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Need of the Delicate Touch 3TC 287

When others have done wrong, do not put them to shame by exposing their faults to others nor bring dishonor on Christ by making public the sins of those who bear His name. We must lead the wrongdoers to see their errors so that they may reform, but we are not to judge or condemn. In treating the spiritual wounds, we must have the most delicate touch. Only the love that flows from the Suffering One of Calvary will achieve good results here. If you succeed, you will “save a soul from death,” and “cover a multitude of sins.” James 5:20. 3TC 287.3

But even this effort may not succeed. Then Jesus said, “Take one or two others along with you.” NRSV. If the sinner will not hear them, then, and not till then, the matter is to be brought before the whole body of believers. Let the members of the church unite in prayer and loving appeals that the offender may be restored. The Holy Spirit will speak through His servants, pleading with the wanderer to return to God: “We implore you in Christ’s behalf, be reconciled to God.” 2 Corinthians 5:20. Anyone who rejects this united plea has broken the tie that binds him to Christ and so has cut himself off from the fellowship of the church. From that time on, said Jesus, “Let him be to you like a heathen and a tax collector.” But the sinner’s former brothers and sisters in the church should not despise or neglect him, but treat him with tenderness and compassion. 3TC 287.4

If we neglect the duty Christ has given us, of trying to restore those who are in error and sin, we become partakers in the sin. See Leviticus 19:17. For evils that we might have stopped, we are just as responsible as if we were guilty of the acts ourselves. 3TC 288.1

We are not to make someone else’s wrong a matter of comment and criticism among ourselves nor repeat it to others. While we try to correct the errors of a brother or sister, we will shield that person as far as possible from the criticism of fellow church members, and how much more from condemnation by the unbelieving world. As we wish Christ to deal with us, He asks us to deal with one another. “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19. The results of your work are for eternity! 3TC 288.2

But we are not to carry this great responsibility alone. Wherever people obey His word with a sincere heart, there Christ lives. In the assemblies of the church and wherever even a few disciples meet in His name, there He will also be. “If two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it will be done for them by My Father in heaven.” By His humanity Jesus shares with His disciples in their trials and sympathizes with them in their sufferings. At the same time, by His divinity He is connected with the throne of the Infinite. 3TC 288.3

Wonderful assurance! All the power of heaven combines with human ability in drawing people to Christ. 3TC 288.4