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PRETERIMPERFECT, a. [beyond or beside unfinished.] In grammar, designating the tense which expresses action or being not perfectly past; an awkward epithet, very ill applied. NWAD PRETERIMPERFECT.1

PRETERIT, a. [L. proeteritus, proetereo; proeter, beyond, and eo, to go.] Past; applied to the tense in grammar which expresses an action or being perfectly past or finished, often that which is just past or completed, but without a specification of time. It is called also the perfect tense; as, scripsi, I have written. We say, “I have written a letter to my correspondent;” in which sentence, the time is supposed to be not distant and not specified. But when the time is mentioned, we use the imperfect tense so called; as, “I wrote to my correspondent yesterday.” In this use of the preterit or perfect tense, the English differs from the French, in which j’ai ecrit heir, is correct; but I have written yesterday, would be very bad English. NWAD PRETERIT.1

PRETERITION, n. [L. proeterio, to pass by.] NWAD PRETERITION.1

1. The act of going past; the state of being past. NWAD PRETERITION.2

2. In rhetoric, a figure by which, in pretending to pass over any thing, we make a summary mention of it; as, “I will not say, he is valiant, he is learned, he is just,” etc. The most artful praises are those bestowed by way of preterition. NWAD PRETERITION.3

PRETERITNESS, n. [from preterit.] The state of being past. [Little used.] NWAD PRETERITNESS.1

PRETERLAPSED, a. [L. proeterlapsus, proeterlabor; proeter and labor, to glide.] Past; gone by; as preterlapsed ages. NWAD PRETERLAPSED.1

PRETERLEGAL, a. [L. proeter and legal.] Exceeding the limits of law; not legal. [Little used.] NWAD PRETERLEGAL.1

PRETERMISSION, n. [L. proetermissio, from proetermitto.] NWAD PRETERMISSION.1

A passing by; omission. NWAD PRETERMISSION.2

1. In rhetoric, the same as preterition. NWAD PRETERMISSION.3

PRETERMIT, v.t. [L. proetermitto; proeter, beyond, and mitto, to send.] To pass by; to omit. NWAD PRETERMIT.1

PRETERNATURAL, a. [L. proeter and natural.] Beyond what is natural, or different from what is natural; irregular. We call those events in the physical world preternatural, which are extraordinary, which are deemed to be beyond or without the ordinary course of things, and yet are not deemed miraculous; in distinction from events which are supernatural, which cannot be produced by physical laws or powers, and must therefore be produced by a direct exertion of omnipotence. We also apply the epithet to things uncommon or irregular; as a preternatural swelling; a preternatural pulse; a preternatural excitement or temper. NWAD PRETERNATURAL.1

PRETERNATURALITY, n. Preternaturalness. [Little used.] NWAD PRETERNATURALITY.1

PRETERNATURALLY, adv. In a manner beyond or aside from the common order of nature; as vessels of the body preternaturally distended. NWAD PRETERNATURALLY.1

PRETERNATURALNESS, n. A state or manner different from the common order of nature. NWAD PRETERNATURALNESS.1

PRETERPERFECT, a. [L. proeter and perfectus.] Literally, more than complete or finished; an epithet equivalent to preterit, applied to the tense of verbs which expresses action or being absolutely past. [Grammar.] NWAD PRETERPERFECT.1

PRETERPLUPERFECT, a. [L. proeter, beyond, plus, more, and perfectus, perfect.] Literally, beyond more than perfect; an epithet designating the tense of verbs which expresses action or being past prior to another past event or time; better denominated the prior past tense, that is, past prior to another event. NWAD PRETERPLUPERFECT.1

PRETEX, v.t. [L. proetexo; proe and texo, or tego, texui.] NWAD PRETEX.1

To cloak; to conceal. [Not used.] NWAD PRETEX.2

PRETEXT, n. [L. proetextus.] Pretense; false appearance; ostensible reason or motive assigned or assumed as a color or cover for the real reason or motive. He gave plausible reasons for this conduct, but these were only a pretext to conceal his real motives. NWAD PRETEXT.1

He made pretext that I should only go NWAD PRETEXT.2

And help convey his freight; but thought not so. NWAD PRETEXT.3

They suck the blood of those they depend on, under a pretext of service and kindness. NWAD PRETEXT.4

