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MUSCLE, n. [L. musculus, a muscle, and a little mouse.] NWAD MUSCLE.1

1. In anatomy, the muscles are the organs of motion, consisting of fibers or bundles of fibers inclosed in a thin cellular membrane. The muscles are susceptible of contraction and relaxation, and in a healthy state the proper muscles are subject to the will, and are called voluntary muscles. But other parts of the body, as the heart, the urinary bladder, the stomach, etc. are of a muscular texture, and susceptible of contraction and dilatation, but are not subject to the will, and are therefore called involuntary muscles. The red color of the muscles is owing to the blood vessels which they contain. The ends of the muscles are fastened to the bones which they move, and when they act in opposition to each other, they are called antagonists. NWAD MUSCLE.2

Muscles are divided into the head, belly and tail. The head is the part fixed on the immovable joint called its origin, and is usually tendinous; the belly is the middle fleshy part, which consists of the true muscular fibers; the tail is the tendinous portion inserted into the part to be moved, called the insertion; but in the tendon, the fibers are more compact than in the belly of the muscle, and do not admit the red globules. NWAD MUSCLE.3

2. A bivalvular shell fish of the genus Mytilus; sometimes written mussel. NWAD MUSCLE.4


MUSCOVADO, n. Unrefined sugar; the raw material from which loaf and lump sugar are procured by refining. Muscovado is obtained from the juice of the sugar cane by evaporation and draining off the liquid part called molasses. NWAD MUSCOVADO.1

[This word is used wither as a noun or an adjective.] NWAD MUSCOVADO.2

MUSCOVY-DUCK, n. The musk-duck, Anas moschata. NWAD MUSCOVY-DUCK.1


MUSCULAR, a. [from muscle.] Pertaining to a muscle; as a muscular fiber. NWAD MUSCULAR.1

1. Performed by a muscle; as muscular motion. NWAD MUSCULAR.2

2. Strong; brawny; vigorous; as a muscular body or frame. NWAD MUSCULAR.3

MUSCULARITY, n. The state of being muscular. NWAD MUSCULARITY.1

MUSCULITE, n. A petrified muscle or shell. NWAD MUSCULITE.1

MUSCULOUS, a. [L. musculosus.] Full of muscles. NWAD MUSCULOUS.1

1. Strong; brawny. NWAD MUSCULOUS.2

2. Pertaining to a muscle or to muscles. NWAD MUSCULOUS.3

MUSE, n. s as z. [L. musa.] NWAD MUSE.1

1. Properly, song; but in usage, the deity or power of poetry. Hence poets in modern times, as in ancient, invoke the aid of the Muse or Muses, or in other words, the genius of poetry. NWAD MUSE.2

Granville commands; your aid, O Muses, bring, NWAD MUSE.3

What Muse for Granville can refuse to sing? NWAD MUSE.4

2. Deep thought; close attention or contemplation which abstracts the minds from passing scenes; hence sometimes, absence of mind. NWAD MUSE.5

As in great muse, no word to creature spake. NWAD MUSE.6

He was fill’d NWAD MUSE.7

With admiration and deep muse to hear NWAD MUSE.8

Of things so high and strange. NWAD MUSE.9

MUSE, v.i. s as z. [L. musso and mussito, to mutter or murmur, to demur, to be silent. The Greek signifies to press, or utter sound with the lips compressed. The latter verb belongs to a sound uttered through the nose or with close lips, or of the same family, L. mussitatio. The word then primarily denotes what we call humming, to hum, as persons do when idle, or alone and steadily occupied.] NWAD MUSE.10

1. To ponder; to think closely; to study in silence. NWAD MUSE.11

He mused upon some dangerous plot. NWAD MUSE.12

I muse on the works of thy hands. Psalm 143:5. NWAD MUSE.13

2. To be absent in mind; to be so occupied in study or contemplation, as not to observe passing scenes or things present. NWAD MUSE.14

3. To wonder. NWAD MUSE.15

Do not muse of me. NWAD MUSE.16

MUSE, v.t. To think on; to meditate on. NWAD MUSE.17

MUSEFUL, a. Thinking deeply or closely; silently thoughtful. NWAD MUSEFUL.1

Full of museful mopings. NWAD MUSEFUL.2

MUSELESS, a. Disregarding the power of poetry. NWAD MUSELESS.1

MUSER, n. One who thinks closely in silence, or one apt to be absent in mind. NWAD MUSER.1

