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CORPUSCLE, n. [L., body.] A minute particle, or physical atom; corpuscles are the very small bodies which compose large bodies, not the elementary principles of matter, but such small particles simple or compound, as are not dissolved or dissipated by ordinary heat. NWAD CORPUSCLE.1

It will add much to our satisfaction, if those corpuscles can be discovered by microscopes. NWAD CORPUSCLE.2

CORPUSCULAR, a. Relating to corpuscles, or small particles, supposed to be the constituent materials of all large bodies. The corpuscular philosophy attempts to account for the phenomena of nature, by the motion, figure, rest, position, etc., of the minute particles of matter. NWAD CORPUSCULAR.1


CORPUSCULARIAN, n. An advocate for the corpuscular philosophy. NWAD CORPUSCULARIAN.2

CORRADIATION, n. [L. See Ray.] A conjunction of rays in one point. NWAD CORRADIATION.1

CORRECT, a. [L., to set right; right, straight. See Right.] Literally, set right, or made straight. Hence, right; conformable to truth, rectitude or propriety, or conformable to a just standard; not faulty; free from error. A correct edition of a book is exactly according to the original copy. Correct manners correspond with the rules of morality and received notions of decorum. Correct principles coincide with the truth. Correct language is agreeable to established usage. NWAD CORRECT.1

CORRECT, v.t. [L. See Right.] NWAD CORRECT.2

1. To make right; to rectify; to bring to the standard of truth, justice, or propriety; as, to correct manners or principles. Hence, NWAD CORRECT.3

2. To amend; to remove or retrench faults or errors; to set right; as, to correct a book; to correct a copy for the press; or in printing, to correct the press, or errors of the press. NWAD CORRECT.4

3. To bring back or attempt to bring back to propriety in morals; to punish for faults or deviations from moral rectitude; to chastise; to discipline; as, a child should be corrected for lying. NWAD CORRECT.5

Correct thy son, and he shall give thee rest. Proverbs 29:17. NWAD CORRECT.6

4. To obviate or remove whatever is wrong or inconvenient; to reduce or change the qualities of any thing by mixture, or other application; to counteract whatever is injurious; as, to correct the acidity of the stomach by alkaline preparations; to correct the relaxing quality of water by boiling it with animal substances. NWAD CORRECT.7

CORRECTED, pp. Set right; freed from errors; amended; punished. NWAD CORRECTED.1

CORRECTING, ppr. Bringing to the standard of truth, justice or propriety; amending; chastising. NWAD CORRECTING.1


1. The act of correcting; the act of bringing back, from error or deviation, to a just standard, as to truth, rectitude, justice or propriety; as the correction of opinions or manners. NWAD CORRECTION.2

All scripture is profitable for correction. 2 Timothy 3:16. NWAD CORRECTION.3

2. Retrenchment of faults or errors; amendment; as the correction of a book, or of the press. NWAD CORRECTION.4

3. That which is substituted in the place of what is wrong; as the corrections of a copy are numerous; set the corrections in the margin of a proof-sheet. NWAD CORRECTION.5

4. That which is intended to rectify, or to cure faults; punishment; discipline; chastisement; that which corrects. NWAD CORRECTION.6

Withhold not correction from the child. Proverbs 23:13. NWAD CORRECTION.7

5. In scriptural language, whatever tends to correct the moral conduct, and bring back from error or sin, as afflictions. NWAD CORRECTION.8

They have refused to receive correction. Jeremiah 5:3. NWAD CORRECTION.9

My son, despise not the chastening of the Lord, nor be weary of his correction. Proverbs 3:11. NWAD CORRECTION.10

6. Critical notice; animadversion. NWAD CORRECTION.11

7. Abatement of noxious qualities; the counteraction of what is inconvenient or hurtful in its effects; as the correction of acidity in the stomach. NWAD CORRECTION.12

House of correction, a house where disorderly persons are confined; a bridewell. NWAD CORRECTION.13

CORRECTIONAL, a. Tending to or intended for correction. NWAD CORRECTIONAL.1

CORRECTIONER, n. One that has been in the house of correction. [Not used.] NWAD CORRECTIONER.1

CORRECTIVE, a. Having the power to correct; having the quality of removing or obviating what is wrong, or injurious; tending to rectify; as corrective penalties. NWAD CORRECTIVE.1