PRETOR, n. [L. proetor, from the root of proe, before.] NWAD PRETOR.1

Among the ancient Romans, a judge; an officer answering to the modern chief justice or chancellor, or to both. In later times, subordinate judges appointed to distribute justice in the provinces, were created and called pretors or provincial pretors. These assisted the consuls in the government of the provinces. NWAD PRETOR.2

In modern times, the word is sometimes used for a mayor or magistrate. NWAD PRETOR.3

PRETORIAL, a. Pertaining to a pretor or judge; judicial. NWAD PRETORIAL.1

PRETORIAN, a. Belonging to a pretor or judge; judicial; exercised by the pretor; as pretorian power or authority. NWAD PRETORIAN.1

Pretorian bands or guards, in Roman history, were the emperor’s guards. Their number was ultimately increased to ten thousand men. NWAD PRETORIAN.2

PRETORSHIP, n. The office of pretor. NWAD PRETORSHIP.1

PRETTILY, adv. prit’tily. [from pretty.] In a pretty manner; with neatness and taste; pleasingly; without magnificence or splendor; as a woman prettily dressed; a parterre prettily ornamented with flowers. NWAD PRETTILY.1

1. With decency, good manners and decorum without dignity. NWAD PRETTILY.2

Children kept out of ill company, take a price to behave themselves prettily. NWAD PRETTILY.3

PRETTINESS, n. prit’tiness. [from pretty.] NWAD PRETTINESS.1

1. Diminutive beauty; a pleasing form without stateliness or dignity; as the prettiness of the face; the prettiness of a bird or other small animal; the prettiness of dress. NWAD PRETTINESS.2

2. Neatness and taste displayed on small objects; as the prettiness of a flower bed. NWAD PRETTINESS.3

3. Decency of manners; pleasing propriety without dignity or elevation; as the prettiness of a child’d behavior. NWAD PRETTINESS.4

PRETTY, a. prit’ty. NWAD PRETTY.1

1. Having diminutive beauty; of a pleasing form with the strong lines of beauty, or without gratefulness and dignity; as a pretty face; a pretty person; a pretty flower. NWAD PRETTY.2

The pretty gentleman is the most complaisant creature in the world. NWAD PRETTY.3

That which is little can be but pretty, and by claiming dignity becomes ridiculous. NWAD PRETTY.4

2. Neat and appropriate without magnificence or splendor; as a pretty dress. NWAD PRETTY.5

3. Handsome; neatly arranged or ornamented; as a pretty flower bed. NWAD PRETTY.6

4. Neat; elegant without elevation or grandeur; as a pretty tale or story; a pretty song or composition. NWAD PRETTY.7

5. Sly; crafty; as, he has played his friend a pretty trick. This seems to be the sense of the word in this phrase, according with the Saxon proetig. And hence perhaps the phrase, a pretty fellow. NWAD PRETTY.8

6. Small; diminutive; in contempt. He will make a pretty figure in a triumph. NWAD PRETTY.9

7. Not very small; moderately large; as a pretty way off. NWAD PRETTY.10

Cut off the stalks of cucumbers immediately after their bearing, close by the earth, and then cast a pretty quantity of earth upon the plant, and they will bear next year before the ordinary time. [Not in use.] NWAD PRETTY.11

PRETTY, adv. prit’ty. In some degree; tolerably; moderately; as a farm pretty well stocked; the colors became pretty vivid; I am pretty sure of the fact; the wind is pretty fair. The English farthing is pretty near the value of the American cent. In these and similar phrases, pretty expresses less than very. NWAD PRETTY.12

The writer pretty plainly professes himself a sincere christian. NWAD PRETTY.13

PRETYPIFIED, pp. [from pretypify.] Antecedently represented by type; prefigured. NWAD PRETYPIFIED.1

PRETYPIFY, v.t. [pre and typify.] To prefigure; to exhibit previously in a type. NWAD PRETYPIFY.1


PREVAIL, v.i. [L. proevaleo; proe, before, and valeo, to be strong or well. Valeo seems to be from the same root as the Eng. well. The primary sense is to stretch or strain forward, to advance.] NWAD PREVAIL.1

