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SLED, n. A carriage or vehicle moved on runners, much used in America for conveying heavy weights in winter, as timber, wood, stone and the like. NWAD SLED.1

SLED, v.t. To convey or transport on a sled; as, to sled wood or timber. NWAD SLED.2

SLEDDED, pp. Conveyed on a sled. NWAD SLEDDED.1

SLEDDING, ppr. Conveying on a sled. NWAD SLEDDING.1

SLEDDING, n. The act of transporting on a sled. NWAD SLEDDING.2

2. The means of conveying on sleds; snow sufficient for the running of sleds. Thus we say in America, when there is snow sufficient to run a sled, it is good sledding during the winter. NWAD SLEDDING.3


1. A larger heavy hammer; used chiefly by ironsmiths. NWAD SLEDGE.2

2. In England, a sled; a vehicle moved on runners or on low wheels. In this sense, the word is not used in America; but the same word is used in a somewhat different sense, and written sleigh. NWAD SLEDGE.3

SLEEK, a. [See Like.] NWAD SLEEK.1

1. Smooth; having an even smooth surface; whence, glossy; as sleek hair. So sleek her skin, so faultless was her make. NWAD SLEEK.2

2. Not rough or harsh, Those rugged names to our like mouths grow sleek. NWAD SLEEK.3

SLEEK, n. That which make smooth; varnish. [Little used.] NWAD SLEEK.4

1. To make even and smooth; as, to sleek the hair. NWAD SLEEK.6

2. To render smooth, soft and glossy. Gentle, my lord, sleek o’er your rugged looks. NWAD SLEEK.7

SLEEK, adv. With ease and dexterity; with exactness. [Vulgar.] NWAD SLEEK.8

SLEEKLY, adv. Smoothly; nicely. NWAD SLEEKLY.1

SLEEKNESS, n. Smoothness of surface. NWAD SLEEKNESS.1

SLEEKSTONE, n. A smoothing stone. NWAD SLEEKSTONE.1

SLEEKY, a. Of a sleek or smooth appearance. [Not in use.] NWAD SLEEKY.1

SLEEP, v.i. pret. and pp. slept. NWAD SLEEP.1

1. To take rest by a suspension of the voluntary exercise of the powers of the body and mind. The proper time to sleep in during the darkness of night. NWAD SLEEP.2

2. To rest; to be unemployed; to be inactive or motionless; as, the sword sleeps in its sheath. NWAD SLEEP.3

3. To rest; to lie or be still; not to be noticed or agitated. The question sleeps for the present. NWAD SLEEP.4

4. To live thoughtlessly. We sleep over our happiness. NWAD SLEEP.5

5. To be dead; to rest in the grave for a time. 1 Thessalonians 4:14. NWAD SLEEP.6

6. To be careless, inattentive or unconcerned; not be vigilant. NWAD SLEEP.7

SLEEP, n. That state of an animal in which the voluntary exertion of his mental and corporeal powers is suspended, and he rests unconscious of what passes around him, and not affected by the ordinary impressions of external objects. Sleep is generally attended with a relaxation of the muscles, but the involuntary motions, as respiration and the circulation of the blood, are continued. The mind is often very active in sleep; but its powers not being under the control of reason, its exercises are very irregular. Sleep is the natural rest or repose intended by the Creator to restore the powers of the body and mind, when exhausted or fatigued. NWAD SLEEP.8

SLEEP OF PLANTS, a state of plants at night, when their least droop or are folded. NWAD SLEEP_OF_PLANTS.1


1. A person that sleeps; also, a drone or lazy person. NWAD SLEEPER.2

2. That which lies dormant, as a law not executed. [Not in use.] NWAD SLEEPER.3

3. AN animal that lies dormant in winter, as the bear, the marmot, etc. NWAD SLEEPER.4

4. In building, the oblique rafter that lies in a gutter, NWAD SLEEPER.5

5. In New England, a floor timber. NWAD SLEEPER.6

6. In ship-building, a thick piece of timber placed longitudinally in a ship’s hold, opposite the several scarfs of the timbers, for strengthening the bows and stern-frame, particularly in the Greenland ships; or a piece of long compass-timber fayed and bolted diagonally upon the transoms. NWAD SLEEPER.7

