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PITCHFARTHING, n. A play in which copper coin is pitched into a hole; called also chuck-farthing, from the root of choke. NWAD PITCHFARTHING.1

PITCHFORK, n. A fork or farming utensil used in throwing hay or sheaves of grain, in loading or unloading carts and wagons. NWAD PITCHFORK.1

PITCHINESS, n. [from pitch.] Blackness; darkness. [Little used.] NWAD PITCHINESS.1

PITCHING, ppr. Setting; planting or fixing; throwing headlong; plunging; daubing with pitch; setting, as a tune. NWAD PITCHING.1

1. a. Declivous; descending; sloping; as a hill. NWAD PITCHING.2

PITCHING, n. In navigation, the rising and falling of the head and stern of a ship, as she moves over waves; or the vertical vibration of a ship about her center of gravity. NWAD PITCHING.3

PITCH-ORE, n. Pitch-blend, an ore of uranium. NWAD PITCH-ORE.1

PITCHPIPE, n. An instrument used by choristers in regulating the pitch or elevation of the key or leading note of a tune. NWAD PITCHPIPE.1

PITCH-STONE, n. A mineral, a sub-species of quartz, which in luster and texture resembles pitch, whence its name. It is sometimes called resinite. Its colors are, several shades of green; black with green, brown or gray; brown, tinged with red, green or yellow; sometimes yellowish or blue. It occurs in large beds and sometimes forms whole mountains. NWAD PITCH-STONE.1

PITCHY, a. Partaking of the qualities of pitch; like pitch. NWAD PITCHY.1

1. Smeared with pitch. NWAD PITCHY.2

2. Black; dark; dismal; as the pitchy mantle of night. NWAD PITCHY.3

PIT-COAL, n. Fossil coal; coal dug from the earth. NWAD PIT-COAL.1

PITEOUS, a. [See Pity.] Sorrowful; mournful; that may excite pity; as a piteous look. NWAD PITEOUS.1

1. Wretched; miserable; deserving compassion; as a piteous condition. NWAD PITEOUS.2

2. Compassionate; affected by pity. NWAD PITEOUS.3

3. Pitiful; paltry; poor; as piteous amends. NWAD PITEOUS.4

PITEOUSLY, adv. In a piteous manner; with compassion. NWAD PITEOUSLY.1

1. Sorrowfully; mournfully. NWAD PITEOUSLY.2


1. Tenderness; compassion. NWAD PITEOUSNESS.2

PITFALL, n. A pit slightly covered for concealment, and intended to catch wild beasts or men. NWAD PITFALL.1

PITFALL, v.t. To lead into a pitfall. NWAD PITFALL.2

PIT-FISH, n. A small fish of the Indian seas, about the size of a smelt, of a green and yellow color. It has the power of protruding or retracting its eyes at pleasure. NWAD PIT-FISH.1


1. The soft spungy substance in the center of plants and trees. NWAD PITH.2

2. In animals, the spinal marrow. NWAD PITH.3

3. Strength or force. NWAD PITH.4

4. Energy; cogency; concentrated force; closeness and vigor of thought and style. NWAD PITH.5

5. Condensed substance or matter; quintessence. The summary contains the pith of the original. NWAD PITH.6

6. Weight; moment; importance. NWAD PITH.7

Enterprises of great pith and moment. NWAD PITH.8

PITHILY, adv. With strength; with close or concentrated force; cogently; with energy. NWAD PITHILY.1

PITHINESS, n. Strength; concentrated force; as the pithiness of a reply. NWAD PITHINESS.1

PITHLESS, a. Destitute of pith; wanting strength. NWAD PITHLESS.1

1. Wanting cogency or concentrated force. NWAD PITHLESS.2

PITHOLE, n. A mark made by disease. NWAD PITHOLE.1

PITHY, a. Consisting of pith; containing pith; abounding with pith; as a pithy substance; a pithy stem. NWAD PITHY.1

1. Containing concentrated force; forcible; energetic; as a pithy word or expression. NWAD PITHY.2

This pithy speech prevailed and all agreed. NWAD PITHY.3

2. Uttering energetic words or expressions. NWAD PITHY.4

In all these, Goodman Fact was very short, but pithy. NWAD PITHY.5

PITIABLE, a. Deserving pity; worthy of compassion; miserable; as pitiable persons; a pitiable condition. NWAD PITIABLE.1

