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IMPROVING, ppr. Making better; growing better; using to advantage. NWAD IMPROVING.1

IMPROVISION, n. s as z. [in and provision.] Want of forecast; improvidence. [Little used.] NWAD IMPROVISION.1

IMPRUDENCE, n. [L. imprudentia; in and prudentia, prudence.] NWAD IMPRUDENCE.1

Want of prudence; indiscretion; want of caution, circumspection, or a due regard to the consequences of words to be uttered or actions to be performed, or their probable effects on the interest, safety, reputation or happiness of one’s self or others; heedlessness; inconsiderateness; rashness. Let a man of sixty attempt to enumerate the evils which his imprudence has brought on himself, his family, or his neighbors. NWAD IMPRUDENCE.2

IMPRUDENT, a. [L. imprudens; in and prudens, prudent.] NWAD IMPRUDENT.1

Wanting prudence or discretion; indiscrete; injudicious; not attentive to the consequences of words or actions; rash; heedless. The imprudent man often laments his mistakes, and then repeats them. NWAD IMPRUDENT.2

IMPRUDENTLY, adv. Without the exercise of prudence; indiscreetly. NWAD IMPRUDENTLY.1

IMPUDENCE, n. [L. impudens; in and pudens, from pudeo, to be ashamed.] Shamelessness; want of modesty; effrontery; assurance accompanied with a disregard of the opinions of others. NWAD IMPUDENCE.1

Those clear truths, that either their own evidence forces us to admit, or common experience makes it impudence to deny. NWAD IMPUDENCE.2

IMPUDENT, a. [L. impudens.] Shameless; wanting modesty; bold with contempt of others; saucy. NWAD IMPUDENT.1

When we behold an angel, not to fear NWAD IMPUDENT.2

Is to be impudent. NWAD IMPUDENT.3

IMPUDENTLY, adv. Shamelessly; with indecent assurance. NWAD IMPUDENTLY.1

At once assail NWAD IMPUDENTLY.2

With open mouths, and impudently rail. NWAD IMPUDENTLY.3

IMPUDICITY, n. [L. impudicitia.] Immodesty. NWAD IMPUDICITY.1

IMPUGN, v.t. impu’ne. [L. impugno; in and pugno, to fight or resist.] To oppose; to attack by words or arguments; to contradict. The lawfulness of lots is impugned by some, and defended by others. NWAD IMPUGN.1

The truth hereof I will not rashly impugn, or over-boldly affirm. NWAD IMPUGN.2

IMPUGNATION, n. Opposition. [Little used.] NWAD IMPUGNATION.1

IMPUGNED, pp. Opposed; contradicted; disputed. NWAD IMPUGNED.1

IMPUGNER, n. One who opposes or contradicts. NWAD IMPUGNER.1

IMPUGNING, ppr. Opposing; attacking; contradicting. NWAD IMPUGNING.1

IMPUISSANCE, n. Impotence; weakness. NWAD IMPUISSANCE.1

IMPULSE, n. im’puls. [L. impulsus, from impello. See Impel.] NWAD IMPULSE.1

1. Force communicated; the effect of one body acting on another. Impulse is the effect of motion, and is in proportion to the quantity of matter and velocity of the impelling body. NWAD IMPULSE.2

2. Influence acting on the mind; motive. NWAD IMPULSE.3

These were my natural impulses for the undertaking. NWAD IMPULSE.4

3. Impression; supposed supernatural influence on the mind. NWAD IMPULSE.5

Meantime, by Jove’s impulse, Mezentius armed, NWAD IMPULSE.6

Succeeded Turnus-- NWAD IMPULSE.7

IMPULSION, n. [L. impulsio. See Impel.] NWAD IMPULSION.1

1. The act of driving against or impelling; the agency of a body in motion on another body. NWAD IMPULSION.2

2. Influence on the mind; impulse. NWAD IMPULSION.3

IMPULSIVE, a. Having the power of driving or impelling; moving; impellent. NWAD IMPULSIVE.1