MUSET, n. The place through which the hare goes to relief; a hunting term. NWAD MUSET.1

MUSEUM, n. [Gr. a place for the muses or for study.] NWAD MUSEUM.1

A house or apartment appropriated as a repository of things that have an immediate relation to the arts; a cabinet of curiosities. NWAD MUSEUM.2

MUSH, n. The meal of maiz boiled in water. NWAD MUSH.1


1. The common name of numerous cryptogamian plants of the natural order of Fungi. Some of them are esculent, others poisonous. Mushrooms grow on dunghills and in moist rich ground, and often spring up in a short time. NWAD MUSHROOM.2

The origin of man, in the view of the atheist, is the same with that of the mushroom. NWAD MUSHROOM.3

2. An upstart; one that rises suddenly from a low condition in life. NWAD MUSHROOM.4

MUSHROOM-STONE, n. A fossil or stone that produces mushrooms; the Lyncurius. NWAD MUSHROOM-STONE.1

MUSIC, n. s as z. [L. musica.] NWAD MUSIC.1

1. Melody or harmony; any succession of sounds so modulated as to please the ear, or any combination of simultaneous sounds in accordance or harmony. Music is vocal or instrumental. Vocal music is the melody of a single voice, or the harmony of two or more voices in concert. Instrumental music is that produced by one or more instruments. NWAD MUSIC.2

By music minds an equal temper know. NWAD MUSIC.3

2. Any entertainment consisting in melody or harmony. NWAD MUSIC.4

What music and dancing and diversions and songs are to many in the world, that prayers and devotions and psalms are to you. NWAD MUSIC.5

3. The science of harmonical sounds, which treats of the principles of harmony, or the properties, dependencies and relations of sounds to each other. This may be called speculative or theoretical music. NWAD MUSIC.6

4. The art of combining sounds in a manner to please the ear. This is practical music or composition. NWAD MUSIC.7

5. Order; harmony in revolutions; as the music of the spheres. NWAD MUSIC.8

MUSICAL, a. Belonging to music; as musical proportion; a musical instrument. NWAD MUSICAL.1

1. Producing music or agreeable sounds; as a musical voice. NWAD MUSICAL.2

2. Melodious; harmonious; pleasing to the ear; as musical sounds or numbers. NWAD MUSICAL.3

MUSICALLY, adv. In a melodious or harmonious manner; with sweet sounds. NWAD MUSICALLY.1

MUSICALNESS, n. The quality of being melodious or harmonious. NWAD MUSICALNESS.1

MUSIC-BOOK, n. A book containing tunes or songs for the voice or for instruments. NWAD MUSIC-BOOK.1

MUSICIAN, n. A person skilled in the science of music, or one that sings or performs on instruments of music according to the rules of the art. NWAD MUSICIAN.1

MUSIC-MASTER, n. One who teaches music. NWAD MUSIC-MASTER.1

MUSING, ppr. Meditating in silence. NWAD MUSING.1

MUSING, n. Meditation; contemplation. NWAD MUSING.2

MUSK, n. [L. muscus; Gr. musk, and moss.] A strong scented substance obtained from a cyst or bag near the navel of the Thibet musk [Moschus moschiferus,] an animal that inhabits the Asiatic Alps, especially the Altaic chain. This animal is a little more than three feet in length; the head resembles that of the roe, the fur is coarse, like that of the cervine race, but thick, erect, smooth and soft. It has no horns, but the male has two long tusks, one on each side, projecting from the mouth. The female is smaller than the male and has neither tusks nor follicle. The cyst of the male is about the size of a hen’s egg, oval, flat on one side and rounded on the other, having a small orifice. This contains a clotted, oily, friable matter of a dark brown color, which is the true musk, one of the strongest odors or perfumes in nature. We give the name to the substance and to the animal. NWAD MUSK.1

MUSK, n. Grape-hyacinth or grape-flower. NWAD MUSK.2
MUSK, v.t. To perfume with musk. NWAD MUSK.3

MUSK-APPLE, n. A particular kind of apple. NWAD MUSK-APPLE.1

MUSK-CAT, n. The musk which see. NWAD MUSK-CAT.1

MUSK-CHERRY, n. A kind of cherry. NWAD MUSK-CHERRY.1

MUSKET, n. [L. musca, a fly.] NWAD MUSKET.1

1. A species of fire-arms used in war, and fired by means of a lighted match. This manner of firing was in use as late as the civil war in England. But the proper musket is no longer in use. The name, however, in common speech, is yet applied to fusees or fire-locks fired by a spring lock. NWAD MUSKET.2

