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CRYPTOLOGY, n. [Gr., secret, and discourse.] Secret or enigmatical language. NWAD CRYPTOLOGY.1

CRYSTAL, n. [L. Gr., frost.] NWAD CRYSTAL.1

1. In chemistry and mineralogy, an inorganic body, which, by the operation of affinity, has assumed the form of a regular solid, terminated by a certain number of plane and smooth surfaces. NWAD CRYSTAL.2

2. A factitious body, cast in glass houses, called crystal glass; a species of glass, more perfect in its composition and manufacture, than common glass. The best kind is the Venice crystal. It is called also factitious crystal or paste. NWAD CRYSTAL.3

3. A substance of any kind having the form of a crystal. NWAD CRYSTAL.4

4. The glass of a watch-case. NWAD CRYSTAL.5

Rock crystal, or mountain crystal, a general name for all the transparent crystals of quartz, particularly of limpid or colorless quartz. NWAD CRYSTAL.6

Iceland crystal, a variety of calcarious spar, or crystalized carbonate of lime, brought from Iceland. It occurs in laminated masses, easily divisible into rhombs, and is remarkable for its double refraction. NWAD CRYSTAL.7

CRYSTAL, a. Consisting of crystal, or like crystal; clear; transparent; lucid; pellucid. NWAD CRYSTAL.8

By crystal streams that murmur thorough the meads. NWAD CRYSTAL.9

CRYSTAL-FORM, a. Having the form of crystal. NWAD CRYSTAL-FORM.1


1. Consisting of crystal; as a crystaline palace. NWAD CRYSTALINE.2

2. Resembling crystal; pure; clear; transparent; pellucid; as a crystalline sky. NWAD CRYSTALINE.3

Crystaline heavens, in ancient astronomy, two spheres imagined between the primum mobile and the firmament, in the Ptolemaic system, which supposed the heavens to be solid and only susceptible of a single motion. NWAD CRYSTALINE.4

Crystaline humor, Crystaline lens, a lentiform pellucid body, composed of a very white, transparent, firm substance, inclosed in a membranous capsule, and situated in a depression in the anterior part of the vitreous humor of the eye. It is somewhat convex, and serves to transmit and refract the rays of light to the vitreous humor. NWAD CRYSTALINE.5

CRYSTALIZABLE, a. [from crystalize.] That may be crystalized; that may form or be formed into crystals. NWAD CRYSTALIZABLE.1


1. The act or process by which the parts of a solid body, separated by the intervention of a fluid or by fusion, again coalesce or unite, and form a solid body. If the process is slow and undisturbed, the particles assume a regular arrangement, each substance taking a determinate and regular form, according to its natural laws; but if the process is rapid or disturbed, the substance takes an irregular form. This process is the effect of refrigeration or evaporation. NWAD CRYSTALIZATION.2

2. The mass or body formed by the process of crystalizing. NWAD CRYSTALIZATION.3

CRYSTALIZE, v.t. To cause to form crystals. NWAD CRYSTALIZE.1

Common salt is crystalized by the evaporation of sea water. NWAD CRYSTALIZE.2

CRYSTALIZE, v.i. To be converted into a crystal; to unite, as the separate particles of a substance, and form a determinate and regular solid. NWAD CRYSTALIZE.3

Each species of salt crystalizes in a peculiar form. NWAD CRYSTALIZE.4

CRYSTALIZED, pp. Formed into crystals. NWAD CRYSTALIZED.1

CRYSTALIZING, ppr. Causing to crystalize; forming or uniting in crystals. NWAD CRYSTALIZING.1

CRYSTALLITE, n. A name given to whinstone, cooled slowly after fusion. NWAD CRYSTALLITE.1

CRYSTALOGRAPHER, n. [infra.] One who describes crystals, or the manner of their formation. NWAD CRYSTALOGRAPHER.1



