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SELF-EVIDENCE, n. [self and evidence.] Evidence or certainty resulting from a proposition without proof; evidence that ideas offer to the mind upon bare statement. NWAD SELF-EVIDENCE.1

SELF-EVIDENT, a. Evident without proof or reasoning; that produces certainty or clear conviction upon a bare presentation to the mind; as a self-evident propostion or truth. That two and three make five, is self-evident. NWAD SELF-EVIDENT.1

SELF-EVIDENTLY, adv. By means of self-evidence. NWAD SELF-EVIDENTLY.1

SELF-EXALTATION, n. The exaltation of one’s self. NWAD SELF-EXALTATION.1

SELF-EXALTING, a. Exalting one’s self. NWAD SELF-EXALTING.1

SELF-EXAMINATION, n. [self and examination.] An examination or scrutiny into one’s own state, conduct or motives, particularly in regard to religious affections and duties. NWAD SELF-EXAMINATION.1

SELF-EXUSING, a. Excusing one’s self. NWAD SELF-EXUSING.1

SELF-EXISTENCE, n. [self and existence.] Inherent existence; the existence possossed by virtue of a being’s own nature, and independent of any other being or cause; an attribute peculiar to God. NWAD SELF-EXISTENCE.1

SELF-EXISTENT, a. Existing by its own nature or essense, independent of any other cause. God is the only self-existent being. NWAD SELF-EXISTENT.1

SELF-FLATTERING, a. [self and flatter.] Flattering one’s self. NWAD SELF-FLATTERING.1

SELF-FLATTERY, n. Flattery of one’s self. NWAD SELF-FLATTERY.1

SELF-GLORIOUS, a. [self and glorious.] Springing from vain glory or vanity; vain; boastful. NWAD SELF-GLORIOUS.1

SELF-HARMING, a. [self and harm.] Injuring or hurting one’s self or itself. NWAD SELF-HARMING.1

SELF-HEAL, n. [self and heal.] A plant of the genus Sanicula, and another of the genus Prunella. NWAD SELF-HEAL.1

SELF-HEALING, a. Having the power or property of healing itself. The self-healing power of living animals and vegetables is a property as wonderful as it is indicative of divine goodness. NWAD SELF-HEALING.1

SELF-HOMICIDE, n. [self and homicide.] The killing of one’s self. NWAD SELF-HOMICIDE.1

SELF-IDOLIZED, a. Idolized by one’s self. NWAD SELF-IDOLIZED.1

SELF-IMPARTING, a. [self and impart.] Inparting by its own powers and will. NWAD SELF-IMPARTING.1

SELF-IMPOSTURE, n. [self and imposture.] Imposture practiced on one’s self. NWAD SELF-IMPOSTURE.1

SELF-INTEREST, n. [self and interest.] Private interest; the interest or advantage of one’s self. NWAD SELF-INTEREST.1

SELF-INTERESTED, a. Having self-interest; particularly concerned for one’s self. NWAD SELF-INTERESTED.1

SELF-JUSTIFIER, n. One who excuses or justifies himself. NWAD SELF-JUSTIFIER.1

SELF-KINDLED, a. [self and kindle.] Kindled of itself, or without extraneous aid or power. NWAD SELF-KINDLED.1

SELF-KNOWING, a. [self and know.] Knowing of itself, or without communication from another. NWAD SELF-KNOWING.1

SELF-KNOWLEDGE, n. The knowledge of one’s own real character, abilities, worth or demerit. NWAD SELF-KNOWLEDGE.1

SELF-LOVE, n. [self and love.] The love of one’s own person or happiness. NWAD SELF-LOVE.1

Self-love, the spring motion, acts the soul. Pope. NWAD SELF-LOVE.2

SELF-LOVING, a. Loving one’s self. NWAD SELF-LOVING.1

SELF-METAL, n. [self and metal.] The same metal. NWAD SELF-METAL.1

SELF-MOTION, n. [self and motion.] Motion given by inherent powers, without external impulse; spontaneous motion. NWAD SELF-MOTION.1

Matter is not indued with self-motion. Cheyne. NWAD SELF-MOTION.2

SELF-MOVED, a. [self and move.] Moved by inherent power without the aid of extraneous influence. NWAD SELF-MOVED.1