7. In the glass trade, a large iron bar crossing the smaller ones, hindering the passage of coals, but leaving room for the ashes. NWAD SLEEPER.8

8. A platform. NWAD SLEEPER.9

9. A fish. [exocatus.] NWAD SLEEPER.10

SLEEPFUL, a. Strongly inclined to sleep. [Little used.] NWAD SLEEPFUL.1

SLEEPFULNESS, n. Strong inclination to sleep. [Little used.] NWAD SLEEPFULNESS.1


1. Drowsily; with desire to sleep. NWAD SLEEPILY.2

2. Dully; in a lazy manner; heavily Raleigh NWAD SLEEPILY.3

3. Stupidly. NWAD SLEEPILY.4

SLEEPINESS, n. Drowsiness; inclination to sleep. NWAD SLEEPINESS.1

SLEEPING, ppr. Resting; reposing in sleep. NWAD SLEEPING.1

SLEEPING, n. The state of resting in sleep. NWAD SLEEPING.2


1. Having no sleep; without sleep; wakeful. NWAD SLEEPLESS.2

2. Having no rest; perpetually agitated; as Biscay’s sleepless bay. NWAD SLEEPLESS.3

SLEEPLESSNESS, n. Want or destitution of sleep. NWAD SLEEPLESSNESS.1


1. Drowsy; inclined to sleep. NWAD SLEEPY.2

2. Not awake. She wak’d her sleep crew. NWAD SLEEPY.3

3. Tending to induce sleep; soporiferous; somniferous; as a sleepy drink or potion. NWAD SLEEPY.4


1. A fall of hail or snow and rain together, usually in fine particles. NWAD SLEET.2

2. In gunnery, the part of the mortar passing form the chamber to the trunnions for strengthening that part. NWAD SLEET.3

SLEET, v.i. To snow or hail with a mixture of rain. NWAD SLEET.4

SLEETY, a. Bringing sleet. NWAD SLEETY.1


1. The part of a garment that is fitted to cover the arm; as the sleeve of a coat or gown. NWAD SLEEVE.2

2. The raveled sleeve of car, in Shakespeare. [See Sleave.] NWAD SLEEVE.3

To laugh in the sleeve, to laugh privately or unperceived; that is perhaps, originally, by hiding the face under the sleeve or arm. NWAD SLEEVE.4

To hang on the sleeve, to be or make dependent on others. NWAD SLEEVE.5


1. To furnish with sleeves; as a sleeveless coat. NWAD SLEEVE.7

2. Wanting a cover, pretext or palliation; unreasonable; as a sleeveless tale of tran substantiation; a sleeveless errand. [Little used.] NWAD SLEEVE.8

SLEID, v.t. To sley or prepare for use in the weaver’s sley or slaie. NWAD SLEID.1

SLEIGH, n. sla. [probably allied to sleek.] A vehicle moved on runners, and greatly used in America for transporting persons or goods on snow or ice. [This word the English write and pronounce sledge, and apply it to what we calla sled.] NWAD SLEIGH.1


1. An artful trick; sly artifice; a trick or feat so dexterously performed that the manner of performance escapes observation; as sleight of hand. NWAD SLEIGHT.2

2. Dexterous practice; dexterity. NWAD SLEIGHT.3

SLEIGHTFUL, SLEIGHTY, a. Artful; cunningly dexterous. NWAD SLEIGHTFUL.1


1. Thin; small in circumference compared with the length; not thick; as a slender stem or stalk of a plant. NWAD SLENDER.2

2. Small in the waist; not thick or gross. A slender waist is considered as a beauty. NWAD SLENDER.3

3. Not strong; small; slight. Mighty hearts are held in slender chains. NWAD SLENDER.4

4. Weak; feeble; as slender hope; slender probabilities; a slender constitution. NWAD SLENDER.5

5. Small; inconsiderable; as a man of slender parts. NWAD SLENDER.6

6. Small; inadequate; as slender means of support; a slender pittance. NWAD SLENDER.7

7. Not amply supplied. The good Ostorius often deign’d to grace my slender table. NWAD SLENDER.8

8. Spare; abstemious; as a slender diet. NWAD SLENDER.9


1. Without bulk. NWAD SLENDERLY.2

2. Slightly; meanly; as a debt to be slenderly regarded. NWAD SLENDERLY.3

3. Insufficiently; as a table slenderly supplied. NWAD SLENDERLY.4

SLENDERNESS, n. Thinness; smallness of diameter in proportion to the length; as the slenderness of a hair. NWAD SLENDERNESS.1