PITIABLENESS, n. State of deserving compassion. NWAD PITIABLENESS.1

PITIED, pp. Compassionated. [See the verb, to pity.] NWAD PITIED.1

PITIFUL, a. [See Pity.] Full of pity; tender; compassionate; having a heart to feel sorrow and sympathy for the distressed. James 5:11; 1 Peter 3:8. [This is the proper sense of the word.] NWAD PITIFUL.1

1. Miserable; moving compassion; as a sight most pitiful; a pitiful condition. NWAD PITIFUL.2

2. To be pitied for its littleness or meanness; paltry; contemptible; despicable. NWAD PITIFUL.3

That’s villainous, and shows a most pitiful ambition in the fool that uses it. NWAD PITIFUL.4

3. Very small; insignificant. NWAD PITIFUL.5

PITIFULLY, adv. With pity; compassionately. NWAD PITIFULLY.1

Pitifully behold the sorrows of our hearts. NWAD PITIFULLY.2

1. In a manner to excite pity. NWAD PITIFULLY.3

They would sign and groan as pitifully as other men. NWAD PITIFULLY.4

2. Contemptibly; with meanness. NWAD PITIFULLY.5

PITIFULNESS, n. Tenderness of heart that disposes to pity; mercy; compassion. NWAD PITIFULNESS.1

1. Contemptibleness. NWAD PITIFULNESS.2

PITILESS, a. Destitute of pity; hardhearted; applied to persons; as a pitiless master. NWAD PITILESS.1

1. Exciting no pity; as a pitiless state. NWAD PITILESS.2

PITILESSLY, adv. Without mercy or compassion. NWAD PITILESSLY.1

PITILESSNESS, n. Unmercifulness; insensibility to the distresses of others. NWAD PITILESSNESS.1

PITMAN, n. The man that stands in a pit when sawing timber with another man who stands above. NWAD PITMAN.1

PIT-SAW, n. A large saw used in dividing timber, and used by two men, one of whom stands in a pit below. NWAD PIT-SAW.1

PITTANCE, n. [The word signifies primarily, a portion of food allowed to a monk. The Spanish has pitar, to distribute allowances of meat, and pitancero, a person who distributes allowances, or a friar who lives on charity.] NWAD PITTANCE.1

1. An allowance of meat in a monastery. NWAD PITTANCE.2

2. A very small portion allowed or assigned. NWAD PITTANCE.3

3. A very small quantity. NWAD PITTANCE.4

PITUITARY, a. [L. pituita, phlegm, rheum; Gr. to spit.] NWAD PITUITARY.1

That secretes phlegm or mucus; as the pituitary membrane. NWAD PITUITARY.2

The pituitary gland is a small oval body on the lower side of the brain, supposed by the ancients to secrete the mucus of the nostrils. NWAD PITUITARY.3

PITUITE, n. [L. pituita.] Mucus. NWAD PITUITE.1

PITUITOUS, a. [L. pituitosus.] Consisting of mucus, or resembling it in qualities. NWAD PITUITOUS.1

PITY, n. [The Latin, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese languages unite pity and piety in the same word, and the word may be from the root of compassion; L. patior, to suffer.] NWAD PITY.1

1. The feeling or suffering of one person, excited by the distresses of another; sympathy with the grief or misery of another; compassion or fellow-suffering. NWAD PITY.2

He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth to the Lord. Proverbs 19:17. NWAD PITY.3

In Scripture however, the word pity usually includes compassion accompanied with some act of charity or benevolence, and not simply a fellow feeling of distress. NWAD PITY.4

Pity is always painful, yet always agreeable. NWAD PITY.5

2. The ground or subject of pity; cause of grief; thing to be regretted. NWAD PITY.6

What pity is it NWAD PITY.7

That we can die but once to serve our country! NWAD PITY.8

That he is old, the more is the pity, his white hairs do witness it. NWAD PITY.9

In this sense, the word has a plural. It is a thousand pities he should waste his estate in prodigality. NWAD PITY.10