CRYSTALOGRAPHY, n. [crystal, as above, and description.] NWAD CRYSTALOGRAPHY.1

1. The doctrine or science of crystalization, teaching the principles of the process, and the forms and structure of crystals. NWAD CRYSTALOGRAPHY.2

2. A discourse or treatise on crystalization. NWAD CRYSTALOGRAPHY.3


1. The young of certain quadrupeds, as the bear and the fox; a puppy; a whelp. Waller uses the word for the young of the whale. NWAD CUB.2

2. A young boy or girl, in contempt. NWAD CUB.3

CUB, n. A stall for cattle. [Not in use.] NWAD CUB.4
CUB, v.t. To bring forth a cub, or cubs. In contempt, to bring forth young, as a woman. NWAD CUB.5
CUB, v.t. To shut up or confine. [Not in use.] NWAD CUB.6

CUBATION, n. [L., to lie down.] The act of lying down; a reclining. NWAD CUBATION.1

CUBATORY, a. Lying down; reclining; incumbent. NWAD CUBATORY.1

CUBATURE, n. [from cube.] The finding exactly the solid or cubic contents of a body. NWAD CUBATURE.1

CUBE, n. [Gr., L., a die or cube; to set or throw down, that which is set or laid, a solid mass.] NWAD CUBE.1

1. In geometry, a regular solid body, with six equal sides, and containing equal angles. NWAD CUBE.2

2. In arithmetic, the product of a number multiplied into itself, and that product multiplied into the same number; or it is formed by multiplying any number twice by itself; as, 4 times 4 = 16, and 16 times 4 = 64, the cube of 4. NWAD CUBE.3

The law of the planets is, that the squares of the times of their revolutions are in proportion to the cubes of their mean distances. NWAD CUBE.4

Cube root, is the number or quantity, which, multiplied into itself, and then into the product, produces the cube; or which, twice multiplied into itself, produces the number of which it is the root; thus, 3 is the cube root or side of 27, for 3 times 3 = 9, and 3 times 9 = 27. NWAD CUBE.5

CUBE-ORE, n. Hexahedral olivenite, or arseniate or iron, a mineral of a greenish color. NWAD CUBE-ORE.1

CUBEB, n. The small spicy berry of the Piper cubeba, from Java and the other E. India isles. It was formerly called, from its short stems, Piper caudatum, or tailed pepper. It resembles a grain of pepper, but is somewhat longer. In aromatic warmth and pungency, it is far inferior to pepper. NWAD CUBEB.1

CUBIC, CUBICAL, a. [L. See Cube.] Having the form or properties of a cube; that may be or is contained within a cube. A cubic foot of water is the water that may be contained within six equal sides, each a foot square. NWAD CUBIC.1

Cubic number, is a number produced by multiplying a number into itself, and that product by the same number; or it is the number arising from the multiplication of a square number by its root. [See Cube.] NWAD CUBIC.2

CUBICALNESS, n. The state or quality of being cubical. NWAD CUBICALNESS.1

CUBICULAR, a. [L.] Belonging to a chamber. NWAD CUBICULAR.1

CUBICULARY, a. [L., a bedroom.] Fitted for the posture of lying down. [Little used.] NWAD CUBICULARY.1

CUBIFORM, a. Having the form of a cube. NWAD CUBIFORM.1

CUBIT, n. [L., the elbow; signifying a turn or corner; Gr.] NWAD CUBIT.1

1. In anatomy, the fore arm; the ulna, and bone of the arm from the elbow to the wrist. NWAD CUBIT.2

2. In mensuration, the length of a man’s arm from the elbow to the extremity of the middle finger. The cubit among the ancients was of a different length among different nations. Dr. Arbuthnot states the Roman cubit at seventeen inches and four tenths; the cubit of the scriptures at a little less than 22 inches; and the English cubit at 18 inches. NWAD CUBIT.3