2. A male hawk of a small kind, the female of which is the sparrow hawk. NWAD MUSKET.3

MUSKETEER, n. A soldier armed with a musket. NWAD MUSKETEER.1

MUSKETOE, n. [L. musca, a fly.] A small insect of the genus Culex, that is bred in water; a species of gnat that abounds in marshes and low lands, and whose sting is peculiarly painful and vexatious. NWAD MUSKETOE.1

MUSKETOON, n. A short thick musket, carrying five ounces of iron, or seven and a half of lead; the shortest kind of blunderbuss. NWAD MUSKETOON.1

1. One who is armed with a musketoon. NWAD MUSKETOON.2

MUSKINESS, n. [from musk.] The scent of musk. NWAD MUSKINESS.1

MUSKMELON, n. [musk and melon.] A delicious species of melon; named probably from its fragrance. NWAD MUSKMELON.1

MUSK-OX, n. A species of the genus Bos, which inhabits the country about Hudson’s Bay. It has the large horns united at the skull, but turned downward on each side of the head. The hair of this animal is very long and fine. NWAD MUSK-OX.1

MUSK-PEAR, n. A fragrant kind of pear. NWAD MUSK-PEAR.1

MUSKRAT, MUSQUASH, n. An American animal of the murine genus, the Muz zibethicus. It has a compressed, lanceolated tail, with toes separate. It has the smell of musk in summer, but loses it in winter. The fur is used by hatters. Its popular name in America is musquash. NWAD MUSKRAT.1

MUSK-ROSE, n. A species of rose; so called form its fragrance. NWAD MUSK-ROSE.1

MUSK-SEED, n. A plant of the genus Hibiscus. NWAD MUSK-SEED.1

MUSK-WOOD, n. A species of plant of the genus Trichilia. NWAD MUSK-WOOD.1

MUSKY, a. Having the odor of musk; fragrant. NWAD MUSKY.1

MUSLIN, n. s as z. A sort of fine cotton cloth, which bears a downy knot on its surface. NWAD MUSLIN.1

MUSLIN, a. Made of muslin; as a muslin gown. NWAD MUSLIN.2

MUSLINET, n. A sort of coarse cotton cloth. NWAD MUSLINET.1

MUSMON, MUSIMON, n. An animal esteemed a species of sheep, described by the ancients as common in Corsica, Sardinia and Barbary. Buffon considers it to be the sheep in a wild state. NWAD MUSMON.1

MUSROLE, n. The nose band of a horse’s bridle. NWAD MUSROLE.1

MUSS, n. A scramble. [Not used.] NWAD MUSS.1


MUSSITE, n. [from the valley of Mussa, in Piedmont.] NWAD MUSSITE.1

A variety of pyroxene of a greenish white color; otherwise called diopside. NWAD MUSSITE.2

MUSSULMAN, n. A Mohammedan or follower of Mohammed. The word, it is said, signifies in the Turkish language a true believer, or orthodox. It may be from Ar. eslam, salvation. NWAD MUSSULMAN.1



1. To be obliged; to be necessitated. It expresses both physical and moral necessity. A man must eat for nourishment, and he must sleep for refreshment. We must submit to the laws or be exposed to punishment. A bill in a legislative body must have three readings before it can pass to be enacted. NWAD MUST.2

2. It expresses moral fitness or propriety, as necessary or essential to the character or end proposed. “Deacons must be grave,” “a bishop must have a good report of them that are without.” 1 Timothy 3:7-8. NWAD MUST.3

MUST, n. [L. mustum; Heb. to ferment.] NWAD MUST.4

New wine; wine pressed from the grape but not fermented. NWAD MUST.5

MUST, v.t. To make moldy and sour. NWAD MUST.6
MUST, v.i. To grow moldy and sour; to contract a fetid smell. NWAD MUST.7

MUSTAC, n. A small tufted monkey. NWAD MUSTAC.1

MUSTACHES, n. [Gr. the upper lip, and the hair growing on it.] Long hair on the upper lip. NWAD MUSTACHES.1

MUSTARD, n. A plant of the genus Sinapis, and its seed, which has a pungent taste and is a powerful stimulant. It is used externally in cataplasms, and internally as a diuretic and stimulant. NWAD MUSTARD.1

