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GINGER, n. [L. zinziber.] A plant, or the root of a species of Amomum, a native of the East and West Indies. The roots are jointed, and the stalks rise two or three feet, with narrow leaves. The flower stems arise by the side of these, immediately from the root, naked and ending in an oblong scaly spike. The dried roots are used for various purposes, in the kitchen and in medicine. NWAD GINGER.1

GINGERBREAAD, n. [ginger and bread.] A kind or cake, composed of flour with an admixture of butter, pearlash and ginger, sweetened. NWAD GINGERBREAAD.1

GINGERLY, adv. Nicely; cautiously. [Not used.] NWAD GINGERLY.1

GINGERNESS, n. Niceness; tenderness. [Not used.] NWAD GINGERNESS.1

GINGHAM, n. A kind or striped cotton cloth. NWAD GINGHAM.1

GINGING, n. In mining, the lining of a mine-shaft with stones or bricks for its support, called steining or staining, which I suppose is from Sax. stan, stone. NWAD GINGING.1

GINGIVAL, a. [L. gingiva, the gum.] Pertaining to the gums. NWAD GINGIVAL.1


1. To make a sharp clattering sound; to ring as a little bell, or as small pieces of sonorous metal; as gingling halfpence. NWAD GINGLE.2

2. To utter affected or chiming sounds in periods or cadence. NWAD GINGLE.3

GINGLE, v.t. To shake so as to make clattering sounds in quick succession; to ring, as a little bell, or as small coins. NWAD GINGLE.4

The bells she gingled, and the whistle blew. NWAD GINGLE.5

GINGLE, n. A shrill clattering sound, or a succession of sharp sounds, as those made by a little bell or by small coins. NWAD GINGLE.6

1. Affection in the sounds of periods in reading or speaking, or rather chiming sounds. NWAD GINGLE.7

GINGLYMOID, a. [Gr. a hinge, and form.] Pertaining to or resembling a ginglymus. NWAD GINGLYMOID.1

GINGLYMUS, n. [Gr.] In anatomy, a species of articulation resembling a hinge. That species of articulation in which each bone partly receives and is partly received by the other, so as to admit only of flexion and extension, is called angular ginglymus. NWAD GINGLYMUS.1

GINNET, n. A nag. [See Jennet.] NWAD GINNET.1

GINSENG, n. [This word is probably Chinese, and it is said by Grosier, to signify the resemblance of a man, or man’s thigh. He observes also that the root in the language of the Iroquois is called garentoquen, which signifies legs and thighs separated.] NWAD GINSENG.1

A plant, of the genus Panax, the root of which is in great demand among the Chinese. It is found in the Northern parts of Asia and America, and is an article of export from America to China. It has a jointed, fleshy, taper root, as large as a man’s finger, which when dry is of a yellowish white color, with a mucilaginous sweetness in the taste, somewhat resembling that of liquorice, accompanied with a slight bitterness. NWAD GINSENG.2

GIP, v.t. To take out the entrails of herrings. NWAD GIP.1

GIPSEY, n. The Gipseys are a race of vagabonds which infest Europe, Africa and Asia, strolling about and subsisting mostly by theft, robbery and fortune-telling. The name is supposed to be corrupted from Egyptian, as they were thought to have come from Egypt. But their language indicates that they originated in Hindoostan. NWAD GIPSEY.1

1. A reproachful name for a dark complexion. NWAD GIPSEY.2

2. A name of slight reproach to a woman; sometimes implying artifice or cunning. NWAD GIPSEY.3

A slave I am to Clara’s eyes: NWAD GIPSEY.4

The gipsey knows her power and flies. NWAD GIPSEY.5

GIPSEY, n. The language of the gipseys. NWAD GIPSEY.6

GIPSEYISM, n. The arts and practices of gipseys; deception; cheating; flattery. NWAD GIPSEYISM.1

1. The state of a gipsey. NWAD GIPSEYISM.2

GIRAFF, n. The camelopard, a quadruped. [See Camelopard.] NWAD GIRAFF.1

GIRANDOLE, n. A chandelier; a large kind of branched candlestick. NWAD GIRANDOLE.1