Mulberries are pectoral, corrective of bilious alkali. NWAD CORRECTIVE.2


1. That which has the power of correcting; that which has the quality of altering or obviating what is wrong, or injurious; as, alkalies are correctives of acids; penalties are correctives of immoral conduct. NWAD CORRECTIVE.4

2. Limitation; restriction. [Little used.] NWAD CORRECTIVE.5

CORRECTLY, adv. In a correct manner; in conformity with truth, justice, rectitude, or propriety; according to a standard; agreeable to a copy or original; exactly; accurately; without fault, or error; as, to behave correctly; to write, speak or think correctly; to judge correctly. NWAD CORRECTLY.1


1. Conformity to truth, justice, or propriety; as the correctness of opinions, of judgment, or of manners. NWAD CORRECTNESS.2

2. Conformity to settled usages or rules; as correctness in writing or speaking. NWAD CORRECTNESS.3

3. Conformity to a copy or original; as the correctness of a book. NWAD CORRECTNESS.4

4. Conformity to established rules of taste or proportion; as the correctness of design in painting, sculpture or architecture. NWAD CORRECTNESS.5


1. One who corrects; one who amends faults, retrenches error, and renders conformable to truth or propriety, or to any standard; as a corrector of the press; a corrector of abuses. NWAD CORRECTOR.2

2. One who punishes for correction; one who amends or reforms by chastisement, reproof or instruction. NWAD CORRECTOR.3

3. That which corrects; that which abates or removes what is noxious or inconvenient; an ingredient in a composition which abates or counteracts the force of another; as, an alkali is a corrector of acids. NWAD CORRECTOR.4

Turpentine is a corrector of quicksilver. NWAD CORRECTOR.5

CORREGIDOR, n. A Spanish magistrate. NWAD CORREGIDOR.1

CORRELATE, n. [L. Con and relatus. See Relate.] One who stands in an opposite relation, as father and son. NWAD CORRELATE.1

CORRELATION, n. Reciprocal relation. NWAD CORRELATION.1

CORRELATIVE, a. [L. Con and relativus. See Relate and Relative.] Having a reciprocal relation, so that the existence of one in a certain state depends on the existence of another; as father and son, husband and wife, are correlative terms. The term son is correlative to that of father. NWAD CORRELATIVE.1

CORRELATIVE, n. That which is opposed to something else in a certain relation. The son is the correlative of his father. Darkness and light are correlatives. Rest is the correlative of motion. NWAD CORRELATIVE.2

CORRELATIVELY, adv. In a correlative relation. NWAD CORRELATIVELY.1

CORRELATIVENESS, n. The state of being correlative. NWAD CORRELATIVENESS.1

CORREPTION, n. [L.] Chiding; reproof; reprimand. NWAD CORREPTION.1

CORRESPOND, v.i. [L., to answer, to promise. See Sponsor.] NWAD CORRESPOND.1

1. To suit; to answer; to agree; to fit; to be congruous; to be adapted to. Levity of manners does not correspond with the dignity of the clerical character. The length of a room should correspond with the breadth. Actions should correspond with words. NWAD CORRESPOND.2

2. To be equal; to be adequate or proportioned. Let the means of prosecuting a war correspond with the magnitude of the contest. NWAD CORRESPOND.3

3. To communicate by letters sent and received; to hold intercourse with a person at a distance by sending and receiving letters. We delight to correspond with those we love and respect. NWAD CORRESPOND.4


1. Relation; fitness; congruity; mutual adaptation of one thing to another. There is no correspondence between a polite education and clownish manners. NWAD CORRESPONDENCE.2

2. Intercourse between persons at a distance, by means of letters sent and answers received. The ministers of the two courts have had a correspondence on the subject of commerce. Hence, NWAD CORRESPONDENCE.3

3. The letters which pass between correspondents. The correspondence of the ministers is published. NWAD CORRESPONDENCE.4

4. Friendly intercourse; reciprocal exchange of offices or civilities; connection. NWAD CORRESPONDENCE.5

Let military persons hold good correspondence with the other great men in the state. NWAD CORRESPONDENCE.6