Poor men! poor papers! We and they NWAD IMPULSIVE.2

Do some impulsive force obey. NWAD IMPULSIVE.3

IMPULSIVELY, adv. With force; by impulse. NWAD IMPULSIVELY.1

IMPUNITY, n. [L. impunitas; in and punio, to punish.] NWAD IMPUNITY.1

1. Exemption from punishment or penalty. No person should be permitted to violate the laws with impunity. Impunity encourages men in crimes. NWAD IMPUNITY.2

2. Freedom or exemption from injury. Some ferocious animals are not be encountered with impunity. NWAD IMPUNITY.3

IMPURE, a. [L. impurus; in and purus, pure.] NWAD IMPURE.1

1. Not pure; foul; feculent; tinctured; mixed or impregnated with extraneous substance; as impure water or air; impure salt or magnesia. NWAD IMPURE.2

2. Obscene; as impure language or ideas. NWAD IMPURE.3

3. Unchaste; lewd; unclean; as impure actions. NWAD IMPURE.4

4. Defiled by sin or guilt; unholy; as persons. NWAD IMPURE.5

5. Unhallowed; unholy; as things. NWAD IMPURE.6

6. Unclean; in a legal sense; not purified according to the ceremonial law of Moses. NWAD IMPURE.7

IMPURE, v.t. To render foul; to defile. [Not used.] NWAD IMPURE.8

IMPURELY, adv. In an impure manner; with impurity. NWAD IMPURELY.1


1. Want of purity; foulness; feculence; the admixture of a foreign substance in any thing; as the impurity of water, of air, of spirits, or of any species of earth or metal. NWAD IMPURENESS.2

2. Any foul matter. NWAD IMPURENESS.3

3. Unchastity; lewdness. NWAD IMPURENESS.4

The foul impurities that reigned among the monkish clergy. NWAD IMPURENESS.5

4. Want of sanctity or holiness; defilement by guilt. NWAD IMPURENESS.6

5. Want of ceremonial purity; legal pollution or uncleanness. By the Mosaic law, a person contracted impurity by touching a dead body or a leper. NWAD IMPURENESS.7

6. Foul language; obscenity. NWAD IMPURENESS.8

Profaneness, impurity, or scandal, is not wit. NWAD IMPURENESS.9

IMPURPLE, v.t. [in and purple;] To color or tinge with purple; to make red or reddish; as a field impurpled with blood. NWAD IMPURPLE.1

The bright NWAD IMPURPLE.2

Pavement, that like a sea of jasper shone, NWAD IMPURPLE.3

Impurpled; with celestial roses, smil’d. NWAD IMPURPLE.4

IMPURPLING, ppr. Tinging or coloring with purple. NWAD IMPURPLING.1

IMPUTABLE, a. [See Impute.] That may be imputed or charged to a person; chargeable. Thus we say, crimes, sins, errors, trespasses are imputable to those who commit them. NWAD IMPUTABLE.1

1. That may be ascribed to; in a good sense. NWAD IMPUTABLE.2

This favor is imputable to your goodness, or to a good motive. NWAD IMPUTABLE.3

2. Accusable; chargeable with a fault. [Not proper.] NWAD IMPUTABLE.4

3. That may be set to the account of another. It has been a question much agitated, whether Adam’s sin is imputable to his posterity. NWAD IMPUTABLE.5

IMPUTABLENESS, n. The quality of being imputable. NWAD IMPUTABLENESS.1

IMPUTATION, n. The act of imputing or charging; attribution; generally in an ill sense; as the imputation of crimes of faults to the true authors of them. We are liable to the imputation or numerous sins and errors, to the imputation of pride, vanity and self-confidence; to the imputation of weakness and irresolution, or of rashness. NWAD IMPUTATION.1

1. Sometimes in a good sense. NWAD IMPUTATION.2

If I had a suit to Master Shallow, I would humor his men with the imputation of being near their master. NWAD IMPUTATION.3