2. Want of bulk or strength; as the slenderness of a cord or chain. NWAD SLENDERNESS.2

3. Weakness; slightness; as the slenderness of a reason. NWAD SLENDERNESS.3

4. Weakness; feebleness; as the slenderness of a constitution. NWAD SLENDERNESS.4

5. Want of plenty; as the slenderness of supply. NWAD SLENDERNESS.5

6. Spareness; as slenderness of diet. NWAD SLENDERNESS.6

SLENT, v.i. To make an oblique remark. [Not used. See Slant.] NWAD SLENT.1

SLEPT, pret. and pp. of sleep. NWAD SLEPT.1

SLEW, pret. of slay. NWAD SLEW.1

SLEY, n. A weaver’s reed. [See Sleave and Sleid.] NWAD SLEY.1

SLEY, v.t. To separate; to part threads and arrange them in a reed; as weavers. NWAD SLEY.2


1. To cut into thin pieces, or to cut off a thin broad piece. NWAD SLICE.2

2. To cut into parts. NWAD SLICE.3

3. To cut; to divide. NWAD SLICE.4

SLICE, n. A thin broad piece cut off; as a slice of bacon; a slice of cheese; a slice of bread. NWAD SLICE.5

2. A broad piece’ as a slice of plaster. NWAD SLICE.6

3. A peel; a spatula; an instrument consisting of a broad plate with a handle, used by apothecaries for spreading plaster, etc. NWAD SLICE.7

4. In ship-building, a tapering piece of plank to be driven between the timbers before planking. NWAD SLICE.8

SLICED, pp. Cut into broad thin pieces. NWAD SLICED.1

SLICH, n. The ore of a metal when pounded and prepared for working. NWAD SLICH.1

SLICING, ppr. Cutting into broad thin pieces. NWAD SLICING.1

SLICK, the popular pronunciation of sleek, and so written by some authors. NWAD SLICK.1

SLICKENSIDES, n. A name which workmen give to a variety of galena in Derbyshire. NWAD SLICKENSIDES.1

SLID, pret. of slide. NWAD SLID.1

SLID, SLIDDER, pp. of slide. NWAD SLID.2

SLIDDER, v.i. [See Slide.] To slide with interruption. [Not in use.] NWAD SLIDDER.1

SLIDDER, SLIDDERLY, a. [See Slide.] Slippery. [Not in use.] NWAD SLIDDER.2

SLIDE, v.i. pret. slid; pp. slid, slidden. NWAD SLIDE.1

1. To move along the surface of any body by slipping, or without bounding or rolling; to slip; to glide; as, a sled slides on snow and ice; a snow-slip slides down the mountain’s side. NWAD SLIDE.2

2. To move along the surface without stepping; as, a man slides on ice. NWAD SLIDE.3

3. To pass inadvertently. Make a door and a bar for thy mouth; beware thou slide not by it. NWAD SLIDE.4

4. To pass smoothly along without jerks or agitation; as, a ship or boat slides through the water. NWAD SLIDE.5

5. To pass in silent unobserved progression. Ages shall slide away without perceiving. NWAD SLIDE.6

6. To pass silently and gradually from one state to another; as, to slide insensibly into vicious practices, or into the customs of others. NWAD SLIDE.7

7. To pass without difficulty or obstruction. Parts answ’ring parts shall slide into a whole. NWAD SLIDE.8

8. To practice sliding or moving on ice. They bathe in summer and in winter slide. NWAD SLIDE.9

9. To slip; to fall. NWAD SLIDE.10

10. To pass with an easy, smooth, uninterrupted course or flow. NWAD SLIDE.11


1. To slip; to pass or put in imperceptibly; as, to slide in a word to vary the sense of a question. NWAD SLIDE.13

2. To thrust along; or to thrust by slipping; as, to slide along a piece of timber. NWAD SLIDE.14


1. A smooth and easy passage; also, a slider. NWAD SLIDE.16

2. Flow; even course. NWAD SLIDE.17


1. One that slides. NWAD SLIDER.2

2. The part of an instrument or machine that slides. NWAD SLIDER.3

SLIDING, ppr. Moving along the surface by slipping; gliding; passing smoothly, easily or imperceptibly. NWAD SLIDING.1