PITY, v.t. To feel pain or grief for one in distress; to have sympathy for; to compassionate; to have tender feelings for one, excited by his unhappiness. NWAD PITY.11

Like as a father pitieth his children, so the Lord pitieth them that fear him. Psalm 103:13. NWAD PITY.12

Taught by that power who pities me, NWAD PITY.13

I learn to pity them. NWAD PITY.14

PITY, v.i. To be compassionate; to exercise pity. NWAD PITY.15

I will not pity nor spare, nor have mercy. Jeremiah 13:14. NWAD PITY.16

[But this may be considered as an elliptical phrase.] NWAD PITY.17

PIVOT, n. A pin on which any thing turns. NWAD PIVOT.1

PIX, n. [L. pyxis.] A little box or chest in which the consecrated host is kept in Roman catholic countries. NWAD PIX.1

1. A box used for the trial of gold and silver coin. NWAD PIX.2

PIZZLE, n. In certain quadrupeds, the part which is official to generation and the discharge of urine. NWAD PIZZLE.1

PLACABILITY, PLACABLENESS, n. [from placable.] The quality of being appeasable; susceptibility of being pacified. NWAD PLACABILITY.1

PLACABLE, a. [L. placabilis, from placo, to pacify; probably formed on the root of lay. See Please.] NWAD PLACABLE.1

That may be appeased or pacified; appeasable; admitting its passions or irritations to be allayed; willing to forgive. NWAD PLACABLE.2

Methought I saw him placable and mild. NWAD PLACABLE.3

PLACARD, n. Properly, a written or printed paper posted in a public place. It seems to have been formerly the name of an edict, proclamation or manifesto issued by authority, but this sense is, I believe, seldom or never annexed to the word. A placard now is an advertisement, or a libel, or a paper intended to censure public or private characters or public measures, posted in a public place. In the case of libels or papers intended to censure public or private characters, or the measures of government, these papers are usually pasted up at night for secrecy. NWAD PLACARD.1

PLACATE, v.t. [L. placo, to appease.] NWAD PLACATE.1

To appease or pacify; to conciliate. NWAD PLACATE.2


1. A particular portion of space of indefinite extent, occupied or intended to be occupied by any person or thing, and considered as the space where a person or thing does or may rest or has rested, as distinct from space in general. NWAD PLACE.2

Look from the place where thou art. Genesis 13:14. NWAD PLACE.3

The place where thou standest is holy ground. Exodus 3:5. NWAD PLACE.4

Every place whereon the soles of your feet shall tread shall be yours. Deuteronomy 11:24. NWAD PLACE.5

David’s place was empty. 1 Samuel 20:25, 27. NWAD PLACE.6

2. Any portion of space, as distinct from space in general. NWAD PLACE.7

Enlargement and deliverance shall arise to the Jews from another place. Esther 4:14. NWAD PLACE.8

3. Local existence. NWAD PLACE.9

From whose face the earth and the heaven fled away, and there was found no place for them. Revelation 20:11. NWAD PLACE.10

4. Separate room or apartment. NWAD PLACE.11

His catalogue had an especial place for sequestered divines. NWAD PLACE.12

5. Seat; residence; mansion. NWAD PLACE.13

The Romans shall come and take away both our place and nation. John 11:48. NWAD PLACE.14

6. A portion or passage of writing or of a book. NWAD PLACE.15

The place of the Scripture which he read was this. Acts 8:32. NWAD PLACE.16

7. Point or degree in order of proceeding; as in the first place; in the second place; in the last place. Hence, NWAD PLACE.17

8. Rank; order of priority, dignity or importance. He holds the first place in society, or in the affections of the people. NWAD PLACE.18

9. Office, employment; official station. The man has a place under the government. NWAD PLACE.19

Do you your office, or give up your place. NWAD PLACE.20

10. Ground; room. NWAD PLACE.21

There is no place of doubting but that it is the very same. NWAD PLACE.22

11. Station in life; calling; occupation; condition. All, in their several places, perform their duty. NWAD PLACE.23

12. A city, a town; a village. In what place does he reside? He arrived at this place in the mail coach. Genesis 18:24, 26. NWAD PLACE.24

