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HURRYING, ppr. Driving or urging to greater speed; precipitating. NWAD HURRYING.1

HURRY-SKURRY, adv. Confusedly; in a bustle. [Not in use.] NWAD HURRY-SKURRY.1

HURST, n. A wood or grove; a word found in many names, as in Hazlehurst. NWAD HURST.1

HURT, v.t. pret. and pp. hurt. NWAD HURT.1

1. To bruise; to give pain by a contusion, pressure, or any violence to the body. We hurt the body by a severe blow, or by tight clothes, and the feet by fetters. Psalm 105:18. NWAD HURT.2

2. To wound; to injure or impair the sound state of the body, as by incision or fracture. NWAD HURT.3

3. To harm; to damage; to injure by occasioning loss. We hurt a man by destroying his property. NWAD HURT.4

4. To injure by diminution; to impair. NWAD HURT.5

A man hurts his estate by extravagance. NWAD HURT.6

5. To injure by reducing in quality; to impair the strength, purity or beauty of. NWAD HURT.7

Hurt not the wine and the oil-- Revelation 6:6. NWAD HURT.8

6. To harm; to injure; to damage, in general. NWAD HURT.9

7. To wound; to injure; to give pain to; as, to hurt the feelings. NWAD HURT.10

HURT, n. A wound; a bruise; any thing that gives pain to the body. NWAD HURT.11

The pains of sickness and hurts. NWAD HURT.12

1. Harm; mischief; injury. NWAD HURT.13

I have slain a man to my wounding, and a young man to my hurt. Genesis 4:23. NWAD HURT.14

2. Injury; loss. NWAD HURT.15

Why should damage grow to the hurt of the kings? Ezra 4:22. NWAD HURT.16

HURTER, n. One who hurts or does harm. NWAD HURTER.1

HURTERS, n. Pieces of wood at the lower end of a platform, to prevent the wheels of gun-carriages from injuring the parapet. NWAD HURTERS.1

HURTFUL, a. Injurious; mischievous; occasioning loss or destruction; tending to impair or destroy. Negligence is hurtful to property; intemperance is hurtful to health. NWAD HURTFUL.1

HURTFULLY, adv. Injuriously;; mischievously. NWAD HURTFULLY.1

HURTFULNESS, n. Injuriousness; tendency to occasion loss or destruction; mischievousness. NWAD HURTFULNESS.1

HURTLE, v.i. [from hurt.] To clash or run against; to jostle; to skirmish; to meet in shock and encounter; to wheel suddenly. [Not now used.] NWAD HURTLE.1

HURTLE, v.t. To move with violence or impetuosity. NWAD HURTLE.2

1. To push forcibly; to whirl. NWAD HURTLE.3

HURTLEBERRY, n. A whortleberry, which see. NWAD HURTLEBERRY.1

HURTLESS, a. Harmless; innocent; doing no injury; innoxious; as hurtless blows. NWAD HURTLESS.1

1. Receiving no injury. NWAD HURTLESS.2

HURTLESSLY, adv. Without harm. [Little used.] NWAD HURTLESSLY.1

HURTLESSNESS, n. Freedom from any harmful quality. [Little used.] NWAD HURTLESSNESS.1


1. A man contracted or joined to a woman by marriage. A man to whom a woman is betrothed, as well as one actually united by marriage, is called a husband. Leviticus 19:20; Deuteronomy 22:22-23. NWAD HUSBAND.2

2. In seaman’s language, the owner of a ship who manages its concerns in person. NWAD HUSBAND.3

3. The male of animals of a lower order. NWAD HUSBAND.4

4. An economist; a good manager; a man who knows and practices the methods of frugality and profit. In this sense, the word is modified by an epithet; as a good husband; a bad husband. [But in America, this application of the word is little or not at all used.] NWAD HUSBAND.5

5. A farmer; a cultivator; a tiller of the ground. [In this sense, it is not used in America. We always use husbandman.] NWAD HUSBAND.6

