengthen their faith, leading them to look forward to the joys that are in store for the overcomer. He would do more for His followers than He had promised. From Him would flow love and compassion, making people like Him in character. Armed with the power of the Spirit, His truth would go forward conquering and to conquer. 4TC 13.1

Christ did not fail, neither was He discouraged, and the disciples were to show the same kind of faith. They were to work as He worked. By His grace they were to go forward, never despairing, and hoping for everything. 4TC 13.2

Christ had finished the work God had given Him. He had gathered out those who were to continue His work. And He said: “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe on Me through their word; that they all may be one, ... that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me” (John 17:20-23). 4TC 13.3