13. In military affairs, a fortified town or post; a fortress; a fort; as a strong place; a place easily defended. The place was taken by assault. NWAD PLACE.25

14. A country; a kingdom. England is the place of his birth. NWAD PLACE.26

15. Space in general. NWAD PLACE.27

But she all place within herself confines. NWAD PLACE.28

16. Room; stead; with the sense of substitution. NWAD PLACE.29

And Joseph said unto them, fear not; for am I in the place of God? Genesis 50:19. NWAD PLACE.30

17. Room; kind reception. NWAD PLACE.31

My word hath no place in you. John 8:37. NWAD PLACE.32

18. The place of the moon, in astronomy, is the part of its orbit where it is found at any given time. The place of the sun or a star, is the sign and degree of the zodiac, in which it is at any given time, or the degree of the ecliptic, reckoning from the beginning of Aries, which the star’s circle of longitude cuts, and therefore coincides with the longitude of the sun or star. NWAD PLACE.33

To take place, to come; to happen; to come into actual existence or operation; as when we say, this or that event will or will not take place. The perfect exemption of man from calamity can never take place in this state of existence. NWAD PLACE.34

1. To take the precedence or priority. NWAD PLACE.35

To take the place, but sometimes to take place, omitting the article, is to occupy the place or station of another. NWAD PLACE.36

To have place, to have a station, room or seat. Such desires can have no place in a good heart. NWAD PLACE.37

1. To have actual existence. NWAD PLACE.38

To give place, to make room or way. Give place to your superiors. NWAD PLACE.39

1. To give room; to give advantage; to yield to the influence of; to listen to. NWAD PLACE.40

Neither give place to the devil. Ephesians 4:27. NWAD PLACE.41

2. To give way; to yield to and suffer to pass away. NWAD PLACE.42

High place, in Scripture, a mount on which sacrifices were offered. NWAD PLACE.43

PLACE, v.t. To put or set in a particular part of space, or in a particular part of the earth, or in something on its surface; to locate; as, to place a house by the side of a stream; to place a book on a shelf; to place a body of cavalry on each flank of any army. NWAD PLACE.44

1. To appoint, set, induct or establish in an office. NWAD PLACE.45

Thou shalt provide out of all the people able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness; and place such over them to be rulers of thousands, etc. Exodus 18:21. NWAD PLACE.46

It is a high moral duty of sovereigns and supreme magistrates and councils, to place in office men of unquestionable virtue and talents. NWAD PLACE.47

2. To put or set in any particular rank, state or condition. Some men are placed in a condition of rank and opulence, others are placed in low or narrow circumstances; but in whatever sphere men are placed, contentment will insure to them a large portion of happiness. NWAD PLACE.48

3. To set; to fix; as, to place one’s affections on an object; to place confidence in a friend. NWAD PLACE.49

4. To put; to invest; as, to place money in the funds or in a bank. NWAD PLACE.50

5. To put out at interest; to lend; as, to place money in good hands or in good security. NWAD PLACE.51

PLACED, pp. Set; fixed; located; established. NWAD PLACED.1

PLACE-MAN, n. One that has an office under a government. NWAD PLACE-MAN.1


1. In anatomy, the substance that connects the fetus to the womb, a soft roundish mass or cake by which the circulation is carried on between the parent and the fetus. NWAD PLACENTA.2

2. The part of a plant or fruit to which the seeds are attached. NWAD PLACENTA.3

PLACENTAL, a. Pertaining to the placenta. NWAD PLACENTAL.1

PLACENTATION, n. In botany, the disposition of the cotyledons or lobes in the vegetation or germination of seeds. NWAD PLACENTATION.1

PLACER, n. One who places, locates or sets. NWAD PLACER.1

PLACID, a. [L. placidus, from placo, to appease.] NWAD PLACID.1

1. Gentle; quiet; undisturbed; equable; as a placid motion of the spirits. NWAD PLACID.2

2. Serene; mild; unruffled; indicating peace of mind; as a placid countenance or smile. NWAD PLACID.3

3. Calm; tranquil; serene; not stormy; as a placid sky. NWAD PLACID.4

4. Calm; quiet; unruffled; as a placid stream. NWAD PLACID.5

PLACIDLY, adv. Mildly; calmly; quietly; without disturbance or passion. NWAD PLACIDLY.1