GIRASOL, n. [L. gyrus, a turn; L. sol, the sun.] NWAD GIRASOL.1

1. The turnsole, a plant of the genus Heliotropium. NWAD GIRASOL.2

2. A mineral usually milk white, bluish white or sky blue, but when turned towards the sun or any bright light, it constantly reflects a reddish color; hence its name. It sometimes resembles a translucid jelly. NWAD GIRASOL.3

GIRD, n. gurd. [Eng. a yard.] NWAD GIRD.1

1. A twitch or pang; a sudden spasm, which resembles the stroke of a rod or the pressure of a band. NWAD GIRD.2

2. In popular language, a severe stroke of a stick or whip. NWAD GIRD.3

GIRD, v.t. gurd. pret. and pp. girded or girt. NWAD GIRD.4

1. To bind by surrounding with any flexible substance, as with a twig, a cord, bandage or cloth; as, to gird the loins with sackcloth. NWAD GIRD.5

2. To make fast by binding; to put on; usually with on; as, to gird on a harness; to gird on a sword. NWAD GIRD.6

3. To invest; to surround. NWAD GIRD.7

The Son appeared, NWAD GIRD.8

Girt with omnipotence. NWAD GIRD.9

4. To clothe; to dress; to habit. NWAD GIRD.10

I girded thee about with fine linen. Ezekiel 16:10. NWAD GIRD.11

5. To furnish; to equip. NWAD GIRD.12

Girded with snaky wiles. NWAD GIRD.13

6. To surround; to encircle; to inclose; to encompass. NWAD GIRD.14

The Nyseian isle, NWAD GIRD.15

Girt with the river Triton. NWAD GIRD.16

7. To gibe; to reproach severly; to lash. NWAD GIRD.17

GIRD, v.i. To gibe; to sneer; to break a scornful jest; to utter severe sarcasms. NWAD GIRD.18

Men of all sorts take a pride to gird at me. NWAD GIRD.19

GIRDED, pp. Bound; surrounded; invested; put on. NWAD GIRDED.1

GIRDER, n. In architecture, the principal piece of timber in a floor. Its end is usually fastened into the summers or breast summers, and the joists are framed in it at one end. In buildings entirely of timber, the girder is fastened by tenons into the posts. NWAD GIRDER.1

1. A satirist. NWAD GIRDER.2

GIRDING, ppr. Binding; surrounding; investing. NWAD GIRDING.1

GIRDING, n. A covering. Isaiah 3:24. NWAD GIRDING.2


1. A band or belt; something drawn round the waist of a person, and tied or buckled; as a girdle of fine lines; a leathern girdle. NWAD GIRDLE.2

2. Inclosure; circumference. NWAD GIRDLE.3

3. The zodiac. NWAD GIRDLE.4

4. A round iron plate for baking. NWAD GIRDLE.5

5. Among jewelers, the line which encompasses the stone, parallel to the horizon. NWAD GIRDLE.6

GIRDLE, v.t. To bind with a belt or sash; to gird. NWAD GIRDLE.7

1. To inclose; to enrivon; to shut in. NWAD GIRDLE.8

2. In America, to make a circular incision, like a belt, through the bark and alburnum of a tree to kill it. NWAD GIRDLE.9

GIRDLE-BELT, n. A belt that encircles the waist. NWAD GIRDLE-BELT.1

GIRDLER, n. One who girdles; a maker of girdles. NWAD GIRDLER.1

GIRDLE-STEAD, n. The part of the body where the girdle is worn. NWAD GIRDLE-STEAD.1

GIRE, n. [L. gyrus.] A circle, or circular motion. [See Gyre.] NWAD GIRE.1

GIRL, n. gerl. [Low L. gerula, a young woman employed in tending children and carrying them about, from gero, to carry; a word probably received from the Romans while in England.] NWAD GIRL.1