1. Of the length or measure of a cubit. NWAD CUBITAL.2

2. Pertaining to the cubit or ulna; as the cubital nerve; cubital artery; cubital muscle. NWAD CUBITAL.3

CUBITED, a. Having the measure of a cubit. NWAD CUBITED.1

CUBO-DODECAHEDRAL, a. Presenting the two forms, a cube and a dodecahedron. NWAD CUBO-DODECAHEDRAL.1

CUBOID, a. Having the form of a cube, or differing little from it. NWAD CUBOID.1

CUBOIDAL, a. [Gr., cube, and form.] Cubiform; in the shape of a cube; as the cuboidal bone of the foot. NWAD CUBOIDAL.1

CUBO-OCTAHEDRAL, a. [cube and octahedral.] Presenting a combination of the two forms, a cube and an octahedron. NWAD CUBO-OCTAHEDRAL.1

CUCKINGSTOOL, n. An engine for punishing scolds and refractory women; also brewers and bakers; called also a tumbrel and a trebuchet. The culprit was seated on the stool and thus immersed in water. NWAD CUCKINGSTOOL.1

CUCKOLD, n. A man whose wife is false to his bed; the husband of an adulteress. NWAD CUCKOLD.1


1. To make a man a cuckold by criminal conversation with his wife; applied to the seducer. NWAD CUCKOLD.3

2. To make a husband a cuckold by criminal conversation with another man; applied to the wife. NWAD CUCKOLD.4

CUCKOLDDOM, n. The act of adultery; the state of a cuckold. NWAD CUCKOLDDOM.1

CUCKOLDLY, a. Having the qualities of a cuckold; mean; sneaking. NWAD CUCKOLDLY.1

CUCKOLD-MAKER, n. One who has criminal conversation with another man’s wife; one who makes a cuckold. NWAD CUCKOLD-MAKER.1

CUCKOO, n. [L., Gr. See Gawk.] A bird of the genus Cuculus, whose name is supposed to be called from its note. The note is a call to love, and continued only during the amorous season. It is said the cuckoo lays its eggs in a nest formed by another bird, by which they are hatched. NWAD CUCKOO.1

CUCKOO-FLOWER, CUCKOO-BUD, n. A plant, a species of Cardamine. NWAD CUCKOO-FLOWER.1

CUCKOO-PINT, n. A plant, of the genus Arum. NWAD CUCKOO-PINT.1

CUCKOO-SPIT, CUCKOO-SPITTLE, n. A dew or exudation found on plants, especially about the joints of lavender and rosemary. Or a froth or spume found on the leaves of certain plants, as on white field-lychnis or catch-fly, called sometimes spatling poppy. NWAD CUCKOO-SPIT.1

CUCQUEAN, n. A vile lewd woman. [Not in use.] NWAD CUCQUEAN.1


1. Hooded; cowled; covered as with a hood. NWAD CUCULLATE.2

2. Having the shape or resemblance of a hood; or wide at the top and drawn to a point below, in shape of a conical roll of paper; as a cucullate leaf. NWAD CUCULLATE.3

CUCUMBER, n. [L.] The name of a plant and its fruit, of the genus Cucumis. The flower is yellow and bell-shaped; and the stalks are long, slender and trailing on the ground, or climbing by their claspers. NWAD CUCUMBER.1

CUCURBIT, n. [L., a gourd.] A chemical vessel in the shape of a gourd; but some of them are shallow, with a wide mouth. It may be made of copper, glass, tin or stone ware, and is used in distillation. This vessel, with its head or cover, constitutes the alembic. NWAD CUCURBIT.1

CUCURBITACEOUS, a. Resembling a gourd; as cucurbitaceous plants, such as the melon and pumpkin or pompion. NWAD CUCURBITACEOUS.1

CUD, n. [See Chew and Jaw.] NWAD CUD.1

1. The food which ruminating animals chew at leisure, when not grazing or eating; or that portion of it which is brought from the first stomach and chewed at once. NWAD CUD.2