PLACIDNESS, n. Calmness; quiet; tranquillity; unruffled state. NWAD PLACIDNESS.1

1. Mildness; gentleness; sweetness of disposition. NWAD PLACIDNESS.2

PLACIT, n. [L. placitum, that which pleases, a decree, from placeo, to please.] A decree or determination. [Not in use.] NWAD PLACIT.1

PLACKET, n. A petticoat. If this is the sense of the word in Shakespeare, it is a derivative. The word signifies the opening of the garment; but it is nearly or wholly obsolete. NWAD PLACKET.1

PLAGIARISM, n. [from plagiary.] The act of purloining another man’s literary works, or introducing passages from another man’s writings and putting them off as one’s own; literary theft. NWAD PLAGIARISM.1

PLAGIARIST, n. One that purloins the writings of another and puts them off as his own. NWAD PLAGIARIST.1

PLAGIARY, n. [L. plagium, a kidnapping, probably from plagoe, nets, toils, that which is layed or spread, from the root of Eng. lay. The L. plaga, a stroke, is the same word differently applied, a laying on.] NWAD PLAGIARY.1

1. A thief in literature; one that purloins another’s writings and offers them to the public as his own. NWAD PLAGIARY.2

2. The crime of literary theft. [Not used.] NWAD PLAGIARY.3

PLAGIARY, a. Stealing men; kidnapping. [Not used.] NWAD PLAGIARY.4

1. Practicing literary theft. NWAD PLAGIARY.5

PLAGUE, n. plag. [L. plaga, a stroke; Gr. See Lick and Lay. The primary sense is a stroke or striking. So afflict is from the root of flog, and probably of the same family as plague.] NWAD PLAGUE.1

1. Any thing troublesome or vexatious; but in this sense, applied to the vexations we suffer from men, and not to the unavoidable evils inflicted on us by Divine Providence. The application of the word to the latter, would now be irreverent and reproachful. NWAD PLAGUE.2

2. A pestilential disease; an acute, malignant and contagious disease that often prevails in Egypt, Syria and Turkey, and has at times infected the large cities of Europe with frightful mortality. NWAD PLAGUE.3

3. A state of misery. 1 Kings 8:38. NWAD PLAGUE.4

4. Any great natural evil or calamity; as the ten plagues of Egypt. NWAD PLAGUE.5

PLAGUE, v.t. plag. NWAD PLAGUE.6

1. To infest with disease, calamity or natural evil of any kind. NWAD PLAGUE.7

Thus were they plagued NWAD PLAGUE.8

And worn with famine. NWAD PLAGUE.9

2. To vex; to tease; to harass; to trouble; to embarrass; a very general and indefinite signification. NWAD PLAGUE.10

If her nature be so, NWAD PLAGUE.11

That she will plague the man that loves her most-- NWAD PLAGUE.12

PLAGUEFUL, a. Abounding with plagues; infected with plagues. NWAD PLAGUEFUL.1

PLAGUILY, adv. Vexatiously; in a manner to vex, harass or embarrass; greatly; horribly. [In vulgar use.] NWAD PLAGUILY.1

PLAGUY, a. Vexatious; troublesome; tormenting. [Vulgar.] NWAD PLAGUY.1

PLAICE, PLAISE, n. A fish of the genus Pleuronectes, growing to the size of eight or ten pounds or more. This fish is more flat and square than the halibut. NWAD PLAICE.1

PLAID, PLAD, n. A striped or variegated cloth worn by the highlanders in Scotland. It is a narrow woolen stuff worn round the waist or on the shoulders, reaching to the knees, and in cold weather to the feet. It is worn by both sexes. NWAD PLAID.1

PLAIN, a. [L. planus; splendor. Gr. to wander.] NWAD PLAIN.1

1. Smooth; even; level; flat; without elevations and depressions; not rough; as plain ground or land; a plain surface. In this sense, in philosophical writings, it is written plane. NWAD PLAIN.2