HUSBAND, v.t. To direct and manage with frugality in expending any thing; to use or employ in the manner best suited to produce the greatest effect; to use with economy. We say, a man husbands his estate, his means or his time. NWAD HUSBAND.7

He is conscious how ill he has husbanded the great deposit of his Creator. NWAD HUSBAND.8

1. To till; to cultivate with good management. NWAD HUSBAND.9

2. To supply with a husband. [Little used.] NWAD HUSBAND.10

HUSBANDABLE, a. Manageable with economy. NWAD HUSBANDABLE.1

HUSBANDED, pp. Used or managed with economy; well managed. NWAD HUSBANDED.1

HUSBANDING, ppr. Using or managing with frugality. NWAD HUSBANDING.1

HUSBANDLESS, a. Destitute of a husband. NWAD HUSBANDLESS.1

HUSBANDLY, a. Frugal; thrifty. [Little used.] NWAD HUSBANDLY.1

HUSBANDMAN, n. A farmer; a cultivator or tiller of the ground; one who labors in tillage. In America, where men generally own the land on which they labor, the proprietor of a farm is also a laborer or husbandman; but the word includes the lessee and the owner. NWAD HUSBANDMAN.1

1. The master of a family. [Not in use in America.] NWAD HUSBANDMAN.2

HUSBANDRY, n. The business of a farmer, comprehending agriculture or tillage of the ground, the raising, managing and fattening of cattle and other domestic animals, the management of the dairy and whatever the land produces. NWAD HUSBANDRY.1

1. Frugality; domestic economy; good management; thrift. But in this sense we generally prefix good; as good husbandry. NWAD HUSBANDRY.2

2. Care of domestic affairs. NWAD HUSBANDRY.3

HUSH, a. [Heb. to be silent.] Silent; still; quiet; as, they are hush as death. This adjective never precedes the noun which it qualifies, except in the compound, hushmoney. NWAD HUSH.1

HUSH, v.t. To still; to silence; to calm; to make quiet; to repress noise; as, to hush the noisy crown; the winds were hushed. NWAD HUSH.2

My tongue shall hush again this storm of war. NWAD HUSH.3

1. To appease; to allay; to calm, as commotion or agitation. NWAD HUSH.4

Wilt thou then NWAD HUSH.5

Hush my cares? NWAD HUSH.6

HUSH, v.i. To be still; to be silent. NWAD HUSH.7
HUSH, imperative of the verb, used as an exclamation, be still; be silent or quiet; make no noise. NWAD HUSH.8

To hush up, to suppress; to keep concealed. NWAD HUSH.9

This matter is hushed up. NWAD HUSH.10

HUSHMONEY, n. A bribe to secure silence; money paid to hinder information, or disclosure of facts. NWAD HUSHMONEY.1

HUSK, n. The external covering of certain fruits or seeds of plants. It is the calyx of the flower or glume of corn and grasses, formed of valves embracing the seed. The husks of the small grains, when separated, are called chaff; but in America we apply the word chiefly to the covering of the ears or seeds of maiz, which is never denominated chaff. It is sometimes used in England for the rind, skin or hull of seeds. NWAD HUSK.1

HUSK, v.t. To strip off the external integument or covering of the fruits or seeds of plants; as, to husk maiz. NWAD HUSK.2

HUSKED, pp. Stripped of its husks. NWAD HUSKED.1

1. Covered with a husk. NWAD HUSKED.2

HUSKINESS, n. The state of being dry and rough, like a husk. NWAD HUSKINESS.1

HUSKING, ppr. Stripping off husks. NWAD HUSKING.1

HUSKING, n. The act of stripping off husks. In New England, the practice of farmers it to invite their neighbors to assist them in stripping their maiz, in autumnal evenings, and this is called a husking. NWAD HUSKING.2