SLIDING, n. Lapse; falling; used in backsliding. NWAD SLIDING.2

SLIDING-RULE, n. A mathematical instrument used to determine measure or quantity without compasses, by sliding the parts one by another. NWAD SLIDING-RULE.1

SLIGHT, a. [It seems that slight belongs to the family of sleek, smooth.] NWAD SLIGHT.1

1. Weak; inconsiderable; not forcible; as a slight impulse; a slight effort. NWAD SLIGHT.2

2. Not deep; as a slight impression. NWAD SLIGHT.3

3. Not violent; as a slight disease, illness or indisposition. NWAD SLIGHT.4

4. Trifling; of no great importance. Slight is the subject, but not so the praise. NWAD SLIGHT.5

5. Not strong; not cogent. Some firmly embrace doctrines upon slight grounds. NWAD SLIGHT.6

6. Negligent; not vehement; not done with effort. The shaking of the head is a gesture of slight refusal. NWAD SLIGHT.7

7. Not firm or strong; thin; of loose texture; as slight silk. NWAD SLIGHT.8

8. Foolish; silly; weak in intellect. NWAD SLIGHT.9


1. Neglect; disregard; a moderate degree of contempt manifested negatively by neglect. It expresses less than contempt, disdain and scorn. NWAD SLIGHT.11

2. Artifice; dexterity. [See Sleight.] NWAD SLIGHT.12


1. To neglect; to disregard from the consideration that a thing is of little value and unworthy of notice; as, to slight the divine commands, or the offers of mercy. NWAD SLIGHT.14

2. To overthrow; to demolish. [Not used.] “The rogues slighted me into the river,” in Shakespeare, is not used. NWAD SLIGHT.15

To slight over, to run over in haste; to perform superficially; to treat carelessly; as, to slight over a theme. NWAD SLIGHT.16


SLIGHTEN, v.t. To slight or disregard. [Not in use.] NWAD SLIGHTEN.1

SLIGHTER, n. One who neglects. NWAD SLIGHTER.1

SLIGHTING, ppr. Neglecting; disregarding. NWAD SLIGHTING.1

SLIGHTINGLY, adv. With neglect; without respect. NWAD SLIGHTINGLY.1


1. Weakly; superficially; with inconsiderable force or effect; in a small degree; as a man slightly wounded; an audience slightly affected with preaching. NWAD SLIGHTLY.2

2. Negligently; without regard; with moderate contempt. NWAD SLIGHTLY.3


1. Weakness; want of force or strength; superficialness; as the slightness of a wound or an impression. NWAD SLIGHTNESS.2

2. Negligence; want of attention; want of vehemence. How does it reproach the slightness of out sleepy heartless addresses! NWAD SLIGHTNESS.3


1. Superficial; slight. NWAD SLIGHTY.2

2. Trifling; inconsiderable. NWAD SLIGHTY.3

SLILY, adv. [from sly.] With artful or dexterous secrecy. Satan slily robs us of our grand treasure. NWAD SLILY.1

SLIM, a. [Ice.] NWAD SLIM.1

1. Slender; of small diameter or thickness in proportion to the highth; as a slim person; a slim tree. NWAD SLIM.2

2. Weak; slight; unsubstantial. NWAD SLIM.3

3. Worthless. NWAD SLIM.4

SLIME, n. [L. limus.] Soft moist earth having an adhesive quality; viscous mud. The had brick for stone, and slime had they for mortar. Genesis 11:3. NWAD SLIME.1

SLIME-PIT, n. A pit of slime or adhesive mire. NWAD SLIME-PIT.1

SLIMINESS, n. The quality of slime; consisting of slime. NWAD SLIMINESS.1


1. Abounding with slime; consisting of slime. NWAD SLIMY.2

2. Overspread with slime; as a slimy eel. NWAD SLIMY.3

3. Viscous; glutinous; as a slimy soil. NWAD SLIMY.4

SLINESS, n. [from sly.] Dexterous artifice to conceal any thing; artful secrecy. NWAD SLINESS.1