1. A female child, or young woman. In familiar language, any young unmarried woman. NWAD GIRL.2

2. Among sportsmen, a roebuck of two years old. NWAD GIRL.3

GIRLHOOD, n. The state of a girl. [Little used.] NWAD GIRLHOOD.1

GIRLISH, a. Like a young woman or child; befitting a girl. NWAD GIRLISH.1

1. Pertaining to the youth of a female. NWAD GIRLISH.2

GIRLISHLY, adv. In the manner of a girl. NWAD GIRLISHLY.1

GIRROCK, n. A species of gar-fish, the lacertus. NWAD GIRROCK.1

GIRT, pret. and pp. of gird. NWAD GIRT.1

GIRT, v.t. To gird; to surround. NWAD GIRT.2

[This verb, if derived from the noun, girt, may be proper.] NWAD GIRT.3

GIRT, GIRTH, n. The band or strap by which a saddle or any burden on a horse’s back is made fast, by passing under his belly. NWAD GIRT.4

1. A circular bandage. NWAD GIRT.5

2. The compass measured by a firth or inclosing bandage. NWAD GIRT.6

He’s a lusty, jolly fellow, that lives well, at least three yards in the girth. NWAD GIRT.7

GIRTH, v.t. To bind with a girth. NWAD GIRTH.1

GISE, v.t. To feed or pasture. [See Agist.] NWAD GISE.1

GISLE, n. A pledge. [Not in use.] NWAD GISLE.1

GIST, n. In law, the main point of a question; the point on which an action rests. NWAD GIST.1

GITH, n. Guinea pepper. NWAD GITH.1

GITTERN, n. [L. cithara.] A guitar. [See Guitar.] NWAD GITTERN.1

GITTERN, v.i. To play on a gittern. NWAD GITTERN.2

GIVE, v.t. pret. gave; pp. given. [Heb. to give. The sense of give is generally to pass, or to transfer, that is, to send or throw.] NWAD GIVE.1

1. To bestow; to confer; to pass or transfer the title or property of a thing to another person without an equivalent or compensation. NWAD GIVE.2

For generous lords had rather give than pay. NWAD GIVE.3

2. To transmit from himself to another by hand, speech or writing; to deliver. NWAD GIVE.4

The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. Genesis 3:12. NWAD GIVE.5

3. To import; to bestow. NWAD GIVE.6

Give us of your oil, for our lamps are gone out. Matthew 25:8. NWAD GIVE.7

4. To communicate; as, to give an opinion; to give counsel or advice; to give notice. NWAD GIVE.8

5. To pass or deliver the property of a thing to another for an equivalent; to pay. We give the full value of all we purchase. A dollar is given for a day’s labor. NWAD GIVE.9

What shall a man give in exchange for this soul? Matthew 16:26. NWAD GIVE.10

6. To yield; to lend; in the phrase to give ear, which signifies to listen; to hear. NWAD GIVE.11

7. To quit; in the phrase to give place, which signifies to withdraw, or retire to make room for another. NWAD GIVE.12

8. To confer; to grant. NWAD GIVE.13

What wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless? Genesis 15:2. NWAD GIVE.14

9. To expose; to yield to the power of. NWAD GIVE.15

Give to the wanton winds their flowing hair. NWAD GIVE.16

10. To grant; to allow; to permit. NWAD GIVE.17

It is given me once again to behold my friend. NWAD GIVE.18

11. To afford; to supply; to furnish. NWAD GIVE.19

Thou must give us also sacrifices and burnt offerings. Exodus 10:25. NWAD GIVE.20

12. To empower; to license; to commission. NWAD GIVE.21

Then give thy friend to shed the sacred wine. NWAD GIVE.22

But this and similar phrases are probably elliptical; give for give power or license. So in the phrases, give me to understand, give me to know, give the flowers to blow, that is, to give power, to enable. NWAD GIVE.23

13. To pay or render; as, to give praise, applause or approbation. NWAD GIVE.24

14. To render; to pronounce; as, to give sentence or judgment; to give the word of command. NWAD GIVE.25

15. To utter; to vent; as, to give a shout. NWAD GIVE.26

16. To produce; to show; to exhibit as a product or result; as, the number of men divided by the number of ships, gives four hundred to each ship. NWAD GIVE.27

