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SNEAKINGNESS, n. Meanness; niggardliness. NWAD SNEAKINGNESS.1

SNEAKUP, n. A sneaking, cowardly, insidious fellow. [Not used.] NWAD SNEAKUP.1


1. To check; to reprove abruptly; to reprimand. NWAD SNEAP.2

2. To nip. NWAD SNEAP.3

SNEB, v.t. To check; to reprimand. [The same as sneap.] NWAD SNEB.1

SNEEK, n. The latch of a door. [Not in use.] NWAD SNEEK.1

SNEED, SNEAD, n. A snath. [See Snath.] NWAD SNEED.1

SNEER, v.i. [from the root of L. naris, nose; to turn up the nose.] NWAD SNEER.1

1. To show contempt by turning up the nose, or by a particular cast or countenance; “naso suspendere adunco.” NWAD SNEER.2

2. To insinuate contempt by covert expression. I could be content to be a little sneered at. NWAD SNEER.3

3. To utter with grimace. NWAD SNEER.4

4. To show mirth awkwardly. NWAD SNEER.5


1. A look of contempt, or a turning up of the nose to manifest contempt; a look of disdain, derision or ridicule. NWAD SNEER.7

2. An expression of ludicrous scorn. NWAD SNEER.8

SNEERER, n. One that sneers. NWAD SNEERER.1

SNEERFUL, a. Given to sneering. [Not in use.] NWAD SNEERFUL.1

SNEERING, ppr. Manifesting contempt or scorn by turning up the nose, or by some grimace or significant look. NWAD SNEERING.1

SNEERINGLY, adv. With a look of contempt or scorn. NWAD SNEERINGLY.1


To emit air through the nose audibly and violently, by a kind of involuntary convulsive force, occasioned by irriatation of the inner membrance of the nose. Thus snuff or any thing that tickles the nose, makes one sneeze. NWAD SNEEZE.2

SNEEZE, n. A sudden and violent ejection of air through the nose with an audible sound. NWAD SNEEZE.3

SNEEZE-WORT, n. A plant, a species of Achillea, and another of Xeranthemum. NWAD SNEEZE-WORT.1

SNEEZING, ppr. Emitting air from the nose audibly. NWAD SNEEZING.1

SNEEZING, n. The act of ejecting air violently and audibly through the nose; sternutation. NWAD SNEEZING.2

SNELL, a. Active; brisk; nimble. [Not in use.] NWAD SNELL.1

SNET, n. The fat of a dear. [Local among sportsmen.] NWAD SNET.1

SNEW, old pret. of snow. NWAD SNEW.1

SNIB, to nip or reprimand, is only a different spelling of sneb, sneap. NWAD SNIB.1

SNICK, n. A small cut or mark; a latch. [Not in use.] Snick and snee, a combat with knives. [Not in use.] NWAD SNICK.1

[Snee is a Dutch contraction of snyden, to cut.] NWAD SNICK.2

SNICKER, SNIGGER, v.i. [This can have no connection with sneer. the elements and the sense are different.] To laugh slily; or to laugh in one’s sleeve. [It is a word in common use in New WNgland, not easily defined. It signifies to laugh with small audible catches of voice, as when persons attempt to suppress loud laughter.] NWAD SNICKER.1

SNIFF, v.i. To draw air audibly up the nose. [See Snuff.] NWAD SNIFF.1

SNIFF, v.t. To draw in with the breath. [Not in use.] NWAD SNIFF.2
SNIFF, n. Perception by the nose. [Not in use.] NWAD SNIFF.3

SNIFT, v.i. To snort. [Not in use.] NWAD SNIFT.1

SNIG, n. [See Snake.] A kind of eel. NWAD SNIG.1

SNIGGLE, v.i. [supra.] To fish for eels, by thrusting the bait into their holes. NWAD SNIGGLE.1

SNIGGLE, v.t. To snare; to catch. NWAD SNIGGLE.2

SNIP, v.t. To clip; to cut off the nip or neb, or to cut off at once with shears or scissors. NWAD SNIP.1


1. A clip; a single cut with shears or scissors. NWAD SNIP.3

2. A small shred. NWAD SNIP.4

3. Share; a snack. [A low word.] NWAD SNIP.5


1. A bird tha frequents the banks of rivers and the borders of fens, distinguished by the length of its bill; the scolopax gallinago. NWAD SNIPE.2