1. An instrument for throwing stones, consisting of a strap and two strings; the stone being lodged in the strap, is thrown by losing one of the strings With a sling and a stone David killed Goliath. NWAD SLING.2

2. A throw; a stroke. NWAD SLING.3

3. A kind of hanging bandage put round the neck, in which a wounded limb is sustained. NWAD SLING.4

4. A rope by which a cask or bale is suspended and swung in or out of a ship NWAD SLING.5

5. A drink composed of equal parts of rum or spirit and water sweetened. NWAD SLING.6

SLING, v.t. pret. and pp. slung. [The primary sense seems to be to swing.] NWAD SLING.7

1. To throw with a sling. NWAD SLING.8

2. To throw; to hurl. NWAD SLING.9

3. To hang so as to swing; as, to sling a pack. NWAD SLING.10

4. To move or swing by a rope which suspends the thing. NWAD SLING.11

SLINGER, n. One who slings or uses the sling. NWAD SLINGER.1

SLINGING, ppr. Throwing with a sling; hanging so as to swing; moving by a sling. NWAD SLINGING.1

SLINK, v.i. pret. and pp. slunk. NWAD SLINK.1

1. To sneak; to creep away meanly; to steal away. He would pinch the children in the dark, and then slink into a corner. NWAD SLINK.2

2. To miscarry, as a beast. NWAD SLINK.3

SLINK, v.t. To cast prematurely; to miscarry of; as the female of a beast. NWAD SLINK.4
SLINK, n. Produced prematurely, as the young of a beast. NWAD SLINK.5

SLIP, v.i. [L. labor, to slide.] NWAD SLIP.1

1. To slide; to glide; to move along the surface of a thing without bounding, rolling or stepping. NWAD SLIP.2

2. To slide; not to tread firmly. Walk carefully, lest your foot should slip. NWAD SLIP.3

3. TO move or fly out of place; usually without; as, a bone may slip out of its place. NWAD SLIP.4

4. To sneak; to slink; to depart or withdraw secretly; with away. Thus one tradesman slips away to give his partner fairer play. NWAD SLIP.5

5. To err; to fall into error or fault. One slippeth in his speech, but not from his heart. NWAD SLIP.6

6. To glide; to pass unexpectedly or imperceptibly. And thrice the flitting shadow slipp’d away. NWAD SLIP.7

7. To enter by oversight. An error may slip into a copy, notwithstanding all possible car. NWAD SLIP.8

8. To escape insensibly; to be lost. Use the most proper methods to retain the ideas you have acquired, for the mind is ready to let many of them slip. NWAD SLIP.9


1. To convey secretly. He tried to slip a powder into her drink. NWAD SLIP.11

2. To omit; to lose by negligence. Let us not slip the occasion. And slip no advantage that may secure you. NWAD SLIP.12

3. To part twigs from the branches or stem of a tree. The branches also may be slipped and planted. NWAD SLIP.13

4. To escape from; to leave slily. Lucentio slipp’d me like his greyhound. From is here understood. NWAD SLIP.14

5. To let loose; as, to slip the hounds. NWAD SLIP.15

6. To throw off; to disengage one’s self from; as, a horse slip his bridle. NWAD SLIP.16

7. To pass over or omit negligently; as, to slip over that main points of a subject. NWAD SLIP.17

8. To tear off; as, to slip off a twig. NWAD SLIP.18

9. To suffer abortion; to miscarry; as a beast. NWAD SLIP.19

To slip a cable, to veer out and let go the end. NWAD SLIP.20

To slip on, to put on in haste or loosely; as to slip on a gown or coat. NWAD SLIP.21


1. A sliding; act of slipping. NWAD SLIP.23

2. An unintentional error or fault. NWAD SLIP.24

3. A twig separated from the main stock; as the slip of a vine. NWAD SLIP.25

4. A leash or string by which a dog is held; so called from its being so made as to slip or become loose by relaxation of the hand. NWAD SLIP.26