17. To cause to exist; to excite in another; as, to give offense or umbrage; to give pleasure. NWAD GIVE.28

18. To send forth; to emit; as, a stone gives sparks with steel. NWAD GIVE.29

19. To addict; to apply; to devote one’s self, followed by the reciprocal pronoun. The soldiers give themselves to plunder. The passive participle is much used in this sense; as, the people are given to luxury and pleasure; the youth is given to study. NWAD GIVE.30

Give thyself wholly to them. 1 Timothy 4:15. NWAD GIVE.31

20. To resign; to yield up; often followed by up. NWAD GIVE.32

Who say, I care not, those I give for lost. NWAD GIVE.33

21. To pledge; as, I give my word that the debt shall be paid. NWAD GIVE.34

22. To present for taking or acceptance; as, I give you my hand. NWAD GIVE.35

23. To allow or admit by way of supposition. NWAD GIVE.36

To give away, to alienate the title or property of a thing; to make over to another; to transfer. NWAD GIVE.37

Whatsoever we employ in charitable uses, during our lives, is given away from ourselves. NWAD GIVE.38

To give back, to return; to restore. NWAD GIVE.39

To give forth, to publish; to tell; to report publicly. NWAD GIVE.40

To give the hand, to yield preeminence, as being subordinate or inferior. NWAD GIVE.41

To give in, to allow by way of abatement or deduction from a claim; to yield what may be justly demanded. NWAD GIVE.42

To give over, to leave; to quit; to cease; to abandon; as, to give over a pursuit. NWAD GIVE.43

1. To addict; to attach to; to abandon. NWAD GIVE.44

When the Babylonians had given themselves over to all manner of vice. NWAD GIVE.45

2. To despair of recovery; to believe to be lost, or past recovery. The physician had given over the patient, or given the patient over. NWAD GIVE.46

3. To abandon. NWAD GIVE.47

To give out, to utter publicly; to report; to proclaim; to publish. It was given out that parliament would assemble in November. NWAD GIVE.48

1. To issue; to send forth; to publish. NWAD GIVE.49

The night was distinguished by the orders which he gave out to his army. NWAD GIVE.50

2. To show; to exhibit in false appearance. NWAD GIVE.51

3. To send out; to emit; as, a substance gives out steam or odors. NWAD GIVE.52

To give up, to resign; to quit; to yield as hopeless; as, to give up a cause; to give up the argument. NWAD GIVE.53

1. To surrender; as, to give up a fortress to an enemy. NWAD GIVE.54

2. To relinquish, to cede. In this treaty the Spaniards gave up Louisiana. NWAD GIVE.55

3. To abandon; as, to give up all hope. They are given up to believe a lie. NWAD GIVE.56

4. To deliver. NWAD GIVE.57

And Joab gave up the sum of the number of the people to the king. 2 Samuel 24:9. NWAD GIVE.58

To give one’s self up, to despair of one’s recovery; to conclude to be lost. NWAD GIVE.59

1. To resign or devote. NWAD GIVE.60

Let us give ourselves wholly up to Christ in heart and desire. NWAD GIVE.61

2. To addict; to abandon. He gave himself up to intemperance. NWAD GIVE.62

To give way, to yield; to withdraw to make room for. Inferiors should give way to superiors. NWAD GIVE.63

1. To fail; to yield or force; to break or fall. The ice gave way and the horses were drowned. The scaffolding gave way. The wheels or axletree gave way. NWAD GIVE.64

2. To recede; to make room for. NWAD GIVE.65

3. In seamen’s language, give way is an order to a boat’s crew to row after ceasing, or to increase their exertions. NWAD GIVE.66

GIVE, v.i. giv. To yield to pressure. The earth gives under the feet. NWAD GIVE.67

1. To begin to melt; to thaw; to grow soft, so as to yield to pressure. NWAD GIVE.68

2. To move; to recede. NWAD GIVE.69

Now back he gives, then rushes on amain. NWAD GIVE.70

To give in, to be back; to give way. [Not in use.] NWAD GIVE.71

To give into, to yield assent; to adopt. NWAD GIVE.72

This consideration may induce a translator to give in to those general phrases. NWAD GIVE.73