MUSTEE, MESTEE, n. A person of a mixed breed. NWAD MUSTEE.1

MUSTELINE, a. [L. mustelinus, from mustela, a weasel.] NWAD MUSTELINE.1

Pertaining to the weasel or animals of the genus Mustela; as a musteline color; the musteline genus. NWAD MUSTELINE.2

MUSTER, v.t. [L. monstro, to show.] Properly, to collect troops for review, parade and exercise; but in general, to collect or assemble troops, persons or things. The officers muster their soldiers regularly; they muster all their forces. The philosopher musters all the wise sayings of the ancients. NWAD MUSTER.1

MUSTER, v.i. To assemble; to meet in one place. NWAD MUSTER.2
MUSTER, n. [L. monstrum, a show or prodigy.] NWAD MUSTER.3

1. An assembling of troops for review, or a review of troops under arms. NWAD MUSTER.4

2. A register or roll of troops mustered. NWAD MUSTER.5

Ye publish the musters of your own bands. NWAD MUSTER.6

3. A collection, or the act of collecting. NWAD MUSTER.7

To pass muster, to be approved or allowed. NWAD MUSTER.8

MUSTER-BOOK, n. A book in which forces are registered. NWAD MUSTER-BOOK.1

MUSTER-MASTER, n. One who takes an account of troops, and of their arms and other military apparatus. The chief officer of this kind is called muster-master-general. NWAD MUSTER-MASTER.1

MUSTER-ROLL, n. A roll or register of the troops in each company, troop or regiment. NWAD MUSTER-ROLL.1

MUSTILY, adv. [from musty.] Moldily; sourly. NWAD MUSTILY.1

MUSTINESS, n. The quality of being musty or sour; moldiness; damp foulness. NWAD MUSTINESS.1

MUSTY, a. [from must.] Moldy; sour; foul and fetid; as a musty cask; musty corn or straw; musty books. NWAD MUSTY.1

1. State; spoiled by age. NWAD MUSTY.2

The proverb is somewhat musty. NWAD MUSTY.3

2. Having an ill flavor; as musty wine. NWAD MUSTY.4

3. Dull; heavy; spiritless. NWAD MUSTY.5

That he may not grow musty and unfit for conversation. NWAD MUSTY.6

MUTABILITY, n. [L. mutabilitas, from mutabilis, muto, to change.] NWAD MUTABILITY.1

1. Changeableness; susceptibility of change; the quality of being subject to change or alteration, either in form, state or essential qualities. NWAD MUTABILITY.2

Plato confesses that the heavens and the frame of the world are corporeal, and therefore subject to mutability. NWAD MUTABILITY.3

2. The state of habitually or frequently changing. NWAD MUTABILITY.4

3. Changeableness, as of mind, disposition or will; inconstancy; instability; as the mutability of opinion or purpose. NWAD MUTABILITY.5

MUTABLE, a. [L. mutabilis, from muto, to change.] NWAD MUTABLE.1

1. Subject to change; changeable; that may be altered in form, qualities or nature. Almost every thing we see on earth is mutable; substances are mutable in their form, and we all know by sad experience how mutable are the conditions of life. NWAD MUTABLE.2

2. Inconstant; unsettled; unstable; susceptible of change. Our opinions and our purposes are mutable. NWAD MUTABLE.3

MUTABLENESS, n. Changeableness; mutability; instability. NWAD MUTABLENESS.1

MUTATION, n. [L. mutatio.] The act or process of changing. NWAD MUTATION.1

1. Change; alteration, either in form or qualities. NWAD MUTATION.2

The vicissitude or mutations in the superior globe are no fit matter for this present argument. NWAD MUTATION.3

MUTE, a. [L. mutus.] NWAD MUTE.1

1. Silent; not speaking; not uttering words, or not having the power of utterance; dumb. Mute may express temporary silence, or permanent inability to speak. NWAD MUTE.2

To the mute my speech is lost. NWAD MUTE.3

In this phrase, it denotes unable to utter words. More generally, it denotes temporarily silent; as, all sat mute. NWAD MUTE.4

All the heavenly choir stood mute. NWAD MUTE.5

2. Uttering no sound; as mute sorrow. NWAD MUTE.6

3. Silent; not pronounced; as a mute letter. NWAD MUTE.7

MUTE, n. In law, a person that stands speechless when he ought to answer or plead. NWAD MUTE.8