5. An escape; a secret or unexpected desertion. NWAD SLIP.27

6. A long narrow piece; as a slip of paper. NWAD SLIP.28

7. A counterfeit piece of money, being brass covered with silver. [Not in use.] NWAD SLIP.29

8. Matter found in troughs of grindstones after the grinding of edge-tools. NWAD SLIP.30

9. A particular quantity of yarn. NWAD SLIP.31

10. An opening between wharves or in a dock. NWAD SLIP.32

11. A place having a gradual descent on the bank of a river or harbor, convenient for ship-building. NWAD SLIP.33

12. A long seat or narrow pew in churches. NWAD SLIP.34

SLIP-BOARD, n. A board sliding in grooves. NWAD SLIP-BOARD.1

SLIP-KNOT, n. A bow-knot; a knot which will not beat a strain, or which os easily untied. NWAD SLIP-KNOT.1


1. A kind of shoe consisting of a sole and vamp without quarters, which may be slipped on with ease and worn in undress; a slip-shoe. NWAD SLIPPER.2

2. A kind of apron for children, to be slipped over their other clothes to keep them clean. NWAD SLIPPER.3

3. A plant. [L. crepis.] NWAD SLIPPER.4

4. A kind of iron slide or lock for the use of a heavy wagon. NWAD SLIPPER.5

SLIPPER, a. Slippery [Not in use.] NWAD SLIPPER.6

SLIPPERED, a. Wearing slippers. NWAD SLIPPERED.1

SLIPPERILY, adv. [from slippery.] In a slippery manner. NWAD SLIPPERILY.1


1. The state or quality of being slippery; lubricity; smoothness; glibness; as the slipperiness of ice or snow; the slipperiness of the tongue. NWAD SLIPPERINESS.2

2. Uncertainty; want of firm footing. NWAD SLIPPERINESS.3

3. Lubricity of character. NWAD SLIPPERINESS.4


1. Smooth; glib; having the quality opposite to adhesiveness; as, oily substances render things slippery. NWAD SLIPPERY.2

2. Not affording firm footing or confidence; as a slippery promise. The slipp’ry tops of human state. NWAD SLIPPERY.3

3. Not easily held; liable or apt to slip away. The slipp’ry god will try to loose his hold. NWAD SLIPPERY.4

4. Not standing firm, as slippery standers. NWAD SLIPPERY.5

5. Unstable; changeable; mutable; uncertain; as the slippery state of kings. NWAD SLIPPERY.6

6. Not certain in its effect; as a slippery trick. NWAD SLIPPERY.7

7. Lubrious; wanton; unchaste. NWAD SLIPPERY.8

SLIPPY, a. Slippery. [Not in use.] NWAD SLIPPY.1

SLIPSHOD, a. [slip and shod.] Wearing shoes like slippers, without pulling up the quarters. NWAD SLIPSHOD.1

SLIPSTRING, n. [slip and string.] One that has shaken off restraint; a prodigal; called also slopthrift, but I believe seldom or never used. NWAD SLIPSTRING.1

SLIT, v.t. pret. slit; pp. slot or slitted. NWAD SLIT.1

1. To cut lengthwise; to cut into long pieces or strips; as, to slit iron bard into nail rods. NWAD SLIT.2

2. To cut or make a long fissure; as, to slit the ear or tongue, or the nose. NWAD SLIT.3

3. To cut in general. NWAD SLIT.4

4. To rend; to split. NWAD SLIT.5


1. A long cut; or a narrow opening; as a slit in the ear. NWAD SLIT.7

2. A cleft or crack in the breast of cattle. NWAD SLIT.8

SLITTER, n. One that slits. NWAD SLITTER.1

SLITTING, ppr. Cutting lengthwise. NWAD SLITTING.1

SLITTING-MILL, n. A mill where iron bars are slit into nail rods etc. NWAD SLITTING-MILL.1

SLIVE, v.i. To sneak. NWAD SLIVE.1

SLIVER, v.t. To cut or divide into long thin pieces, or into very small pieces; to cut or rend lengthwise; as, to sliver wood. NWAD SLIVER.1

SLIVER, n. A long piece cut or rent off, or a piece cut or rent lengthwise. In Scotland, it is said to signify a slice; as a sliver of beef. NWAD SLIVER.2

SLOAT, n. [from the root of L. claudo.] A narrow piece of timber which holds together larger pieces; as the sloats of a cart. [In New England, this is called a slat, as the slats of a chair, cart, etc.] NWAD SLOAT.1