SELF-MOVING, a. Moving or exiting to action by ingerent power, without the impulse of another body or extraneous ingluence. NWAD SELF-MOVING.1

SELF-MURDER, n. [self and murder.] The murder of one’s self; suicide. NWAD SELF-MURDER.1

SELF-NEGLECTING, n. [self and neglect.] A neglecting of one’s self. NWAD SELF-NEGLECTING.1

Self-love is not so great a sin as self-neglecting. Shak. NWAD SELF-NEGLECTING.2

SELF-OPINION, n. [self and opinion.] One’s own opinion. NWAD SELF-OPINION.1

SELF-OPINIONED, a. Valuing one’s own opinion highly. NWAD SELF-OPINIONED.1

SELF-PARTIALITY, n. [self and partiality.] That partiality by which a man overrates his own worth when compared with others. NWAD SELF-PARTIALITY.1

SELF-PLEASING, a. [self and please.] Pleasing one’s self; gratifying one’s own wishes. NWAD SELF-PLEASING.1

SELF-PRAISE, n. [self and praise.] The praise of one’s self; self-applause. NWAD SELF-PRAISE.1

SELF-PREFERENCE, n. [self and preference.] The preference of one’s self to others. NWAD SELF-PREFERENCE.1

SELF-PRESERVATION, n. [self and preservation.] The preservation of one’s self from destruction or injury. NWAD SELF-PRESERVATION.1

SELF-REPELLENCY, n. [self and repellency.] The inherent power of repulsion in a body. NWAD SELF-REPELLENCY.1

SELF-REPELLING, a. [self and repel.] Repelling by its own inherent power. NWAD SELF-REPELLING.1

SELF-REPROVED, a. [self and reprove.] Reproved by consciousness or one’s own sense of guilt. NWAD SELF-REPROVED.1

SELF-REPROVING, a. Reproving by consciouness. NWAD SELF-REPROVING.1

SELF-REPROVING, n. The act of reproving by a conscious sense of guilt. NWAD SELF-REPROVING.2

SELF-RESTRAINED, a. [self an restrain.] Restrained by itself, or by one’s own power or will; not controlled by external force or authority. NWAD SELF-RESTRAINED.1

SELF-RESTRAINING, a. Restraining or controlling itself. NWAD SELF-RESTRAINING.1

SELF-SAME, a. [self and same.] Numerically the same; the very same; identical. NWAD SELF-SAME.1

SELF-SEEKING, a. [self and seek.] Seeking one’s own interest or happiness; selfish. NWAD SELF-SEEKING.1

SELF-SLAUGHTER, n. self-slau’ter. [self and slaughter.] The slaughter of one’s self. NWAD SELF-SLAUGHTER.1

SELF-SUBDUED, a. [self and subdue.] Subdued by one’s own power or means. NWAD SELF-SUBDUED.1

SELF-SUBVERSIVE, a. Overturning or subverting itself. NWAD SELF-SUBVERSIVE.1

SELF-SUFFICIENCY, n. [self and sufficiency.] An overweening opinion of one’s own strength or worth; excessive confidence in one’s own competence or sufficiency. NWAD SELF-SUFFICIENCY.1

SELF-SUFFICIENT, a. Having full confidence in one’s own strength, abilities or endowments; whence, haughty; overbearing. NWAD SELF-SUFFICIENT.1

SELF-TORMENTER, n. One who torments himself. NWAD SELF-TORMENTER.1

SELF-TORMENTING, a. [self and torment.] Tormenting one’s self; as self-tormenting sin. NWAD SELF-TORMENTING.1

SELF-VALUING, a. Esteeming one’s self. NWAD SELF-VALUING.1

SELF-WILL, n. [self and will.] One’s own will; obstinacy. NWAD SELF-WILL.1

SELF-WILLED, a. Governed by one’s own will; not yielding to the will or wishes of others; not accomodating or compliant; obstinate. NWAD SELF-WILLED.1

SELF-WRONG, n. [self and wrong.] Wrong done by a person to himself. NWAD SELF-WRONG.1

SELFISH, a. Regarding one’s own interest chiefly or soley; influenced in actions by a view to private advantage. NWAD SELFISH.1