1. To overcome; to gain the victory or superiority; to gain the advantage. NWAD PREVAIL.2

When Moses held up his hand, Israel prevailed; when he let down his hand, Amalek prevailed. Exodus 17:11. NWAD PREVAIL.3

With over or against. NWAD PREVAIL.4

David prevailed over the Philistine with a sling and with a stone. 1 Samuel 17:50. NWAD PREVAIL.5

This kingdom could never prevail against the united power of England. NWAD PREVAIL.6

2. To be in force; to have effect; power or influence. NWAD PREVAIL.7

This custom makes the short-sighted bigots and the warier skeptics, as far as ir prevails. NWAD PREVAIL.8

3. To be predominant; to extend over with force or effect. The fever prevailed in a great part of the city. NWAD PREVAIL.9

4. To gain or have predominant influence; to operate with effect. These reasons, arguments or motives ought to prevail with all candid men. In this sense, it is followed by with. NWAD PREVAIL.10

5. To persuade or induce; with on or upon. They prevailed on the president to ratify the treaty. It is also followed by with. They could not prevail with the king to pardon the offender. But on is more common in modern practice. NWAD PREVAIL.11

6. To succeed. The general attempted to take the fort by assault, but did not prevail. The most powerful arguments were employed, but they did not prevail. NWAD PREVAIL.12

PREVAILING, ppr. Gaining advantage, superiority or victory; having effect; persuading; succeeding. NWAD PREVAILING.1

1. a. Predominant; having more influence; prevalent; superior in power. The love of money and the love of power are the prevailing passions of men. NWAD PREVAILING.2

2. Efficacious. NWAD PREVAILING.3

Saints shall assist thee with prevailing prayers. NWAD PREVAILING.4

3. Predominant; most general; as the prevailing disease of a climate; a prevailing opinion. Intemperance is the prevailing vice of many countries. NWAD PREVAILING.5

PREVAILMENT, a. Prevalence. [Little used.] NWAD PREVAILMENT.1

PREVALENCE, PREVALENCY, n. Superior strength, influence or efficacy; most efficacious force in producing an effect. NWAD PREVALENCE.1

The duke better knew what kind of arguments were of prevalence with him. NWAD PREVALENCE.2

1. Predominance; most general reception or practice; as the prevalence of vice, or of corrupt maxims; the prevalence of opinion or fashion. NWAD PREVALENCE.3

2. Most general existence or extension; as, the prevalence of a disease. NWAD PREVALENCE.4

3. Success; as the prevalence of prayer. NWAD PREVALENCE.5

PREVALENT, a. Gaining advantage or superiority; victorious. NWAD PREVALENT.1

Brennus told the Roman embassadors, that prevalent arms were as good as any title. NWAD PREVALENT.2

1. Powerful; efficacious; successful; as prevalent supplications. NWAD PREVALENT.3

2. Predominant; most generally received or current; as a prevalent opinion. NWAD PREVALENT.4

3. Predominant; most general; extensively existing; as a prevalent disease. NWAD PREVALENT.5

PREVALENTLY, adv. With predominance or superiority; powerfully. NWAD PREVALENTLY.1

The evening star so falls into the main NWAD PREVALENTLY.2

To rise at morn more prevalently bright. NWAD PREVALENTLY.3

PREVARICATE, v.i. [L. proevaricor; proe and varico, varicor, to straddle.] NWAD PREVARICATE.1

1. To shuffle; to quibble; to shift or turn from one side to the other, from the direct course or from truth; to play foul play. NWAD PREVARICATE.2

I would think better of himself, than that he would wilfully prevaricate. NWAD PREVARICATE.3

2. In the civil law, to collude; as where an informer colludes with the defendant, and makes a sham prosecution. NWAD PREVARICATE.4

3. In English law, to undertake a thing falsely and deceitfully, with the purpose of defeating or destroying it. NWAD PREVARICATE.5

PREVARICATE, v.t. To pervert; to corrupt; to evade by a quibble. [But in a transitive sense, this word is seldom or never used.] NWAD PREVARICATE.6