2. Open; clear. NWAD PLAIN.3

Our troops beat an army in plain fight and open field. NWAD PLAIN.4

3. Void of ornament; simple; as a plain dress. NWAD PLAIN.5

Plain without pomp, and rich without a show. NWAD PLAIN.6

4. Artless; simple; unlearned; without disguise, cunning or affectation; without refinement; as men of the plainer sort. Genesis 25:27. NWAD PLAIN.7

Plain but pious christians-- NWAD PLAIN.8

5. Artless; simple; unaffected; unembellished; as a plain tale or narration. NWAD PLAIN.9

6. Honestly undisguised; open; frank; sincere; unreserved. I will tell you the plain truth. NWAD PLAIN.10

Give me leave to be plain with you. NWAD PLAIN.11

7. Mere; bare; as a plain knave or fool. NWAD PLAIN.12

8. Evident to the understanding; clear; manifest; not obscure; as plain words or language; a plain difference; a plain argument. NWAD PLAIN.13

It is plain in the history, that Esau was never subject to Jacob. NWAD PLAIN.14

9. Not much varied by modulations; as a plain song or tune. NWAD PLAIN.15

10. Not high seasoned; not rich; not luxuriously dressed; as a plain diet. NWAD PLAIN.16

11. Not ornamented with figures; as plain muslin. NWAD PLAIN.17

12. Not dyed. NWAD PLAIN.18

13. Not difficult; not embarrassing; as a plain case in law. NWAD PLAIN.19

14. Easily seen or discovered; not obscure or difficult to be found; as a plain road or path. Our coarse is very plain. Psalm 27:11. NWAD PLAIN.20

A plain or plane figure, in geometry, is a uniform surface, from every point of whose perimeter right lines may be drawn to every other point in the same. NWAD PLAIN.21

A plain figure, in geometry, is a surface in which, if any two points are taken, the straight line which joins them lies wholly in that surface. NWAD PLAIN.22

A plain angle, is one contained under two lines or surfaces, in contradistinction to a solid angle. NWAD PLAIN.23

PLAIN, adv. Not obscurely; in a manner to be easily understood. NWAD PLAIN.24

1. Distinctly; articulately; as, to speak plain. Mark 7:35. NWAD PLAIN.25

2. With simplicity; artlessly; bluntly. NWAD PLAIN.26


1. Level land; usually, an open field with an even surface, or a surface little varied by inequalities; as all the plain of Jordan. Genesis 13:10-11. NWAD PLAIN.28

2. Field of battle. NWAD PLAIN.29

PLAIN, v.t. To level; to make plain or even on the surface. NWAD PLAIN.30
PLAIN, v.i. [L. plango.] To lament or wail. [Not used.] [See Complain.] NWAD PLAIN.31

PLAIN-DEALING, a. [plain and deal.] Dealing or communicating with frankness and sincerity; honest; open; speaking and acting without art; as a plain-dealing man. NWAD PLAIN-DEALING.1

PLAIN-DEALING, n. A speaking or communicating with openness and sincerity; management without art, stratagem or disguise; sincerity. NWAD PLAIN-DEALING.2

PLAIN-HEARTED, a. Having a sincere heart; communicating without art, reserve or hypocrisy; of a frank disposition. NWAD PLAIN-HEARTED.1

PLAIN-HEARTEDNESS, n. Frankness of disposition; sincerity. NWAD PLAIN-HEARTEDNESS.1

PLAINLY, adv. With a level surface. [Little used.] NWAD PLAINLY.1

1. Without cunning or disguise. NWAD PLAINLY.2

2. Without ornament or artificial embellishment; as, to be plainly clad. NWAD PLAINLY.3

3. Frankly; honestly; sincerely; as, deal plainly with me. NWAD PLAINLY.4

4. In earnest; fairly. NWAD PLAINLY.5

5. In a manner to be easily seen or comprehended. NWAD PLAINLY.6

Thou shalt write on the stones all the words of this law very plainly. Deuteronomy 27:8. NWAD PLAINLY.7