2. A fool; a blockhead. NWAD SNIPE.3

SNIPPER, n. One that snips or clips. NWAD SNIPPER.1

SNIPPET, n. A small part or share. [Not in use.] NWAD SNIPPET.1

SNIPSNAP, a cant word, formed by repeating snap, and signifying a tart dialogue with quick replies. NWAD SNIPSNAP.1

SNITE, n. A snipe. [Not in use.] NWAD SNITE.1

SNITE, v.t. To blow the nose. [Not in use.] In Scotland, snite the candle, snuff it. NWAD SNITE.2

SNIVEL, n. sniv’l. Snot; mucus running from the nose. NWAD SNIVEL.1


1. To run at the nose. NWAD SNIVEL.3

2. To cry as children, with snuffing or sniveling. NWAD SNIVEL.4


1. One that cries with sniveling. NWAD SNIVELER.2

2. One that weeps for slight causes, or manifests weakness by weeping. NWAD SNIVELER.3

SNIVELY, a. Running at the nose; pitiful; whining. NWAD SNIVELY.1

SNOD, n. A fillet. [Not in use.] NWAD SNOD.1

SNOOK, v.i. To lurk; to lie in ambush. [Not in use.] NWAD SNOOK.1

SNORE, v.i. [from the root of L. naris, the nose or nostrils.] To breathe with a rough hoarse noise in sleep. NWAD SNORE.1

SNORE, n. A breathing with a harse noise in sleep. NWAD SNORE.2

SNORER, n. One that snores. NWAD SNORER.1

SNORING, ppr. Respiring with a harsh noise. NWAD SNORING.1


1. To force the air with violence through the nose, so as to make a noise, as high spirited horses in prancing and play. NWAD SNORT.2

2. To snore. [Not common.] NWAD SNORT.3

SNORT, v.t. To turn up in anger, scorn or derision, as the nose. [Unusual.] NWAD SNORT.4

SNORTER, n. One that snorts; a snorer. NWAD SNORTER.1

SNORTING, ppr. Forcing the air violently through the nose. NWAD SNORTING.1

SNORTING, n. The act of forcing the air through the nose with violence and noise. Jeremiah 8:16. NWAD SNORTING.2

SNOT, n. Mucus discharged from the nose. NWAD SNOT.1

SNOT, v.t. To blow the nose. NWAD SNOT.2

SNOTTER, v.i. To snivel; to sob. NWAD SNOTTER.1


1. Foul with snot. NWAD SNOTTY.2

2. Mean; dirty. NWAD SNOTTY.3


1. The long projecting nose of a beast, as that of swine. NWAD SNOUT.2

2. The nose of a man; in contempt. NWAD SNOUT.3

3. The nozzle or end of a hollow pipe. NWAD SNOUT.4

SNOUT, v.t. To furnish with a nozzle or point. NWAD SNOUT.5

SNOUTED, a. Having a snout. NWAD SNOUTED.1

SNOUTY, a. Resembling a beast’s snout. NWAD SNOUTY.1

SNOW, n. [L. nix, nivis; The Latin nivis, is contracted from nigis, like Eng. bow.] NWAD SNOW.1

1. Frozen vapor; watery particles congealed into white crystals in the air, and falling to the earth. When there is no wind, these crystals fall in flakes or unbroken collections, sometimes extremely beautiful. NWAD SNOW.2

2. A vessel equipped with two masts, resembling the main and fore-masts of a ship, and a third small mast just abaft the mainmast, carrying a try-sail. NWAD SNOW.3

SNOW, v.i. To fall in snow; as, it snows; it snowed yesterday. NWAD SNOW.4
SNOW, v.t. To scatter like snow. NWAD SNOW.5

SNOWBALL, n. [snow and ball.] A round mass of snow, pressed or rolled together. NWAD SNOWBALL.1

SNOWBALL TREE, n. A flowering shrub of the genus Virburnum; gelder rose. NWAD SNOWBALL_TREE.1

SNOW-BIRD, n. A small bird whcih appears in the time of snow, of the genus Emberiza; called also snow-bunting. In the U. States, the snow-bird is the Fringilla nivalis. NWAD SNOW-BIRD.1

SNOWBROTH, n. [snow and broth.] Snow and water mixed; very cold liquor. NWAD SNOWBROTH.1

SNOW-CROWNED, a. [snow and crown.] Crowned or having the top covered with snow. NWAD SNOW-CROWNED.1

SNOWDEEP, n. [snow and deep.] A plant. NWAD SNOWDEEP.1

SNOW-DRIFT, n. [snow and drift.] A bank of snow driven together by the wind. NWAD SNOW-DRIFT.1