2. Charge or attribution of evil; censure; reproach. NWAD IMPUTATION.4

Let us be careful to guard ourselves against these groundless imputations of our enemies, and to rise above them. NWAD IMPUTATION.5

3. Hint; slight notice. NWAD IMPUTATION.6

IMPUTATIVE, a. That may be imputed. NWAD IMPUTATIVE.1


IMPUTE, v.t. [L. imputo; in and puto, to think, to reckon; properly, to set, to put, to throw to or on.] NWAD IMPUTE.1

1. To charge; to attribute; to set to the account of; generally ill, sometimes good. We impute crimes, sins, trespasses, faults, blame, etc., to the guilty persons. We impute wrong actions to bad motives, or to ignorance, or to folly and rashness. We impute misfortunes and miscarriages to imprudence. NWAD IMPUTE.2

And therefore it was imputed to him for righteousness. Romans 4:22. NWAD IMPUTE.3

2. To attribute; to ascribe. NWAD IMPUTE.4

I have read a book imputed to lord Bathurst. NWAD IMPUTE.5

3. To reckon to one what does not belong to him. NWAD IMPUTE.6

It has been held that Adam’s sin is imputed to all his posterity. NWAD IMPUTE.7

Thy merit NWAD IMPUTE.8

Imputed shall absolve them who renounce NWAD IMPUTE.9

Their own both righteous and unrighteous deeds. NWAD IMPUTE.10

IMPUTED, pp. Charged to the account of; attributed; ascribed. NWAD IMPUTED.1

IMPUTER, n. One that imputes or attributes. NWAD IMPUTER.1

IMPUTING, ppr. Charging to the account of; attributing; ascribing. NWAD IMPUTING.1

IMPUTRESCIBLE, a. [in and L. putresco, to putrefy.] NWAD IMPUTRESCIBLE.1

Not subject to putrefaction or corruption. NWAD IMPUTRESCIBLE.2

IN, a prefix, L. in, is used in composition as a particle of negation, like the English un, of which it seems to be a dialectical orthography; or it denotes within, into, or among, as in inbred, incase; or it serves only to augment or render emphatical the sense of the word to which it is prefixed, as in inclose, increase. NWAD IN.1

In, before l, is changed into il, as in illusion; and before r, into ir, as in irregular; and into im, before a labial, as in imbitter, immaterial, impatient. NWAD IN.2

IN, prep. [L. in.] In denotes present or inclosed, surrounded by limits; as in a house; in a fort; in a city. It denotes a state of being mixed, as sugar in tea; or combined, as carbonic acid in coal, or latent heat in air. It denotes present in any state; as in sickness or health. It denotes present in time; as in that hour or day. The uses of in, however, cannot, in all cases, be defined by equivalent words, except by explaining the phrase in which it is used; as in deed; in fact; in essence; in quality; in reason; in courage; in spirits, etc. A man in spirits or good courage, denotes one who possesses at the time spirits or courage; in reason is equivalent to with reason; one in ten denotes one of that number, and we say also one of ten, and one out of ten. NWAD IN.3

In the name, is used in phrases of invoking, swearing, declaring, praying, etc. In prayer, it denotes by virtue of, or for the sake of. In the name of the people, denotes on their behalf or part; in their stead, or for their sake. NWAD IN.4

In, in many cases, is equivalent to on. This use of the word is frequent in the Scriptures; as, let fowls multiply in the earth. This use is more frequent in England than in America. We generally use on, in all similar phrases. NWAD IN.5

In signifies by or through. In thee shall all nations be blessed. I am glorified in them. NWAD IN.6

In that, is sometimes equivalent to because. NWAD IN.7

Some things they do in that they are men; some things in that they are men misled and blinded with error. NWAD IN.8

In these and similar phrases, that is an antecedent, substitute, or pronoun relating to the subsequent part of the sentence, or the subsequent clause. God commendeth his love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. That is, in the fact stated in the latter clause, for which that is the substitute. Romans 5:8. NWAD IN.9