6. Evidently; clearly; not obscurely. The doctrines of grace are plainly taught in the Scriptures. NWAD PLAINLY.8

PLAINNESS, n. Levelness; evenness or surface. NWAD PLAINNESS.1

1. Want of ornament; want of artificial show. NWAD PLAINNESS.2

So modest plainness sets off sprightly wit. NWAD PLAINNESS.3

2. Openness; rough, blunt or unrefined frankness. NWAD PLAINNESS.4

Your plainness and your shortness please me well. NWAD PLAINNESS.5

3. Artlessness; simplicity; candor; as unthinking plainness. NWAD PLAINNESS.6

4. Clearness; openness; sincerity. NWAD PLAINNESS.7

Seeing then we have such hope, we use great plainness of speech. 2 Corinthians 3:12. NWAD PLAINNESS.8

PLAIN-SONG, n. The plain unvaried chant of churches; so called in contradistinction from the prick-song, or variegated music sung by note. NWAD PLAIN-SONG.1

PLAIN-SPOKEN, a. Speaking with plain, unreserved sincerity. NWAD PLAIN-SPOKEN.1

PLAINT, n. [L. plango, to strike, to beat, to lament, whence complaint; Gr. to strike, from the root disused, whence, a stroke; L. plaga, Eng. plague.] NWAD PLAINT.1

1. Lamentation; complaint; audible expression of sorrow. NWAD PLAINT.2

From inward grief NWAD PLAINT.3

His bursting passion into plaints thus pour’d. NWAD PLAINT.4

2. Complaint; representation made of injury or wrong done. NWAD PLAINT.5

There are three just grounds of war with Spain; one of plaints; two upon defense. NWAD PLAINT.6

3. In law, a private memorial tendered to a court, in which the person sets forth his cause of action. NWAD PLAINT.7

4. In law, a complaint; a formal accusation exhibited by a private person against an offender for a breach of law or a public offense. NWAD PLAINT.8

PLAINTFUL, a. Complaining; expressing sorrow with an audible voice; as my plaintful tongue. NWAD PLAINTFUL.1

PLAINTIF, n. In law, the person who commences a suit before a tribunal, for the recovery of a claim; opposed to defendant. NWAD PLAINTIF.1

[Prior uses this word as an adjective, in the French sense, for plaintive, but the use is not authorized.] NWAD PLAINTIF.2

PLAINTIVE, a. Lamenting; complaining; expressive of sorrow; as a plaintive sound or song. NWAD PLAINTIVE.1

1. Complaining; expressing sorrow or grief; repining. NWAD PLAINTIVE.2

To sooth the sorrows of her plaintive son. NWAD PLAINTIVE.3

PLAINTIVELY ,adv. In a manner expressive of grief. NWAD PLAINTIVELY.1

PLAINTIVENESS, n. The quality or state of expressing grief. NWAD PLAINTIVENESS.1

PLAINTLESS, a. Without complaint; unrepining. NWAD PLAINTLESS.1

PLAIN-WORK, n. Plain needlework, as distinguished from embroidery. NWAD PLAIN-WORK.1

PLAIT, n. [Gr. to twist.] NWAD PLAIT.1

1. A fold; a doubling; as of cloth. NWAD PLAIT.2

It is very difficult to trace out the figure of a vest through all the plaits and folding of the drapery. NWAD PLAIT.3

2. A braid of hair; a tress. NWAD PLAIT.4

PLAIT, v.t. To fold; to double in narrow streaks; as, to plait a gown or a sleeve. NWAD PLAIT.5

1. To braid; to interweave strands; as, to plait the hair. NWAD PLAIT.6

2. To entangle; to involve. NWAD PLAIT.7

PLAITED, pp. Folded; braided; interwoven. NWAD PLAITED.1

PLAITER, n. One that plaits or braids. NWAD PLAITER.1

PLAITING, ppr. Folding; doubling; braiding. NWAD PLAITING.1


1. A draught or form; properly, the representation of any thing drawn on a plane, as a map or chart, which is a representation of some portion of land or water. But the word is applied particularly to the model of a building, showing the form, extent and divisions in miniature, and it may be applied to the draught or representation of any projected work on paper or on a plain surface; as the plan of a town or city, or of a harbor or fort. The form of a machine in miniature, is called a model. NWAD PLAN.2

2. A scheme devised; a project; the form of something to be done existing in the mind, with the several parts adjusted in idea, expressed in words or committed to writing; as the plan of a constitution of government; the plan of a treaty; the plan of an expedition. NWAD PLAN.3