2. A portion of tobacco held in the mouth and chewed. NWAD CUD.3

3. The inside of the mouth or throat of a beast that chews the cud. NWAD CUD.4

CUDDEN, CUDDY, n. A clown; a low rustic; a dolt. [Not used.] NWAD CUDDEN.1

CUDDLE, v.i. To retire from sight; to lie close or snug; to squat. NWAD CUDDLE.1


1. In ships, an apartment; a cabin under the poop, or a cook-room. It is applied to different apartments, in different kinds of ships. NWAD CUDDY.2

2. The cole-fish. NWAD CUDDY.3

CUDGEL, n. A short thick stick of wood, such as may be used by the hand in beating. It differs strictly from a club, which is larger at one end than the other. It is shorter than a pole, and thicker than a rod. NWAD CUDGEL.1

To cross the cudgels, to forbear the contest; a phrase borrowed from the practice of cudgel-players, who lay one cudgel over another. NWAD CUDGEL.2


1. To beat with a cudgel, or thick stick. NWAD CUDGEL.4

2. To beat in general. NWAD CUDGEL.5

CUDGELER, n. One who beats with a cudgel. NWAD CUDGELER.1

CUDGEL-PROOF, a. Able to resist a cudgel; not to be hurt by beating. NWAD CUDGEL-PROOF.1

CUDLE, n. A small sea fish. NWAD CUDLE.1

CUDWEED, n. A plant of the genus Gnaphalium, goldy-locks or eternal flower, of many species. The flowers are remarkable for retaining their beauty for years, if gathered in dry weather. NWAD CUDWEED.1

CUE, n. [L.] NWAD CUE.1

1. The tail; the end of a thing; as the long curl of a wig, or a long roll of hair. NWAD CUE.2

2. The last words of a speech, which a player, who is to answer, catches and regards as an intimation to begin. A hint given to an actor on the stage, what or when to speak. NWAD CUE.3

3. A hint; an intimation; a short direction. NWAD CUE.4

4. The part which any man is to play in his turn. NWAD CUE.5

Were it my cue to fight. NWAD CUE.6

5. Humor; turn or temper of mind. [Vulgar.] NWAD CUE.7

6. A farthing, or farthings worth. NWAD CUE.8

7. The straight rod, used in playing billiards. NWAD CUE.9

CUERPO, n. [L., body.] To be in cuerpo, or to walk in cuerpo, are Spanish phrases for being without a cloke or upper garment, or without the formalities of a full dress, so that the shape of the body is exposed. NWAD CUERPO.1

CUFF, n. [L., Gr.] NWAD CUFF.1

1. A blow with the fist; a stroke; a box. NWAD CUFF.2

2. It is used of fowls that fight with their talons. NWAD CUFF.3

To be at fisty-cuffs, to fight with blows of the fist. NWAD CUFF.4

CUFF, v.t. To strike with the fist, as a man; or with talons or wings, as a fowl. NWAD CUFF.5
CUFF, v.i. To fight; to scuffle. NWAD CUFF.6
CUFF, n. [This word probably signifies a fold or doubling.] The fold at the end of a sleeve; the part of a sleeve turned back from the hand. NWAD CUFF.7

CUINAGE, n. The making up of tin into pigs, etc. for carriage. NWAD CUINAGE.1

CUIRASS, n. A breast-plate; a piece of defensive armor, made or iron plate, well hammered, and covering the body from the neck to the girdle. NWAD CUIRASS.1

CUIRASSIER, n. A soldier armed with a cuirass, or breast plate. NWAD CUIRASSIER.1

CUISH, n. Defensive armor for the thighs. NWAD CUISH.1

CULDEE, n. [L., worshipers of God.] A monkish priest, remarkable for religious duties. The Culdees formerly inhabited Scotland, Ireland and Wales. NWAD CULDEE.1

CULERAGE, n. Another name of the arse-smart. NWAD CULERAGE.1

CULICIFORM, a. [L., a gnat or flea; form.] Of the form or shape of a flea; resembling a flea. NWAD CULICIFORM.1