SLOBBER, and its derivatives, are a different orthography of slabber, the original pronunciation of which was probably slobber. [See Slabber and Slaver.] NWAD SLOBBER.1

SLOCK, to quench, is a different orthography of slake, but not used. NWAD SLOCK.1

SLOE, n. A small wild plum, the fruit of the black thorn. [Prunus spinosa.] NWAD SLOE.1

SLOOM, n. Slumber. [Not used.] NWAD SLOOM.1

SLOOMY, a. Sluggish; slow. [Not used.] NWAD SLOOMY.1

SLOOP, n. A vessel with one mast, the main-sail of which is attached to a gaff above, to a boom below, and to the mast on its foremost edge. It differs from a cutter by having a fixed steeving bowsprit, and a jib-stay. Sloops are of various sizes, from the size of a boat to that of more than 100 tons burthen. NWAD SLOOP.1

Sloop of war, a vessel of war rigged either as a ship, brig, or schooner, and usually carrying from 10 to 18 guns. NWAD SLOOP.2

SLOP, v.t. [probably allied to lap.] To drink greedily and grossly. [Little used.] NWAD SLOP.1

SLOP, n. [probably allied to slabber.] NWAD SLOP.2

1. Water carelessly thrown about on a table or floor; a puddle; a soiled spot. NWAD SLOP.3

2. Mean liquor; mean liquid food. NWAD SLOP.4

SLOP, n. Trowsers; a loose lower garment; drawers; hence, ready made clothes. NWAD SLOP.5

SLOPSELLER, n. A shop where ready made clothes are sold. NWAD SLOPSELLER.1

SLOPE, a. [This word contains the elements of L. labor, lapsus, and Eng. slip; also of L. levo. Eng. lift. I know not whether it originally signified ascending or descending, probably the latter.] Inclined or inclining form a horizontal direction; forming an angle with the plane of the horizon; as slope hills. [Little used.] NWAD SLOPE.1


1. An oblique direction; a line or direction inclining from a horizontal line; properly, a direction downwards. NWAD SLOPE.3

2. An oblique direction in general; a direction forming an angle with a perpendicular or other right line. NWAD SLOPE.4

3. A declivity; any ground whose surface forms an angle with the plane of the horizon; also, an acclivity, as every declivity must be also an acclivity. NWAD SLOPE.5

SLOPE, v.t. To form with a slope; to form to declivity or obliquity; to direct obliquely; to incline; as, to slope the ground in a garde; to slope a piece of cloth in cutting a garment. NWAD SLOPE.6
SLOPE, v.i. To take an oblique direction; to be declivous or inclined. NWAD SLOPE.7

SLOPENESS, n. Declivity; obliquity. [Not much used.] NWAD SLOPENESS.1



1. Taking an inclined direction. NWAD SLOPING.2

2. a. Oblique; declivous; inclining or inclined from a horizontal of other right line. NWAD SLOPING.3

SLOPINGLY, adv. Obliquely; with a slope. NWAD SLOPINGLY.1

SLOPPINESS, n. [from sloppy.] Wetness of the earth; muddiness. NWAD SLOPPINESS.1

SLOPPY, a. Wet, as the ground; muddy; plashy. NWAD SLOPPY.1

SLOT, v.t. To shut with violence; to slam, that is to drive. [Not in use.] NWAD SLOT.1

SLOT, n. A broad flat wooden bar. NWAD SLOT.2
SLOT, n. The track of a deer. NWAD SLOT.3


1. Slowness; tardiness I abhor this dilatory sloth and tricks of Rome. NWAD SLOTH.2

2. Disinclination to action or labor; sluggishness; laziness; idleness. They change their course to pleasure, ease and sloth. Sloth, like rust, consumes faster than labor wears. NWAD SLOTH.3

3. An animal, so called from the remarkable slowness of his motions. There are two species of this animal; the ai or three toed sloth, and the unau or two toed sloth; both found in South America. It is said that its greatest speed seldom exceeds three yard an hour. it feeds on vegetables and ruminates. NWAD SLOTH.4

SLOTH, v.i. To be idle. [Not in use.] NWAD SLOTH.5