In as much, seeing; seeing that; this being the fact. I will ride for health, inasmuch as I am infirm. NWAD IN.10

In is often used without the noun to which it properly belongs. I care not who is in, or who is out, that is, in office, or out of office. Come in, that is, into the house or other place. Who has or will come in, that is, into office. A vessel has come in, that is, into port, or has arrived. NWAD IN.11

To be or keep in with, to be close or near. NWAD IN.12

Keep the ship in with the land. NWAD IN.13

INABILITY, n. [L. inhabilis; in and habilis.] NWAD INABILITY.1

1. Want of sufficient physical power or strength; as the inability of a man to raise an arm or a leg. NWAD INABILITY.2

2. Want of adequate means; as an inability to purchase a farm, or to fit out a ship. NWAD INABILITY.3

3. Want of moral power. Moral inability is considered to be want of inclination, disposition or will, or a deep-rooted aversion to act, and therefore improperly so called. NWAD INABILITY.4

Moral inability aggravates our guilt. NWAD INABILITY.5

4. Want of intellectual strength or force; as an inability to comprehend a mathematical demonstration. NWAD INABILITY.6

5. Want of knowledge or skill; as an inability to read or write. NWAD INABILITY.7

INABLEMENT, n. [See Enable.] Ability. [Not in use.] NWAD INABLEMENT.1

INABSTINENCE, n. [in and abstinence.] A not abstaining; a partaking; indulgence of appetite; as the inabstinence of Eve. NWAD INABSTINENCE.1



The quality or state of being inaccessible, or not to be reached. NWAD INACCESSIBILITY.2

INACCESSIBLE, a. [in and accessible.] NWAD INACCESSIBLE.1

1. Not to be reached; as an inaccessible highth or rock. The depths of the sea are inaccessible. NWAD INACCESSIBLE.2

2. Not to be obtained. The necessary vouchers are inaccessible. NWAD INACCESSIBLE.3

3. Not to be approached; forbidding access; as an inaccessible prince. NWAD INACCESSIBLE.4

INACCESSIBLY, adv. So as not to be approached. NWAD INACCESSIBLY.1

INACCURACY, n. [from inaccurate.] Want of accuracy or exactness; mistake; fault; defect; error; as an inaccuracy in writing, in a transcript, or in a calculation. NWAD INACCURACY.1

INACCURATE, a. [in and accurate.] Not accurate; not exact or correct; not according to truth; erroneous; as an inaccurate man; he is inaccurate in narration; the transcript or copy is inaccurate; the instrument is inaccurate. NWAD INACCURATE.1

INACCURATELY, adv. Not according to truth; incorrectly; erroneously. The accounts are inaccurately stated. NWAD INACCURATELY.1

INACTION, n. Want of action; forbearance of labor; idleness; rest. NWAD INACTION.1

INACTIVE, a. [in and active.] Not active; inert; having no power to move. Matter is, per se, inactive. NWAD INACTIVE.1

1. Not active; not diligent or industrious; not busy; idle. Also, habitually idle; indolent; sluggish; as an inactive officer. NWAD INACTIVE.2

INACTIVELY, adv. Idly; sluggishly; without motion, labor or employment. NWAD INACTIVELY.1

INACTIVITY, n. [in and activity.] Inertness; as the inactivity of matter. NWAD INACTIVITY.1

1. Idleness, or habitual idleness; want of action or exertion; sluggishness. NWAD INACTIVITY.2

INACTUATE, v.t. To put in action. [Not used.] NWAD INACTUATE.1

INACTUATION, n. Operation. [Not used.] NWAD INACTUATION.1

INADEQUACY, n. [from inadequate.] The quality of being unequal or insufficient for a purpose. NWAD INADEQUACY.1

The inadequacy and consequent inefficacy of the alleged causes-- NWAD INADEQUACY.2