PLAN, v.t. To form a draught or representation of any intended work. NWAD PLAN.4

1. To scheme; to devise; to form in design; as, to plan the conquest of a country; to plan a reduction of taxes or of the national debt. NWAD PLAN.5

PLANARY, a. Pertaining to a plane. NWAD PLANARY.1

PLANCH, v.t. [See Plank.] To plank; to cover with planks or boards. NWAD PLANCH.1

PLANCHED, pp. Covered or made of planks or boards. NWAD PLANCHED.1


PLANCHET, n. [See Plank.] A flat piece of metal or coin. NWAD PLANCHET.1

PLANCHING, n. The laying of floors in a building; also, a floor of boards or planks. NWAD PLANCHING.1

PLANE, n. [from L. planus. See Plain.] In geometry, an even or level surface, like plain in popular language. NWAD PLANE.1

1. In astronomy, an imaginary surface supposed to pass through any of the curves described on the celestial sphere; as the plane of the ecliptic; the plane of a planet’s orbit; the plane of a great circle. NWAD PLANE.2

2. In mechanics. [See Plain figure.] NWAD PLANE.3

3. In joinery and cabinet work, an instrument consisting of a smooth piece of wood, with an aperture, through which passes obliquely a piece of edged steel or chisel, used in paring or smoothing boards or wood of any kind. NWAD PLANE.4

PLANE, v.t. To make smooth; to pare off the inequalities of the surface of a board or other piece of wood by the use of a plane. NWAD PLANE.5

1. To free from inequalities of surface. NWAD PLANE.6

PLANED, pp. Made smooth with a plane; leveled. NWAD PLANED.1

PLANET, n. [L. planeta; Gr. wandering, to wander, allied to L. planus. See Plant.] A celestial body which revolves about the sun or other center, or a body revolving about another planet as its center. The planets which revolve about the sun as their center, are called primary planets; those which revolve about other planets as their center, and with them revolve about the sun, are called secondary planets, satellites or moons. The primary planets are named Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Herschell. Four smaller planets, denominated by some, asteroids, namely, Ceres, Pallas, Juno and Vesta, have recently been discovered between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter. Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Herschell, being without the earth’s orbit, are sometimes called the superior planets; Venus and Mercury, being within the earth’s orbit, are called inferior planets. The planets are opake bodies which receive their light from the sun. They are so named from their motion or revolution, in distinction from the fixed stars, and are distinguished from the latter by their not twinkling. NWAD PLANET.1

PLANETARIUM, n. An astronomical machine which, by the movement of its parts, represents the motions and orbits of the planets, agreeable to the Copernican system. NWAD PLANETARIUM.1

PLANETARY, a. Pertaining to the planets; as planetary inhabitants; planetary motions. NWAD PLANETARY.1

1. Consisting of planets; as a planetary system. NWAD PLANETARY.2

2. Under the dominion or influence of a planet; as a planetary hour. [Astrology.] NWAD PLANETARY.3

3. Produced by planets; as planetary plague or influence. NWAD PLANETARY.4

4. Having the nature of a planet; erratic or revolving. NWAD PLANETARY.5

Planetary days, the days of the week as shared among the planets, each having its day, as we name the days of the week after the planets. NWAD PLANETARY.6

PLANETED, a. Belonging to planets. NWAD PLANETED.1

PLANETICAL, a. Pertaining to planets. [Not used.] NWAD PLANETICAL.1

PLANE-TREE, n. [L. platanus.] A tree of the genus Platanus. The oriental plane-tree is a native of Asia; it rises with a straight smooth branching stem to a great highth, with palmated leaves and long pendulous peduncles, sustaining several heads of small close sitting flowers. The seeds are downy, and collected into round, rough, hard balls. The occidental plane-tree, which grows to a great highth, is a native of N. America; it is called also button-wood. NWAD PLANE-TREE.1

PLANET-STRUCK, a. Affected by the influence of planets; blasted. NWAD PLANET-STRUCK.1

PLANIFOLIOUS, a. [L. planus, plain, and folium, leaf.] NWAD PLANIFOLIOUS.1

In botany, a planifolious flower is one made up of plain leaves, set together in circular rows round the center. [See Planipetalous.] NWAD PLANIFOLIOUS.2