PREVARICATION, n. A shuffling or quibbling to evade the truth or the disclosure of truth; the practice of some trick for evading what is just or honorable; a deviation from the plain path of truth and fair dealing. NWAD PREVARICATION.1

1. In the civil law, the collusion of an informer with the defendant, for the purpose of making a sham prosecution. NWAD PREVARICATION.2

2. In common law, a seeming to undertake a thing falsely or deceitfully, for the purpose of defeating or destroying it. NWAD PREVARICATION.3

3. A secret abuse in the exercise of a public office or commission. NWAD PREVARICATION.4

PREVARICATOR, n. One that prevaricates; a shuffler; a quibbler. NWAD PREVARICATOR.1

1. A sham dealer; one who colludes with a defendant in a sham prosecution. NWAD PREVARICATOR.2

2. One who abuses his trust. NWAD PREVARICATOR.3

PREVENE, v.t. [L. proevenio; proe, before, and venio, to come.] NWAD PREVENE.1

Literally, to come before; hence, to hinder. [Not used.] NWAD PREVENE.2

PREVENIENT, a. [L. proeveniens.] Going before; preceding; hence, preventive; as prevenient grace. NWAD PREVENIENT.1

PREVENT, v.t. [L. proevenio, supra.] NWAD PREVENT.1

1. To go before; to precede. NWAD PREVENT.2

I prevented the dawning of the morning, and cried. Psalm 119:147. NWAD PREVENT.3

2. To precede, as something unexpected or unsought. NWAD PREVENT.4

The days of my affliction prevented me. Job 30:27; 2 Samuel 22:6, 19. NWAD PREVENT.5

3. To go before; to precede; to favor by anticipation or by hindering distress or evil. NWAD PREVENT.6

The God of my mercy shall prevent me. Psalm 59:10. NWAD PREVENT.7

Prevent us, O Lord, in all our doings, with thy most gracious favor. NWAD PREVENT.8

4. To anticipate. NWAD PREVENT.9

Their ready guilt preventing thy commands. NWAD PREVENT.10

5. To preoccupy; to pre-engage; to attempt first. NWAD PREVENT.11

Thou hast prevented us with overtures of love. NWAD PREVENT.12

[In all the preceding senses, the word is obsolete.] NWAD PREVENT.13

6. To hinder; to obstruct; to intercept the approach or access of. This is now the only sense. No foresight or care will prevent every misfortune. Religion supplies consolation under afflictions which cannot be prevented. It is easier to prevent an evil than to remedy it. NWAD PREVENT.14

Too great confidence in success, is the likeliest to prevent it. NWAD PREVENT.15

PREVENT, v.i. To come before the usual time. [Not in use.] NWAD PREVENT.16

PREVENTABLE, a. That may be prevented or hindered. NWAD PREVENTABLE.1

PREVENTED, pp. Hindered from happening or taking effect. NWAD PREVENTED.1

PREVENTER, n. One that goes before. [Not in use.] NWAD PREVENTER.1

1. One that hinders; a hinderer; that which hinders; as a preventer of evils or of disease. NWAD PREVENTER.2


1. Hindering; obviating. NWAD PREVENTING.2

PREVENTINGLY, adv. In such a manner or way as to hinder. NWAD PREVENTINGLY.1

PREVENTION, n. The act of going before. NWAD PREVENTION.1

1. Preoccupation; anticipation. [Little used.] NWAD PREVENTION.2

2. The act of hindering; hinderance; obstruction of access or approach. NWAD PREVENTION.3

Prevention of sin is one of the greatest mercies God can vouchsafe. NWAD PREVENTION.4

3. Prejudice; prepossession; a French sense, but not in use in English. NWAD PREVENTION.5


PREVENTIVE, a. Tending to hinder; hindering the access of; as a medicine preventive of disease. NWAD PREVENTIVE.1

PREVENTIVE, n. That which prevents; that which intercepts the access or approach of. Temperance and exercise are excellent preventives of debility and languor. NWAD PREVENTIVE.2

1. An antidote previously taken. A medicine may be taken as a preventive of disease. NWAD PREVENTIVE.3

PREVENTIVELY, adv. By way of prevention; in a manner that tends to hinder. NWAD PREVENTIVELY.1