1. Inequality. NWAD INADEQUACY.3

Dr. Price considers this inadequacy of representation as our fundamental grievance. NWAD INADEQUACY.4

2. Incompleteness; defectiveness; as the inadequacy of ideas. NWAD INADEQUACY.5

INADEQUATE, a. [in and adequate. L. adoequatus, from adoequo, to equal.] NWAD INADEQUATE.1

1. Not equal to the purpose; insufficient to effect the object; unequal; as inadequate power, strength, resources. NWAD INADEQUATE.2

2. Not equal to the real state or condition of a thing; not just or in due proportion; partial; incomplete; as inadequate ideas of God, of his perfections, or moral government; an inadequate compensation for services. NWAD INADEQUATE.3

3. Incomplete; defective; not just; as inadequate representation or description. NWAD INADEQUATE.4

INADEQUATELY, adv. Not fully or sufficiently; not completely. NWAD INADEQUATELY.1

INADEQUATENESS, n. The quality of being inadequate; inadequacy; inequality; incompleteness. NWAD INADEQUATENESS.1

INADEQUATION, n. Want of exact correspondence. NWAD INADEQUATION.1

INADHESION, n. s as z. [in and adhesion.] Want of adhesion; a not adhering. NWAD INADHESION.1

Porcelain clay is distinguished from colorific earths by inadhesion to the fingers. NWAD INADHESION.2

INADMISSIBILITY, n. [from inadmissible.] The quality of being inadmissible, or not proper to be received; as the inadmissibility of an argument, or of evidence in court, or of a proposal in a negotiation. NWAD INADMISSIBILITY.1

INADMISSIBLE, a. Not admissible; not proper to be admitted, allowed or received; as inadmissible testimony; as inadmissible proposition. NWAD INADMISSIBLE.1

INADVERTENCE, INADVERTENCY, n. [L. in and advertens, adverto. See Advert.] NWAD INADVERTENCE.1

1. A not turning the mind to; inattention; negligence; heedlessness. Many mistakes and some misfortunes proceed from inadvertence. NWAD INADVERTENCE.2

2. The effect of inattention; any oversight, mistake or fault which proceeds from negligence of thought. NWAD INADVERTENCE.3

The productions of a great genius, with many lapses and inadvertencies, are infinitely preferable to works of an inferior kind of author. NWAD INADVERTENCE.4

INADVERTENT, a. [L. in and advertens.] Not turning the mind to; heedless; careless; negligent. NWAD INADVERTENT.1

INADVERTENTLY, adv. Heedlessly; carelessly; from want of attention; inconsiderately. NWAD INADVERTENTLY.1

INAFFABILITY, n. Reservedness in conversation. NWAD INAFFABILITY.1

INAFFABLE, a. Not affable; reserved. NWAD INAFFABLE.1

INAFFECTATION, n. Destitution of affected manner. NWAD INAFFECTATION.1

INAFFECTED, a. Unaffected. [Not used.] NWAD INAFFECTED.1

INAIDABALE, a. That cannot be assisted. NWAD INAIDABALE.1

INALIENABLE, a. [L. alieno, alienus.] NWAD INALIENABLE.1

Unalienable; that cannot be legally or justly alienated or transferred to another. The dominions of a king are inalienable. All men have certain natural rights which are inalienable. The estate of a minor is inalienable, without a reservation of the right of redemption, or the authority of the legislature. NWAD INALIENABLE.2

INALIENABLENESS, n. The state of being inalienable. NWAD INALIENABLENESS.1

INALIENABLY, adv. In a manner that forbids alienation; as rights inalienably vested. NWAD INALIENABLY.1

INALIMENTAL, a. [in and aliment.] Affording no nourishment. NWAD INALIMENTAL.1

INALTERABILITY, n. [from inalterable.] The quality of not being alterable or changeable. NWAD INALTERABILITY.1

INALTERABLE, a. [in and alterable.] That cannot or may not be altered or changed; unalterable. NWAD INALTERABLE.1