To give off, to cease; to forbear. [Little used.] NWAD GIVE.74

To give on, to rush; to fall on. [Not in use.] NWAD GIVE.75

To give out, to publish; to proclaim. NWAD GIVE.76

1. To cease from exertion; to yield; applied to persons. He labored hard, but gave out at last. NWAD GIVE.77

To give over, to cease; to act no more; to desert. NWAD GIVE.78

It would be well for all authors, if they knew when to give over, and to desist from any further pursuits after fame. NWAD GIVE.79

GIVEN, pp. giv’n. Bestowed; granted; conferred; imparted; admitted or supposed. NWAD GIVEN.1

GIVER, n. One who gives a donor; a bestower; a grantor; one who imparts or distributes. NWAD GIVER.1

It is the giver, and not the gift, that engrosses the heart of the christian. NWAD GIVER.2

GIVES, n. plu. Fetters or shackles for the feet. [See Gyve.] NWAD GIVES.1

GIVING, ppr. Bestowing; conferring; imparting; granting; delivering. NWAD GIVING.1

GIVING, n. The act of conferring. NWAD GIVING.2

1. An alleging of what is not real. NWAD GIVING.3

GIZZARD, n. The strong musculus stomach of a fowl. NWAD GIZZARD.1

To fret the gizzard, to harass; to vex one’s self, or to be vexed. NWAD GIZZARD.2

GLABRIATE, v.t. [L. glabro.] To make smooth. [Not used.] NWAD GLABRIATE.1

GLABRITY, n. Smoothness. [Not used.] NWAD GLABRITY.1

GLABROUS, a. [L. glaber, allied to Eng. glib.] NWAD GLABROUS.1

Smooth; having an even surface. NWAD GLABROUS.2

GLACIAL, a. [L. glacialis, from glacies, ice.] NWAD GLACIAL.1

Icy; consisting of ice; frozen. NWAD GLACIAL.2

GLACIATE, v.i. To turn to ice. NWAD GLACIATE.1

GLACIATION, n. [supra.] The act of freezing; ice formed. NWAD GLACIATION.1

GLACIER, n. A field or immense mass of ice, formed in deep but elevated valleys, or on the sides of the Alps or other mountains. These masses of ice extend many miles in length and breadth, and remain undissolved by the heat of summer. NWAD GLACIER.1

GLACIOUS, a. Like ice; icy. NWAD GLACIOUS.1

GLACIS, n. In building, or gardening, an easy, insensible slope. NWAD GLACIS.1

1. In fortification, a sloping bank; that mass of earth which serves as a parapet to the covered way, having an easy slope or declivity towards the champaign or field. NWAD GLACIS.2

GLAD, a. [L. loetus, without a prefix.] NWAD GLAD.1

1. Pleased; affected with pleasure or moderate joy; moderately happy. NWAD GLAD.2

A wise son maketh a glad father. Proverbs 10:1. NWAD GLAD.3

It is usually followed by of. I am glad of an opportunity to oblige my friend. NWAD GLAD.4

It is sometimes followed by at. NWAD GLAD.5

He that is glad at calamities shall not be unpunished. Proverbs 17:5. NWAD GLAD.6

It is sometimes followed by with. NWAD GLAD.7

The Trojan, glad with sight of hostile blood-- NWAD GLAD.8

With, after glad, is unusual, and in this passage at would have been preferable. NWAD GLAD.9

2. Cheerful; joyous. NWAD GLAD.10

They blessed the king, and went to their tents, joyful and glad of heart. 1 Kings 8:66. NWAD GLAD.11

3. Cheerful; wearing the appearance of joy; as a glad countenance. NWAD GLAD.12

4. Wearing a gay appearance; showy; bright. NWAD GLAD.13

The wilderness and the solitary place shall be glad for them. Isaiah 35:1. NWAD GLAD.14

