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The Resurrection, a Subject of Controversy 3TC 379

The resurrection was especially a subject of controversy between the Pharisees and Sadducees. The Pharisees had been firm believers in the resurrection, but their views about the future state became confused. Death became a mystery beyond explanation. The discussions between the two parties usually resulted in angry disputes. 3TC 379.2

The Sadducees did not have so strong a hold on the common people, but many had the influence that wealth gives. The high priest was usually chosen from among them. The fact that they were eligible for such a high office gave influence to their errors. 3TC 379.3

The Sadducees rejected the teaching of Jesus; His teaching about the future life contradicted their theories. They believed that, having created human beings, God had left them to themselves, independent of a higher influence. They held that people were free to control their own lives and to shape the events of the world; their destiny was in their own hands. 3TC 379.4