HUSKY, a. Abounding with husks; consisting of husks. NWAD HUSKY.1

1. Resembling husks; dry; rough. NWAD HUSKY.2

2. Rough, as sound; harsh; whizzing. NWAD HUSKY.3

HUSO, n. A fish of the genus Accipenser, whose mouth is in the under part of the head; the body is naked, or without prickles or protuberances. It grows to the length of twenty four feet, and its skin is so tough that it is used for ropes in drawing wheel-carriages. It inhabits the Danube and the rivers of Russia, and of its sounds is made isinglass. NWAD HUSO.1

HUSSAR, n. s as z. A mounted soldier of horseman, in German cavalry. The hussars are the national cavalry of Hungary and Croatia. Their regimentals are a fur cap adorned with a feather, a doublet, a pair of breeches to which the stockings are fastened, and a pair of red or yellow boots. Their arms are a saber, a carbine and pistols. Hussars now form a part of the French and English cavalry. NWAD HUSSAR.1

HUSSITE, n. A follower of John Huss, the Bohemian reformer. NWAD HUSSITE.1

HUSSY, n. [contracted from huswife, housewife.] NWAD HUSSY.1

1. A bad or worthless woman. It is used also ludicrously in slight disapprobation or contempt. Go, hussy, go. NWAD HUSSY.2

2. An economist; a thrifty woman. NWAD HUSSY.3


1. A court held in Guildhall, in London, before the lord mayor and aldermen of the city; the supreme court or council of the city. In this court are elected the aldermen and the four members of parliament. NWAD HUSTINGS.2

2. The place where an election of a member of parliament is held. NWAD HUSTINGS.3

HUSTLE, v.i. hus’l. To shake together in confusion; to push or crowd. NWAD HUSTLE.1

HUSWIFE, n. A worthless woman; a bad manager. [See Hussy.] NWAD HUSWIFE.1

1. A female economist; a thrifty woman. NWAD HUSWIFE.2

HUSWIFE, v.t. To manage with economy and frugality. NWAD HUSWIFE.3

HUSWIFERY, n. The business of managing the concerns of a family by a female; female management, good or bad. NWAD HUSWIFERY.1

HUT, n. A small house, hovel or cabin; a mean lodge or dwelling; a cottage. It is particularly applied to log-houses erected for troops in winter. NWAD HUT.1

HUT, v.t. To place in huts, as troops encamped in winter quarters. NWAD HUT.2
HUT, v.i. To take lodgings in huts. NWAD HUT.3

The troops hutted for the winter. NWAD HUT.4

HUTTED, pp. Lodged in huts. NWAD HUTTED.1

HUTTING, ppr. Placing in huts; taking lodgings in huts. NWAD HUTTING.1


1. A chest or box; a corn chest or bin; a case for rabbits. NWAD HUTCH.2

2. A rat trap. NWAD HUTCH.3

HUX, v.t. To fish for pike with hooks and lines fastened to floating bladders. NWAD HUX.1

HUZZ, v.i. To buzz. [Not in use.] NWAD HUZZ.1

HUZZA, n. A shout of joy; a foreign word used in writing only, and most preposterously, as it is never used in practice. The word used in our native word hoora, or hooraw. [See Hoora.] NWAD HUZZA.1

HUZZA, v.i. To utter a loud shout of joy, or an acclamation in joy or praise. NWAD HUZZA.2
HUZZA, v.t. To receive or attend with shouts of joy. NWAD HUZZA.3

HYACINTH, n. [L. hyacinthus.] NWAD HYACINTH.1

1. In botany, a genus of plants, of several species, and a great number of varieties. The oriental hyacinth has a large, purplish, bulbous root, from which spring several narrow erect leaves; the flower stalk is upright and succulent, and adorned with many bell-shaped flowers, united in a large pyramidical spike, of different colors in the varieties. NWAD HYACINTH.2

