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South Lancaster, Sabbath, October 18, 1890 MR1033 9

[Ellen White wrote Dr. John Harvey Kellogg a 14-page letter on this date (Letter 18, 1890) in which she urged him to use some of the profits of the Battle Creek Sanitarium to help other institutions.]

I arose early and committed my case to the Lord. I have infirmities that press upon me daily, and yet I do not mean to look at these discouraging things. I humbly ask God, that if it can glorify His holy name, to preserve my eyesight, to preserve my hearing, to keep my mind clear to understand the Scriptures and to communicate the precious love of Jesus to others. MR1033 9.1

I spoke at half-past two-o'clock p.m. I had freedom in speaking and was thankful for the privilege of presenting Jesus and His righteousness before the congregation. The church was full and our social meeting after the discourse was good. Many precious testimonies were borne.—Manuscript 42, 1890, 4-5 (Diary 16, p. 224). MR1033 9.2