CORRESPONDENT, a. Suitable; fit; congruous; agreeable; answerable; adapted. Let behavior be correspondent to profession, and both be correspondent to good morals. NWAD CORRESPONDENT.1

CORRESPONDENT, n. One who corresponds; one with whom an intercourse is carried on by letters or messages. When A is the correspondent of B, B is the correspondent of A. NWAD CORRESPONDENT.2

CORRESPONDENTLY, adv. In a corresponding manner. NWAD CORRESPONDENTLY.1


1. Carrying on intercourse by letters. NWAD CORRESPONDING.2

2. a. Answering; agreeing; suiting. NWAD CORRESPONDING.3


CORRIDOR, n. The termination dor may perhaps be the L. Tor, as in curator, cursitor. Corridor signifies a runner; hence, a running, flowing, or long line. NWAD CORRIDOR.1

1. In architecture, a gallery or long aisle round a building, leading to several chambers at a distance from each other. NWAD CORRIDOR.2

2. In fortification, the covered way lying round the whole compass of the fortifications of a place. NWAD CORRIDOR.3

CORRIGIBLE, a. [L., to correct.] NWAD CORRIGIBLE.1

1. That may be set right, or amended; as a corrigible defect. NWAD CORRIGIBLE.2

2. That may be reformed; as, the young man may be corrigible. NWAD CORRIGIBLE.3

3. Punishable; that may be chastised for correction. He was adjudged corrigible for abusive words. NWAD CORRIGIBLE.4

CORRIVAL, n. A fellow rival; a competitor. More correctly co-rival, which see. NWAD CORRIVAL.1

CORRIVATE, v.t. [L. Con and rivus.] To draw water out of several streams into one. [Little used.] NWAD CORRIVATE.1

CORRIVATION, n. The running of different streams into one. [Not much used.] NWAD CORRIVATION.1

CORROBORANT, a. [See Corroborate.] Strengthening; having the power or quality of giving strength; as a corroborant medicine. NWAD CORROBORANT.1

CORROBORANT, n. A medicine that strengthens the human body when weak. NWAD CORROBORANT.2

CORROBORATE, v.t. [L., to strengthen, strength.] NWAD CORROBORATE.1

1. To strengthen; to make strong, or to give additional strength to; as, to corroborate the nerves; to corroborate the judgment, authority or habits. NWAD CORROBORATE.2

2. To confirm; to make more certain. The news was doubtful, but is corroborated by recent advices. NWAD CORROBORATE.3

CORROBORATED, pp. Strengthened; confirmed; rendered more certain. NWAD CORROBORATED.1

CORROBORATING, ppr. Strengthening; giving firmness or additional assurance. NWAD CORROBORATING.1

CORROBORATION, n. The act of strengthening, or confirming; addition of strength, assurance, or security; confirmation; as the corroboration of an argument, or of intelligence. NWAD CORROBORATION.1

CORROBORATIVE, n. A medicine that strengthens; a corroborant. NWAD CORROBORATIVE.1

CORRODE, v.t. [L., to eat or gnaw.] NWAD CORRODE.1

1. To eat away by degrees; to wear away, or diminish, by gradually separating small particles from a body, in the manner an animal gnaws a substance. Thus, nitric acid corrodes copper. NWAD CORRODE.2

2. To wear away by degrees; to prey upon; to impair; to consume, or diminish by slow degrees. Jealousy and envy corrode the constitution. Substances are corroded by time. The anxious man is a victim to corroding care. NWAD CORRODE.3

CORRODED, pp. Eaten away gradually; worn, diminished, impaired, by slow degrees. NWAD CORRODED.1

CORRODENT, a. Having the power of corroding, or wasting by degrees. NWAD CORRODENT.1

CORRODENT, n. Any substance or medicine that corrodes. NWAD CORRODENT.2

CORRODIBILITY, n. The quality of being corrodible. NWAD CORRODIBILITY.1

CORRODIBLE, a. That may be corroded. NWAD CORRODIBLE.1

CORRODING, ppr. Eating away gradually; impairing; wasting. NWAD CORRODING.1

CORRODY, [See Corody.] But corrody is the most correct orthography. NWAD CORRODY.1