1. In grammar, a letter that represents no sound; a close articulation which intercepts the voice. Mutes are of two kinds, pure and impure. The pure mutes instantly and entirely intercept the voice, as k, p and t, in the syllables ek, ep, et. The impure mutes intercept the voice less suddenly, as the articulations are less close. Such are b, d, and g, as in the syllables eb, ed, eg. NWAD MUTE.9

2. In music, a little utensil of wood or brass, used on a violin to deaden or soften the sounds. NWAD MUTE.10

MUTE, v.i. To eject the contents of the bowels, a birds. NWAD MUTE.11
MUTE, n. The dung of fowls. NWAD MUTE.12

MUTELY, adv. Silently; without uttering words or sounds. NWAD MUTELY.1

MUTENESS, n. Silence; forbearance of speaking. NWAD MUTENESS.1

MUTILATE, v.t. [L. mutilo, probably from the root of meto, to cut off.] NWAD MUTILATE.1

1. To cut off a limb or essential part of an animal body. To cut off the hand or foot is to mutilate the body or the person. NWAD MUTILATE.2

2. To cut or break off, or otherwise separate any important part, as of a statue or building. NWAD MUTILATE.3

3. To retrench, destroy or remove any material part, so as to render the thing imperfect; as, to mutilate the poems of Homer or the orations of Cicero. NWAD MUTILATE.4

Among the mutilated poets of antiquity, there is none whose fragments are so beautiful as those of Sappho. NWAD MUTILATE.5

MUTILATED, pp. Deprived of a limb or of an essential part. NWAD MUTILATED.1

MUTILATED, MUTILATE, a. In botany, the reverse of luxuriant; not producing a corol, when not regularly apetalous; applied to flowers. NWAD MUTILATED.2

MUTILATING, ppr. Retrenching a limb or an essential part. NWAD MUTILATING.1

MUTILATION, n. [L. mutilatio.] The act of mutilating; deprivation of a limb or of an essential part. NWAD MUTILATION.1

1. Mutilation is a term of very general import, applied to bodies, to statues, to buildings and to writings; but appropriately, it denotes the retrenchment of a human limb or member, and particularly of the male organs of generation. NWAD MUTILATION.2

MUTILATOR, n. One who mutilates. NWAD MUTILATOR.1

MUTILOUS, a. Mutilated; defective; imperfect. NWAD MUTILOUS.1

Mutine, a mutineer, and mutine, to mutiny, are not in use. NWAD MUTILOUS.2

MUTINEER, n. [See Mutiny.] One guilty of mutiny; a person in military or naval service, who rises in opposition to the authority of the officers, who openly resists the government of the army or navy, or attempts to destroy due subordination. NWAD MUTINEER.1

MUTING, n. The dung of fowls. NWAD MUTING.1

MUTINOUS, a. Turbulent; disposed to resist the authority of laws and regulations in an army or navy, or openly resisting such authority. NWAD MUTINOUS.1

1. Seditious. [See Mutiny.] NWAD MUTINOUS.2

MUTINOUSLY, adv. In a manner or with intent to oppose lawful authority or due subordination in military or naval service. NWAD MUTINOUSLY.1

MUTINOUSNESS, n. The state of being mutinous; opposition to lawful authority among military men. NWAD MUTINOUSNESS.1

MUTINY, n. [L. muto, to change.] An insurrection of soldiers or seamen against the authority of their commanders; open resistance of officers or opposition to their authority. A mutiny is properly the act of numbers, but by statutes and orders for governing the army and navy in different countries, the acts which constitute mutiny are multiplied and defined; and acts of individuals, amounting to a resistance of the authority or lawful commands of officers, are declared to be mutiny. Any attempt to excite opposition to lawful authority, or any act of contempt towards officers, or disobedience of commands, is by the British mutiny act declared to be mutiny. Any concealment of mutinous acts, or neglect to attempt a suppression of them, is declared also to be mutiny. NWAD MUTINY.1

[Note-In good authors who lived a century ago, mutiny and mutinous were applied to insurrection and sedition in civil society. But I believe these words are now applied exclusively to soldiers and seamen.] NWAD MUTINY.2

MUTINY, v.i. To rise against lawful authority in military and naval service; to excite or attempt to excite opposition to the lawful commands of military and naval officers; to commit some act which tends to bring the authority of officers into contempt, or in any way to promote insubordination. NWAD MUTINY.3