SELFISHLY, adv. The exclusive of a person to his own interest or happiness; or that supreme self-love or self-preference, which leads a person in his actions to direct his purposes to the advancement of his own interest, power or happiness, without regarding the interest of others. Selfishness, in its worst or unqualified sense, is the ver essence of human depravity, and it stands in direct opposition to benevolence, which is the essence of the divine character. As God is love, so man, in his natural state, is selfishness. NWAD SELFISHLY.1

SELFNESS, n. Self-love; selfishness. [Not in use.] NWAD SELFNESS.1

SELL, for self; and sells for selves. [Scot.] NWAD SELL.1

SELL, n. [L. sella.] A saddle, and a throne. Obs. NWAD SELL.2
SELL, v.t. pret. and pp. sold. NWAD SELL.3

1. To transfer property or the exclusive right of possession to another for an equivalent in money. It is correlative to buy, as one party buys what the other sells. It is distinguished from exchange or barter, in which one commodity is given for another; wheras in selling the consideration is money, or its representative in current notes. To this distinction there may be certain exceptions. “Esau sold his birthright to Jacob for a mess of pottage.” But this is unusual. “Let us sell Joseph to the Ishmaelites- And they sold him for twenty pieces of silver.” Genesis 37:27. NWAD SELL.4

Among the Hebrews, parents had power to sell their children. NWAD SELL.5

2. To betray; to deliver or surrender for money or reward; as, to sell one’s country. NWAD SELL.6

3. To yield or give for a certain consideration. the troops fought like lions, and sold their lives dearly. that is, they yielded their lives, but first destroyed many, which made it a dear purchase for their enemies. NWAD SELL.7

4. In Scripture, to give up to be harassed and made slaves. NWAD SELL.8

He sold them into the hands of their enemies. Judges 2:14. NWAD SELL.9

5. To part with; to renounce or forsake. NWAD SELL.10

Buy the truth and sell it not. Proverbs 23:23. NWAD SELL.11

To sell one’s self to do evil, to give up one’s self to be the slave of sin, and to work wickedness without restraint. NWAD SELL.12


1. To have commerce; to practice selling. NWAD SELL.14

2. To be sold. Corn sells at a good price. NWAD SELL.15

SELLANDER, n. A dry scab in a horses hough or pastern. NWAD SELLANDER.1

SELLER, n. The person that sells; a vender. NWAD SELLER.1


1. Transferring the property of a thing for a price or equivalent in money. NWAD SELLING.2

2. Betraying for money. NWAD SELLING.3

SELVEDGE, n. The edgr of a cloth, where it is closed by complication the threads; a woven border, or border of the close works. NWAD SELVEDGE.1

SELVEDGED, a. Having a selvedge. NWAD SELVEDGED.1

SELVES, plu. of self. NWAD SELVES.1

SEMBLABLE, a. Like; similar; resembles. NWAD SEMBLABLE.1

SEMBLABLY, adv. In like manner. [Not in use.] NWAD SEMBLABLY.1


1. Likeness; resemblance; actual similitude; as the semblance of worth; semblance of virtue. NWAD SEMBLANCE.2

The semblance and initations of shells. Woodward. NWAD SEMBLANCE.3

2. Appearance; show; figure; form. NWAD SEMBLANCE.4

Their semblance kind, and mild their gestures where. Fairfax. NWAD SEMBLANCE.5

SEMBLANT, n. Show; figure; resemblance. [Not in use.] NWAD SEMBLANT.1

SEMBLANT, a. Like; resembling. [Not in use.] NWAD SEMBLANT.2

SEMBLATIVE, a. Resembling; fit; suitable; according to. NWAD SEMBLATIVE.1

And all is semblativea woman’s part. Shak. [Not in use.] NWAD SEMBLATIVE.2

SEMBLE, v.t. To imitate; to represent or make similar. NWAD SEMBLE.1

Where sembling art may carve the fair effect. Shak. [Not in use.] NWAD SEMBLE.2

SEMI, L. semi, In composition, signifies half. NWAD SEMI.1

SEMI-ACIDIFIED, a. or pp. Half acidified. [See Acidified.] NWAD SEMI-ACIDIFIED.1

SEMI-AMPLEXICAUL, a. [L. semi, amplexus, or amplector, to embrace, and caulis, stem.] NWAD SEMI-AMPLEXICAUL.1