SNOW-DROP, n. [snow and drop.] A plant bearing a white flower, cultivated in gardens for its beauty; the Galanthus nivalis. NWAD SNOW-DROP.1

SNOWLESS, a. Destitute of snow. NWAD SNOWLESS.1

SNOWLIKE, a. Resembling snow. NWAD SNOWLIKE.1

SNOW-SHOE, n. [snow and shoe.] A shoe or racket worn by men traveling on snow, to prevent their feet from sinking into the snow. NWAD SNOW-SHOE.1

SNOW-SLIP, n. [snow and slip.] A large mass of snow which slips down the side of a mountain, and sometimes buries houses. NWAD SNOW-SLIP.1

SNOW-WHITE, a. [snow and white.] White as snow; very white. NWAD SNOW-WHITE.1


1. White like snow. NWAD SNOWY.2

2. Abounding with snow; covered with snow. The snowy top of cold Olympus. NWAD SNOWY.3

3. White; pure; unblemished. NWAD SNOWY.4

SNUB, n. A knot or protuberance in wood; a snag. [Not in use.] NWAD SNUB.1

SNUB, v.t. [supra.] NWAD SNUB.2

1. To nip; to clip or break off the end. Hence, NWAD SNUB.3

2. To check; to reprimand; to check, stop or rebuke with a tart sarcastic reply or remark. [This is the same word radically as sneap, sneb, and is the word chiefly used.] NWAD SNUB.4

SNUB-NOSE, n. A short or flat nose. NWAD SNUB-NOSE.1

SNUB-NOSED, a. Having a short flat nose. NWAD SNUB-NOSED.1

SNUDGE, v.i. [See Snug.] To lie close; to snug. [Not in use.] NWAD SNUDGE.1

SNUDGE, n. A miser, or a sneaking fellow. [Not in use.] NWAD SNUDGE.2

SNUFF, n. [allied to snub, neb, nib.] NWAD SNUFF.1

1. The burning part of a candle wick, or that which has been charred by the flame, whether burning or not. NWAD SNUFF.2

2. A candle almost burnt out. NWAD SNUFF.3

3. Pulverized tobacco, taken or prepared to be taken into the nose. NWAD SNUFF.4

4. Resentment; huff, expressed by a snuffing of the nose. NWAD SNUFF.5


1. To draw in with the breath; to inhale; as, to snuff the wind. NWAD SNUFF.7

2. To scent; to smell; to perceive by the nose. NWAD SNUFF.8

3. To crop the snuff, as of a candle; to take off the end of the snuff. NWAD SNUFF.9


1. To snort; to inhale air with violence or with noise; as dogs and horses. NWAD SNUFF.11

2. To turn up the nose and inhale air in contempt. Malachi 1:13. NWAD SNUFF.12

3. To take offense. NWAD SNUFF.13

SNUFFBOX, n. A box for carrying snuff about the person. NWAD SNUFFBOX.1

SNUFFER, n. One that snuffs. NWAD SNUFFER.1

SNUFFERS, n. plu. An instrument for cropping the snuff of a candle. NWAD SNUFFERS.1

SNUFFLE, v.i. To speak through the nose; to breathe hard through the nose, or through the nose when obstructed. Some senseless Phillis, in a broken not, SnuffLing at nose. NWAD SNUFFLE.1

SNUFFLER, n. One that snuffles or speaks through the nose when obstructed. NWAD SNUFFLER.1

SNUFFLES, n. Obstruction of the nose by mucus. NWAD SNUFFLES.1

SNUFFLING, n. A speaking through the nose. NWAD SNUFFLING.1

SNUFFTAKING, n. One that takes snuff, or inhales in into the nose. NWAD SNUFFTAKING.1

SNUFFY, a. Soiled with snuff. NWAD SNUFFY.1

SNUG, v.i. [See Snake.] To lie close; as, a child snugs to its mother or nurse. NWAD SNUG.1


1. Lying close; closely pressed; as, an infant lies snug. NWAD SNUG.3

2. Close; concealed; not exposed to notice. At Will’s lie snug and hear what critics say. NWAD SNUG.4

3. Being in good order; all convenient; neat; as a snug little farm. NWAD SNUG.5

4. Close; neat; convenient; as a snug house. NWAD SNUG.6

5. Slily or insidiously close. When you lay snug, to snap young Damon’s goat. NWAD SNUG.7

SNUGGLE, v.i. [from snug.] To move one way and the other to get a close place; to lie close for convenience or warmth. NWAD SNUGGLE.1