PREVIOUS, a. [L. proevius; proe, before, and via, way, that is, a going.] Going before in time; being or happening before something else; antecedent; prior; as a previous intimation of a design; a previous notion; a previous event. NWAD PREVIOUS.1

Sound from the mountain, previous to the storm, NWAD PREVIOUS.2

Rolls o’er the muttering earth. NWAD PREVIOUS.3

PREVIOUSLY, adv. In time preceding; beforehand; antecedently; as a plan previously formed. NWAD PREVIOUSLY.1

PREVIOUSNESS, n. Antecedence; priority in time. NWAD PREVIOUSNESS.1

PREVISION, n. s as z. [L. proevisus, proevideo; proe, before, and video, to see.] Foresight; foreknowledge; prescience. NWAD PREVISION.1

PREWARN, v.t. [See Warn.] NWAD PREWARN.1

To warn beforehand; to give previous notice of. NWAD PREWARN.2

PREY, n. [L. proeda.] NWAD PREY.1

1. Spoil; booty; plunder; goods taken by force from an enemy in war. NWAD PREY.2

And they brought the captives and the prey and the spoil to Moses and Eleazar the priest. Numbers 31:12. NWAD PREY.3

In this passage, the captives are distinguished from prey. But sometimes persons are included. NWAD PREY.4

They [Judah] shall become a prey and a spoil to all their enemies. 2 Kings 21:14. NWAD PREY.5

2. That which is seized or may be seized by violence to be devoured; ravine. The eagle and the hawk dart upon their prey. NWAD PREY.6

She sees herself the monster’s prey. NWAD PREY.7

The old lion perisheth for lack of prey. Job 4:11. NWAD PREY.8

3. Ravage; depredation. NWAD PREY.9

Hog in sloth, fox in stealth, lion in prey. NWAD PREY.10

Animal or beast of prey, is a carnivorous animal; one that feeds on the flesh of other animals. The word is applied to the larger animals, as lions, tigers, hawks, vultures, etc. rather than to insects; yet an insect feeding on other insects may be called an animal of prey. NWAD PREY.11

PREY, v.i. To prey on or upon, is to rob; to plunder; to pillage. NWAD PREY.12

1. To feed by violence, or to seize and devour. The wolf preys on sheep; the hawk preys on chickens. NWAD PREY.13

2. To corrode; to waste gradually; to cause to pine away. Grief preys on the body and spirits; envy and jealousy prey on the health. NWAD PREY.14

Language is too faint to show NWAD PREY.15

His rage of love; it preys upon his life; NWAD PREY.16

He pines, he sickens, he despairs, he dies. NWAD PREY.17

PREYER, n. He or that which preys; a plunderer; a waster; a devourer. NWAD PREYER.1

PREYING, ppr. Plundering; corroding; wasting gradually. NWAD PREYING.1

PRICE, n. [L. pretium. See Praise.] NWAD PRICE.1

1. The sum or amount of money at which a thing is valued, or the value which a seller sets on his goods in market. A man often sets a price on goods which he cannot obtain, and often takes less than the price set. NWAD PRICE.2

2. The sum or equivalent given for an article sold; as the price paid for a house, an ox or a watch. NWAD PRICE.3

3. The current value or rate paid for any species of goods; as the market price of wheat. NWAD PRICE.4

4. Value; estimation; excellence; worth. NWAD PRICE.5

Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies. Proverbs 31:10. NWAD PRICE.6

5. Reward; recompense. NWAD PRICE.7

That vice may merit; ‘tis the price of toil; NWAD PRICE.8

The knave deserves it when he tills the soil. NWAD PRICE.9

The price of redemption, is the atonement of Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 6:20. NWAD PRICE.10

A price in the hands of a fool, the valuable offers of salvation, which he neglects. Proverbs 17:16. NWAD PRICE.11

PRICE, v.t. To pay for. [Not in use.] NWAD PRICE.12

1. To set a price on. [See Prize.] NWAD PRICE.13

PRICELESS, a. Invaluable; too valuable to admit of a price. NWAD PRICELESS.1

1. Without value; worthless or unsalable. NWAD PRICELESS.2


1. To pierce with a sharp pointed instrument or substance; as, to prick one with a pin, a needle, a thorn or the like. NWAD PRICK.2