INAMIABLE, a. Unamiable. [Not in use.] NWAD INAMIABLE.1

INAMIABLENESS, n. Unamiableness. [Not in use.] NWAD INAMIABLENESS.1

INAMISSIBLE, a. [L. in and amitto, to lose.] Not to be lost. NWAD INAMISSIBLE.1

[Little used.] NWAD INAMISSIBLE.2

INAMISSIBLENESS, n. The state of not being liable to be lost. NWAD INAMISSIBLENESS.1

INAMORATO, n. [L. in and amor, love.] A lover. NWAD INAMORATO.1

INANE, a. [L. inanis, empty.] Empty; void; sometimes used as a noun, to express a void space. NWAD INANE.1

INANGULAR, a. Not angular. [Little used.] NWAD INANGULAR.1

INANIMATE, v.t. [infra.] To animate. [Little used.] NWAD INANIMATE.1

INANIMATE, a. [L. inanimatus; in and animo, animatus.] NWAD INANIMATE.2

1. Destitute of animal life. Plants, stones and earth are inanimate substances; a corpse is an inanimate body. NWAD INANIMATE.3

2. Destitute of animation or life. NWAD INANIMATE.4

INANIMATED, a. Destitute of animal life. NWAD INANIMATED.1

1. Not animated; not sprightly. [See Unanimated.] NWAD INANIMATED.2

INANITION, n. [L. inanis, empty.] NWAD INANITION.1

Emptiness; want of fullness; as inanition of body or of the vessels. NWAD INANITION.2

INANITY, n. [L. inanitas, from inanis, void.] NWAD INANITY.1

Emptiness; void space; vacuity. NWAD INANITY.2

INAPPETENCE, INAPPETENCY, n. [in and appetence, L. appetentia.] NWAD INAPPETENCE.1

Want of appetence, or of a disposition to seek, select or imbibe nutriment. [See Appetence.] NWAD INAPPETENCE.2

1. Want of desire or inclination. NWAD INAPPETENCE.3


The quality of not being applicable; unfitness. NWAD INAPPLICABILITY.2

INAPPLICABLE, a. [in and applicable.] Not applicable; that cannot be applied; not suited or suitable to the purpose. The argument or the testimony is inapplicable to the case. NWAD INAPPLICABLE.1

INAPPLICATION, n. Want of application; want of attention or assiduity; negligence; indolence; neglect of study or industry. NWAD INAPPLICATION.1

INAPPOSITE, a. s as z. [in and apposite.] Not apposite; not fit or suitable; not pertinent; as an inapposite argument. NWAD INAPPOSITE.1

INAPPRECIABLE, a. [in and appreciable, from appreciate.] NWAD INAPPRECIABLE.1

1. Not to be appreciated; that cannot be duly valued. NWAD INAPPRECIABLE.2

2. That cannot be estimated. NWAD INAPPRECIABLE.3


INAPPREHENSIVE, a. Not apprehensive; regardless. NWAD INAPPREHENSIVE.1


Not to be approached; inaccessible. NWAD INAPPROACHABLE.2

INAPPROPRIATE, a. [in and appropriate.] NWAD INAPPROPRIATE.1

Not appropriate; unsuited; not proper. NWAD INAPPROPRIATE.2

1. Not appropriate; not belonging to. NWAD INAPPROPRIATE.3

INAPTITUDE, n. [in and aptitude.] Want of aptitude; unfitness; unsuitableness. NWAD INAPTITUDE.1

INAQUATE, a. [L. in and aquatus.] Embodied in water. NWAD INAQUATE.1

INAQUATION, n. The state of being inaquate. NWAD INAQUATION.1

INARABLE, v. [in and arable.] NWAD INARABLE.1

Not arable; not capable of being plowed or tilled. NWAD INARABLE.2

INARCH, v.t. [in and arch.] To graft by approach; to graft by uniting a cion to a stock without separating it from its parent tree. NWAD INARCH.1

INARCHED, pp. Grafted by approach. NWAD INARCHED.1