Glad evening and glad morn crown’d the fourth day. NWAD GLAD.15

5. Pleasing; exhilarating. NWAD GLAD.16

Her conversation NWAD GLAD.17

More glad to me than to a miser money is. NWAD GLAD.18

6. Expressing gladness or joy; exciting joy. NWAD GLAD.19

Hark! a glad voice the lonely desert cheers. NWAD GLAD.20

GLAD, v.t. [The pret. and pp. gladed is not used. See Gladden.] NWAD GLAD.21

To make glad; to affect with pleasure; to cheer; to gladden; to exhilarate. NWAD GLAD.22

Each drinks the juice that glads the heart of man. NWAD GLAD.23

GLADDEN, v.t. glad’n. To make glad; to cheer; to please; to exhilarate. The news of peace gladdens our hearts. NWAD GLADDEN.1

Churches will every where gladden his eye, NWAD GLADDEN.2

and hymns of praise vibrate upon his ear. NWAD GLADDEN.3

GLADDEN, v.i. glad’n. To become glad; to rejoice. NWAD GLADDEN.4

So shall your country ever gladden at the sound of your voice. NWAD GLADDEN.5

GLADDER, n. One that makes glad, or gives joy. NWAD GLADDER.1

GLADDING, ppr. Making glad; cheering; giving joy. NWAD GLADDING.1

GLADE, n. An opening or passage made through a wood by lopping off the branches of the trees. Locally, in the U. States, a natural opening or open place in a forest. NWAD GLADE.1

There interspersed in lawns and opening glades. NWAD GLADE.2

1. In New England, an opening in the ice of rivers or lakes, or a place left unfrozen. NWAD GLADE.3

GLADE, n. Smooth ice. NWAD GLADE.4

GLADEN, GLADER, n. [L. glaldius, a sword.] Swordgrass; the general name of plants that rise with a broad blade like sedge. NWAD GLADEN.1

GLADFUL, a. Full of gladness. NWAD GLADFUL.1


GLADIATE, a. [L. gladius, a sword.] Sword-shaped; resembling the form of a sword; as the legume of a plant. NWAD GLADIATE.1

GLADIATOR, n. [L. from gladius, a sword.] NWAD GLADIATOR.1

A sword-player; a prize-fighter. The gladiators, in Rome, were men who fought in the arena, for the entertainment of the people. NWAD GLADIATOR.2

GLADIATORIAL, a. Pertaining to gladiators, or to combats for the entertainment of the Roman people. NWAD GLADIATORIAL.1

GLADIATORY, a. Relating to gladiators. NWAD GLADIATORY.1

GLADIATURE, n. Sword-play; fencing. [Not in use.] NWAD GLADIATURE.1

GLADIOLE, n. [L. gladiolus, a dagger.] A plant, the sword-lily, of the genus Gladiolus. The water gladiole is of the genus Butomus or flowering rush, and also of the genus Lobelia or cardinal flower. NWAD GLADIOLE.1

GLADLY, adv. [See Glad.] With pleasure; joyfully; cheerfully. NWAD GLADLY.1

The common people heard him gladly. Mark 12:37. NWAD GLADLY.2

GLADNESS, n. [See Glad.] Joy, or a moderate degree of joy and exhilaration; pleasure of mind; cheerfulness. NWAD GLADNESS.1

They--did eat their meat with gladness and singleness of heart. Acts 2:46. NWAD GLADNESS.2

[Gladness is rarely or never equivalent to mirth, merriment, gayety and triumph, and it usually expresses less than delight. It sometimes expresses great joy. Esther 8:15-17; Esther 9:17-19.] NWAD GLADNESS.3

GLADSOME, a. Pleased; joyful; cheerful. NWAD GLADSOME.1

1. Causing joy, pleasure or cheerfulness; having the appearance of gayety; pleasing. NWAD GLADSOME.2

Of opening heaven they sung, and gladsome day. NWAD GLADSOME.3

GLADSOMELY, adv. With joy; with pleasure of mind. NWAD GLADSOMELY.1

GLADSOMENESS, n. Joy, or moderate joy; pleasure of mind. NWAD GLADSOMENESS.1


GLADWIN, n. A plant of the genus Iris. NWAD GLADWIN.1

GLAIR, n. [Eng. clear, L. clarus, and with Eng. glare, and L. gloria; perhaps with L. glarea, gravel, or pieces of quartz.] NWAD GLAIR.1