2. To erect a pointed thing, or with an acuminated point; applied chiefly to the ears, and primarily to the pointed ears of an animal. The horse pricks his ears, or pricks up his ears. NWAD PRICK.3

3. To fix by the point; as, to prick a knife into a board. NWAD PRICK.4

4. To hang on a point. NWAD PRICK.5

The cooks prick a slice on a prong of iron. NWAD PRICK.6

5. To designate by a puncture or mark. NWAD PRICK.7

Some who are pricked for sheriffs, and are fit, set out of the bill. NWAD PRICK.8

6. To spur; to goad; to incite; sometimes with on or off. NWAD PRICK.9

My duty pricks me on to utter that NWAD PRICK.10

Which no worldly good should draw from me. NWAD PRICK.11

But how if honor prick me off. NWAD PRICK.12

7. To affect with sharp pain; to sting with remorse. NWAD PRICK.13

When they heard this, they were pricked in their hearts. Acts 2:37; Psalm 73:21. NWAD PRICK.14

8. To make acid or pungent to the taste; as, wine is pricked. NWAD PRICK.15

9. To write a musical composition with the proper notes on a scale. NWAD PRICK.16

10. In seamen’s language, to run a middle seam through the cloth of a sail. NWAD PRICK.17

To prick a chart, is to trace a ship’s course on a chart. NWAD PRICK.18

PRICK, v.i. To become acid; as, cider pricks in the rays of the sun. NWAD PRICK.19

1. To dress one’s self for show. NWAD PRICK.20

2. To come upon the spur; to shoot along. NWAD PRICK.21

Before each van NWAD PRICK.22

Prick forth the airy knights. NWAD PRICK.23

3. To aim at a point, mark or place. NWAD PRICK.24


1. A slender pointed instrument or substance, which is hard enough to pierce the skin; a goad; a spur. NWAD PRICK.26

It is hard for thee to kick against the pricks. Acts 9:5. NWAD PRICK.27

2. Sharp stinging pain; remorse. NWAD PRICK.28

3. A spot or mark at which archers aim. NWAD PRICK.29

4. A point; a fixed place. NWAD PRICK.30

5. A puncture or place entered by a point. NWAD PRICK.31

6. The print of a hare on the ground. NWAD PRICK.32

7. In seamen’s language, a small roll; as a prick of spun yarn; a prick of tobacco. NWAD PRICK.33

PRICKED, pp. Pierced with a sharp point; spurred; goaded; stung with pain; rendered acid or pungent; marked; designated. NWAD PRICKED.1

PRICKER, n. A sharp pointed instrument. NWAD PRICKER.1

1. In colloquial use, a prickle. NWAD PRICKER.2

2. A light horseman. [Not in use.] NWAD PRICKER.3

PRICKET, n. A buck in his second year. NWAD PRICKET.1

PRICKING, ppr. Piercing with a sharp point; goading; affecting with pungent pain; making or becoming acid. NWAD PRICKING.1

PRICKING, n. A sensation of sharp pain, or of being pricked. NWAD PRICKING.2

PRICKLE, n. In botany, a small pointed shoot or sharp process, growing from the bark only, and thus distinguished from the thorn, which grows from the wood of a plant. Thus the rose, the bramble, the gooseberry and the barberry are armed with prickles. NWAD PRICKLE.1

1. A sharp pointed process of an animal. NWAD PRICKLE.2

PRICKLE-BACK, n. A small fish, so named from the prickles on its back; the stickle-back. NWAD PRICKLE-BACK.1

PRICKLINESS, n. [from prickly.] The state of having many prickles. NWAD PRICKLINESS.1

PRICKLOUSE, n. A low word in contempt for a taylor. NWAD PRICKLOUSE.1

PRICKLY, a. Full of sharp points or prickles; armed with prickles; as a prickly shrub. NWAD PRICKLY.1

PRICKMADAM, n. A species of house-leek. NWAD PRICKMADAM.1

PRICKPUNCH, n. A piece of tempered steel with a round point, to prick a round mark on cold iron. NWAD PRICKPUNCH.1