2. In mineralogy, a mineral, a variety of zircon, whose crystals, when distinct, have the form of a four-sided prism, terminated by four rhombic planes, which stand on the lateral edges. Its structure is foliated; its luster, strong; its fracture, conchoidal. Its prevailing color is a hyacinth red, in which the red is more or less tinged with yellow or brown. It is sometimes transparent, and sometimes only translucent. NWAD HYACINTH.3

Hyacinth is a subspecies of pyramidical zircon. NWAD HYACINTH.4

HYACINTHINE, a. Made of hyacinth; consisting of hyacinth; resembling hyacinth. NWAD HYACINTHINE.1

HYADS, n. [Gr. to rain; rain.] In astronomy, a cluster of seven stars in the Bull’s head, supposed by the ancients to bring rain. NWAD HYADS.1

HYALINE, a. [Gr. glass.] Glassy; resembling glass; consisting of glass. NWAD HYALINE.1

HYALITE, n. Muller’s glass. It consists chiefly of silex, and is white, sometimes with a shade of yellow, blue or green. NWAD HYALITE.1


HYBRID, n. [Gr. injury, force, rape; L. hybrida.] NWAD HYBRID.1

A mongrel or mule; an animal or plant, produced from the mixture of two species. NWAD HYBRID.2

HYBRID, HYBRIDOUS, a. Mongrel; produced from the mixture of two species. NWAD HYBRID.3

HYDAGE, n. In law, a tax on lands, at a certain rate by the hyde. NWAD HYDAGE.1

HYDATID, HYDATIS, n. [Gr. water.] A little transparent vesicle or bladder filled with water, on any part of the body, as in dropsy. NWAD HYDATID.1

Hydatids are certain spherical bodies, found occasionally in man, as well as in other animals, lodged in or adhering to the different viscera. Some of them, at least, are considered as possessing an independent vitality, and as constituting a distinct animal, allied to the toenia or tape-worm. They consist of a head, neck, and vesicular body filled with a transparent fluid. NWAD HYDATID.2

HYDRA, n. [L. hydra. Gr. water.] NWAD HYDRA.1

1. A water serpent. In fabulous history, a serpent or monster in the lake or marsh of Lerna, in Peloponnesus, represented as having many heads, one of which, being cut off, was immediately succeeded by another, unless the wound was cauterized. Hercules killed this monster by applying firebrands to the wounds, as he cut off the heads. Hence we give the name to a multitude of evils, or to a cause of multifarious evils. NWAD HYDRA.2

2. A technical name of a genus of Zoophytes, called polypus, or polypuses. NWAD HYDRA.3

3. A southern constellation, containing 60 stars. NWAD HYDRA.4

HYDRACID, a. [Gr. water, and acid.] An acid formed by the union of hydrogen with a substance without oxygen. NWAD HYDRACID.1

HYDRAGOGUE, n. hy’dragog. [Gr. water, and a leading or drawing; to lead or drive.] A medicine that occasions a discharge of watery humors; a name that implies a supposition that every purgative has the quality of evacuating a particular humor. But in general, the stronger cathartics are hydragogues. NWAD HYDRAGOGUE.1

HYDRANGEA, n. [Gr. water, and a vessel.] A plant which grows in the water, and bears a beautiful flower. Its capsule has been compared to a cup. NWAD HYDRANGEA.1

HYDRANT, n. [Gr. to irrigate, from water.] A pipe or machine with suitable valves and a spout, by which water is raised and discharged from the main conduit of an aqueduct. NWAD HYDRANT.1

HYDRARGILLITE, n. [Gr. water, and clay.] A mineral, called also Wavellite. NWAD HYDRARGILLITE.1

HYDRATE, n. [Gr. water.] In chimistry, a compound, indefinite proportions, of a metallic oxyd with water. NWAD HYDRATE.1

A hydrate is a substance which has formed so intimate a union with water as to solidify it, and render it a component part. NWAD HYDRATE.2

Slaked lime is a hydrate of lime. NWAD HYDRATE.3

HYDRAULIC, HYDRAULICAL, a. [L. hydraulicus; Gr. an instrument of music played by water; a pipe.] NWAD HYDRAULIC.1