CORROSION, n. s as z. From corrode. The action of eating or wearing away by slow degrees, as by the action of acids on metals, by which the substance is gradually changed. This is effected by the affinity of the menstruum with the component parts of the substance, in consequence of which the two substances unite and form new combinations. NWAD CORROSION.1


1. Eating; wearing away; having the power of gradually wearing, consuming or impairing; as corrosive sublimate; corrosive care; a corrosive ulcer. NWAD CORROSIVE.2

2. Having the quality of fretting or vexing. NWAD CORROSIVE.3

Corrosive sublimate, the corrosive muriate or perchloride of mercury. NWAD CORROSIVE.4


1. That which has the quality of eating or wearing gradually. NWAD CORROSIVE.6

2. That which has the power of fretting. NWAD CORROSIVE.7

CORROSIVELY, adv. Like a corrosive; with the power of corrosion; in a corrosive manner. NWAD CORROSIVELY.1

CORROSIVENESS, n. The quality of corroding, eating away or wearing; acrimony. NWAD CORROSIVENESS.1

CORRUGANT, a. [See Corrugate.] Having the power of contracting into wrinkles. NWAD CORRUGANT.1

CORRUGATE, v.t. [L., to wrinkle, in our vulgar language, to ruck, to furrow.] To wrinkle; to draw or contract into folds; as, to corrugate the skin. NWAD CORRUGATE.1



CORRUGATING, ppr. Contracting into wrinkles. NWAD CORRUGATING.1

CORRUGATION, n. A wrinkling; contraction into wrinkles. NWAD CORRUGATION.1

CORRUGATOR, n. A muscle which contracts the skin of the forehead into wrinkles. NWAD CORRUGATOR.1

CORRUPT, v.t. [L., to break.] Literally, to break, separate or dissolve. Hence, NWAD CORRUPT.1

1. To change from a sound to a putrid or putrescent state; to separate the component parts of a body, as by a natural process, which accompanied by a fetid smell. NWAD CORRUPT.2

2. To vitiate or deprave; to change from good to bad. NWAD CORRUPT.3

Evil communications corrupt good manners. 1 Corinthians 15:33. NWAD CORRUPT.4

3. To waste, spoil or consume. NWAD CORRUPT.5

Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust doth corrupt. Matthew 6:19. NWAD CORRUPT.6

4. To defile or pollute. Exodus 32:7. NWAD CORRUPT.7

5. To entice from good and allure to evil. 2 Corinthians 11:3. NWAD CORRUPT.8

6. To pervert; to break, disobey or make void. Malachi 2:8. NWAD CORRUPT.9

7. To pervert or vitiate integrity; to bribe; as, to corrupt a judge. NWAD CORRUPT.10

8. To debase or render impure, by alterations or innovations; as, to corrupt language. NWAD CORRUPT.11

9. To pervert; to falsify; to infect with errors; as, to corrupt the sacred text. NWAD CORRUPT.12


1. To become putrid; to putrefy; to rot. Animal and vegetable substances speedily corrupt in a warm and moist air. NWAD CORRUPT.14

2. To become vitiated; to lose purity. NWAD CORRUPT.15


1. Changed from a sound to a putrid state, as by natural decomposition. NWAD CORRUPT.17

2. Spoiled; tainted; vitiated; unsound; as corrupt air, or bread. NWAD CORRUPT.18

3. Depraved; vitiated; tainted with wickedness. NWAD CORRUPT.19

They are corrupt; they have done abominable works. Psalm 14:1. NWAD CORRUPT.20

The earth was corrupt before God. Genesis 6:11. NWAD CORRUPT.21

4. Debased; rendered impure; changed to a worse state; as corrupt language. NWAD CORRUPT.22

5. Not genuine; infected with errors or mistakes. The text is corrupt. NWAD CORRUPT.23

CORRUPTED, pp. Putrefied; vitiated; depraved; spoiled; marred; bribed; infected with errors. NWAD CORRUPTED.1


1. One who corrupts; one who vitiates, or taints; as a corrupter of morals, or of Christianity. NWAD CORRUPTER.2

2. One who bribes; that which depraves or destroys integrity. NWAD CORRUPTER.3

3. One who introduces errors. NWAD CORRUPTER.4

CORRUPTIBILITY, n. The possibility of being corrupted. NWAD CORRUPTIBILITY.1


1. That may be corrupted; that may become putrid; subject to decay and destruction. Our bodies are corruptible. NWAD CORRUPTIBLE.2