PRICKSONG, n. A song set to music, or a variegated song; in distinction from a plain song. NWAD PRICKSONG.1

PRICKWOOD, n. A tree of the genus Euonymus. NWAD PRICKWOOD.1


1. Inordinate self-esteem; an unreasonable conceit of one’s own superiority in talents, beauty, wealth, accomplishments, rank or elevation in office, which manifests itself in lofty airs, distance, reserve, and often in contempt of others. NWAD PRIDE.2

Martial pride looks down on industry. NWAD PRIDE.3

Pride goeth before destruction. Proverbs 16:18. NWAD PRIDE.4

Pride that dines on vanity, sups on contempt. NWAD PRIDE.5

All pride is abject and mean. NWAD PRIDE.6

Those that walk in pride he is able to abase. Daniel 4:37. NWAD PRIDE.7

2. Insolence; rude treatment of others; insolent exultation. NWAD PRIDE.8

That hardly we escap’d the pride of France. NWAD PRIDE.9

3. Generous elation of heart; a noble self-esteem springing from a consciousness of worth. NWAD PRIDE.10

The honest pride of conscious virtue. NWAD PRIDE.11

4. Elevation; loftiness. NWAD PRIDE.12

A falcon tow’ring in her pride of place. NWAD PRIDE.13

5. Decoration; ornament; beauty displayed. NWAD PRIDE.14

Whose lofty trees, clad with summer’s pride. NWAD PRIDE.15

Be his this sword NWAD PRIDE.16

Whose ivory sheath, inwrought with curious pride, NWAD PRIDE.17

Adds graceful terror to the wearer’s side. NWAD PRIDE.18

6. Splendid show; ostentation. NWAD PRIDE.19

Is this array, the war of either side NWAD PRIDE.20

Through Athens pass’d with military pride. NWAD PRIDE.21

7. That of which men are proud; that which excites boasting. NWAD PRIDE.22

I will cut off the pride of the Philistines. Zechariah 9:6; Zephaniah 3:11. NWAD PRIDE.23

8. Excitement of the sexual appetite in a female beast. NWAD PRIDE.24

9. Proud persons. Psalm 36:11. NWAD PRIDE.25

PRIDE, v.t. With the reciprocal pronoun, to pride one’s self, to indulge pride; to take pride; to value one’s self; to gratify self-esteem. They pride themselves in their wealth, dress or equipage. He prides himself in his achievements. NWAD PRIDE.26

PRIDEFUL, a. Full of pride; insolent; scornful. NWAD PRIDEFUL.1

PRIDELESS, a. Destitute of pride; without pride. NWAD PRIDELESS.1

PRIDING, ppr. Indulging pride or self-esteem; taking pride; valuing one’s self. NWAD PRIDING.1

PRIDINGLY, adv. With pride; in pride of heart. NWAD PRIDINGLY.1

PRIE, supposed to be so written for privet. NWAD PRIE.1

PRIE, for pry. NWAD PRIE.2

PRIEF, for proof, obsolete. NWAD PRIEF.1

PRIER, n. [from pry.] One who inquires narrowly; one who searches and scrutinizes. NWAD PRIER.1

PRIEST, n. [L. proestes, a chief, one that presides; proe, before, and sto, to stand, or sisto.] NWAD PRIEST.1

1. A man who officiates in sacred offices. Among pagans, priests were persons whose appropriate business was to offer sacrifices and perform other sacred rites of religion. In primitive ages, the fathers of families, princes and kings were priests. Thus Cain and Abel, Noah, Abraham, Melchizedek, Job, Isaac and Jacob offered their own sacrifices. In the days of Moses, the office of priest was restricted to the tribe of Levi, and the priesthood consisted of three orders, the high priest, the priests, and the Levites, and the office was made hereditary in the family of Aaron. NWAD PRIEST.2

Every priest taken from among men is ordained for men in things pertaining to God, that he may offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins. Hebrews 5:1. NWAD PRIEST.3