1. Relating to the conveyance of water through pipes. NWAD HYDRAULIC.2

2. Transmitting water through pipes; as a hydraulic engine. NWAD HYDRAULIC.3

Hydraulic lime, a species of lime that hardens in water; used for cementing under water. NWAD HYDRAULIC.4

HYDRAULICS, n. The science of the motion and force of fluids, and of the construction of all kinds of instruments and machines by which the force of fluids is applied to practical purposes; a branch of hydrostatic. NWAD HYDRAULICS.1

Hydraulics is that branch of the science of hydrodynamics which treats of fluids considered as in motion. NWAD HYDRAULICS.2

HYDRENTEROCELE, n. [Gr. water, intestine, and tumor.] NWAD HYDRENTEROCELE.1

A dropsy of the scrotum with rupture. NWAD HYDRENTEROCELE.2

HYDROIDIC, a. [hydrogen and iodic.] Denoting a peculiar acid or gaseous substance, produced by the combination of hydrogen and iodine. NWAD HYDROIDIC.1

HYDRIODATE, n. A salt formed by the hydriodic acid, with a base. NWAD HYDRIODATE.1

HYDROCARBONATE, n. [Gr. water, or rather hydrogen, and L. carbo, a coal.] Carbureted hydrogen gas, or heavy inflammable air. NWAD HYDROCARBONATE.1


HYDROCELE, n. [Gr. water, and tumor.] Any hernia proceeding from water; a watery tumor, particularly one in the scrotum. NWAD HYDROCELE.1

A dropsy of the scrotum. NWAD HYDROCELE.2

HYDROCEPHALUS, n. [Gr. water, and the head.] Dropsy of the head; a preternatural distension of the head by a stagnation and extravasation of the lymph, either within or without the cranium. NWAD HYDROCEPHALUS.1

HYDROCHLORATE, n. A compound of hydrochloric acid and a base; a muriate. NWAD HYDROCHLORATE.1

HYDROCHLORIC, a. [hydrogen and chloric.] NWAD HYDROCHLORIC.1

Hydrochloric acid is muriatic acid gas, a compound of chlorine and hydrogen gas. NWAD HYDROCHLORIC.2


HYDROCYANIC, a. [Gr. water, or rather hydrogen, and blue.] NWAD HYDROCYANIC.1

The hydrocyanic acid is the same as the prussic acid. NWAD HYDROCYANIC.2

HYDRODYNAMIC, a. [Gr. water, and power, force.] Pertaining to the force or pressure of water. NWAD HYDRODYNAMIC.1

HYDRODYNAMICS, n. That branch of natural philosophy which treat of the phenomena of water and other fluids, whether in motion or at rest; of their equilibrium, motion, cohesion, pressure, resistance, etc. It comprehends both hydrostatics and hydraulics. NWAD HYDRODYNAMICS.1

HYDROFLUATE, n. A compound of hydrofluoric acid and a base. NWAD HYDROFLUATE.1

HYDROFLUORIC, a. [Gr. water.] Consisting of fluorin and hydrogen. The hydrofluoric acid is obtained by distilling a mixture of one part of the purest fluor spar in fine powder, with two of sulphuric acid. NWAD HYDROFLUORIC.1

HYDROGEN, n. [Gr. water, and to generate; so called as being considered the generator of water.] NWAD HYDROGEN.1

In Chimistry, a gas which constitutes one of the elements of water, of which it is said by Lavoisier to form fifteen parts in a hundred; but according to Berzelius and Dulong, hydrogen gas is 11.1 parts in a hundred, and oxygen 88.9. Hydrogen gas is an aeriform fluid, the lightest body known, and though extremely inflammable itself, it extinguishes burning bodies, and is fatal to animal life. Its specific gravity is 0.0694, that of air being 1.00. In consequence of its extreme lightness, it is employed for filling air balloons. NWAD HYDROGEN.2

