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Christ’s Appearance Was Ordinary 3TC 81

Was this the Christ? With awe and wonder the people looked on the One John had just declared to be the Son of God. John’s words had deeply moved them. He had spoken in the name of God. They had listened to him day after day as he condemned their sins, and the conviction strengthened that God had sent him. But who was this One greater than John? Nothing in His dress and bearing represented any high rank. Apparently He was a simple person, dressed in the humble garments of the poor. 3TC 81.4

Some in the crowd had been at Christ’s baptism and had heard the voice of God. But the Savior’s appearance had changed greatly. At His baptism they had seen His face transformed in the light of heaven. Now He looked worn and gaunt. Only John had recognized Him. 3TC 82.1

But the people saw a face where divine compassion blended with conscious power. Every glance, every feature of His face, was marked with humility and expressive of matchless love. He impressed the onlookers with a sense of power that was hidden, yet could not be completely concealed. Was this the One for whom Israel had waited so long? 3TC 82.2

Jesus came in poverty and humiliation so that He could be our Example as well as our Redeemer. If He had appeared with kingly pomp, how could He have taught humility? Where would the lowly in life have found hope if Jesus had come to live as a king among us? 3TC 82.3

But to the crowd, it seemed impossible to find a connection between the One John had indicated and their high expectations. Many were disappointed and perplexed. 3TC 82.4

The words they so much wanted to hear—that Jesus would now restore the kingdom to Israel—He had not spoken. The priests and rabbis were ready to receive such a king. But One who intended to establish a kingdom of righteousness in their hearts, they would not accept. 3TC 82.5