In botang, embracing the stem half way, as a stem. NWAD SEMI-AMPLEXICAUL.2

SEMI-ANNUAL, a. [semi and annual.] Half yearly. NWAD SEMI-ANNUAL.1


SEMI-ANNULAR, a. [L. semi and annulus, a ring.] Having the figure of a half circle; that is, half round. NWAD SEMI-ANNULAR.1

SEMI-APERTURE, n. [semi and aperture.] The half of an aperture. NWAD SEMI-APERTURE.1

SEMI-ARIAN, n. [See Arian.] In ecclesiastical history, the Semi-arians were a branch of the Arians, who in appearance condemned the errors of Arius, but acquiesced in some of his principles, disguising them under more moderate terms. they did not acknowledge the Son to be consubstantial with the Father, that is, of the same substance, but admitted him to be of a like substance with the Father, not by nature, but by a peculiar priviledge. NWAD SEMI-ARIAN.1

SEMI-ARIAN, a. Pertaining to semi-arianism. NWAD SEMI-ARIAN.2

SEMI-ARIANISM, n. The doctrines or tenets of the Semi-arians. The semi-arianism of modern times consists in maintaining the Son to have been from all eternity begotten by the will of the father. NWAD SEMI-ARIANISM.1

SEMI-BARBARIAN, a. [semi and barbarian.] Half savage; partially civilized. NWAD SEMI-BARBARIAN.1

SEMIBREVE, [semi and breve; formerly written semibref.] In music, a note of half the duration of time of the breve. It is the measure note by which all others are regulated. It contains the time of two minims, four crotchets, eights quavers, sixteen semiquavers and thirty-two demisemiquavers. NWAD SEMIBREVE.1

SEMI-CASTRATE, v.t. To deprive of one testicle. NWAD SEMI-CASTRATE.1

SEMI-CASTRATION, n. Half castration; deprivation of one testicle. NWAD SEMI-CASTRATION.1

SEMICIRCLE, n. [semi and circle.] NWAD SEMICIRCLE.1

1. The half of a circle; the part of a circle comprehended between its diameter and half of its circumference. NWAD SEMICIRCLE.2

2. Any body in the form of a half circle. NWAD SEMICIRCLE.3

SEMICIRCLED, SEMICIRCULAR, a. Having the form of a half circle. NWAD SEMICIRCLED.1

SEMICOLON, n. [semi and colon.] In grammar, and punctuation, the point [;] the mark of pause to be observed- in reading or speaking, of less duration than the colon, double the duration of the comma, or half the duration of the period. It is used to distinguish the conjunct members of the sentence. NWAD SEMICOLON.1

SEMI-COLUMNAR, a. [semi and columnar.] Like a half column; flat on one side and round on the other; a term of botany, applied to a stem, leaf or petiole. NWAD SEMI-COLUMNAR.1

SEMI-COMPACT, a. [semi and compact.] Half compact; imperfectly indurated. NWAD SEMI-COMPACT.1

SEMI-CRUSTACEOUS, a. [semi and crustaceous.] Half crustaceous. NWAD SEMI-CRUSTACEOUS.1

SEMI-CYLINDRIC, SEMI-CYLINDRICAL, a. [semi and cylindric.] Half cylindrical. NWAD SEMI-CYLINDRIC.1

SEMI-DEISTICAL, a. Half deistical; bordering on deism. NWAD SEMI-DEISTICAL.1

SEMI-DIAMETER, n. [semi and diameter.] Half the diameter; a right line or the length of a right line drawn from the center or sphere to its circumference or periphery; a radius. NWAD SEMI-DIAMETER.1

SEMI-DIAPASON, n. [semi and diapason.] In music, an imperfect octave, or an octave diminished by a lesser semitone. NWAD SEMI-DIAPASON.1

SEMI-DIAPENTE, n. An imperfect fifth; a hemi-diapente. NWAD SEMI-DIAPENTE.1

SEMI-DIAPHANEITY, n. [See Semidiaphanous.] Half or imperfect transparency. [Little used.] [Instead of this, translucency is used.] NWAD SEMI-DIAPHANEITY.1

SEMI-DIAPHANOUS, a. [semi and diaphanous.] Half or imperfecty transparent. [Instead of this, translecent is now used.] NWAD SEMI-DIAPHANOUS.1