HYDROGENATE, v.t. To combine hydrogen with any thing. NWAD HYDROGENATE.1

HYDROGENATED, pp. In combination with hydrogen. NWAD HYDROGENATED.1

HYDROGENIZE, v.t. To combine with hydrogen. NWAD HYDROGENIZE.1

HYDROGENIZED, pp. Combined with hydrogen. NWAD HYDROGENIZED.1

HYDROGENIZING, ppr. Combining with hydrogen. NWAD HYDROGENIZING.1

HYDROGRAPHER, n. [See Hydrography.] One who draws maps of the sea, lakes or other waters, with the adjacent shores; one who describes the sea or other waters. NWAD HYDROGRAPHER.1

HYDROGRAPHIC, HYDROGRAPHICAL, a. Relating to or containing a description of the sea, sea coast, isles, shoals, depth of water, etc. or of a lake. NWAD HYDROGRAPHIC.1

HYDROGRAPHY, n. [Gr. water, and to describe.] The art of measuring and describing the sea, lakes, rivers and other waters; or the art of forming charts, exhibiting a representation of the sea coast, gulfs, bays, isles, promontories, channels, soundings, etc. NWAD HYDROGRAPHY.1

HYDROGURET, n. A compound of hydrogen with a base. NWAD HYDROGURET.1

Hydroguret is now scarcely used, except to give the derivative hydrogureted. NWAD HYDROGURET.2

HYDROGURETED, a. Denoting a compound of hydrogen with a base. NWAD HYDROGURETED.1

HYDROLITE, n. [Gr. water, and a stone.] A mineral whose crystals are described as six sided prisms, terminated by low six sided pyramids, with truncated summits. NWAD HYDROLITE.1

HYDROLOGICAL, a. Pertaining to hydrology. NWAD HYDROLOGICAL.1

HYDROLOGY, n. [Gr. water, and discourse.] The science of water, its properties and phenomena. NWAD HYDROLOGY.1

HYDROMANCY, n. [Gr. water and divination.] A method of divination or prediction of events by water; invested, according to Varro, by the Persians, and practiced by the Romans. NWAD HYDROMANCY.1

HYDROMANTIC, a. Pertaining to divination by water. NWAD HYDROMANTIC.1

HYDROMEL, n. [Gr. water, and honey.] A liquor consisting of honey diluted in water. Before fermentation, it is called simple hydromel; after fermentation, it is called vinous hydromel or mead. NWAD HYDROMEL.1

HYDROMETER, n. [See Hydrometry.] An instrument to measure the gravity, density, velocity, force, etc. of water and other fluids, and the strength of spirituous liquors. NWAD HYDROMETER.1

HYDROMETRIC, HYDROMETRICAL, a. Pertaining to a hydrometer, or to the measurement of the gravity, etc. of fluids. NWAD HYDROMETRIC.1

1. Made by a hydrometer. NWAD HYDROMETRIC.2

HYDROMETRY, n. [Gr. water, and measure.] The art of measuring, or the mensuration of the gravity, density, velocity, force, etc. of fluids, and the strength of rectified spirits. NWAD HYDROMETRY.1

HYDRO-OXYD, n. [Gr. water, and oxyd.] NWAD HYDRO-OXYD.1

A metallic oxyd combined with water; a metallic hydrate. NWAD HYDRO-OXYD.2

HYDROPHANE, n. [Gr. water, and to show.] In mineralogy, a variety of opal made transparent by immersion in water. NWAD HYDROPHANE.1

HYDROPHANOUS, a. Made transparent by immersion in water. NWAD HYDROPHANOUS.1

HYDROPHOBIA, HYDROPHOBY, n. [Gr. water, and to fear.] A preternatural dread of water; a symptom of canine madness, or the disease itself, which is thus denominated. This dread of water sometimes takes place in violent inflammations to the stomach, and in hysteric fits. NWAD HYDROPHOBIA.1