1. The white of an egg. It is used as a varnish for preserving paintings. NWAD GLAIR.2

2. Any viscous transparent substance, resembling the white of an egg. NWAD GLAIR.3

3. A kind of halbert. NWAD GLAIR.4

GLAIR, v.t. To smear with the white of an egg; to varnish. NWAD GLAIR.5

GLAIRY, a. Like glair, or partaking of its qualities. NWAD GLAIRY.1

GLANCE, n. [The primary sense is to shoot, to throw, to dart.] NWAD GLANCE.1

1. A sudden shoot of light or splendor. NWAD GLANCE.2

2. A shoot or darting of sight; a rapid or momentary view or cast; a snatch of sight; as a sudden glance; a glance of the eye. NWAD GLANCE.3

GL`ANCE, v.i. To shoot or dart a ray of light or splendor. NWAD GLANCE.4

When through the gloom the glancing lightnings fly. NWAD GLANCE.5

1. To fly off in an oblique direction; to dart aside. The arrow struck the shield and glanced. So we say, a glancing ball or shot. NWAD GLANCE.6

2. To look with a sudden rapid cast of the eye; to snatch a momentary or hasty view. NWAD GLANCE.7

Then sit again, and sigh and glance. NWAD GLANCE.8

3. To hint; to cast a word or reflection; as to glance at a different subject. NWAD GLANCE.9

4. To censure by oblique hints. NWAD GLANCE.10

GL`ANCE, v.t. To shoot or dart suddenly or obliquely; to cast for a moment; as, to glance the eye. NWAD GLANCE.11

GLANCE-COAL, n. Anthracite; a mineral composed chiefly of carbon. [See Anthracite.] NWAD GLANCE-COAL.1

GLANCING, pp. Shooting; darting; casting suddenly; flying off obliquely. NWAD GLANCING.1

GLANCINGLY, adv. By glancing; in a glancing manner; transiently. NWAD GLANCINGLY.1

GLAND, n. [L. glans, a nut; glandula, a gland.] NWAD GLAND.1

1. In anatomy, a distinct soft body, formed by the convolution of a great number of vessels, either constituting a part of the lymphatic system, or destined to secrete some fluid from the blood. Glands have been divided into conglobate and conglomerate, from their structure; but a more proper division is into lymphatic and secretory. The former are found in the course of the lymphatic vessels, and are conglobate. The latter are of various structure. They include the mucous follicles, the conglomerate glands, properly so called, such as the parotid glands and the pancreas, the liver, kidneys, etc. The term has also been applied to other bodies of a similar appearance, neither lymphatic nor secretory; such as the thymus and thyroid glands, whose use is not certainly known, certain portions of the brain, as the pineal and pituitary glands, etc. [See Conglobate and Conglomerate.] NWAD GLAND.2

2. In botany, a gland or glandule is an excretory or secretory duct or vessel in a plant. Glands are found on the leaves, petioles, peduncles and stipules. NWAD GLAND.3

GLANDERED, a. Affected with glanders. NWAD GLANDERED.1

GLANDERS, n. [from gland.] In farriery, the running of corrupt slimy matter from the nose of a horse. NWAD GLANDERS.1

GLANDIFEROUS, a. [L. glandifer; glans, an acorn, and fero, to bear.] NWAD GLANDIFEROUS.1

Bearing acorns or other nuts; producing nuts or mast. The beech and the oak are glandiferous trees. NWAD GLANDIFEROUS.2

GLANDIFORM, a. [L. glans and forma, form.] NWAD GLANDIFORM.1

In the shape of a gland or nut; resembling a gland. NWAD GLANDIFORM.2

GLANDULAR, a. Containing glands; consisting of glands; pertaining to glands. NWAD GLANDULAR.1

GLANDULATION, n. In botany, the situation and structure of the secretory vessels in plants. NWAD GLANDULATION.1

Glandulation respects the secretory vessels, which are either glandules, follicles or utricles. NWAD GLANDULATION.2