SNUGLY, adv. Closely; safely. NWAD SNUGLY.1

SNUGNESS, n. Closeness; the state of being neat or convenient. NWAD SNUGNESS.1

SO, adv. [L. sic, contracted. It is from some root signifying to set, to still, and this sense is retained in the use of the word by milkmaids, who say to cows, so, so, that is, stand still, remain as you are; and in this use, the word may be the original verb.] NWAD SO.1

1. In like manner, answering to as, and noting comparison or resemblance; as with the people, so with the priest. NWAD SO.2

2. In such a degree; to that degree. Why is his chariot so long in coming? Judges 5:28. NWAD SO.3

3. In such a manner; sometimes repeated, so and so; as certain colors, mingled so and so. NWAD SO.4

4. It is followed by as. There is something equivalent in France and Scotland; so as it is a hard calumny upon our soil to affirm that so excellent a fruit will not grow here. But in like phrases, we now use that; “so that it is a hard calumny;” and this may be considered as the extablished usage. NWAD SO.5

5. In the smae manner. Use your tutor with great respect, and cause all your family to do so too. NWAD SO.6

6. Thus; in this manner; as New York so called from the duke of York. I know not why it is, but so it is. It concerns every man, with the greatest seriousness, to inquire whether theese thing are so or not. NWAD SO.7

7. Therefore; thus; for this reason; in consequence of this or that. It leaves instruction, and so instructors, to the sobriety fo the settled articles of the church. God makes him in own image an intelectual creature, and so capable of dominion. This statute made the clipping of coin hign treason, which it was not at common law; so that this was an enlarging staute. NWAD SO.8

8. On these terms, noting a conditional petition. Here then exchange we mutually forgiveness; SO may the guilt of all my broken vows, my perjuries to thee be all forgotten. So here might be expressed by thus, that is, in this manner, by this mutual forgiveness. NWAD SO.9

9. Provided that; on condition that, [L. modo.] So the doctrine by but wholesome and edifying though there should be a want of exactness in the manner of speaking and resoning, it may be overlooked. I care not who furnishes the means, so they are furnished. NWAD SO.10

10. In like manner, noting the concession of one proposition of fact and the assumption of another; answering to as. As a war should be undertaken upon a just motive, so a prince ought to consider the condition he is in when he enters on it. NWAD SO.11

11. So often expresses the sense of a word or sentence going before. In this case it prevents a repetition, and may be considered as a substitute for the word or phrase. “France is highly cultivated, but England is more so,” that is, more highly cultivated. NWAD SO.12

12. Thus; thus it is; this is the state. How sorrow shakes him! So now the tempest tears him up by th’ roots. NWAD SO.13

13. Well; the fact being such. And so the work is done, is it? NWAD SO.14

14. It is sometimes used to express a certain degree, implying comparison, and yet without the corresponding word as, to render the degree definite. An astringent is not quite so proper, where relaxing the urinary passages is necessary. NWAD SO.15

15. It is sometimes equivalent to be it so, let it be so, let it be as it is, or in that manner. There is Percy; if your father will do me any honor, so; if not, let him kill the next Percy himself. NWAD SO.16

16. It expresses a wish, desire or petition. Ready are the appellant and defendant- So please your highness to behold the fight. NWAD SO.17

17. So much as, however much. Instead of so, we now generally use as; as much as, that much; whatever the quantity may be. NWAD SO.18

18. So so, or so repeated, used as a kind of exclamation; equivalent to well, well; or it is so, the thing is done. So, so, it works; now, mistress, sit you fast. NWAD SO.19

19. So so, much as it was; indifferently; not well not much amiss. His leg is but so so. NWAD SO.20

20. So then, thus then it is; therefore; the consequence is. So then the Volscians stand; but as at first ready, when time shall prompt them, to make road upon’s again. NWAD SO.21


1. To steep; to cause or suffer to lie in a fluid till the substance has imbibed what it can contain; to macerate in water or other fluid; as, to soak cloth; to soak bread. NWAD SOAK.2

2. To drench; to wet thoroughly. The earth is soaked with heavy rain. Their land shall be soaked with blood. Isaiah 34:7. NWAD SOAK.3