CULINARY, a. [L., a kitchen. See Kiln.] Relating to the kitchen, or to the art of cookery; used in kitchens; as a culinary fire; a culinary vessel; culinary herbs. NWAD CULINARY.1

CULL, v.t. To pick out; to separate one or more things from others; to select from many; as, to cull flowers; to cull hoops and staves for market. NWAD CULL.1

CULLED, pp. Picked out; selected from many. NWAD CULLED.1


1. One who picks or chooses from many. NWAD CULLER.2

2. An inspector who selects merchantable hoops and staves for market. NWAD CULLER.3

CULLIBILITY, n. [from cully.] Credulity; easiness of belief. [Not elegant nor used.] NWAD CULLIBILITY.1

CULLING, ppr. Selecting; choosing from many. NWAD CULLING.1


1. A mean wretch. If from cully, one easily deceived; a dupe. NWAD CULLION.2

2. A round or bulbous root; orchis. L. NWAD CULLION.3

CULLIONLY, a. Mean; base. [A bad word, and not used.] NWAD CULLIONLY.1


1. Broth of boiled meat strained. NWAD CULLIS.2

2. A kind of jelly. NWAD CULLIS.3

CULLY, n. [See the Verb.] A person who is meanly deceived, tricked or imposed on, as by a sharper, jilt, or strumpet; a mean dupe. NWAD CULLY.1

CULLY, v.t. To deceive; to trick, cheat or impose on; to jilt. NWAD CULLY.2

CULLYISM, n. The state of a cully. [Cully and its derivatives are not elegant words.] NWAD CULLYISM.1

CULM, n. [L. See Quill and Haulm.] NWAD CULM.1

1. In botany, the stalk or stem of corn and grasses, usually jointed and hollow, and supporting the leaves and fructification. NWAD CULM.2

2. The straw or dry stalks of corn and grasses. NWAD CULM.3

3. A species of fossil coal, found in small masses, not adhering when heated, difficult to be ignited, and burning with little flame, but yielding a disagreeable smell. NWAD CULM.4

CULMIFEROUS, a. [L., a stalk; to bear.] Producing stalks. Culmiferous plants have a smooth jointed stalk, usually hollow, and wrapped about at each joint with single, narrow, sharp-pointed leaves, and their seeds contained in chaffy husks, as wheat, rye, oats and barley. NWAD CULMIFEROUS.1

CULMINATE, v.i. [L., a top or ridge.] To be vertical; to come or be in the meridian; to be in the highest point of altitude; as a planet. NWAD CULMINATE.1


1. The transit of a planet over the meridian, or highest point of altitude for the day. NWAD CULMINATION.2

2. Top; crown. NWAD CULMINATION.3

CULPABILITY, n. [See Culpable.] Blamableness; culpableness. NWAD CULPABILITY.1

CULPABLE, a. [L., a fault.] NWAD CULPABLE.1

1. Blamable; deserving censure; as the person who has done wrong, or the act, conduct or negligence of the person. We say, the man is culpable, or voluntary ignorance is culpable. NWAD CULPABLE.2

2. Sinful; criminal; immoral; faulty. But generally, culpable is applied to acts less atrocious than crimes. NWAD CULPABLE.3

3. Guilty of; as culpable of a crime. [Not used.] NWAD CULPABLE.4

CULPABLENESS, n. Blamableness; guilt; the quality of deserving blame. NWAD CULPABLENESS.1

CULPABLY, adv. Blamably; in a faulty manner; in a manner to merit censure. NWAD CULPABLY.1

CULPRIT, n. [supposed to be formed from cul, for culpable, and prit, ready; certain abbreviations used by the clerks in noting the arraignment of criminals; the prisoner is guilty, and the king is ready to prove him so.] NWAD CULPRIT.1

