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Preparation of Food MHH 168

It is wrong to eat merely for pleasure; nevertheless, one should not be indifferent to the quality of the food or how it is prepared. If the food eaten is not relished, the body will not be as well nourished. The food should be carefully chosen and prepared with intelligence and skill. MHH 168.4

In breadmaking, superfine white flour is not the best. Its use is neither healthful nor economical. Fine-flour bread lacks nutritive elements to be found in bread made from the whole wheat. It is a frequent cause of constipation and other unhealthful conditions. MHH 168.5

The use of soda or baking powder in breadmaking is harmful and unnecessary. Soda causes inflammation of the stomach and often poisons the entire system. Many housewives think that they cannot make good bread without soda, but this is an error. If they would take the trouble to learn better methods, their bread would be more wholesome, and, to a natural taste, it would be more palatable. MHH 168.6

In the making of raised or yeast bread, use water instead of milk. Milk is an additional expense and makes the bread less wholesome. Milk bread does not keep sweet as long after baking as does that made with water, and it ferments more readily in the stomach. Bread should be light and sweet. Not the least taint of sourness should be tolerated. The loaves should be small and so thoroughly baked that, so far as possible, the yeast germs shall be destroyed. When hot or new, raised bread of any kind is difficult to digest. It should never appear on the table. This rule does not, however, apply to unleavened bread. Fresh rolls made of wheaten meal without yeast or leaven, and baked in a well-heated oven, are both wholesome and palatable. MHH 168.7

Grains used as cereal should be well cooked. But soft or liquid foods are less wholesome than dry foods, which require thorough chewing. Zwieback, or twice-baked bread, is one of the most easily digested and most palatable of foods. Let ordinary raised bread be cut in slices and dried in a warm oven till the last trace of moisture disappears. Then let it be browned slightly all the way through. If kept dry, this bread will be good much longer than ordinary bread, and, if reheated before using, it will taste as fresh as when new. MHH 169.1

Far too much sugar is ordinarily used in food. Cakes, sweet puddings, pastries, jellies, jams, are active causes of indigestion. Especially harmful are the custards and puddings in which milk, eggs, and sugar are the chief ingredients. The free use of milk and sugar taken together should be avoided. MHH 169.2

If milk is used, it should be thoroughly sterilized. With this precaution, there is less danger of contracting disease from its use. Butter is less harmful when eaten on cold bread than when used in cooking, but as a rule it is better to dispense with it altogether. Cheese is still more objectionable; it is wholly unfit for food.*This is understood to mean ripened cheese.—Publisher. MHH 169.3

Scanty, poorly cooked food depraves the blood by weakening the blood-making organs. It deranges the system and brings on disease, with its accompaniment of irritable nerves and bad tempers. The victims of poor cookery are numbered by thousands and tens of thousands. Over many graves might be written: “Died because of poor cooking,” or “Died of an abused stomach.” MHH 169.4

It is a sacred duty for those who cook to learn how to prepare healthful food. Many souls are lost as the result of poor cookery. It takes thought and care to make good bread, but there is more religion in a loaf of good bread than many think. There are few really good cooks. Young women think that it is menial to cook and do other kinds of housework. For this reason many girls who marry and have the care of families have little idea of the duties devolving upon a wife and mother. MHH 169.5

Cooking is no mean science, and it is one of the most essential in practical life. It is a science that both men and women might well learn, and it should be taught in a way to benefit the poorer classes. To make food simple and nourishing and at the same time appetizing requires skill, but it can be done. Cooks should know how to prepare food not only in a simple and healthful manner, but so that it will be found more palatable as well as more wholesome because of its simplicity. MHH 169.6

Every woman who is at the head of a family and yet does not understand the art of healthful cookery should determine to learn that which is so essential to the well-being of her household. In many places cooking schools afford opportunity for instruction in this line. She who has not the help of such facilities should put herself under the instruction of some good cook and persevere in her efforts for improvement until she masters the culinary art. MHH 170.1

Regularity in eating is of vital importance. There should be a specified time for each meal. At this time let everyone eat what the system requires and then take nothing more until the next meal. There are many who eat when the system needs no food, at irregular intervals, and between meals, because they have not sufficient strength of will to resist inclination. When traveling, some are constantly nibbling if anything suitable to eat is within their reach. This is very injurious. If travelers would eat regularly of food that is simple and nutritious, they would not feel so tired nor suffer so much from sickness. MHH 170.2

Another pernicious habit is that of eating just before bedtime. People may have eaten their regular meals, but because they feel faint, they eat more. By indulgence this wrong practice becomes a habit and often so firmly fixed that they think it is impossible to sleep without food. As a result of eating late suppers, the digestive process is continued through the sleeping hours. But though the stomach works constantly, its work is not properly accomplished. The sleep is often disturbed with unpleasant dreams, and in the morning the person awakes unrefreshed and with little relish for breakfast. When we lie down to rest, the stomach should be through with its work, so that it, as well as the other organs of the body, may enjoy rest. Late suppers are particularly harmful for persons of sedentary habits. With them the disturbance created is often the beginning of disease that ends in death. MHH 170.3

In many cases the faintness that leads to a desire for food is felt because the digestive organs have been too severely taxed during the day. After disposing of one meal, the digestive organs need rest. At least five or six hours should elapse between meals, and most persons who give the plan a trial will find that two meals a day are better than three. MHH 170.4