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External Distinctions Meant Nothing HLv 178

The entertainment was given in honor of Jesus, and He did not hesitate to accept. He well knew it would give offense to the Pharisaic party and also compromise Him in the eyes of the people. But no question of policy could influence His movements. HLv 178.4

Jesus sat as an honored guest at the table of the publicans. By sympathy and social kindliness He showed that He recognized the dignity of humanity; and men longed to become worthy of His confidence. New impulses were awakened, and the possibility of a new life opened to these outcasts of society. HLv 178.5

Not a few were impressed who did not acknowledge the Saviour until after His ascension. When 3000 were converted in a day, there were among them many who first heard the truth at the table of the publicans. To Matthew himself the example of Jesus at the feast was a constant lesson. The despised publican became one of the most devoted evangelists, following in his Master's steps. HLv 179.1