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Look Up 1NL 32

We must do our work purely and faithfully even though there is no one in the world to say, “It is well done.” Our lives must be just what God designs they shall be, faithful in good words, in kind and thoughtful deeds, in the expression of meekness, purity, and love. Thus we represent Christ to the world. On our own peculiar phase of character, whatever it may be, Christ can imprint His own image, if we will allow Him to do this. The toil-worn men, who are now first and foremost in the great work of saving souls, are the ones whom God will honor. They have wrought righteousness and subdued their own hearts. They have learned the sacredness of work and the joy of self-denial and self-sacrifice, and this knowledge brings an eternal reward. 1NL 32.3

Look up, look up, not down, for guidance and protection. You will find it.—Letter 120, 1898. 1NL 32.4