3. To draw in by the pores; as the skin. NWAD SOAK.4

4. To drain. [Not authirized.] NWAD SOAK.5


1. To lie steeped in water or other fluid. Let the cloth lie and soak. NWAD SOAK.7

2. To enter into pores or interstices. Water soaks into the earth or other porous matter. NWAD SOAK.8

3. To drink intemperately or gluttonously; to drench; as a soaking club. [Low.] NWAD SOAK.9

SOAKED, pp. Steeped or macerated in a fluid; drenched. NWAD SOAKED.1


1. One that soaks or macerates in a liquid. NWAD SOAKER.2

2. A hard drinker. [Low.] NWAD SOAKER.3


1. Steeping; macerating; drenching; imbibing. NWAD SOAKING.2

2. a. That wets thoroughly; as a soaking rain. NWAD SOAKING.3

SOAL, of a show. [See Sole.] NWAD SOAL.1

SOAP, n. [L. sapo.] A compound of oil and alkali, or oil and earth, and metallic oxyds; usually, a compound of oil and vegetable alkali or lye; used in washing and cleansing, in medicine, etc. NWAD SOAP.1

SOAP, v.t. To rub or wash over with soap. NWAD SOAP.2

SOAPHERRY TREE, n. A tree of the genus Sapindus. NWAD SOAPHERRY_TREE.1

SOAP-BOILER, n. [soap and boiler.] One whose occupation is to make soap. NWAD SOAP-BOILER.1

SOAPSTONE, n. Steatite; a minera; or species of magnesian earth, usually white or yellow;; the lapis ollaris. NWAD SOAPSTONE.1

SOAP-SUDS, n. Suds; water well impregnated with soap. NWAD SOAP-SUDS.1

SOAPWORT, n. A plant of the genus Saponaria. NWAD SOAPWORT.1


1. Resembling soap; having the qualities of soap; soft and smooth. NWAD SOAPY.2

2. Smeared with soap. NWAD SOAPY.3


1. To fly aloft; to mount upon the wing; as an eagle. Hence, NWAD SOAR.2

2. To rise high; to mount; to tower in thought or imagination; to be sublime; as the poet or orator. NWAD SOAR.3

3. To rise high in ambition or heroism. Valor soars above what the world calls misfortune. NWAD SOAR.4

4. In general, to rise aloft; to be lofty. NWAD SOAR.5

SOAR, n. A towering flight. NWAD SOAR.6

SOARING, ppr. Mounting on the wing; rising aloft; towering in thought or mind. NWAD SOARING.1

SOARING, n. The act of mounting on the wing, or of towering in thought or mind; intellectual flight. NWAD SOARING.2

SOB, v.i. To sigh with a sudden heaving of the breast, or a kind of convulsive motion; to sigh with deep sorrow or with tears. She sigh’d, she sobb’d, and furious wtih despair, she rent her garments, and she tore her hair. NWAD SOB.1

SOB, n. A convulsive sign or catching of the breath in sorrow; a convulsive act of respiration obstructed by sorrow. Break, heart, or choke with sobs my hated breath. NWAD SOB.2
SOB, v.t. To soak. [Not in use.] NWAD SOB.3

SOBBING, ppr. sighing with a heaving of the breast. NWAD SOBBING.1

SOBER, a. [L. sobrius.] NWAD SOBER.1

1. Temperate in the use of spiritous liquors; habitually temperate; as a sober man. Live a sober, righteous and godly life. NWAD SOBER.2

2. Not intoxicated or overpowered by spiritous liquors; not drunken. The sot may at times be sober. NWAD SOBER.3

3. Not mad or insane; not wild, visionary or heated with passion; having the regular exercise of cool dispassionate reason. There was not a sober person to be had; all was tempestuous and blustering. Not sober man would put himself in danger, for the applause of escaping without breaking his neck. NWAD SOBER.4

4. Regular; calm; not under the influence of passion; as sober judgment; a man in his sober senses. NWAD SOBER.5

5. Serious; solemn; grave; as the sober livery of autumn. What parts gay France from sober Spain? See her sober over a sampler, or gay over a jointed baby. NWAD SOBER.6

SOBER, v.t. TO make sober; to cure of intoxication. There shallow draughts intoxicate the brain and drinking largely sobers us again. NWAD SOBER.7

SOBERED, pp. Make sober. NWAD SOBERED.1


1. Without intemperance. NWAD SOBERLY.2

2. Without enthusiasm. NWAD SOBERLY.3

3. Without intemperate passion; coolly; calmly; moderately. NWAD SOBERLY.4

4. Gravely; seriously. NWAD SOBERLY.5

SOBERMINDED, a. Having a disposition or tempter habitually sober, calm and temperate. NWAD SOBERMINDED.1