1. A person arraigned in court for a crime. NWAD CULPRIT.2

2. Any person convicted of a crime; a criminal. NWAD CULPRIT.3

CULTER, n. [L.] A colter, which see. NWAD CULTER.1

CULTIVABLE, a. [See Cultivate.] Capable of being tilled or cultivated. NWAD CULTIVABLE.1

CULTIVATE, v.t. [L., to till, to dwell.] NWAD CULTIVATE.1

1. To till; to prepare for crops; to manure, plow, dress, sow and reap; to labor on manage and improve in husbandry; as, to cultivate land; to cultivate a farm. NWAD CULTIVATE.2

2. To improve by labor or study; to advance the growth of; to refine and improve by correction of faults, and enlargement of powers or good qualities; as, to cultivate talents; to cultivate a taste for poetry. NWAD CULTIVATE.3

3. To study; to labor to improve or advance; as, to cultivate philosophy; to cultivate the mind. NWAD CULTIVATE.4

4. To cherish; to foster; to labor to promote and increase; as, to cultivate the love of excellence; to cultivate gracious affections. NWAD CULTIVATE.5

5. To improve; to meliorate, or to labor to make better; to correct; to civilize; as, to cultivate the wild savage. NWAD CULTIVATE.6

6. To raise or produce by tillage; as, to cultivate corn or grass. NWAD CULTIVATE.7

CULTIVATED, pp. Tilled; improved in excellence or condition; corrected and enlarged; cherished; meliorated; civilized; produced by tillage. NWAD CULTIVATED.1

CULTIVATING, ppr. Tilling; preparing for crops; improving in worth or good qualities; meliorating; enlarging; correcting; fostering; civilizing; producing by tillage. NWAD CULTIVATING.1


1. The art or practice of tilling and preparing for crops; husbandry; the management of land. Land is often made better by cultivation. Ten acres under good cultivation will produce more than twenty when badly tilled. NWAD CULTIVATION.2

2. Study, care and practice directed to improvement, correction, enlargement or increase; the application of the means of improvement; as, men may grow wiser by the cultivation of talents; they may grow better by the cultivation of the mind, of virtue, and of piety. NWAD CULTIVATION.3

3. The producing by tillage; as the cultivation of corn or grass. NWAD CULTIVATION.4


1. One who tills, or prepares land for crops; one who manages a farm, or carries on the operations of husbandry in general; a farmer; a husbandman; an agriculturist. NWAD CULTIVATOR.2

2. One who studies or labors to improve, to promote and advance in good qualities, or in growth. NWAD CULTIVATOR.3

CULTRATED, a. [L, a knife.] Sharp-edged and pointed; formed like a knife; as, the beak of a bird is convex and cultrated. NWAD CULTRATED.1

CULTURE, n. [L. See Cultivate.] NWAD CULTURE.1

1. The act of tilling and preparing the earth for crops; cultivation; the application of labor or other means of improvement. NWAD CULTURE.2

We ought to blame the culture, not the soil. NWAD CULTURE.3

2. The application of labor or other means to improve good qualities in, or growth; as the culture of the mind; the culture of virtue. NWAD CULTURE.4

3. The application of labor or other means in producing; as the culture of corn, or grass. NWAD CULTURE.5

4. Any labor or means employed for improvement, correction or growth. NWAD CULTURE.6

CULTURE, v.t. To cultivate. NWAD CULTURE.7

CULVER, n. [L.] A pigeon, or wood pigeon. NWAD CULVER.1


CULVERIN, n. [L., a serpent.] A long slender piece of ordnance or artillery, serving to carry a ball to a great distance. NWAD CULVERIN.1

CULVERKEY, n. A plant or flower. NWAD CULVERKEY.1

CULVERT, n. A passage under a road or canal, covered with a bridge; an arched drain for the passage of water. NWAD CULVERT.1

CULVERTAIL, n. [culver and tail.] Dove-tail, in joinery and carpentry. NWAD CULVERTAIL.1