2. In the modern church, a person who is set apart or consecrated to the ministry of the gospel; a man in orders or licensed to preach the gospel; a presbyter. In its most general sense, the word includes archbishops, bishops, patriarchs, and all subordinate orders of the clergy, duly approved and licensed according to the forms and rules of each respective denomination of christians; as all these orders “are ordained for men in things pertaining to God.” But in Great Britain, the word is understood to denote the subordinate orders of the clergy, above a deacon and below a bishop. In the United States, the word denotes any licensed minister of the gospel. NWAD PRIEST.4

PRIESTCRAFT, n. [priest and craft.] The stratagems and frauds of priests; fraud or imposition in religious concerns; management of selfish and ambitious priests to gain wealth and power, or to impose on the credulity of others. NWAD PRIESTCRAFT.1

PRIESTESS, n. A female among pagans, who officiated in sacred things. NWAD PRIESTESS.1

PRIESTHOOD, n. The office or character of a priest. NWAD PRIESTHOOD.1

1. The order of men set apart for sacred offices; the order composed of priests. NWAD PRIESTHOOD.2

PRIESTLIKE, a. Resembling a priest, or that which belongs to priests. NWAD PRIESTLIKE.1

PRIESTLINESS, n. The appearance and manner of a priest. NWAD PRIESTLINESS.1

PRIESTLY, a. Pertaining to a priest or to priests; sacerdotal; as the priestly office. NWAD PRIESTLY.1

1. Becoming a priest; as priestly sobriety and purity of life. NWAD PRIESTLY.2

PRIESTRIDDEN, a. [priest and ridden. See Ride.] Managed or governed by priests. NWAD PRIESTRIDDEN.1

PRIEVE, for prove. NWAD PRIEVE.1


1. A pert, conceited, saucy, pragmatical fellow. NWAD PRIG.2

2. A thief. NWAD PRIG.3

PRIG, v.i. To haggle about the price of a commodity. NWAD PRIG.4
PRIG, v.t. To filch or steal. NWAD PRIG.5

PRILL, n. A birt or turbot. NWAD PRILL.1

PRIM, a. Properly, straight; erect; hence, formal; precise; affectedly nice. NWAD PRIM.1

PRIM, v.t. To deck with great nicety; to form with affected preciseness. NWAD PRIM.2

PRIMACY, n. [L. primatus, from primus, first. See Prime.] NWAD PRIMACY.1

1. The chief ecclesiastical station or dignity; the office or dignity of an archbishop. NWAD PRIMACY.2

2. Excellency; supremacy. NWAD PRIMACY.3

PRIMAGE, n. In commerce, a small duty payable to the master and mariners of a ship. NWAD PRIMAGE.1

PRIMAL, a. [See Prime.] First. [Not in use.] NWAD PRIMAL.1

PRIMARILY, adv. [from primary.] In the first place; originally; in the first intention. The word emperor primarily signifies a general or military commander in chief. In diseases, the physician is to attend to the part primarily affected. NWAD PRIMARILY.1

PRIMARINESS, n. The state of being first in time, in act or intention. NWAD PRIMARINESS.1

PRIMARY, a. [L. primarius. See Prime.] NWAD PRIMARY.1

1. First in order of time; original; as the church of Christ in its primary institution. NWAD PRIMARY.2

These I call original or primary qualities of body. NWAD PRIMARY.3

2. First in dignity or importance; chief; principal. Our ancestors considered the education of youth or primary importance. NWAD PRIMARY.4

3. Elemental; intended to teach youth the first rudiments; as primary schools. NWAD PRIMARY.5

4. Radical; original; as the primary sense of a word. NWAD PRIMARY.6

Primary planets, are those which revolve about the sun, in distinction form the secondary planets, which revolve about the primary. NWAD PRIMARY.7

Primary qualities of bodies, are such as are original and inseparable from them. NWAD PRIMARY.8

PRIMATE, n. [Low L. primas. See Prime.] NWAD PRIMATE.1

The chief ecclesiastic in the church; an archbishop. NWAD PRIMATE.2

PRIMATESHIP, n. The office or dignity of an archbishop. NWAD PRIMATESHIP.1

PRIMATIAL, a. Pertaining to a primate. NWAD PRIMATIAL.1

PRIMATICAL, a. Pertaining to a primate. NWAD PRIMATICAL.1