GLANDULE, n. [L. glandula.] A small gland or secreting vessel. NWAD GLANDULE.1

GLANDULIFEROUS, a. [L. glandula and fero, to bear.] NWAD GLANDULIFEROUS.1


GLANDULOSITY, n. A collection of glands. [Little used.] NWAD GLANDULOSITY.1

GLANDULOUS, a. [L. glandulosus.] Containing glands; consisting of glands; pertaining to glands; resembling glands. NWAD GLANDULOUS.1


1. A bright dazzling light; clear, brilliant luster or splendor, that dazzles the eyes. NWAD GLARE.2

The frame of burnished steel that cast a glare. NWAD GLARE.3

2. A fierce, piercing look. NWAD GLARE.4

--About them round, NWAD GLARE.5

A lion now he stalks with fiery glare. NWAD GLARE.6

3. A viscous transparent substance. [See Glair.] NWAD GLARE.7

GLARE, v.i. To shine with a clear, bright, dazzling light; as glaring light. NWAD GLARE.8

The cavern glares with new admitted light. NWAD GLARE.9

1. To look with fierce, piercing eyes. NWAD GLARE.10

They glared, like angry lions. NWAD GLARE.11

2. To shine with excessive luster; to be ostentatiously splendid; as a glaring dress. NWAD GLARE.12

She glares in balls, front boxes and the ring. NWAD GLARE.13

GLARE, v.t. To shoot a dazzling light. NWAD GLARE.14

GLAREOUS, a. Resembling the white of an egg; viscous and transparent or white. NWAD GLAREOUS.1

GLARING, ppr. Emitting a clear and brilliant light; shining with dazzling luster. NWAD GLARING.1

1. Clear; notorious; open and bold; barefaced; as a glaring crime. NWAD GLARING.2

GLARINGLY, adv. Openly; clearly; notoriously. NWAD GLARINGLY.1

GLASS, n. [L. glastum; glesid, blueness. Greenness is usually named from vegetation or growing, as L. viridis, from vireo.] NWAD GLASS.1

1. A hard, brittle, transparent, factitious substance, formed by fusing sand with fixed alkalies. NWAD GLASS.2

In chimistry, a substance or mixture, earthy, saline or metallic, brought by fusion to the state of a hard, brittle, transparent mass, whose fracture is conchoidal. NWAD GLASS.3

2. A glass vessel of any kind; as a drinking glass. NWAD GLASS.4

3. A mirror; a looking-glass. NWAD GLASS.5

4. A vessel to be filled with sand for measuring time; as an hour-glass. NWAD GLASS.6

5. The destined time of man’s life. His glass is run. NWAD GLASS.7

6. The quantity of liquor that a glass vessel contains. Drink a glass of wine with me. NWAD GLASS.8

7. A vessel that shows the weight of the air. NWAD GLASS.9

8. A perspective glass; as an optic glass. NWAD GLASS.10

9. The time which a glass runs, or in which it is exhausted of sand. The seamen’s watch-glass is half an hour. We say, a ship fought three glasses. NWAD GLASS.11

10. Glasses, in the plural, spectacles. NWAD GLASS.12

GL`ASS, a. Made of glass; vitreous; as a glass bottle. NWAD GLASS.13
GL`ASS, v.t. To see as in a glass. [Not used.] NWAD GLASS.14

1. To case in glass. [Little used.] NWAD GLASS.15

2. To cover with glass; to glaze. NWAD GLASS.16

[In the latter sense, glaze is generally used.] NWAD GLASS.17

GLASSBLOWER, n. One whose business is to blow and fashion glass. NWAD GLASSBLOWER.1

GLASSFULL, n. As much as a glass holds. NWAD GLASSFULL.1

GLASSFURNACE, n. A furnace in which the materials of glass are melted. NWAD GLASSFURNACE.1

GLASS-GAZING, a. Addicted to viewing one’s self in a glass or mirror; finical. NWAD GLASS-GAZING.1

GLASSGRINDER, n. One whose occupation is to grind and polish glass. NWAD GLASSGRINDER.1