2. That may be vitiated in qualities or principles; susceptible of depravation. Manners are corruptible by evil example. NWAD CORRUPTIBLE.3

CORRUPTIBLE, n. That which may decay and perish; the human body. NWAD CORRUPTIBLE.4

This corruptible must put on incorruption. 1 Corinthians 15:53. NWAD CORRUPTIBLE.5

CORRUPTIBLENESS, n. Susceptibility of corruption; corruptibility. NWAD CORRUPTIBLENESS.1

CORRUPTIBLY, adv. In such a manner as to be corrupted or vitiated. NWAD CORRUPTIBLY.1

CORRUPTING, ppr. Putrefying; depraving; vitiating. NWAD CORRUPTING.1


1. The act of corrupting, or state of being corrupt or putrid; the destruction of the natural form of bodies, by the separation of the component parts, or by disorganization, in the process of putrefaction. NWAD CORRUPTION.2

Thou wilt not suffer thy holy One to see corruption. Psalm 16:10. NWAD CORRUPTION.3

2. Putrid matter; pus. NWAD CORRUPTION.4

3. Putrescence; a foul state occasioned by putrefaction. NWAD CORRUPTION.5

4. Depravity; wickedness; perversion or deterioration of moral principles; loss of purity or integrity. NWAD CORRUPTION.6

Having escaped the corruption that is in the world through lust. 2 Peter 1:4. NWAD CORRUPTION.7

Corruption in elections is the great enemy of freedom. NWAD CORRUPTION.8

5. Debasement; taint; or tendency to a worse state. NWAD CORRUPTION.9

Keep my honor from corruption. NWAD CORRUPTION.10

6. Impurity; depravation; debasement; as a corruption of language. NWAD CORRUPTION.11

7. Bribery. He obtained his suit by corruption. NWAD CORRUPTION.12

8. In law, taint; impurity of blood, in consequence of an act of attainder of treason or felony, by which a person is disabled to inherit lands from an ancestor, nor can retain those in his possession, nor transmit them by descent to his heirs. NWAD CORRUPTION.13

Corruption of blood can be removed only by act of parliament. NWAD CORRUPTION.14

CORRUPTIVE, a. Having the quality of corrupting, tainting or vitiating. NWAD CORRUPTIVE.1

It should be endued with some corruptive quality. NWAD CORRUPTIVE.2

CORRUPTLESS, a. Not susceptible of corruption, or decay. NWAD CORRUPTLESS.1


1. In a corrupt manner; with corruption; viciously; wickedly; without integrity. NWAD CORRUPTLY.2

We have dealt very corruptly against thee. Nehemiah 1:7. NWAD CORRUPTLY.3

2. By bribery. A judgment was obtained corruptly. NWAD CORRUPTLY.4


1. The state of being corrupt; putrid state or putrescence. NWAD CORRUPTNESS.2

2. A state of moral impurity; as the corruptness of a judge. NWAD CORRUPTNESS.3

3. A vicious state; debasement; impurity; as the corruptness of language. NWAD CORRUPTNESS.4

CORRUPTRESS, n. A female that corrupts others. NWAD CORRUPTRESS.1

CORSAIR, n. A pirate; one who cruises or scours the ocean, with an armed vessel, without a commission from any prince or state, to seize and plunder merchantmen. NWAD CORSAIR.1

CORSAK, n. A species of fox. NWAD CORSAK.1

CORSE, n. [L.] A corpse; the dead body of a human being; a poetical word. NWAD CORSE.1

CORSE-ENCUMBERED, a. Loaded with dead bodies; as the corse-encumbered plains. NWAD CORSE-ENCUMBERED.1

CORSE-PRESENT, n. A mortuary or present paid at the interment of a dead body. NWAD CORSE-PRESENT.1


1. A little cuirass, or an armor to cover the body for protection, worn formerly by pike-men. NWAD CORSELET.2

2. [See Corcelet.] NWAD CORSELET.3

CORSELET, v.t. To encircle with a corselet. NWAD CORSELET.4

CORSET, n. A boddice; jumps; something worn to give shape to the body; used by ladies and dandies. NWAD CORSET.1