MUTTER, v.i. [L. mutio, muttio, and musso, mussito; allied perhaps to muse, which see.] NWAD MUTTER.1

1. To utter words with a low voice and compressed lips, with sullenness or in complaint; to grumble; to murmur. NWAD MUTTER.2

Meantime your filthy foreigner will stare, NWAD MUTTER.3

And mutter to himself. NWAD MUTTER.4

2. To sound with a low rumbling noise. NWAD MUTTER.5

Thick lightnings flash, the muttering thunder rolls. NWAD MUTTER.6

MUTTER, v.t. To utter with imperfect articulations, or with a low murmuring voice. NWAD MUTTER.7

Your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness. Isaiah 59:3. NWAD MUTTER.8

They in sleep will mutter their affairs. NWAD MUTTER.9

MUTTER, n. Murmur; obscure utterance. NWAD MUTTER.10

MUTTERED, pp. Uttered in a low murmuring voice. NWAD MUTTERED.1

MUTTERER, n. A grumbler; one that mutters. NWAD MUTTERER.1

MUTTERING, ppr. Uttering with a low murmuring voice; grumbling; murmuring. NWAD MUTTERING.1

MUTTERINGLY, adv. With a low voice; without distinct articulation. NWAD MUTTERINGLY.1


1. The flesh of sheep, raw or dressed for food. NWAD MUTTON.2

2. A sheep. [But this sense is now obsolete or ludicrous.] NWAD MUTTON.3

MUTTONFIST, n. A large red brawny hand. NWAD MUTTONFIST.1

MUTUAL, a. [L. mutuus, from muto, to change.] NWAD MUTUAL.1

Reciprocal; interchanged, each acting in return or correspondence to the other; given and received. Mutual love is that which is entertained by two persons each for the other; mutual advantage is that which is conferred by one person or another, and received by him in return. So we say, mutual assistance, mutual aversion. NWAD MUTUAL.2

And, what should most excite a mutual flame, NWAD MUTUAL.3

Your rural cares and pleasures are the same. NWAD MUTUAL.4

MUTUALITY, n. Reciprocation; interchange. NWAD MUTUALITY.1

MUTUALLY, adv. Reciprocally, in the manner of giving and receiving. NWAD MUTUALLY.1

The tongue and the pen mutually assist one another. NWAD MUTUALLY.2

[Note-Mutual and mutually properly refer to two persons or their intercourse; but they may be and often are applied to numbers acting together or in concert.] NWAD MUTUALLY.3

MUTUATION, n. [L. mutuatio.] The act of borrowing. [Little used.] NWAD MUTUATION.1

MUTULE, n. In architecture, a square modillion under the cornice. In French, it is rendered a corbel or bracket. NWAD MUTULE.1


1. The mouth of a thing; the extreme or end for entrance or discharge; applied chiefly to the end of a tube, as the open end of a common fusee or pistol, or of a bellows. NWAD MUZZLE.2

2. A fastening for the mouth which hinders from biting. NWAD MUZZLE.3

With golden muzzles all their mouths were bound. NWAD MUZZLE.4

MUZZLE, v.t. To bind the mouth; to fasten the mouth to prevent biting or eating. NWAD MUZZLE.5

Thou shalt not muzzle the ox when he treadeth out the corn. Deuteronomy 25:4. NWAD MUZZLE.6

1. To fondle with the mouth close. [Low.] NWAD MUZZLE.7

2. To restrain from hurt. NWAD MUZZLE.8

My dagger muzzled-- NWAD MUZZLE.9

MUZZLE, v.i. To bring the mouth near. NWAD MUZZLE.10

The bear muzzles and smells to him. NWAD MUZZLE.11

MUZZLE-RING, n. The metalline ring or circle that surrounds the mouth of a cannon or other piece. NWAD MUZZLE-RING.1

MY, pronoun. adj. [contracted from migen, mine. Me was originally mig, and the adjective migen. So in L. meus. See Mine.] NWAD MY.1

Belonging to me; as, this is my book. Formerly, mine was used before a vowel, and my before a consonant; my is now used before both. We say, my book; my own book; my old friend. Mine is still used after a verb; as, this book is mine. NWAD MY.2



Pertaining to a description of the muscles. NWAD MYOGRAPHICAL.2