CORSNED, n. The morsel of execration, or curse; a piece of bread consecrated by exorcism, and to be swallowed by a suspected person, as a trial of his innocence. If guilty, it was supposed the bread would produce convulsions and paleness, and find no passage. If innocent, it was believed it would turn to nourishment. NWAD CORSNED.1

CORTEGE, n. A train of attendants. NWAD CORTEGE.1

CORTES, n. plu. [from corte, court.] The Spanish name of the States of the kingdom, composed of nobility, clergy and representatives of cities; the assembly of the States, answering, in some measure, to the parliament of Great Britain. NWAD CORTES.1

CORTICAL, a. [from L., bark. See Chart.] Belonging to bark; consisting of bark or rind; resembling bark or rind; external; belonging to the external covering; as the cortical part of the brain. NWAD CORTICAL.1

A cortical bud in plants proceeds from the scales of the bark. NWAD CORTICAL.2

CORTICATE, CORTICATED, a. [L., bark.] Resembling the bark or rind of a tree. NWAD CORTICATE.1

CORTICIFEROUS, a. [cortex and fero, to produce.] Producing bark, or that which resembles it. NWAD CORTICIFEROUS.1

CORTICIFORM, a. [cortex and form.] Resembling bark. NWAD CORTICIFORM.1


CORUNDUM, n. The corindon-harmophane of nauy, corindon adamantin of Brongniart, the korund of Werner, and the adamantine spar of Kirwan. It is octahedral, rhomboidal or prismatic. NWAD CORUNDUM.1

CORUSCANT, a. [see Coruscate.] Flashing; glittering by flashes. NWAD CORUSCANT.1

CORUSCATE, v.i. [L., to flash.] To flash; to lighten; to glitter. NWAD CORUSCATE.1


1. A flash; a sudden burst of light in the clouds or atmosphere. NWAD CORUSCATION.2

2. The light produced by the combustion of imflammable gas in the earth. NWAD CORUSCATION.3

Artificial coruscations are produced by phosporus and sulphuric acid, or by sulphuric acid and iron filings. NWAD CORUSCATION.4

CORVET, n. A sloop of war; an advice boat. NWAD CORVET.1

CORVUS, n. [L., a raven.] NWAD CORVUS.1

1. In astronomy, a constellation of the southern hemisphere, containing nine stars. NWAD CORVUS.2

2. A military engine or gallery used by the Romans for boarding ships in war. It was a strong platform of boards at the prow, movable as on a spindle, and thrown over the side of the enemys vessel, when grappled. NWAD CORVUS.3

CORYBANTIC, a. Madly agitated; inflamed like the Corybantes, the frantic priests of Cybele. NWAD CORYBANTIC.1

CORYMB, n. [L. Gr.] Primarily, a top, head or cluster. In modern botany, a species of inflorescence, in which the lesser or partial flower-stalks are produced along the common stalk on both sides, and though of unequal length, rise to the same height, so as to form an even surface; as in spiraea opulifolia, scurvy-grass, etc. NWAD CORYMB.1

CORYMBIATED, a. Garnished with corymbs. NWAD CORYMBIATED.1

CORYMBIFEROUS, a. [L., to bear.] Producing corymbs; bearing fruit or berries in clusters, or producing flowers in clusters. NWAD CORYMBIFEROUS.1

CORYMBOUS, a. Consisting of corymbs; in clusters. NWAD CORYMBOUS.1

CORYMBULOUS, a. Having or consisting of little corymbs. NWAD CORYMBULOUS.1

CORYPHENE, n. A fish with a sloping truncated head, and the dorsal fin extending the whole length of the back. NWAD CORYPHENE.1

CORYPHEUS, n. [Gr.] The chief of a chorus; the chief of a company. NWAD CORYPHEUS.1

COSCINOMANCY, n. [Gr., a sieve, and divination.] The art or practice of divination, by suspending a sieve and taking it between two fingers, or by fixing it to the point of a pair of shears, then repeating a formula of words, and the names of persons suspected. If the sieve trembles, shakes or turns, when any name is repeated, the person is deemed guilty. This divination is mentioned by Theocritus, and is said to be still practiced in some parts of England. The practice and the name are strangers in America. NWAD COSCINOMANCY.1